potc3:our story a fresh start!

" You know i cant believe how bored i am without books im going to grab some.. Hey ruby do you want to help me pick some good ones out?" she said eyeing her..
"um ok"she said going bellow deck with her "So whats up?"jamey asked her
Ruby looked at her anxiously a moment.. " something sort of happened.." she began.. as she looked to the floor
Ruby took a deep breathe, shut her eyes tightly and said.. " Im going to have a baby and Jack and Miranda still dont even know that ben and Me are even ' together' in any way!" she blurted out almost crying..
"well you have too tell them and soon"she said

why dont we have it so she has it befor they find out
ok.. :D maybe either Megan and Mark or Ruby and Ben should go with Jamey?

" I...I cant, im so scared especially after i saw what happened to Megan, and she only got married without telling them which is small in comparison to this.." she whispered looking up at Jamey
ive been thinking about haveing mark and caleb go with her lets do that

a few days later jamey left but took mark and caleb with her

then a few months later they saw less and less of ruby until one day she finaly went out on deck "you ok?"jack asked as she stood there trying to hide the pain she was in
" Yes im fine just a slight headache.." she said smiling as she walked below deck looking around anxiously as the room began to spin and she fell to the ground unconsious..
then miranda and jack found her when they walked down the hall way jack picked her up and was shocked too see that she was pregnant then ruby woke up

this time i realy am going to bed night!
but she was very incoherent and unaware of what was going on around her as she looked at people rushing around her and her eyes fluttered and shut again..
"why didnt you tell us sooner?"jack asked angrly "she..." ben began but jack cut him off "i wasnt talking to you boy"he said
i cant post much now maybe in a few hours...

and jack said again "why didnt you tell us sooner?" ruby looked at him "uhh...
ok why dont we have it so he doesnt know its bens baby yet.........

"i dont know"she said then she grabed her stumic in pain
a few hours later she had her baby girl she named emma "now whos the father i want to kill him"jack said
"um that would be me"ben said jack stood up angerly and yelled at him.....


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