Rob & Jan"s Live Trip Report to WDW


"They can't hit ya"
Oct 14, 2002
Hello everyone, we so enjoyed ADP’s trip report a few weeks ago that we decided to create one for our trip which is starting today. I’m not much of a writer so please bear with me as I do my best to try and capture our trip with words and pictures. I’ll certainly be glad to answer any questions you may have as we go along.

Here’s an over view of what’s coming up in the next 11 days.
Fly out of Buffalo New York this evening 2 nights at SSR then to Vero for 3 nights, and then back to SSR. Were playing golf this trip so I invited Bob to play golf with us and he accepted so that should be a blast, were also doing a Pirates and Princess Party pirate: and ending the trip by attending the taping of the Podcast on the 4th I’m hoping they won’t mind cameras…excluding John of course.
Well I better get my butt in gear I’ve got the pre vacation running around to do not to mention packing. Bye for now:thumbsup2
Have a great trip down....I look forward to reading your reports.
Wow! I can't wait to read your reports. Having Bawb play golf with you should be a high high highlight of your trip! :cool1: Also, attending the live podcast show should also be very cool! Enjoy those unique experiences, they sound great. I'm looking forward to hearing about them.

But most of all, enjoy your time at the World and Vero Beach!
Have at great trip! :goodvibes I can't wait to read about it!popcorn::
Have a great trip Rob and Jan. :woohoo: Enjoy Vero. I need to get back there for a few days. Pictures from playing golf with Bob are a must!

Maybe will cross paths next week at SSR. If not, certainly at the Podcast!
Wow! Sounds fab!

Could you please post some pictures of SSR (especially the rooms) my mom bought into DVC, and is going this year, so we would love to see some pics!

Have a fab time!
Count me in! I love the live reports. It sounds like you have a great trip planned. I look forward to sharing it with you!!:surfweb:
Yea...we get to tag along on another trip!!! Have a safe trip down. :goodvibes
Sounds like a great trip. I'll be reading your updates and dreaming I was there too!

Wow what a hectic morning, all packed and ready to roll. Just waiting for dear wife to get home from work and were off to the airport. Hopefully the border won't be to busy, got a text message from Owners Locker telling us our locker had been delivered to SSR and is waiting for us at bell services.
Time to pack the laptop and start pacing......let the vacation begin:banana: :cool1:
Wow, I am deeply, deeply envious. That little bit of time just before a Disney vacation begins, that has to be the sweetest time of all. Can't wait to read your reports.
Count me in as well, have a safe flight, and can't wait for the fun to begin!
Sounds like a fantastic trip you have planned. I cant wait to hear all about it!!!
Thursday from 39,000 feet

Were about half way to Orlando cruising along in relative comfort and I’m listening to the Podcast as I’m writing this. The flight left on time and we should be landing at 9:05. The trip to the airport was uneventful the border crossing was quick as was security at the airport. We were surprised at the number of kids on the flight since its not a school holiday, I guess people have no choice and have to do go when they can. Two more hurdles to over come picking up our luggage and the rental car and then we can relax. That’s it for now as I’m finding it difficult to type with my elbows in my armpits. See you all later.

Well its later, midnight to be exact we stopped at Wal Mart and got some supplies and then checked in were in the Springs. I'll post some pics tomorrow.

Night all


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