Post family Disney-theme night ideas HERE!

Lisa...Emily's hair has gotten so long! And the boys are growing up too! I am so glad that the movie nights continue...poor Goo thinks we need to do one every Friday, but I am burned out...2 a month with just a special dinner is about all I can handle.

The king cake was EASY...I found the mix at World Market! Man it was yummy!
Lisa...Emily's hair has gotten so long! And the boys are growing up too! I am so glad that the movie nights continue...poor Goo thinks we need to do one every Friday, but I am burned out...2 a month with just a special dinner is about all I can handle.

The king cake was EASY...I found the mix at World Market! Man it was yummy!

You are better than I am, we are only doing 1 a month and then when we get closer to our next trip we'll do 2. We have started doing non Disney nights, DH was jealous so he's requested a few big kid movies, we've done Talladega Nights so far and our dinner was a recreation of their dinner scene with everything frrom their sponsors, lol.
To celebrate Valentine's Day we had a Sleeping Beauty night!




Movie snacks


Coloring pages and a puzzle while we watched the movie



Our dinner was chicken cordon bleu, rice pilaf and roasted veggies



For dessert we made a birthday cake for Aurora, it was my DD's idea to make it half blue and half pink like the scene in the movie when the faries were fighting over the color for her dress!


As an activity the kids picked "berries" like Aurora, which were fuzzy pom poms that I taped all over the walls


Dr, Seuss's Birthday




Dinner was what else, green eggs and ham with pancakes and for drink we had Pink Yink Ink Drink




Dessert was Thing 1 and Thing 2 cupcakes


No pictures to share - but here's our menu:

Dumbo’s Grilled PBF (peanut butter and marshmallow fluff)
Timothy’s Grilled Cheese

Elephants can Fly Fries
Mama’s Jumbo Fruit Salad
Priss’ Popcorn

Clown Cupcakes

“Light as a Feather” Fruit Punch
Ringmaster’s Root Beer

Making the Clown cupcakes: I made the funfetti cupcakes and the kids frosted them and used some icing gel, mini m&ms and chocolate chips, and sprinkles and whatever else they could find and made clown faces on the cupcakes.

We hope to do this once a month between now to November.

I'm so glad that my girls are 12 and 17 and still love this family time.:)
Ok, I just read this entire thread. It took about three days, lol (good thing I'm on Spring Break) and I'm excited. We are starting our Movie Days this Sunday with the Muppet movie. I marked down from then until the end of summer and it's 21 weeks ... I plan on using some of these ideas for themed weeks, to give the kids some activities to do, or else it will be one looooooong summer.

Thanks again ladies!!
I am so glad I found this post. I will be using a lot of these ideas for our Disney dinner nights. We are having our first one this weekend to kick off our trip planning. I bought a package of Mickey plates and cups (nothing says party like decorated plates). I haven't decided on the food yet but will be making cupcakes for desert. We are going to make a countdown chain (88 days to go), make a list of our top 5 favorite things we want to do in each park during our trip and try to come up with a few pixie dusting opportunities (random acts of kindness) that we can do in WDW to help spread the magic.
Dinner & a Movie Double Feature:
Darby O'Gill & the Little People
The Gnome Mobile
March 13, 2012



I know it was a little early for St. Patrick's Day, but I really wanted to celebrate with these movies and I knew we would be out of we pretended to have St. Patrick's Day on Tuesday instead of Saturday, even dressing up in green. Growing up I remember watching the Gnome Mobile, which was one of me and my 2 sisters favorite movies! What I remembered most was Violet "catchin" Jasper. When we put the movie on, the first thing my kids said was, those are the Mary Poppins kids. Yes, sure enough they were and in the movie credits they are identified as the Mary Poppins Children. I wonder what happened to them and if they came yet more casualites of childhood stardom. The rest of the week the kids called each other Doodees, and they enjoyed it so much that they took the movie up for their aunt and cousins to watch (which my sister was really excited about). Our other movie was Darby O'Gill and the Little People...ahh a young Sean Connery, sigh! I love pulling out these "old" Disney movies for the kids, and they really seem to enjoy them!

Corned Beef & Cabbage

Irish Soda Bread

Made by Ab

Irish Potato Candy

Made by Boo

Chocolate Mint Ice Cream Bars


Lucky Leprechaun Limeade
Ok, I just read this entire thread. It took about three days, lol (good thing I'm on Spring Break) and I'm excited. We are starting our Movie Days this Sunday with the Muppet movie. I marked down from then until the end of summer and it's 21 weeks ... I plan on using some of these ideas for themed weeks, to give the kids some activities to do, or else it will be one looooooong summer.

Thanks again ladies!!

These nights are so much fun, and they really pass the time!

I am so glad I found this post. I will be using a lot of these ideas for our Disney dinner nights. We are having our first one this weekend to kick off our trip planning. I bought a package of Mickey plates and cups (nothing says party like decorated plates). I haven't decided on the food yet but will be making cupcakes for desert. We are going to make a countdown chain (88 days to go), make a list of our top 5 favorite things we want to do in each park during our trip and try to come up with a few pixie dusting opportunities (random acts of kindness) that we can do in WDW to help spread the magic.

Love the special mickey plates and cups...what a great idea to do pixie dusting...please share the ideas that your family comes up with!
This thread is great! We already do a family movie night every week & 9 times out of 10 it's a disney movie (the kids take turns choosing the movie). I can't wait to incorporate some of these ideas into our weekly family movie night!:woohoo:
From a granddaughter's birthday yesterday - a Little Mermaid theme.

The birthday girl posing pre-party time.


Welcome to the ocean!


Mermaids arriving.


Grandchild #3 is that baby bump on my daughter (on the floor).

The craft was a picture frame with themed foam stickers.



Outside play.


Snackish things.


Treasure hunt.

The list of things to find was written by the big kindergarten sister. :goodvibes



Sweet little hands loved digging in the sand to find the next treasure called.


Gift table.


Cake and ice cream (in little sand pails).





Photo op for each girl. The pictures will be given to them to put in their frames.


Goody bags for each mermaid to take home.


It was very simple and easy, and the little girls enjoyed themselves. :cutie:
We did a Three Caballeros night last night, so fun!! We played Donde Esta Donald? (where is Donald, thanks to idea here!) and we colored Mexican hat pictures!
The menu wasn't so on point, but we had American Chop Suey and each had 3 mini cupcakes.
Hi all! I apologize if this has been asked a lot, but with the search down and the fact that it's been awhile since I've been on here I'm hoping someone remembers...

A few months back (probably many, yikes) hadn't someone started a continuation of the first post indexing each movie. If so, does anyone know where it is? I'm finally making plans for our first movie night and we're doing Tangled. Of course, it's the one movie I haven't seen so I'm searching for ideas. Got the Family Fun link so that's helping! Just gotta figure out the food.

Hi gang! Another birthday party down... time to share LOTS of pictures! :)

This time we did Tangled.

The invitation

The cake

The favors - hats for Princesses and Ruffians

Watercolors with personalized liners

The photo ops - Rapunzel's tower and Flynn's sign (with NOSES!)


To be continued...
Welcome to the Snuggly Duckling!






We enjoyed braided sandwiches (pizza and ham and cheese), cheese & crackers, preztel ducklings, pb&j ducklings, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and root beer. I wanted to make hazelnut soup, but didn't figure it'd go over very well at a 4 year old's birthday party so I made "fake" soup instead. I put some butterscotch pudding in little cups and sprinked it with hazelnuts. :lmao: Don't you just love our plates!!??

To be continued....
The dessert table... brace yourself for awesomeness. ;)


I did the painting myself. *swoon* It's now hanging in DDs bedroom, along with the curtains and lanterns. I couldn't possibly throw it away!









I went with an art theme for the dessert table, since Rapunzel loves to paint. We enjoyed Jello boats, paint palette sugar cookies, Rice Krispie Treat paint brushes, paint brush pretzel rods, Magic Golden Flower punch, Maximus' apple cake pops, painted popcorn, marshmallow pop paint buckets and mini pies. I just love all the colors! :love:

To be concluded....
Activities - The kids painted canvas' with an initial sticker on them. After they were painted, we removed the sticker.



We did a balloon pinata. The kids popped some of Maximus' apples and there were toys, candy and confetti inside.



And lastly, I made sun banners for over the painting tables.


We're going to Disney again in June, so I'm going to start up our movie nights again soon. I'm so excited! The kids don't know we're going. I'm hoping to do one of those BIG reveals the morning we leave.


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