Project Runway Season 16

I knew it would come down to Kenya and Kentaro at the end. He should have been sent home for his piano piece alone. It was so unfinished and just sounded like him banging on the keyboard. And then the whole listening to dead cats thing LMAO
Tim was like *side eye* *side eye* *awkward throat clearing* ok...

I’m surprised Tim didn’t make his bandaid look more fashionable. Zac could be heard saying ‘I don’t need to see this on a runway’ :snooty:
I loved The Nanny (with Fran Descher), so when I watched last night I was experiencing a little deja vu when I saw Margarita’s collection. :rotfl2:

Now that I have had a chance to sleep on that episode my thoughts.

Kenya: While I don't think her collection should have necessarily made it so that she was the only one sent home, I also don't think she had a strong collection at all, so I am not surprised. She also obviously has huge confidence issues, and I think that spills over into her garments and overall presentation of her looks. It seems to me that the more confident people, with strong voices and aesthetics, tend to do better in the show.

Kentaro: Some of his pieces were odd to say the least, and the collection was not cohesive, but there were a few pieces that I would love to wear, especially the black top with the 'ballerinaesque' black over pink skirt that he was thinking of showing the judges instead of that silly white piece, I seriously want that in my closet yesterday!

Brandon: I get that a lot of his looks tend to look the same and are certainly not my style (although there are a couple pieces I have loved but could never wear) but to me his pieces always look the most put together, polished, and complete, and I like that. I did agree with the judges about that one top though, it was horrible, and looked like it was slapped together and gathered with some strings and ropes.

Ayana: I have been really rooting for her, as I love many of her design choices and garments, but I strongly disliked her collection, maybe it was the colors on my tv, but everything looked drab and sickly, I was the most disappointed in her collection, as I was hoping she would just blow people away. I like that she makes modest garments fashionable, but I didn't see anything even remotely fashionable about those dresses, they are basically every horrible stereotype of modest fashion all together in dress form.

Margarita: I just can't. Her design sense is so far from mine that I just cannot even formulate a coherent opinion. I hated her fabric, and I don't think that she could have done anything with that fabric that could have redeemed it for me. I am usually able to see beyond fabric choices and embellishments, but there is just so much going in in her stuff that I can't get past it to be able to appreciate the silhouettes or anything else. Everything she had just looked so dated to me, I get that she had an inspiration from her childhood, but I don't think she made it modern at all.
I knew it would come down to Kenya and Kentaro at the end. He should have been sent home for his piano piece alone. It was so unfinished and just sounded like him banging on the keyboard. And then the whole listening to dead cats thing LMAO
Tim was like *side eye* *side eye* *awkward throat clearing* ok...

I’m surprised Tim didn’t make his bandaid look more fashionable. Zac could be heard saying ‘I don’t need to see this on a runway’ :snooty:

I honestly thought he was going to finish that piano piece and then say that he was joking, it was so painful to listen to.
Well, I have to chime in on last night too. Wasn't surprised that Brandon made it and that the judges all gushed over him. He even said he was going to win fashion week at the end of the show. Once again I did not like any of his designs, but I have never been one to follow the new fashions, so..............

I was sad to see Kenya go to, but only because she is such a sweetheart:) I never felt her designs were that strong, and she was always questioning herself and crying.

I feel Kentaro should have gone last night. To me, his whole collection just doesn't click. I don't know why the judges kept him? I also think his designs are looking more and more like Brandon's. One is enough LOL

Anya's pants and top were really cute, but the dresses she was going to show just looked like "Little House on the Prairie" or grammas. Was not impressed with her this time. I have liked almost all her looks but wonder what happened with her collection?

Margarita's designs sure were wild! I admit I liked them more than Anya's dull collection. But there was just too too much glitter and bold colors. I think if she toned it down a lot and just added some in each outfit it would look better. I wonder what will happen with her during the hurricane on PR? That must have been horrible for her to endure. I wonder if she ends up quitting because of the hurricane?

I agree that Tims bandaid looked funny with each new presentation :) It had it's own Tim Gunn style. LOL
Haven't seen the show but just saw the runway on FB. I can't believe they kept Margarita her stuff was awful!

Of course I didn't need to see a name I knew right away which clothes were Brandons as they all have the same look with the strings hanging. The way the judges gush over his clothes I think it was predetermined that he would win.

I didn't like that white dress by Kentaro and felt his earlier looks were good but he went downhill as the season went on.

Sorry to see Kenya go but her looks really weren't that strong.

Anya's stuff is ok thought she was middle of the pack so feel that she deserves to go to Fashion Week.
I must have missed something because I thought only 3 were moving on. But I did feel like Kenya's looks were the weakest of that show. Her black dress did not fit right at all. I liked parts of Ayana's collection, and am interested in seeing the entire thing. Not sure about Margarita, I didn't love the print, but I did love that she went for it. I don't have a problem with her look saying Miami and not New York, that's her point of view. Kentaro's just flat out bored me, except the one pink top. Brandon - I've never been fan, but he does have a strong point of view, and his looks are always "polished", and I thought he was creative with the fabric. I imagine it's his show to lose at this point.
BAsed on the final runway, Kentaro deserved to win. I really like the feel of his runway..the music was a perfect fit.

Hopefully Brandon learned a valuable lesson..even if you think you’ve got it in the bag, give it all you’ve got.

I actually thought Ayana was going to win.
Wow, I am shocked they didn't pick Brandon.
I really didn't like any of the collections, and besides Brandon's I thought Kentaro's was the worst.
I hate to say it but I like Margarita's the best, then Ayana's.
Brandon, to me, has the best ability to go forward with a signature line in the fashion world. Kentaro is talented, no doubt, but I don't look at his creations and know they are his. If Brandon had just switched up his fabric choice, I think he would have won easily. I feel bad for him, since he was such a front-runner all season...
Brandon, to me, has the best ability to go forward with a signature line in the fashion world. Kentaro is talented, no doubt, but I don't look at his creations and know they are his. If Brandon had just switched up his fabric choice, I think he would have won easily. I feel bad for him, since he was such a front-runner all season...

So do I. He never once got any negative feedback about the colors he used the entire season then loses because he used the same thing for his collection.

I did love Kentaro’s collection.

Ayana’s was interesting but needed some color. Too much grey and taupe. But her gown at the end was beyond stunning.

I liked Margarita’s collection more than I though I would but I thought should should have been eliminated at the last challenge before they were sent home. Her garment wasn’t finished on the runway (two weeks in a row but Tim used his save) at that point exposed linings should be enough to get you eliminated.
I almost felt bad for Brandon, except that I never particularly liked his design style anyways. But I agree that the judges just fawned over him so much all season long and so of course he did the same thing at the finale - if it aint broke why fix it? All season he used the same color pallette over and over and his clothes looked incredibly similar challenge after challenge and instead of calling him out for it, they praised him for it. So when he put 10 down the runway at once it was, predictably boring.

Margarita's collection was fun but it didn't seem super original, I thought it was ok.

I probably would have picked Ayana over Kentaro. But then again Kentaro had more of a wow factor I suppose with some of his pieces.
Several hours later I’m having trouble remembering Kentaro’s pieces, but I can recall Margarita’s and Ayana’s easily. Their looks were distinctive and more wearable than Kentaro’s and Brandon’s. Brandon’s collection was boring and repetitive, and I can’t imagine having a closet filled with his billowing shapes and flowing straps.

I would’ve chosen Ayana as the winner with Margarita as runner-up. Brandon would be my third, and Kentaro would be fourth.
I wanted Ayana to win liked her collection the most. Wish she too would have used more colour.

Some of Kentaro's pieces I had to look to see if they were wearing pants since he used that skin tone leather. and really didn't like that big puff on the front and just nothing on the back. When they said he was playing his own music I though oh no not what he played Tim that was bad . Turned out alright. I hope his dad is okay that must have hurt when he fell of the stage.

Brandon's all looked alike I was watching with my daughter and I kept asking her is that another on coming down or the last

Marigarita's was still very Miami to me , but it was true to her style just like Brandon.

Seeing how emotional the plus model was touched me , it was so true. She is beautiful and was fun all season. Hope this gets her the others more work in the future.
Kentaro was my favorite designer from the start. I liked his collection and I especially liked the pink leather pants. They are available at JCPenney but I can't pull them off, LOL.

I actually liked Margarita's collection the best. I loved how she "went there" with the whole tropical bling.

Didn't like Brandon's collection. I think it looked GREAT on the hangers, but just one look just blended into the next. Plus, I really hated the knickers with the gathered and tied legs. Ugh.

I liked half of Ayana's collection, hated the other half and loved, loved, loved that final dress. Now, THAT was a show-stopper. I really liked the front part of her collection. The cool/hip stuff. Then it deteriorated into Little Mosque on the Prairie with all the ruffles. The one outfit that Heidi loved looked like an Afghan Hound at the Westminster Dog Show.
Little Mosque on the Prairie


I liked them in this order:

1. Kentaro
2. Margarita
3. Brandon
4. Ayana

I really disliked Ayana's. If it wasn't for the street wear piece she showed last week and the finale dress, I would've hated the whole thing. The colors were so drab.

Brandon did a fine job design-wise, but it was too much of the same thing in the collection.

Margarita's was pretty good and I thought she might win it.

Kentaro just had more "wow" pieces and appealed to me the most. Considering I felt he should've gone home last week over Kenya, I'm surprised I liked it as much as I did.

The reunion episode looks pretty juicy!
Kentaro was my favorite designer from the start. I liked his collection and I especially liked the pink leather pants. They are available at JCPenney but I can't pull them off, LOL.

I actually liked Margarita's collection the best. I loved how she "went there" with the whole tropical bling.

Didn't like Brandon's collection. I think it looked GREAT on the hangers, but just one look just blended into the next. Plus, I really hated the knickers with the gathered and tied legs. Ugh.

I liked half of Ayana's collection, hated the other half and loved, loved, loved that final dress. Now, THAT was a show-stopper. I really liked the front part of her collection. The cool/hip stuff. Then it deteriorated into Little Mosque on the Prairie with all the ruffles. The one outfit that Heidi loved looked like an Afghan Hound at the Westminster Dog Show.

LOL, Robinb, I really enjoyed your humorous comments. I agree with all that you said. I, too, picked Kentaro from the start, but felt his outfits fell short towards the end of the show. He seemed to be trying to use Brandon's designs too much, with those hanging pieces of fabric on his designs. I think he started to lose himself, but I loved the runway show. The first outfit I thought was a bit over the top (actually laughed how weird it looked), but the rest looked great to me.
I think Brandon really thought he would win because the all the positive comments throughout the show. He was really disappointed as I think he thought he had this in the bag, just had to do more of the same and show up and win. I am so glad he did not win! He does have a "new" look, but is it practical? I can just see teenagers catching the straps in car doors, chairs, anything. Oh well, star wars is popular.
I loved Margaritas bright outfits too. I remember not too long ago that a designer from Miami won with her "Miami" look. It was quite tropical and flowing.
Anya's was okay to me, but still looked like Little House on the Prairie with all those dull looking colors and ruffles. I do think her looks have a place in the muslim world of fashion.
I'm looking forward to next weeks reunion show, with the twins:) But hate that we have to wait for another season. I just hope that next season they have a better crop of designers, IMO. It's been great having this thread and hope we can pick up next season:)
Kentaro was my favorite designer from the start. I liked his collection and I especially liked the pink leather pants. They are available at JCPenney but I can't pull them off, LOL.

I actually liked Margarita's collection the best. I loved how she "went there" with the whole tropical bling.

Didn't like Brandon's collection. I think it looked GREAT on the hangers, but just one look just blended into the next. Plus, I really hated the knickers with the gathered and tied legs. Ugh.

I liked half of Ayana's collection, hated the other half and loved, loved, loved that final dress. Now, THAT was a show-stopper. I really liked the front part of her collection. The cool/hip stuff. Then it deteriorated into Little Mosque on the Prairie with all the ruffles. The one outfit that Heidi loved looked like an Afghan Hound at the Westminster Dog Show.

Not sure if you were referring to it, but there actually was a TV show (in Canada) called "Little Mosque on the Prairie"!


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