Project Runway Season 16

It was so odd to me that they didn't even mention Kenya's zipper. That's typically the type of thing they always comment on. I thought Kentaro's look was awful. I thought Liris summed it well with Pocahontas getting ready to play football. I thought he'd be the losing designer and Tim would use the save. Also, at the end of the show, after Michael packed up his stuff in the workroom and then they showed the "In Memory of Mychael Knight" statement, it startled me for a second. I had read the other day about Mychael Knight's passing, but with Michael just packing up his stuff and them showing that, it made me think it was him for a second.

Yes!!!! I thought it was the show's Michael. So it was someone else??? I am glad that is cleared up.
As for Kenya's dress, I'm with everyone else on here. What? The judges let unfinished zippers slide now??? I think the judges are letting a lot slide (Brandon) because they have such lackluster designers now. That's the only answer I can come up with.
I don't think Kenya's designs are good enough to continue, and agree with another poster that Brandon, Kentaro, and Ayana will make it to final week.
Hope next weeks show is better.
As for Kenya's dress, I'm with everyone else on here. What? The judges let unfinished zippers slide now??? I think the judges are letting a lot slide
Technically, it was finished. It broke. Which implies the dress wasn't made well. They - Zach, maybe? - asked about it.
I can't believe that Brandon won. I mean I can believe that the judges picked him, but I can't believe his design was even in the top. He does the same exact thing every week, and it is always hideous. I will never understand fashion LOL.
Kenya should have and if she didn't then Ayana should have. Those 2 designs were beautiful and impeccable tailored.
I wish Tim did not use his save for Margarita, she has no chance of winning anyway.
They might as well just name Brandon the winner and not bother with a finale.
Hi everyone! I'm caught up through last week when Claire went home.

I really liked Michael's design. It was my pick from the start, but I do have to say that the under-liner was scandalous! I'm surprised that they didn't blur out his model's breasts since you could see everything :eek:. I liked Ayana tier dress. I thought it was going to win once I saw it. I was shocked that Brandon was on the top, especially when he started that he totally ignored his little girl *and* the Shoppies doll he was supposed to use as a inspiration. I thought he really dismissed the sponsor but the judges lapped it up.

ETA: I had also hoped that Kentaro would be able to channel some Kawaii in his design :(.
Just watched, I STILL do not understand their love of Brandon. It is the exact same thing week after week after week. The "look" is original and different, but it's the same thing over and over. Ugh. I thought that Kentaro's was by far worse than Margarita's, but I think they booted her on purpose so that Tim could use his save. He probably felt like he screwed up since he so clearly told her to keep the gold corset when they were talking in the workroom, and then the judges hated it. Kenya's look was nice. I did really like Ayana's and I would be interested in seeing what things she put on a runway show, not sure if I'm really that excited about anyone else's possible show.
I can't believe that Brandon won. I mean I can believe that the judges picked him, but I can't believe his design was even in the top. He does the same exact thing every week, and it is always hideous. I will never understand fashion LOL.
Kenya should have and if she didn't then Ayana should have. Those 2 designs were beautiful and impeccable tailored.
I wish Tim did not use his save for Margarita, she has no chance of winning anyway.
They might as well just name Brandon the winner and not bother with a finale.

I agree that Brandon does the same design over and over again.

Margarita’s taste is not there.

Why is Ayana on the show? Who exactly is her targeted buyer? Did you catch the clip of the runway show with the niqab? Aren’t the fashions on the show suppose to appeal to the largest audience possible? How many viewers want to be covered?

While I like everyone on the show this season personality wise, I think they all are lacking talent. There is not one thing that I haven’t seen before on past shows. Brandon being the exception. But he is a one trick pony it seems.

Everyone except Margarita are skilled seamstress/tailors, but I wouldn’t consider any of them to be talented designers.

This season is weird. All the judges seem to be rehearsed in what they say. Everyone makes such beautiful clothing, some of the best that’s ever been on the show, blah, blah, blah, when you know it’s a lie.

In past seasons Heidi and Nina would rip the designers to shreds if they ever put out any garment that was less than perfect or didn’t meet the challenge or was a repeat of what they made before. Yet you have Brandon making the same outfit week after week after week and winning his third challenge. Something is going on behind the scenes.

I would not be surprised if this was the last season for Project Runway and I’m sad because it’s been one of my favorite shows.

At first I thought it was a good idea to have plus size models but I think that has been a failure too. What they’re doing this season has been one big fail. :guilty:
Why is Ayana on the show? Who exactly is her targeted buyer? Did you catch the clip of the runway show with the niqab? Aren’t the fashions on the show suppose to appeal to the largest audience possible? How many viewers want to be covered?

I predict that Ayana will win, because she's the "politically correct choice". That's like several years ago, if I remember right, there was a designer who specifically designed for plus-size women. She won, and yet no one thought she was the most talented.
I didn’t like that Kentaro was blaming his outfit on the fact that the first one didn’t fit. It seemed like he was trying to blame the model. It’s not her fault..he knew her measurements. Make something that matches them..voila an outfit that fits.

I think Kenya should have one and I don’t think Tim should have used his save. The designer doesn’t have to listen to what he says. One of the first weeks Kentaro (I think) didn’t agree with Tim at all and kept doing the look the way he wanted to.
I do not understand the love for Brandon. At all. It is the same design over and over and I think it is hideous. Of course, I am not the target (66 years old), but stlll...

I thought Kenya should have won. Hands down. I also think Tim used his save on Margarita because he encouraged her design. Did anyone else notice that when the judges were critiquing Margarita's design, Tim said "I like it." I knew then that she was going home and he would use his save.

I don't see how anyone other than Brandon will win. I hope I am wrong, but I think it will be him.
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I can't believe that Brandon won. I mean I can believe that the judges picked him, but I can't believe his design was even in the top. He does the same exact thing every week, and it is always hideous. I will never understand fashion LOL.
Kenya should have and if she didn't then Ayana should have. Those 2 designs were beautiful and impeccable tailored.
I wish Tim did not use his save for Margarita, she has no chance of winning anyway.
They might as well just name Brandon the winner and not bother with a finale.

I agree completely! Loved Kenya's and Ayana's designs. Brandon is a one note wonder, and I'm getting tired of his same old star wars designs. I guess he has a future designing for Disney star wars movies? Margarita should have gone home.
I agree that they should just give the win to Brandon and be over it. On to next season:)
I thought there was something wrong with ME because I never liked Brandon's designs and the judges love him. Oh, well, on tonext week:)
I do not understand the love for Brandon. At all. It is the same design over and over and I think it is hideous. Of course, I am not the target (66 years old), but stlll...

I thought Kenya should have won. Hands down. I also think Tim used his save on Margarita because he encouraged her design. Did anyone else notice that when the judges were critiquing Margarita's design, Tim said "I like it." I knew then that she was going home and he would use his save.

I don't see how anyone other than Brandon will win. I hope I am wrong, but I think it will be him.

Yes, I did notice Tim's facial expression when they were dissing her. But I didn't see him say he liked it. I too, think he saved her because he encouraged her to go ahead with the hideous gold chest plate!
Yes, I did notice Tim's facial expression when they were dissing her. But I didn't see him say he liked it. I too, think he saved her because he encouraged her to go ahead with the hideous gold chest plate!

I heard him whisper is it really that bad or something like that. So I too knew he was going to save her.

Totally agree about Brandon they all look the same even the colours he picks are that pink and another shade. I love Kenya's look and was hoping she would get a win.

Kentro , I liked his first few and then he went down hill for me. He could barely get it on his head how was she to fit it.
I think Tim used the save because it was his last chance. This coming week, I think either two designers will be eliminated, or the more likely scenario that just one will and (quel surprise!) four designers will compete in the finale.

As for Ayana's customer, well, are the head coverings attached to the garments? So, not mandatory?
OK, I'm all caught up now (was out of country for 3 weeks). I think putting everyone through to the finals is, well, odd.

Well, until they showed the teaser for next week, where, apparently everyone has to show a small collection and they'll decide then which 3 will actually show at Fashion Week.

AND, what happens to Tim? Big band aid on his forehead in next weeks teaser.

First off- why say that Brandon’s shoes are bad for winter because they’re open toe and then gush about a girl wearing SHORTS?? Yeah, they’ll go over well when it’s -40C with the windchill.

Second of all- Zac is so pretentious it makes me itchy. Who wears a suit jacket draped over your shoulders..besides a cold girlfriend I mean. Poser would be a better last name for him.

Thirdly- Margarita needs to stop. Just stop. I wasn’t fussed either way on her in the beginning but now I actively dislike her. Stop playing a victim and stop crying for five damn minutes. I’m sure somewhere in the universe there exists something that says Project Runway is anti fur. Maybe do a little research on the show you’re about to be on. Plus, your model looked like a feather duster. Who wants to wear faux fur all the way around their head like that?

Ayana- I don’t have a problem with you..carry on.

Lastly, I’m happy that Kenya gets to move on but it kind of takes the competition part out of it if so many people make it to fashion week. What’s the point of having an elimination challenge if no one gets, you know, eliminated?

Tim Gunn- you are fabulous but you need to keep some of your thoughts to yourself. I think the contestants take his word as gospel and then when they lose he feels too responsible. I know I said they don’t have to listen to his advice, but when they do- that’s on them.

Ok, I’m off to eat chocolate to sooth my rage LOL
Ugh Margarita. She is acting like a teenager, what is she like 40? Nobody believes in you because your designs don't deserve to be shown at Fashion Week. Get over yourself, you aren't that good.
I know they let everyone go through for drama, but I really can't believe they let her go on. Her coat was nice, but that dress was one of the worst things I've ever seen on the show. The concept was bad, it was not the right design for her model, and the construction was bad in the back.
It is sad that the standards of design have been lowered for the sake of TV drama.

And Brandon...Not that it is any surprise they loved his stuff and he made it through, but why is it OK for him to be a one trick pony but not others? If you line up all his designs, except maybe for 1, they are exactly the same. Why do you want to see what he can do at Fashion Week? We already know what he is going to do. (He is going to win LOL).

@kimblebee I thought the same thing about the shoes and shorts. Do the judges even realize how they sound?
Margarita's dress walked a lot better than it looked on the dress form...Liris is outstanding on the runway!! But she should have been eliminated because the back of the garment was unfinished. Just like last week. The judges make the "the smallest mistake will send you home" warning and they let that slide at the final four? I was not at all surprising she got all whiny no one picked her to go to fashion week. Cry me a river Margarita "I'm in it on my own. I just have to believe in myself" :rolleyes:

Kenya's coat was gorgeous but the blouse was a throw away. Pretty on it's own but no where near high fashion.

Kentaro's garment was spectacular. I loved Brandon's too but his point of view is so defined, I wonder if he'll break away from that for his final collection.

I think the shows were a bigger miss than the shorts because women do wear skirts & shorts in the winter so shorts with leg warmers is not as much of an issue as strappy sandals in the winter.

Overall, I like Ayana's garments but last night was a miss. It just seemed like the judges really wanted to like her design this week because she's put out some amazing designs.
I agree with everything you said,, Hikergirl:) I am writing this again, as something happened to it? If it shows up again, please accept my apologies!
I was surprised that all 5 were kept, but feel that Kenya and Margarita will be eliminated next week.
I thought the fur yeti dress just looked weird and out of place, kinda like a caveman/girl?
I also feel that the judges are so enamored with Brandon's designs that he can be a one trick wonder and still win. I guess they are really anxious for something "different" to put on the market. But honestly, I can't see teenagers running around with bandages with strips of fabric trailing around behind them, LOL. To me, his outfits look like a mummy or star wars character. But they love him, so I bet he wins hands down:)
I'm hoping for anyone but Brandon to win, but must wait til next week for more of the drama!


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