potc3:our story a fresh start!

back and writing some :D sorry i took so long i went and saw santa clause 3 it was hilarious! i loved it and i watched the 2nd half of the high school musical production at my school it was AMAZING!

" Ben can we talk?" Ruby asked walking into his room.. " Im a little busy right now.." he began.. " BEN..."

" You are going to have a new brother or sister." Jamey said with a bittersweet smile
" Youve just seemed kind of.. distant since.." she was cut off as he came towards her and kissed her.. " Ben.. please.." she said looking at him
"fine then lets go out into town for a few hours"he said

sience you for got her

"mommy where do babys come from?"she asked jameys eyes widend "um.......uh you dont need to know that yet"she said "why not?" amber asked
" I know why dont we go play a game?" Jamey said trying to change the subject..

" Ben what is going on?" she said as they walked into town.. " What do you mean whats going on?" He asked placing his arm around her pulling her closer.. " You just seem really... nervous? or maybe that isnt the word im looking for.. " she said looking up at him..
hey not to be rude but its kinda boaring how evrey thing is about ruby

"more like scared"she said
" Scared of what?" he said.. " Ever since i told you that.." she was cut off as Megan barreled through them with an energetic excitement..pushing them apart.. " Megan what on earth?" Ruby said looking at her irritated.. " Guess what.." she said with a huge smile.. " I give up what?" Ruby asked highly annoyed.. " I just got married!" she said with glowing eyes.. " ARE YOU CRAZY!!" Ruby said shaking her..
"too who?" ben asked then they heard jacks angery voise "MEGAN get back to this ship right now!"he souted "ill tell you later!"she said walking off
then ruby turned back too ben "As i was saying youve been scared ever seince i told you i was pregant" (is that what you where going for?)
not really but it works :rotfl:
two choices :thumbsup2

1) " What? when did you tell me this?" he said looking at her with a shocked face.. " Oh did i forget to tell you that?" she said with a smile..

2) " Now do you see why?" Ben said as he looked at Megan striding towards Jack's steaming face.. " No not really.. nobody ever truly stays angry forever.." she said with her positive outlook..
i will go with the second

"well im afraid the captian will kill me first"he said as he saw jack yelling at megan

the next post may be my last im tierd
" Megan how could you do this!" Jack yelled... " How, how how how how?" He said looking at her extremely harshly..

" he wont kill you he will just ask you how a million times.." she said laughingly come on lets go save megan and find Miranda..
this is geting two good for me to go to bed lol

they ran bellow deck and found miranda "you might want to go save megen"ruby said
" why what did she do this time?" Miranda asked.. looking at them.. " Umm she kind of got married.." Ben said.. " She what?!" Miranda said running above deck.. " You know what i just thought?" ben said looking at Ruby.. " Hmm?" she asked as they started walking above deck.. " Megan might soften the blow.." Ruby gave out a small laugh as she shook her head at him..
later that night ruby went too miranda and jack knowing it was better too tell them with out ben there
she could just hide it and have them figure it out on there own they all ready where dealing with megan two months later........
Ruby sat in her room she really wished Jamey was there.. she needed her.. she needed her advice she needed the one person she could talk to.. Megan wasnt speaking to her parents at the moment and Jack had been insanely angry as he began to work his crew harder and harder..
but she knew it wasnt worth fighting to hide she find out sooner or later so she went to miranrda and said"..........

night night! may post one more time if you write fast
" Hey grandma.." she began Jack burst into the room.. " Love love look at the ship we came upon!" he yelled as he was happier then she had seen him in months.. " Jamey!" he yelled " Jamey?" she said with a rush in her voice as they ran above deck..
your evil! lol

jack was happy too see jamey and her newborn evrey one was out on deck jamey could tell ruby needed some thing so she......


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