PTR - Disneyworld, The Dream, Disneyland and some Las Vegas Glitter

I actually replied to your earlier post a few days ago, but the App failed and I lost everything I wrote.

In summary, I can sympathise with feeling a bit amiss as the trip approaches. I get like that sometimes and have actually been fading in and out of that feeling a bit lately. Hours and hours of research and dreaming have come to an end, and now I'm faced instead by the reality of all the daily life stuff that I must get sorted before I go. My head is racing with all the work jobs I need to complete as well as making sure the finances are looking healthy before we leave. Plus I'm beginning to debate a few changes to my trip right at a time when it's really much too late to make any changes.
I'm not too worried though. The excitement is still there. It's just waiting for all the work stuff to be out of the way before truly showing itself. :)

That summed it up perfectly.

Its so nice to be able to talk to others about this, I try not to talk about it much with others as my family is happy but I think jealous of our holidays and I dont want to rub it in, and I dont want to always talk to friends and work mates about it as I dont want them to think thats all I talk about, so unless they bring it up, I keep quiet. I love the DIS, I know I can chat everyones ears off :lmao:
That summed it up perfectly. Its so nice to be able to talk to others about this, I try not to talk about it much with others as my family is happy but I think jealous of our holidays and I dont want to rub it in, and I dont want to always talk to friends and work mates about it as I dont want them to think thats all I talk about, so unless they bring it up, I keep quiet. I love the DIS, I know I can chat everyones ears off :lmao:

I know. I'm always eager to chat about travel (my own or other people's) but there are few people around me who can relate and even a few who would see it as bragging.

I am grateful for all the wonderful like-minded people here on the Dis :)


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