READ POST 1 & 2 FIRST-Rise of the Resistance Boarding Group Planning and Information-*No Spoilers*

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So, practice session today for me and DS11. I have Galaxy S7, DS iPhone 6S. I was able to go through practice run several times to seemingly get a good BG. DS could never get anything to toggle after the Find Out More. Back and forth, My Status, nothing. Could not even get to pick the party....which I could do about 5 or 6 times. So, we need to check his app version and see if can update with the new patch. We will also have DW and DS15 on our day also, but they slept in today. I wasn't timing exactly when I got the message that distribution was complete and when my options were no longer clickable. According to atomic click app (which is in sync also with BTW), DS11's iPhone was perfectly in sync, my phone clock is currently behind by 286 milliseconds (it has varied in the past to even being ahead at one point and being behind my over 600 milliseconds).
I don’t have data on my phone, do people with wifi only ever get a bg? One person in our party will have data but that is it.
I would be very intrigued if they start experimenting with continuing to run it deeper into evenings, after park close or even into pmEMH. If it remains reliable later in the day, it might be helpful to do so. Then again, I wonder if that would give it enough "rest time" before the next morning. Also, I am beginning to wonder if there is interference be between the digital RFID components of the ride and those wifi/BT/data/pinging components in all the riders' phones and it might take a while for the system to adapt to that(?) I'm not a tech guy so I have no clue. Just a thought.

I have been wondering about that too (keep thinking about in the Imagineering Story when they said they kept Star Tours open 24 hours a day when it first opened due to he crowds) - BUT I also think it probably needs as much "rest" and maintenance time it can get ... also, they probably don't want to start setting the expectation the will do that if they do occasionally when it is running well as people will then expect them to do it every day
Feel bad for the people next to us as they didn’t get one at all!
So while no one who follows this post religiously has posted yet of their own experience not being able to get a Boarding Group, sure does seem like there would be plenty of people in the park that aren’t getting them, now that they’re all distributed within 70 seconds. I mean, I guess I’d say, be prepared and do your research ahead of time. But I am very sympathetic to those that would have no clue how much you’d need to research this in advance.

Up until just a few days ago, whenbackups were going for +15-20 mins, at least plenty of people were getting high numbered backups. No assurance they’d get to ride but there was hope. Now it’s fewer and fewer people getting a BG but the parks are still jammed first thing. Frustrating.
practice from home today. Got through 4-5 times. Then switched to boarding groups. Never got the boarding group message and screen was greyed out but I got through on iPhone 11 on data 4-5 times before that
Practicing from home, hit "find out more" as the clock went to 8. Join bg wasn't red so hit my status. Never went solid. Backed out and started again. Never got the option to join. Yesterday went fine practicing but today was a fail for me.
Yes, there have been success stories on this thread of people getting a BG on WiFi. Of that was your one and only phone attempting to get a BG, I’d be worried for you. But as a supplemental phone, that should be okay.

Edit: OMG I totally replied to the wrong post. lol. @MoeJ is probably like :confused3

Here’s the post I meant to quote:
I don’t have data on my phone, do people with wifi only ever get a bg? One person in our party will have data but that is it.
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My first practice session at home was a bit rocky but I managed to get a BG. I shut the app down ahead of time and opened it at 7:59, clicked the picture at exact 8 but did not see the red button in the first couple of attempts. I had to restart the app to see it.

For a dp, I’m on an iPhone 11 Pro, and I was using data to simulate conditions in the park. I think it’s just a matter of developing a feel for the timing with such a fast phone and the app being so fast since the latest update, and developing the muscle memory.Then hoping conditions stay similar in May, lol.
I have been wondering about that too (keep thinking about in the Imagineering Story when they said they kept Star Tours open 24 hours a day when it first opened due to he crowds) - BUT I also think it probably needs as much "rest" and maintenance time it can get ... also, they probably don't want to start setting the expectation the will do that if they do occasionally when it is running well as people will then expect them to do it every day
Yeah, raising expectations could be a problem, but they could do it without announcing anything, like just keep calling BGs a little later and later and potentially into pmEMH time, just as a sort of like long term testing. Then just flat out announce the next morning that RotR will not begin Boarding until x time at the earliest (again to make sure that the rest buffer between close and open is appropriate).

Finally, if it really is an interference type thing, they COULD ask guests to treat it, in theme story, to turn their devices on airplane mode. This can be done at certain points in the queue prior to loading, and then upon exit, there can be welcome back message with the OK. Will everyone do it? Probably not, but it might be enough to help the servers from having to fight through and adapt to interference in the morning runs. Idk. Just a thought.
Got to bus stop at Coronado at 6:50. Bus arrived about 7:10 and filled up at the first stop. Got thru security and tapped in about 7:40. Stayed near entrance of park where my Wi-Fi was strong. My sprint service didn’t work well with app further in the park. I hit the picture this time instead of join boarding group and got BG 20. Lots of people having problems joining today it seemed.
Are Sundays harder than other days due to EMH? Seems like a new record today with all BGs gone in 68 seconds...?
Practiced for the first time this morning.
Here are my thoughts: I need more practice.
I should rate the app ASAP because no I don't want to rate you at 8 AM.
I should work on remembering to breath!
I am going to have to get my DH involved. We try to keep him off MDE because FP mistakes can happen when you least expect it but I think in the case we need everyone in on the action.
And I will be forever thankful to everyone on this thread who have gone before me and posted their experiences. We are stronger together. :-)
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