Pulling kids out of school?

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First off, no need to apologize for riding a high horse. As far as I've seen this is a place for constructive ideas to be shared. Not everyone always agrees. So much the better. Who was it that said," If everyone always agrees with everything you say, then you don't really stand for anything.".

Second. My only basis for comparison is our school district and I am of course replying from a point of ignorance as I do not know enough about the nomenclature of your schools(ie length of year,summer break,length of holidays,cultural expectations...)
If you were a teacher in our schools system I and several other involved parents would surely help you take whatever time you need for whatever reason you may have, vacation included. A person in need of a break is a person we must be willing to help. Especially someone that is helping to mold the minds of our children.

Third-Expectations are dangerous, much like assumptions. So we are very,very careful to have any kinds of expectations in this world. That said, we only expect our schools AND universities to grow around 30% of our childrens academic abilities and knowledge base.
The rest is up to Us and Them(our kids).

This was written while riding my small pony.
I have resisted till now to post on this thread. I have read some of the posts, but not all. I teach high school math and I know some have indicated a difference between pulling students from high school versus the lower grades. I have never taken a vacation during school time. I would never find a sub for math at the high school level. I have students gone all the time for vacations and most never recover. I did say most. If their grade doesn't suffer, they don't learn the material that they missed unless they come in several days to make up the work and most do not and they have loads of other work to make up too from other classes.

Believe me, I understand why families go during the school year because the summers are full. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I just think at the level that I teach, most students don't learn what they have missed. One could argue that it's not important what they missed, but there I would have to disagree. Missing a chapter on equation solving would be rather serious for future math students.

I know this is a drastic example, but here's what happened to one student of mine. He is an algebra student of mine and went on a vacation in January with his family at the beginning of second semester. He's a freshman and no longer has an "A" in my class due to the very low scores on the chapter he missed. This will result in a lower grade point. I am sure many have heard the importance of "The Freshmen GPA" and it's impact on your entire hs gpa. One "B" you say won't make that much difference? I have a junior who cannot get into any of our state schools with a 3.70 gpa because he's not in the top half of his class and that is one of their requirements to be in the top half of their class. I have some students who recover very nicely, but more that do not unfortunately.

I do understand many of the situations on this thread about trips taken and memories made and famlies do need that.

I just couldn't stand not posting anymore with my 2 cents :tongue:
Originally posted by 26555
That is "allowed" so why am I not "allowed" as a college educated parent to get some assignments ahead of time and home school them on those matters for the week?

A lot of teachers don't plan their lessons and get all of the materials together that far in advance. That's why it could be a problem for them.

Most teachers wouldn't have a problem with a student missing a couple of days, but I think it's getting out of hand in some cases. I read on the Trip Reports board about one parent posting about her child had missed 8 days in the fall and another 4-5 in the spring to go on 2 separate Disney trips.
Stitch's Greatest FA- I'm a second grade teacher and am going to Disney World for a week in December. I'm missing a week and my daughter in Kindergarten is missing a week. We must do this to go because my husband can't get off during my off times- these are the most busy for him. My principal didn't care too much and my superintendent didn't either. Both said you have to do what you have to do. I am however, getting docked two days pay b/c we only get 3 personal days and can't use sick days for vacation. It will be interesting telling my parents next year. I've never done this so I don't know what kind of reaction I will get. However, I've had 2 students this year take a week to go to Disney world- they made the work up when they got back- no problem. However, I do teach second grade, not high school calculus or something like that.
Anyway, as I've said in an earlier post, if your child is a good student and won't suffer- go for it! Nothing is more important than family!!!princess:
EEyorelover 22, I agree with you. I won't even consider pulling my boys out of high school for vacation. My older son will be starting junior high next year, so this year was the first and only time we took a vacation during the school year. With school curriculums as difficult as they are now, I don't think I would be able to take them out beyond elementary school without it affecting their grades.
Originally posted by EEyorelover22
I have resisted till now to post on this thread. I have read some of the posts, but not all. I teach high school math and I know some have indicated a difference between pulling students from high school versus the lower grades. I have never taken a vacation during school time. I would never find a sub for math at the high school level. I have students gone all the time for vacations and most never recover. I did say most. If their grade doesn't suffer, they don't learn the material that they missed unless they come in several days to make up the work and most do not and they have loads of other work to make up too from other classes.

I agree that it is hard to make up the work, especially in math. I do have to say though that some students (& I know you mentioned thisi also) do take the time to make up the work. My freshman DD asked for work from all her teachers before hand & they willingly gave it as did my 2 6th graders.

They called friends daily to get any assignments they could do while we were gone. When they returned they were all ahead in a few classes & in any subjects they felt they needed extra help in they stayed after school the week we got back to get caught up.

That being said, I am leary to take them out anymore. I feel that the older they get the harder it becomes to miss schoool.

I guess everyone has to make whatever decision they feel is right for their family.
I see your near our neck of the woods. I guess this would be a non-issue if our school district would not have allowed BOCES 2 to coerce them into splitting the Easter break into seperate and shorter February and Easter breaks.
I do agree that there is much more pre- work involved as they get into higher grades. There is no way we could do it successfully without a real team effort to be sure.

Now lets see if this snow will melt for good this time in the southtowns, I'm tired of shoveling the roof with my DH.
Have a great day.

mouselifer - I am so disgusted with the weather also! :rolleyes:

I am against the split vacation but have seen next year's calendar & our district is going to institute it. When it was announced last year that they may do this I remember one school official from somewhere (don't have the details) said they thought people would like it because "now they could take 2 vacations". I thought that was an ignorant statement on his part because #1 - not everyone can afford 2 vacations & #2 - what about people that drive to their vacation destination & take 3 or 4 days total to do it? It irked me a little.

Seeing as though I don't make those decisions it looks like I will have to deal with it. I have heard many people say they will just pull their kids out of school a few days early & continue to have one long vacation over Easter. As of right now this is what I am considering doing. Our Easter vacation is our one long, extremely relaxing vacation that we take as an extended family & it upsets me that the school has changed their calendar as I feel they are infringing on it.

Oh well, I could go on & on forever about how annoyed I am, but I'll get off my soapbox now!!! :D
I have a question, hope you don't find it too stupid! For those of you with the vacations during the school year, is your summer vacation shorter, then? As I posted before, our kids don't get any breaks (other than Christmas) longer than a couple of days. Our school year starts the end of August and usually ends the last week of May or first of June. I wish we had breaks throughout the year! :)
Originally posted by jcemom
I have a question, hope you don't find it too stupid! For those of you with the vacations during the school year, is your summer vacation shorter, then? As I posted before, our kids don't get any breaks (other than Christmas) longer than a couple of days. Our school year starts the end of August and usually ends the last week of May or first of June. I wish we had breaks throughout the year! :)

In Western New York the districts start school the Tuesday or Wednesday after Labor Day & the elementary students attend until about June 22, 23 or 24. Middle & high school students have exams the last week or so of the school year.

They have 183 days of school scheduled, which includes 3 days they could cancel in case of bad weather (snow days as we call them). The teachers work an additional 5 days for staff development which the students have off. High school students also have the last week in January as an exam week.

They get a week to 10 days off at Christmas, depending on when the holidays fall & have always gotten 2 weeks at Easter. They will now get the normal vacation at Christmas (only 1 week this year), 1 week during President's week & Good Friday + the following week off for a Spring recess.
Thank you! I think I like your school schedule better than ours, lol!
I haven't been able to read the whole thread, so my apologies for anyone who already said this.

I teach at the college level, but I think my experiences can also be applied to high school.

When students miss a class, or two, or three, due to illness, death in the family, etc, I have no problem meeting with that student to help them with material missed that he/she is struggling with. But I get annoyed when students skip for fun - usually extending Thanksgiving or Spring Break, then expect me to basically reteach the classes they missed.

How is that fair to me? Part of teaching is helping, but I don't think I should have to work longer and harder to accomodate someone else's fun. Like others have said, I cannot take vacations during the semester, even if that means missing out on a good deal. Yes, some profs cancel classes, but most often it's for illness or conventions (job related, not vacations).

Bottom line, if you have an older child you're going to pull from school, give some thought to that student's ability to self-teach, catch-up, and your level of assistance. If you know your child might have a tough time with algebra and you can help them, go for it. If you never took Calculus and it will be up to their teacher to deal with that, maybe an extended conversation with the teacher prior to making reservations is in order.
MELSMICE- as far as my research has found , Albany decided to cut BOCES budgets in some of the more rural districts and in turn BOCES decided to change their schedules so that they had breaks in FEB and for Easter to pressure the rural school district taxpayers to complain to Albany about the budget cuts. BOCES simply said that if the school districts didn't adopt the new schedule that they would have to provide bussing for them when all other schools were off for that first week. And the majority of the districts are slowly doing what they are being pushed to do or pay the extra bussing fees. We have had the new schedule for 3 years now. Most of our families vacations are for the two weeks of easter(like the FORD plant,University at Buffalo,etc.) We have been vocal at town and school board meetings but seemingly ineffective so far. The policy is pushed through before any input from us is really heard.

Blah blah blah, sorry if I dwell. We are packed and ready for next Wednesday after school, we'll drive through to S. Carolina, rest and be in Orlandino Friday and at WDW Saturday-Animal Kingdom here we come.

Have a great day
Originally posted by mouselifer
We are packed and ready for next Wednesday after school, we'll drive through to S. Carolina, rest and be in Orlandino Friday and at WDW Saturday-Animal Kingdom here we come.

We leave next Friday morning (the girls will miss 1 day of school) :eek: . Looks like we'll be there at the same time. I'll have my green ribbon!! :D
MELSMICE- I'll have my green ribbon also. The girls painted an old safari style pith helmet khaki color for Dad and it has a green oval with the DIS letters on it along with the Mickey,Goofy and Minnie they painted on it. For a hat cord they used an old Mardi Gras drink strap from USF.
They know dad is really 13 years old when he gets back to WDW. He was there the year they opened, he was 5. I'm pretty sure he's there when he daydreams.

Have a great day
rigs32- I agree that communication between parents and teachers is very important. Especially as you point out when it is related to a subject that I as a parent might have to do extra work to learn and then help my child with. I'm not sure what the word FAIR actually means, so I find it difficult on commenting in regards to it. I will say that we have always worked to grow our childrens minds with regards to school in as close to a classically trained scholars method as possible. Meaning that for every hour of school we spend 3 hours studying. Sounds daunting and it feels daunting when it is at the university level. Yet when it comes time to take the extra week off , the student is prepaired and sometimes even ahead of the class quo.
I guess my point is Big work and Big rewards.

Have a great day.
Originally posted by jcemom
I have a question, hope you don't find it too stupid! For those of you with the vacations during the school year, is your summer vacation shorter, then? As I posted before, our kids don't get any breaks (other than Christmas) longer than a couple of days. Our school year starts the end of August and usually ends the last week of May or first of June. I wish we had breaks throughout the year! :)

NYC public schools open after Labor Day, Wednesday or Thursday.
(This year school opened the Monday after Labor Day) Our last day of school is June 25.

This year school was closed for
Yom Kippur (Oct)
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Election Day
2 Days for Thanksgiving
8 Days for Christmas
5 Days for midwinter recess (President's week)
7 Days for spring recess (Easter and Passover)
Memorial Day
Anniversay Day (only schools in Brooklyn and Queens get this day off)

The number of days that the children attend school and the summer break is the same as others around the country.
Thanks disneyjunkie! I assumed that our kids did have to attend the same number of days per year but wondered how others fit them in with the extra breaks that my kids don't get. It appears that our summer vacation is almost a month longer than yours. Personally, I'd rather have a shorter summer vacation (three months is too long, IMO) and get a couple of breaks in between! I think it would help keep the kids (and parents) from burning out, which is the point we are almost getting to! LOL The only break longer than two days that we get all year is Christmas. This is the first year that we had scheduled four days off for Easter, but now they are taking two of them back to make up snow days missed. Our last day of school is June 2 this year. So, other than summer or the week between Christmas and New Year's, we have no choices for a vacation without taking the kids out of school. This year was the first and only time we've taken them out for a vacation. We enjoyed it tremendously but won't be doing it again, as my son will start junior high next year and I don't want him to miss with classes getting more difficult. I know that Christmas is an option, but honestly, I don't know how anyone takes a vacation then! Everything is so hectic around here I don't see how I could just take off for a week, let alone enjoy it! LOL
jcemom - I know our family would get burned out without having a decent break during the school year. We are looking forward to having 2 weeks of Disney magic & forgetting about all the hustle & bustle that goes at home! :)
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