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Good luck to everyone waiting :). I might not be able to update next week as I will be in Iceland (yay) but I'll get to it for sure the weekend after if I don't end up with a couple of hours of free time while away.

As well, I feel I should give a gentle and friendly reminder that a lot of people do follow this thread (and many other threads, of course) as "lurkers" and don't end up joining until they have something they'd like to post, which can sometimes be years after they started reading that forum (I've seen it happen!). I'd hate for someone to be really excited about becoming brand-new DVC members, wanting this group that they've been following to get excited with them, and then feeling raked over the coals because of suspicions of lower-priced contracts getting through. Though many are indeed taken, there are still many contracts that get through the drunken-monkey dartboard process, and some contracts might have a better shot since they aren't listed as International Sellers even though they are...etc.

TLDR: I would really like it if people were always made to feel comfortable in posting their data here and having us all be excited for them and with them, even if it's their very first post and/ or it seems oddly low. Thank you 🙂
Thank you for all you do! Have a great trip!!! 😊
Good luck to everyone waiting :). I might not be able to update next week as I will be in Iceland (yay) but I'll get to it for sure the weekend after if I don't end up with a couple of hours of free time while away.
Iceland! How exciting. Please give a quick synopsis once you're back. I know this is the ROFR thread, but I'm really interested in your trip. We were supposed to go about three years ago, then life happened and we had to cancel our trip. Been meaning to go ever since, but the pandemic threw another wrench into our plans.
This looks like the contract that I put an offer on about a month or so ago. I low balled hoping that they’d meet me in the middle (mid-160s) but they refused to budge below 170, took it off the market for about a week, and then put it back on again. Same points and allotment, same UY, and international seller. Looks like they got tired of waiting. Nice grab!
erinkristen04---$164-$16052-90-PVB-Mar-0/21, 124/22, 90/23-international seller- sent 6/10
This looks like the contract that I put an offer on about a month or so ago. I low balled hoping that they’d meet me in the middle (mid-160s) but they refused to budge below 170, took it off the market for about a week, and then put it back on again. Same points and allotment, same UY, and international seller. Looks like they got tired of waiting. Nice grab!
Thank you!! Was actually hoping to try for less pp but it was through and had that automatic minimum bid thing on, so wouldn’t let me submit an offer for anything less than $164. It was the exact UY and within the range of points we were hunting for so we went for it anyway and are really excited!
Thank you!! Was actually hoping to try for less pp but it was through and had that automatic minimum bid thing on, so wouldn’t let me submit an offer for anything less than $164. It was the exact UY and within the range of points we were hunting for so we went for it anyway and are really excited!
This was definitely the same contract then. It was on I was following it for a couple of months prior to making the offer. Originally they were asking $178 or $179 and wouldn’t let you bid below the mid-160s. Later they dropped the price to $173. Then sometime at the beginning of May they dropped the automatic minimum bid floor to like $150, so I offered $155 hoping they’d meet me somewhere in the mid-160s. They immediately responded with the same asking price again so I thought they wouldn’t be willing to negotiate and withdrew my offer. They removed their contract from the site a day or two later and then put it back on again about a week later. That’s awesome that you got it and a good price! I was wondering what was going to happen to that contract.
Ditto!!! We are in early stages of the ROFR waiting game for our first contract. It was a bit of battle to convince DH, so while I think he will be agreeable to adding on in a few years once we have actually had a chance to experience our membership lol, he’s definitely a no-go right now and I’m getting fomo of epic proportions.
I thought I was the only one whose hubby doesn't know I purchased! HAHA. I work two full-time jobs though. My second job is purely travel money for us. So...
I thought I was the only one whose hubby doesn't know I purchased! HAHA. I work two full-time jobs though. My second job is purely travel money for us. So...
Oh mine def knows, but heck the amount of work I had to put into convincing him to get on board started to feel like my second job! Hoping our next contract it’ll be easier to convince him… That said, I love and respect the idea of a source of income that’s devoted solely for travel purposes!! And love that you’ve taken that control! Teach me your ways! ❤️
News of SSR permits for treehouse renos could be indicative of why so many SSR contracts are getting ROFR'd
I thought the same thing when I saw that news a couple of weeks ago. Definitely makes sense that they would want points to sell direct!
I thought the same thing when I saw that news a couple of weeks ago. Definitely makes sense that they would want points to sell direct!
Renovating the treehouses is just part of the normal cycle. They don’t buy things back because of that.
I thought I was the only one whose hubby doesn't know I purchased! HAHA. I work two full-time jobs though. My second job is purely travel money for us. So...
My job is pure disney money. I homeschool my kids and when we decided we needed to go to Disney more than once a year I said I’ll step up- and I go in and bake at 3am now so I can be home by the time my kids get up. So technically 2 jobs😂
MICKIMINI (SELLER)---$139-$7557-50-SSR-Sep-0/20, 0/21, 0/22, 40/23-Close After 10/25- sent 5/24, taken 6/20

DVC takes another SSR. I planned to hold off on listing due to the delayed closing, however the economic downturn changed my mind. I feel bad for the buyer but pleased to sell at a profit and know I'm not watching prices tank while I politely sit on the sideline...
Disneykate605---$127-$14004-100-SSR-Apr-0/21, 150/22, 100/23, 100/24- sent 5/21, taken 6/19
Not surprised, but disappointed. Back to the thrill of the hunt!
This does not bode well for my buyer, but I am not surprised. Hopefully there's another contract with an international seller that you can get through ROFR.
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