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Hi Everyone!

3ZrWe---$145-$15731-100-VGF-Aug-0/19, 151/20, 100/21- sent 6/22

First DVC contract (after debating Riveria direct several times) and SO happy to see some previous $145pp for VGF get through. Fingers crossed that continues and big congrats to all of you who passed ROFR after such a long wait!!
How/where did you get $145 For VGF? I tried for a 100 pt offering $155 with some ‘20 Pts. Was told owners expect 92 to 95 % of asking (which was $170).
How/where did you get $145 For VGF? I tried for a 100 pt offering $155 with some ‘20 Pts. Was told owners expect 92 to 95 % of asking (which was $170).
The average VGF contract in April sold for $157 at the largest broker so best to probably ignore the broker who gets paid more if you spend more.

sources I trust for prices:
  1. This thread (which admittedly is likely to have a bit of a lowball bias due to the nature of a ROFR thread as well as human nature: people are likely to post deals they’re proud of and unlikely to post ones they aren’t sure were that good)
  2. DVC Resale Market’s blog posts on average price paid. The watch out there is that it’s an average, and doesn’t take into account big or small contracts, nor how many points are available to use.

On the other hand, @3ZrWe got a heckuva deal, and unless you’re willing to be very patient, and bid very low on every single contract that comes up on every site, you shouldn’t expect to get a price like that. You might! But most wont.
John Purcell---$89 -$22,950-250 AKV-Aug 0/19, 0/20, 250/21 - sent 5/11 passed 6/24. Seller (obviously) pays 2020 MF.

I think I have read this thread like 50+ times per day for the last week or two(!). Thanks for everyone’s contributions, I love being part of this community!! Great day for many of us who were anxiously awaiting!

I realize that our community is small and I may never get the opportunity to thank my seller. But I realize this is my best chance at doing a thank you note, and letting everyone know how thankful I am that they decided to sell to my family. So I will just post this note to all the folks selling right now (sorry moderators, I know your thread is data driven, but please let this one go):

Dear Seller,

I cannot begin to explain how great it feels to join the magic. My twins are 6 and I am 39. We have been going since 2016. But we talk about our annual trips every day.

I realize that selling your contract has memories and happy experiences with it. Those will stay with your family, but I trust my family will live up to your traditions and look forward to build upon this - And in many years we may gift this to another generation or sell to a family needing their own magical adventures. It would give me no greater pleasure than to show a generation yet to come this magical experience with my kids. It’s a right of passage to them, and a smile to my face watching...

Thanks to anyone selling their points right now, please realize it’s not just a monetary transfer, but also someone else’s dreams being realized.

Kind regards,
How/where did you get $145 For VGF? I tried for a 100 pt offering $155 with some ‘20 Pts. Was told owners expect 92 to 95 % of asking (which was $170).
Do not listen to that Agent's BS. Offer what you think is fair. This thread is probably the best piece of information for buyers and sellers out there. I would also remind you that looking at the trend prices are definitely going down so if its not low enough for you yet it will most likely get there. I predict we will see VGF drop below 140 by the end of summer.
Actually no; I just checked. I am First American. I have no idea why I had Mason on the brain. I'm pretty sure it must be us (last name Range).

Sorry for the mistake; I've updated my previous post to reflect First American.

Yep, you’re our buyer! It’s a great contract and hope you love being DVC as much as we do. Our kids are getting older so we’re looking to buy into a different resort that we can enjoy as a couple if the kids stop coming. We also own at BWV. Fingers crossed that the closing documents come quickly!
Maybe by December...
Who would of predicted Bay lake would drop to 100?
Actually I am going to change my prediction to something more beneficial to me. Beach Club below 100!

On a serious note look at the Boardwalk deals, many of which have dropped below 100. I had to walk away from a fully loaded 270 point one that was 110$/Point.
The average VGF contract in April sold for $157 at the largest broker so best to probably ignore the broker who gets paid more if you spend more.

sources I trust for prices:
  1. This thread (which admittedly is likely to have a bit of a lowball bias due to the nature of a ROFR thread as well as human nature: people are likely to post deals they’re proud of and unlikely to post ones they aren’t sure were that good)
  2. DVC Resale Market’s blog posts on average price paid. The watch out there is that it’s an average, and doesn’t take into account big or small contracts, nor how many points are available to use.

On the other hand, @3ZrWe got a heckuva deal, and unless you’re willing to be very patient, and bid very low on every single contract that comes up on every site, you shouldn’t expect to get a price like that. You might! But most wont.
Ok, thanks for insight. I’ve been looking at this thread and the low ball offer thread. i will keep looking
Who would of predicted Bay lake would drop to 100?
Actually I am going to change my prediction to something more beneficial to me. Beach Club below 100!

On a serious note look at the Boardwalk deals, many of which have dropped below 100. I had to walk away from a fully loaded 270 point one that was 110$/Point.
Bay Lake was at 100 because it didn't have any points for the next 2 years, But was a great deal nonetheless.

I have not seen many boardwalk drop below 100 even fully stripped.

The price per point of course does not tell the whole story in the value of a contract.
but I do want more bay lake....
How/where did you get $145 For VGF? I tried for a 100 pt offering $155 with some ‘20 Pts. Was told owners expect 92 to 95 % of asking (which was $170).
I was watching a few sites and got lucky with Fidelity and awesome sellers! :) Hopefully the luck stays with me through ROFR. There’s been a number of $145-$155 for VGF on here so they’re definitely out there and may go even lower in time. Hang in there!
I was watching a few sites and got lucky with Fidelity and awesome sellers! :) Hopefully the luck stays with me through ROFR. There’s been a number of $145-$155 for VGF on here so they’re definitely out there and may go even lower in time. Hang in there!
Good luck to you the rest of the way! Fingers crossed for me to find a good deal like you 😊
Yep, you’re our buyer! It’s a great contract and hope you love being DVC as much as we do. Our kids are getting older so we’re looking to buy into a different resort that we can enjoy as a couple if the kids stop coming. We also own at BWV. Fingers crossed that the closing documents come quickly!

Amen to that! My wife and I are the polar opposite, in a way. Bought a small Poly contract direct in 2017 - best decision we've ever made - and now we have our first on the way and want to ensure yearly rather than every other year trips.

June 24th, 2020 has to be the biggest Disney ROFR "purge" day of the year it seems. Champagne all around!!
John Purcell---$89 -$22,950-250 AKV-Aug 0/19, 0/20, 250/21 - sent 5/11 passed 6/24. Seller (obviously) pays 2020 MF.

I think I have read this thread like 50+ times per day for the last week or two(!). Thanks for everyone’s contributions, I love being part of this community!! Great day for many of us who were anxiously awaiting!
Could you please reformat that with the link in post#1 so it can go on the list?
John Purcell---$89 -$22,950-250 AKV-Aug 0/19, 0/20, 250/21 - sent 5/11 passed 6/24. Seller (obviously) pays 2020 MF.

I think I have read this thread like 50+ times per day for the last week or two(!). Thanks for everyone’s contributions, I love being part of this community!! Great day for many of us who were anxiously awaiting!
Congratulations! You got an awesome price for AKV!
Hopefully we have another good day and people in the 40-50 day waiting period hear back. I am currently at 29 so hoping with increased volume to hear next week. Good luck everyone!
DingDang17---$104-$11,820-100-AKV-Jun-0/18, 0/19, 100/20, 100/21 - sent 4/30, passed 6/24

Fidelity/First American combo; 55 days. Communication with Fidelity was excellent during the wait (although I only checked in one time at the 50-day mark), and the delay genuinely appears to have been with Disney, so I can't really complain; although it SURRRRRE was tough watching people report passing who's deals were submitted almost two weeks after ours was sent (I know I'm not the only one).

We were Fidelity/First American & they were great!! Closing went quick!
Do not listen to that Agent's BS. Offer what you think is fair. This thread is probably the best piece of information for buyers and sellers out there. I would also remind you that looking at the trend prices are definitely going down so if its not low enough for you yet it will most likely get there. I predict we will see VGF drop below 140 by the end of summer.
Even 130...
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