Pronunciation of Le Cellier?

Only a portion of Canada speaks French, the rest know they are in North AMERICA and speak English.
Sorry couldn't resist.:wave2:
Canada is just the 51st state anyway. :tongue: I can say that; I'm from Ontario originally. :teeth:

I've always pronounced it "Luh Cellyay".

If they give you a hassle, just say this to them. :tongue:
That's funny, StuartMI.

Maybe the pronunciation is Lay Cell-Yay EH?

I know many of my servers were from PEI, and Nova Scotia and weren't so hot with their own French pronunciation!!
My reservations usually go like this, "Honey let's go eat at Canada." I may not know how to pronouce Le Cellier but I can dern sure pronounce Canada, and can say cheese soup and pretzel bread with the best of 'em.


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