Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Question of the day 5/20: What is your best trait? What is your worst trait?

I had job interview recently and wanted to ask more about who I am as a person, which included my best and worst traits. My best trait is my personality (ability to make someone smile or laugh) and ability to deal with people's emotions. I'm comfortable letting people feel what they feel and then talking it through or giving a hug or kick in the butt. My worst trait is working too much and always wanting to do more and better. I'm not great on work/life balance. The last job almost did me in because of this and I learned so much from it.

My best trait is spacial relations and organization.
My worst trait is wanting everything perfect.....darn OCD

Beautiful here today....cooled down a little. Mid 80s now.

Dinner tonight will be a pork loin that Dh is smoking. His first time trying it.....stuffed with cream cheese and jalapenos and wrapped in bacon. We'll see how it does. He is not a COOK!!
I will add vegetable and fruit
Tonight's meal was once again a component of the mixed seafood in garlic sauce. Took out a lot of the steamed mussels. Nuked them for 30 seconds in the shells on 40% power just to get the chill off since they were already cooked. Then I made a sauce of ramps, garlic, and shallots sauteed until soft adding lots of fresh ground pepper and white wine. When the base simmered down so the wine was half gone , added chopped parsley, a little cream (a TB), lemon zest(tsp), and half the juice of one lemon off heat and stirred until fully incorporated. Put the mussels in and mixed together, then covered with foil for about 3 minutes on med-low heat. Placed atop and on the side the bread from the restaurant that I toasted after rubbing with a garlic clove. Poured sauce and mussels into the bowl (big one) the bread was in. Served. Took about 10 minutes to make and served another one (maybe the last?) of the restaurant salads that I added an avocado and sliced red onions to.

Chocolate cake is finished so made and served the strawberry fool with half whipped cream half yogurt. I'm seeing light at the end of the restaurant leftovers' tunnel and feel confident the food will be finished by Friday.

Question of the day 5/20: What is your best trait? What is your worst trait?

I had job interview recently and wanted to ask more about who I am as a person, which included my best and worst traits. My best trait is my personality (ability to make someone smile or laugh) and ability to deal with people's emotions. I'm comfortable letting people feel what they feel and then talking it through or giving a hug or kick in the butt. My worst trait is working too much and always wanting to do more and better. I'm not great on work/life balance. The last job almost did me in because of this and I learned so much from it.

I could give my standard back in the 80s response on job interviews: Organisation as an advantage and disadvantage.
However the truth is while able to "see" the minutiae of a task mentally, I'm also good at changing when needs be. I don't wed myself to a plan and stick to it rigidly. For instance, I get annoyed when people ask me what's for dinner because well what if the cream curdled/spillt or I miscalculated and don't have any? Gotta have a spur of the moment substitute. Same mindset does well for a work project too.

My worst trait IRL is I have no patience.
Dinner tonight will be a pork loin that Dh is smoking. His first time trying it.....stuffed with cream cheese and jalapenos and wrapped in bacon

Now that sounds interesting! And good!

Best Trait? I'm not sure. I think I'm a very dependable friend/family member to have.
Worst - I'm a bad procrastinator and if I can put it off I do. I'm trying to get better with that.

Dinner this evening was bacon & eggs.
Another lovely day here in LA. It is supposed to warm up later in the week. Today is more Wednesday just because my church's newsletter always comes out on Wednesday otherwise today could be any day!

I agree with Easyas123 on my own best and worst traits. I try my best to live and think (working on this more at times) kindly, reflect my belief in Jesus. I am also pretty organized. During my school years I was a huge procrastinator! Better overall about that now. I could be better at times about standing up for myself or not overdoing something.

Wednesday extra gratitude:

Clorox Disinfecting and Antibacterial Hand Wipes
Wal-Mart.com (will save a couple trips out)
Time of month just about done
Now that sounds interesting! And good!

Best Trait? I'm not sure. I think I'm a very dependable friend/family member to have.
Worst - I'm a bad procrastinator and if I can put it off I do. I'm trying to get better with that.

Dinner this evening was bacon & eggs.

It was really good....needs a little tweaking. It was a bit overcooked, but it is a keeper to try again
Love the jello jigglers and watermelon for picnics. Our holiday picnics also include my moms crispex mix ( think Chex mix with Cheerios and goldfish crackers added) then of course several tables of euchre ( card game ) going on.

Today I made homemade au gratin potatoes and BBQ chicken
Then the best brownies ever ! King Arthur’s flour fudgy brownie recipe

Best trait: thinking of others. Baking cookies to share or lending a book
Worst trait : not putting my immediate family first and lacking the patience with my husband that I show with everyone else
Question of the day 5/20: What is your best trait? What is your worst trait?

I had job interview recently and wanted to ask more about who I am as a person, which included my best and worst traits. My best trait is my personality (ability to make someone smile or laugh) and ability to deal with people's emotions. I'm comfortable letting people feel what they feel and then talking it through or giving a hug or kick in the butt. My worst trait is working too much and always wanting to do more and better. I'm not great on work/life balance. The last job almost did me in because of this and I learned so much from it.

I am loyal and headstrong. I am impatient with those who say they'll lead but then don't and quick to irritation.

Yesterday: internet problems all day long. Seems that the entire state was having trouble with AT&T.

Today: woke up to a boil water notice and zero water. A water line broke; in our complex apparently, as there is a backhoe digging up the pavement in the drive right now. I have some water bottles for drinking and cooking with (yeah, like I'm doing any cooking without water :sad2: ) but we can't flush. I didn't fill the 5 gallon jugs yet. Might go trade them in at Walmart this morning; time to get new ones anyways...

If anything happens with the electric tomorrow......

Last night we had Zatarans red beans & rice mixed with Zatarans jambalaya (only had one box of each, lol) and andoille sausage. Left enough for leftovers for both of us for lunch. If we are still without water tonight, then it'll be takeout for dinner; if not, then it's bacon and eggs and muffins (blueberry or lemon).
I would have to say the same as a couple of other DIS'ers for traits--
Loyal, and headstrong ,and can also be pigheaded when I know I am right about something
Lose patience with my husband more than I should, and more often lately, since he's been working from home for almost 2 months and the 24/7 is driving both of us bonkers!
I am loyal and headstrong. I am impatient with those who say they'll lead but then don't and quick to irritation.

Yesterday: internet problems all day long. Seems that the entire state was having trouble with AT&T.

Today: woke up to a boil water notice and zero water. A water line broke; in our complex apparently, as there is a backhoe digging up the pavement in the drive right now. I have some water bottles for drinking and cooking with (yeah, like I'm doing any cooking without water :sad2: ) but we can't flush. I didn't fill the 5 gallon jugs yet. Might go trade them in at Walmart this morning; time to get new ones anyways...

If anything happens with the electric tomorrow......

Last night we had Zatarans red beans & rice mixed with Zatarans jambalaya (only had one box of each, lol) and andoille sausage. Left enough for leftovers for both of us for lunch. If we are still without water tonight, then it'll be takeout for dinner; if not, then it's bacon and eggs and muffins (blueberry or lemon).

To the bolded
Sorry about your water problem, been there , done that too many times, so I know exactly how you feel. We live out about a mile from the 'county line', and while we are county, we get our water supply from the city. Lots of separate lines out here feeding multiple homes (who in the world ever thought that would be a good idea??) Very OLD system that badly needs upgrading/replacement. They said they were going to do it when we moved here, and that was almost 17 years ago! We are on one that feeds 12 houses, and the water line that breaks and needs repairing most often, is in the middle of our back yard. :( And it usually happens in the dead of winter, when there is ice or snow on the ground. I hope they fix yours quickly and that it doesn't happen again.
We took DGD and her dog home yesterday. Got to meet Carter, which I wasn't sure would happen for 2 months. DD said "Just wash your hands." She knows we are serious about social distancing.

Catching up on housework today. And had to get online to order some cute baby boy clothes. Plus DH's birthday gifts for early June. Luckily I already got things online for DD whose birthday is the end of May. Amazon deliveries are taking a little longer.

My church opens this weekend but we are going to stay home. The logistics of social distance and taking communion and being inside and other aspects just too much for me yet. I'm going to be doing this in small steps to see how things are going. I'm not as afraid as I was 2 months ago but I'm still nervous about all of this. I am determined to have some time out doing something relaxing and normal this summer before things possibly change this fall/winter. So much unknown. I do have hopes I can go see my mom soon, which will put me more at ease.
I live in MD but church is just over the line in DE which has a different reopening schedule. No word on church but I have the same thoughts that you have. I am not rushing into getting into any groups. And I am on some of the leadership committees at church so will be in on the planning.

Question of the day: 5/19: Picnic time! What's your favorite picnic food?
Gosh, so many different thoughts. 35 years ago when DH and I were dating, we would have the fancy chicken and potato salad and wine picnics to outdoor symphony concerts. More recently it is sandwiches or Subway subs to the beach.

Question of the day 5/20: What is your best trait? What is your worst trait?
Best: empathy and compassion
Worst: speaking before thinking

Best trait: thinking of others. Baking cookies to share or lending a book
Worst trait : not putting my immediate family first and lacking the patience with my husband that I show with everyone else
These ring true with me.

Got to hold my grandson!!
Granddaughter gave me a big hug and didn't want me to leave when she got home. (I will be seeing a lot of her this summer)
Online shopping for my gift giving needs (I sound like a commercial)
My best traits are compassion, working hard, and organizing everything so it makes sense, at least to me. I will listen to friends and family when they need to talk with someone and help where I can. Also, I am in charge of organizing all our vacations and I organize my workload at work. I even organize my shopping list in order of the aisles in the store. Now that DH is doing the grocery shopping he wants the list in just a listing of items needed. It makes me crazy but he is doing the shopping. My worst traits are that I worry about getting things done and I am very stubborn. Right now I am on a reduced schedule at work and cannot get even close to finishing my work. I clock out every day and worry about what I didn't get done. Since we have to close out every month certain things should be done by the end of every month. That is not even close to happening. They did say that we wouldn't be able to get everything done but just do our best. Still, I worry about it. Now when I organize my workload I have to include a time on the list such as banking from 7-8 and deposits from 8-8:30 etc. I need to know when I have to move onto the next task. DH can attest to my stubbornness. He makes me crazy and I make him crazy so it works out kinda sorta. I do like it when I go into the office one day a week as it gives us a break from each other. LOL!
Just a heads up for those with baking needs:

To our fellow bakers,
We’re taking this Memorial Day weekend to step back and recharge. During the pandemic, our team has worked tirelessly to respond to a threefold increase in demand for flour. We tripled our typical work pace to make much-needed flour and baking supplies available to our customers. We’re not ones to take it easy during normal times, so that’s saying something.
You’ve long made it clear to us that you value the way we do business — that we treat our people like people. To allow ALL of our employee-owners to press pause, from the warehouse to the call center, we’re temporarily suspending online orders from 9 p.m. Friday, May 22 through 6 a.m. Tuesday, May 26 (EDT).
We can’t thank you enough for your support of our values-driven choices, like taking this moment to rest, enjoy family, and reflect on those who have given so much in service to our country and communities. We’ll be back on Tuesday, oven mitts (and masks!) on and ready to bake.
Have a wonderful weekend!​
The King Arthur Flour Team
I even organize my shopping list in order of the aisles in the store.
OMG, I thought that possibly I was the only person who did that. The grocery store where I shop was in the middle of a remodel when COVID hit. I didn't know where anything was anymore and wanted to get in and out without the searching. They had copies of the store directory for customers so I brought one home and type out my list on the computer and organize by aisle number.
OMG, I thought that possibly I was the only person who did that. The grocery store where I shop was in the middle of a remodel when COVID hit. I didn't know where anything was anymore and wanted to get in and out without the searching. They had copies of the store directory for customers so I brought one home and type out my list on the computer and organize by aisle number.

That is how I organize my shopping list also. And our Walmart Supercenter decided to do a reset about 2 weeks ago. Who does that in the middle of a pandemic? It's bad enough that the shelves aren't full, now we have to hunt to find what we want!
Aww, I am also so thankful you got to hold Carter, Breezy Carol, yay :)

Gratitudes for today:

Call from my dentist's office saying I could come in Tuesday morning for my cleaning! Praying this time I get to go.
Getting to wish a friend Happy Birthday this morning.
Going outside briefly to see Christmas Tree Evergreen. praise God he is doing so well. Continuing to grow healthy and green 🌲


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