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Unless it has changed recently, you do not have to cancel the reservation but can go to modify the reservation. you can select the contracts to use and any banked or borrowed points are used before any other points. I know several years ago , I had reservation for CCV made at 11 months , I then ended up buying another contract with banked points. I modified the reservation and selected the contracts to use including the new one with banked points. No problems. One can do this and at the end you can look at which points used. If not correct ,can cancel the modification before leaving the page.
One can also call MS.
Yes, I recently relocated points online, works as you described. One major catch that should be fairly obvious, the 11 versus 7 status of the original reservation still applies to your modification. So if you booked at day BCV at 9 months, then bought another BCV contract, you could reallocate the points yourself online with no risk of losing the reservation. If you buy VB points and try to modify this reservation within 7 months, that contract will be blocked out in the reallocation step and in order to use would require the risk of cancelling and rebooking.
AKV prices still aren’t budging. I’m seeing small point Polynesian and BLT contracts listed on fidelity at the same price as small AKV contracts. I’m thinking about changing my strategy and giving up and just buying pvb for the extra years.
I would say AKV is trending down, the tool I use to watch contracts from is showing a definite decline... it's still not where I would buy but it's falling.

Poly tower will prop PVB cost up (unless they say those points can't be used at the tower).
Another question that is tangential to this thread, but this thread probably has the people who are best equiped to answer.

If I book something on my existing contract using current UY point, and buy a new contract with banked points that is the same UY at the same resort, can I substitute the points that were used to book with the banked points from the new contract?

Basically I have a dilemma that some of these banked contract I'm looking probably wont close in time for me to make a GV booking for my desired dates (close to 11 months out). Since banked points expire it would be great to able to apply to a current reservation and get current UY points back so I can bank them.
So I had this happen last year. I bought 2 resale contracts at BCV, same use year. I booked a stay on current use year points, but called member services to change over to backed points on the 2nd contract. No Cacceling was needed. Just reallocation of points.
Since vero dues alone are $12.85, it never makes sense to buy them as SAP. Even if the point purchase was free, those dues alone are more than SSR, poly, etc. with purchase price plus dues combined - lots of resorts are less than that in total cost pp. And they expire in 2042.
I think there's a scenario where VB makes sense right now.

Looking at the current price of ~46pp it's conceivable that someone has the desire to buy into DVC, but doesn't have a lot of cash on hand. For the 10k they have as extra funds to make this purchase, they can get 200 points at current rates. That can get you 5 or 6 nights in a 1br, or plenty of premium studios (looking at you pvb and akv) if you're willing to be flexible with your dates. More expensive in the long game, but it becomes doable.

Versus... The mortal sin of buying DVC... Financing. Have your seen current rates in the current economic climate? The best I've seen is 8% with credit score > 800. Monera ranges from 10-18 i think? Put 10k down on a 200 point PVB contract, make just the minimum payments and you're looking at a ~50k total purchase price.

So bottom line, VB makes sense when the alternative is financing for more than a year or 2. In fact I'd debate that it's actually responsible in this kind of scenario.
Anyone here used to purchase a contract recently? I was just wondering how they were. If it filters then it's one of those that can not be named.
I am using them currently (still in ROFR) and purchased a different contract back in 2021 through them. I find them responsive. No complaints. They did not give me a hard time about an offer that was significantly less than asking price.
I am using them currently (still in ROFR) and purchased a different contract back in 2021 through them. I find them responsive. No complaints. They did not give me a hard time about an offer that was significantly less than asking price.
Thank you. That's what I was looking for. My offer was significantly less. We shall see ;).
I’ve heard two different things on this but if you have 25 pts at a home resort and a large contract at another can you use all points at the 11 month booking or only the 25 points.

Points carry the booking rules, not the owner. So, it doesn't matter what else you own, the points can never change where they can be used in when.

Only points deeded to a resort can be used during the home resort period.
If you have a 10-day cancellation period once all parties sign the contract, couldn't you technically back out of the deal after it passes ROFR if they are passing the contracts prior to that rescission period ending? Yes fast passes are great, but you could run into this issue with some parties.
Noooooo for I saw $110 for 100 point OKW extended with 100 banked points included. It's pending. I'm pretty aggressive valuing banked points (and reducing for stripped), figuring about $7-$9 assuming buyer paid dues. Thought this one was pretty fairly priced.
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