PMS in a Handbasket--Don't be afraid, just bring us food... Part 5

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I like this one better. I don't look so sick as I do in the other :rolleyes: Here's me and my honeyman

Shugardrawers said:
I like this one better. I don't look so sick as I do in the other :rolleyes: Here's me and my honeyman


I love this picture!!! You guys look great together!! :love:
imsorry said:
I love this picture!!! You guys look great together!! :love:

I do too. I don't know what it is about this picture but it's the best I've ever taken. Maybe I'm prejudiced but I think some of it is that it's pretty obvious the people in the picture are madly in love :love:
I'll take any PM's of pics! :yay:

I posted a link to pics of me before, of course you couldn't see my face very well. :teeth:

Snowy- :hug: I kind of know how you feel. I have spent practically every Christmas at my Dsis house for the last 6 years. For the past 4 I have gone down on Christmas Eve and stayed until the day after but this year they are going to be in WDW. My mother works so I will go to my friends house for dinner. It will be so differant from getting up in the morning with my neices. :sad1:

PJ- You could come to my house, I'll even let you sleep in a real bed. :teeth: By yourself even. :thumbsup2

You need to lay a BIG guilt trip on your mother. Let her know that your friends on here understand your choices and it's a shame that as your mother she can't.
Shugardrawers said:
I do too. I don't know what it is about this picture but it's the best I've ever taken. Maybe I'm prejudiced but I think some of it is that it's pretty obvious the people in the picture are madly in love :love:
Yes, it is!! :love: :cloud9: :wizard:
If you were taking a dental assisting program, would you be interested in a presentation on the discovery of stem cells in primary teeth and would you think it was related enough to dentistry to be relevant to the class :confused3
Shugardrawers said:
If you were taking a dental assisting program, would you be interested in a presentation on the discovery of stem cells in primary teeth and would you think it was related enough to dentistry to be relevant to the class :confused3

I don't know enough about it to answer that...??? :confused3
Shugardrawers said:
If you were taking a dental assisting program, would you be interested in a presentation on the discovery of stem cells in primary teeth and would you think it was related enough to dentistry to be relevant to the class :confused3

Yes, I think it would be very interesting, and since it sounds like something that will relevant in the future; more interesting than the same old text book stuff.
Where is everybody? I am starting to hear an echo in here.......


Tiffer said:
I don't know enough about it to answer that...??? :confused3

The Reader's Digest, in a nutshell version is that baby teeth have been found to contain stem cells. Stem cell research is very controversial because up until this discovery the only real source of stem cells was aborted/miscarried fetuses or the fertilized eggs some couples have frozen for later use. By harvesting these cells from baby teeth you remove the ethical dilemna from the equation and in addition, everyone would have their own source of stem cells if they needed them. Stem cells are thought to be the key to regenerating body tissue and could lead to cures for parkinson's disease, alzheimers, spinal cord injuries with paralysis and possibly even generating new organs for people who need transplants. Because of the controversy, there's not much research being done right now and this could open up a lot of possibilities.
Shugardrawers said:
The Reader's Digest, in a nutshell version is that baby teeth have been found to contain stem cells. Stem cell research is very controversial because up until this discovery the only real source of stem cells was aborted/miscarried fetuses or the fertilized eggs some couples have frozen for later use. By harvesting these cells from baby teeth you remove the ethical dilemna from the equation and in addition, everyone would have their own source of stem cells if they needed them. Stem cells are thought to be the key to regenerating body tissue and could lead to cures for parkinson's disease, alzheimers, spinal cord injuries with paralysis and possibly even generating new organs for people who need transplants. Because of the controversy, there's not much research being done right now and this could open up a lot of possibilities.

I appreciate you typing all that. I know about stem cell research and therapy, my aunt was a recipeint of it and it saved her life. I don't know about it as related to dentistry. However, my genreal attitude is that knowledge is power. So if you have the opportuniy to learn about something.....sounds good to me.
Shugardrawers said:
The Reader's Digest, in a nutshell version is that baby teeth have been found to contain stem cells. Stem cell research is very controversial because up until this discovery the only real source of stem cells was aborted/miscarried fetuses or the fertilized eggs some couples have frozen for later use. By harvesting these cells from baby teeth you remove the ethical dilemna from the equation and in addition, everyone would have their own source of stem cells if they needed them. Stem cells are thought to be the key to regenerating body tissue and could lead to cures for parkinson's disease, alzheimers, spinal cord injuries with paralysis and possibly even generating new organs for people who need transplants. Because of the controversy, there's not much research being done right now and this could open up a lot of possibilities.
Thats so cool! :thumbsup2
hello :wave2:

I am so burned out today, after working many hours on my project, and still am, and for some reason I could not sleep, well I sortof know why.

I had my discussion with my friend yesterday, and finally told her everything to a point, I brought my friend to tears. I have decided as I mentioned last week to stay on acquaintenance level, and keep it at that. No it is time for me to move on :moped:

Then when I was in my bed, I could not go to bed, I hate that. I kept thinking that I had finally said what I had wanted. Thought about better things, and finally went to sleep. Then I woke up from a nightmare :eek: and before I knew it was time to go to work.

I definitely know I will go to sleep tonite :cloud9:

How is everyone today? Hopefully better than I :rotfl2:
Tiffer said:
FYI-Merle--I FINALLY got my $8 crocs on Sat. They're great.


You know I am thinking about bringing in a box of Cheerios and putting them in the restroom with a sign that reads

"Gentlemen, please use for target practice. Us ladies are a little tired of coming and and getting wet tushies cause you pee all over the bottom of the toilet seat. That stuff runs you know" :crazy2:

Oh Angel, I will need to find a pic to post. I have one of me, TT5 and Memorymakers2669 together but I have to see if they would mind me sending or posting that. If not I will have MM take one this weekend when she is here. :thumbsup2
Cripes, folks! Didn't I tell you all that I was going to be away from the computer today? That meant to take it easy posting! :sad2: Now my little while home will be spent playing ketchup. :teeth:

Zach had his eye exam this morning and then we headed over to the accupressure place and we all (inc my DH and Z) had that done. Felt really good! Then we spent the next few hours doing errands, including buying the beer and wine for Saturday night. Yikes, that stuff is expensive, even with the hefty discount our friend who owns the beer/wine store gave us.

OK, I'm going back to read what I missed.
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