Roommates for Fall of 2011 program

1. Your name?: Jim O'Neill
2. Male or female?: Male
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight (But I do not judge)
4. Where do you live?: Yardley, PA
5: Your college: Was Penn State University, soon to be Temple University
6: Your major: Journalism
7. What role will you have at Disney?: Attractions
8. What is your arrival date? 5/18 (Fall '11 Advantage)
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yes, as of last January!
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Non-wellness, and either VW or CS, preferably.
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: Ideally, 3-5 roommates (So 2-3 rooms)
12. Are you messy/tidy?: Usually relatively tidy, but can be messy at times.
13. Do you drink?: Yes, but by no means all the time.
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I like to go out, but am just as good staying in and hanging out with friends. Hosting, I don't mind once in a while- But if there is going to be drinking, everyone has to be over 21 or no alcohol. Don't want to risk my CP experience over that.
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Nope
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Either, just depends on the day.
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Probably flying down- maybe having the car later in the summer/fall when my sister goes back to school.
18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?: Being from the suburbs of Philadelphia, I have to go with cheesesteaks. I'm not the worst cook in the world, but by no means the best!
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Outgoing, happy, kind.
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Really, anything. I'm a moviephile, I LOVE movies!
21. What do you do for fun?: Movies, reading, photography, soccer, running, swimming, spending time with family & friends, hiking, adventures.
22. What is your favorite quote?: Carpe Diem.
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Meeting new people while working at Disney!
24: On the disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: 8
25. Name one good quality about yourself: Friendly
26. Name one bad quality about yourself: I'm passionate about Philly sports, so I might dislike your sports teams :) especially if you're a New Yorker!
27. Any medical conditions (optional): Nope
28: What is your favorite Disney movie: Currently: Pirates of the Caribbean, I just re-watched 1 & 2 the other day so I'm on a Pirates kick. Overall though, it'd be Toy Story, Aladdin, Fox & (newer) The Incredibles.
29: Do you like to eat out a lot: In or Out is fine with me!
30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: Most likely single

Feel free to message me on here, or add/message me on Facebook: James Robert O'Neill. Hope to meet you all during my experience!
I am not really sure how this works either.. but you should email or facebook me!!
1. Your name?: Mallory

2. Male or female?: Female

3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight

4. Where do you live?: Louisiana

5: Your college: University of Louisiana at Lafayette

6: Your major: Graphic Design

7. What role will you have at Disney?: Quick Service Food and Beverage

8. What is your arrival date?: August 10th

9. Are you legal (over 21)?: Nope. I'm 19 now and I'll turn 20 right before I get there.

10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Chatham or Patterson, wellness

11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: 3 to 5 roommates so 2 to 3 rooms. I'm open to any of the others though.

12. Are you messy/tidy?: I'm pretty clean for the most part. Especially when I lived in the dorms at my college. I was always tidying my side up.

13. Do you drink?: No. I've actually never had a sip of alcohol in my life, and it's not just because I'm underage. I don't judge people who do drink, at all, but it's just not something I can see myself enjoying.

14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I actually dislike parties unless it's, like, hanging out and watching movies. I'm a huge movie buff. So I guess that means I won't be hosting parties.

15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: I do not smoke.

16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: I'm lucky enough to be both, for the most part, though I seem to function better at night (hints why I'm typing this all out at 1:30AM my time). I only have problem in the morning if I'm assaulted by a ton of noise all at once.

17. Are you driving or flying down?: I'm driving down, so I'll have my car with me.

18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?: I make a mean bowl of cereal. :laughing: Actually, I can cook pretty well if I have a recipe book and a friend to make sure I don't ADD my way out of the kitchen and onto something else. My favorite food though is Cheerios. Or Miso Soup. I could survive on either.

19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Funny, Relaxed, and Nerdy. I'm like REALLY nerdy. :cool2:

20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I listen to just about any kind of music, minus country. I really enjoy soundtracks, to be honest. Oh god, Movies. I love movies. I'll watch just about anything, except horror, for the most part. I'll watch horror if the person I'm watching with doesn't mind that I'm going to be making fun of everything so I won't be scared the rest of the night.

21. What do you do for fun?: I read and write. I doodle on just about every piece of paper I start writing on. I collect comic books. Ummm... What else. I love to pop in a movie and use it as background noise as I'm doing something else. My friend and I here in Louisiana go work out three times a week, which I enjoy. We either use the elliptical machines or go to a Zumba or Yoga class. I love Yoga.

22. What is your favorite quote?: "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero." It means "Seize the day, putting as little trust as possible in the future."

23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Besides being at Disney all the time? I'd have to say being away from Louisiana and my family. I have a large family, and I love them, but I need to be on my own so I can find myself and what not. I'm very unsure of how things in my life will turn out and I want to have time to figure it out while still in college and able to work towards what I need in a career.

24: On the Disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: An 8 or 9.

25. Name one good quality about yourself: I get along with everyone pretty well.

26. Name one bad quality about yourself: I'm kinda a push over who has some trouble saying no. I'm afraid that people will want to be friends with me just because I'll have my car (I keep reading stories about that kind of thing) and I'm trying to work on my ability to say no to people needing rides everywhere.

27. Any medical conditions (optional): I get migraines from my light sensitivity. I keep aleve around for that. Also, I'm allergic to a bunch of medicines.

28: What is your favorite Disney movie: Tron and Tron: Legacy. I'm OBSESSED with both them, to be completely and totally honest. Pixar wise I LOVE Ratatouille. I can watch that movie for weeks straight (Promise I won't though). And Disney animated movie wise, I absolutely adore The Emperor's New Groove and Atlantis the Lost Empire. I quote the first constantly and really wish the second got more recognition than it did. Kida is kinda my favorite princess.

29: Do you like to eat out a lot: Oh no, I really avoid eating out. It's not good for me.

30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: Nope. Definitely going to be single.

Other things I think you should know:

-Regarding the car thing, I'll be willing to give Friends rides, but I'd really appreciate help paying for gas. It's not a lot, but gas prices are crazy.

-I sleep with my fan on high at home. It's both a white noise thing and also because I don't like sweating in my sleep. I hate it.

-I have over 100 DVDs (Not including my TV shows) and I plan on bringing a good bit of both (plus a TV and my DVD player). Not only because I want to be able to watch some of them during my free time, but also because I don't really want my siblings getting into them.

-I really am opposed to drugs, so I'm not willing to room with anyone who wants to bring that into the apartment. I'm a pretty chill person, but that's the one thing I'm not going to stand for because I will not have my program jeopardized.

I'm fine with anyone messaging me on here.
1. Your name?: Jim O'Neill
2. Male or female?: Male
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight (But I do not judge)
4. Where do you live?: Yardley, PA
5: Your college: Was Penn State University, soon to be Temple University
6: Your major: Journalism
7. What role will you have at Disney?: Attractions
8. What is your arrival date? 5/18 (Fall '11 Advantage)
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yes, as of last January!
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Non-wellness, and either VW or CS, preferably.
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: Ideally, 3-5 roommates (So 2-3 rooms)
12. Are you messy/tidy?: Usually relatively tidy, but can be messy at times.
13. Do you drink?: Yes, but by no means all the time.
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I like to go out, but am just as good staying in and hanging out with friends. Hosting, I don't mind once in a while- But if there is going to be drinking, everyone has to be over 21 or no alcohol. Don't want to risk my CP experience over that.
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Nope
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Either, just depends on the day.
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Probably flying down- maybe having the car later in the summer/fall when my sister goes back to school.
18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?: Being from the suburbs of Philadelphia, I have to go with cheesesteaks. I'm not the worst cook in the world, but by no means the best!
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Outgoing, happy, kind.
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Really, anything. I'm a moviephile, I LOVE movies!
21. What do you do for fun?: Movies, reading, photography, soccer, running, swimming, spending time with family & friends, hiking, adventures.
22. What is your favorite quote?: Carpe Diem.
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Meeting new people while working at Disney!
24: On the disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: 8
25. Name one good quality about yourself: Friendly
26. Name one bad quality about yourself: I'm passionate about Philly sports, so I might dislike your sports teams :) especially if you're a New Yorker!
27. Any medical conditions (optional): Nope
28: What is your favorite Disney movie: Currently: Pirates of the Caribbean, I just re-watched 1 & 2 the other day so I'm on a Pirates kick. Overall though, it'd be Toy Story, Aladdin, Fox & (newer) The Incredibles.
29: Do you like to eat out a lot: In or Out is fine with me!
30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: Most likely single

Feel free to message me on here, or add/message me on Facebook: James Robert O'Neill. Hope to meet you all during my experience!

Very random but...FINALLY someone who is studying the same thing as me! I was starting to think there were no other student journalists out there! :banana:
1. Your name?: Alison
2. Male or female?: Female
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
4. Where do you live?: Pittsburgh, PA
5: Your college: Juniata College (small liberal arts school in PA)
6: Your major: Wildlife Conservation
7. What role will you have at Disney?: Conservation Education Presenter PI
8. What is your arrival date? Not sure of exact date yet…mid June, though.
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yes
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Chatham, and I’d rather live in non-wellness since I’m over 21
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: Doesn’t matter.
12. Are you messy/tidy?: Somewhere in the middle haha
13. Do you drink? Yes, on weekends.
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I like to party occasionally but I’d only host parties if my roommates were ok with it.
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: No.
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Evening and night person.
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Probably driving with my parents and using the AutoTrain
18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?: I love ice cream!!! I’m an okay cook, but I’d love to get better.
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Funny, Loyal, Passionate
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I’ll listen to any music but I LOVE country. I’ll also watch most movies but I’m a fan of romantic comedies.
21. What do you do for fun?: I play ultimate frisbee, watch sports, spend time outside
22. What is your favorite quote?: I have a lot of favorite quotes, but I’m gonna use one by Keith Urban. "My instincts are to run because I'm scared. I'm more willing today to have the courage to get closer to the things in my life that matter to me. It's a scary place because it's vulnerability, but as I keep getting closer, my life seems to keep opening up to the life that I always wanted, but I've got to keep getting closer."
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: I’m super excited to kind of start fresh in Florida and enjoy my experiences there and meet new people.
24: On the disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: Let’s just say that when I was in high school, instead of partying all the time, my friends and I would hang out and sing Disney songs.
25. Name one good quality about yourself: I can make just about anyone laugh.
26. Name one bad quality about yourself: I can be stubborn at times.
27. Any medical conditions (optional): Nope.
28: What is your favorite Disney movie: That’s so tough! I guess The Lion King and Mulan.
29: Do you like to eat out a lot: Yes!
30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: Probably not haha.

Other things I think you should know: I can get along with just about everyone. I’m a little bit shy at first, but once you get to know me, I’m outgoing and I like to have a good time. :)
1. Your name?: Sheila
2. Male or female?: Female.
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Gay, but Straight-friendly :-)
4. Where do you live?: Alexandria, Virginia...the home of George Washington, Five Guys Burgers
5: Your college: Northern Virginia Community College...after I finish Disney, I'll be attending Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts (most likely)
6: Your major: English
7. What role will you have at Disney?: Merchandise
8. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)?: August 17th!
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yes. When I arrive, I'll be 22!
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21): I don't drink a lot, but would rather live in non-wellness, so that I don't have to deal with the extra imposed restrictions.
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: I'm flexible.
12. Are you messy/tidy?: No. Maybe. Yes. ? Haha. I like to be organized. I think that life goes a lot smoothly if you are..however, sometimes stuff happens and I'm not. :-)
13. Do you drink? (socially, nightly, etc): Not often. I tend to act crazy (in a good way) while sober, so I don't need the alcohol to do that. I like to remember my crazy fun times.
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Can we define party? I like to go play games and stuff with friends and go dancing with friends occasionally, but I don't think I'll be auditioning for Jersey Shore any time soon.
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Ew. No.
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Both.
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Driving! I've heard that if you don't have a car, you should befriend someone who does. So if you're reading this and you're not bringing a should be my friend...because I love driving..and road trips! :-)
18. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I don't really have a favorite food, BUT my dad was a chef for over 20 years and I'm going to have some serious cooking lessons before I come down to Orlando.
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Eclectic, Artistic, Altruistic
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Everything and anything. I usually am the last to know about the pop culture stuff, but the first person people ask about underground, indie, retro stuff. I'm a musician, music lover and music collector. If I've heard about it, I have it. And if I don't, by the time you finish reading this, I will. :-)
21. What do you do for fun?: Watch movies, play/listen/write music, go to the beach, roadtrips, longboard, play games, make movies, dance, read, expand my mind as much as possible :-)
22. What is your favorite quote?: You only live life once and if you live it right, once is enough.
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Um....being at the Happiest Place on Earth?!
24. Favorite things to do when not working: Enjoy life...although I do that regardless. I really like getting to know people and going on adventures!
25. Name one good quality about yourself: I love really....I do.
26. Name one bad quality about yourself: Sometimes, I over plan for stuff...but then I get over it and I spontaneously unplan? :-)
27. Any medical conditions (optional): Um..sometimes my neck hurts if I sleep on it the wrong way...wait...doesn't that happen to everyone? haha.
1. Your name?: Sam
2. Male or female?: Female
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
4. Where do you live?: NJ
5: Your college: Rutgers University
6: Your major: English; Equine Science minor
7. What role will you have at Disney?: Attractions for sure; hopefully character performer
8. What is your arrival date? AUGUST 22nd
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yes, 22
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Chatham or Patterson
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: 1-2 Rooms in Chatham/Patterson
12. Are you messy/tidy?: Tidy
13. Do you drink? Nope
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Not really a “party-er"; hosting only the more subdued types of parties.
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Nope
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Morning
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Flying
18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?: Cereal and vegetables. I can cook, I suppose.
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: imaginative, whimsical, a romantic
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: music—whatever is on the radio (no rap, but I have been known to indulge in some Kenny Chesney from time-to-time); movies--anything a bit surreal (Benjamin Button, Tim Burton's stuff, ect).
21. What do you do for fun?: Write (novels, short-stories, letters), read, go for walks, crochet, travel, horseback ride
22. What is your favorite quote?: Changes frequently--right now I'm rather fond of one I got in a fortune cookie: "Sometimes you have to lose yourself to find yourself."
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Living in the Disney environment; the prospect of "being friends" with one of the Disney fairies!
24: On the disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: close to the top…
25. Name one good quality about yourself: responsible
26. Name one bad quality about yourself: perfectionism
27. Any medical conditions (optional):
28: What is your favorite Disney movie: Hm…Monsters Inc and Lilo and Stitch are both up there.
29: Do you like to eat out a lot: eh…not really
30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: not that I foresee

Other things I think you should know: I love animals (but will refrain from bringing any). I’m graduating this May with a degree in English--with which I hope to pursue a writing career. Thus, I consider the low-wage of working at Disney good practice for later on! I also LOVE horses—a veritable money pit; perhaps not the best hobby for an aspiring writer.
1. Your name?: Jon
2. Male or female?: Male
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
4. Where do you live?: Syracuse, NY
5: Your college:State University Of New York at Potsdam
6: Your major: Communications
7. What role will you have at Disney?: Merchandise
8. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)?: MAY 23!
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yes
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21): I would like to be with people 21 and over.
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: All good no worries there.
12. Are you messy/tidy?: Pretty organized with a hint of clutter every blue moon lol
13. Do you drink? (socially, nightly, etc): I like to have a drink every now and again....I would not consider myself a heavy drinker.
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Maybe a few friends to get together...but certainly nothing crazy.
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?:Gross no way.
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: I like the night life baby.
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Driving....that drive should be funnnnn.....not.
18. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I love anything italian. And being that most of my family is from italy....I cook very well :)
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Enthusiastic, helpful, kind.
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?:lol...i like music from the 80's....billy joel...journey....aerosmith....but I am totally down with some new stuff as well :)
21. What do you do for fun?: out with friends....random road trips....just looking for an adventure!
22. What is your favorite quote?: don't stop believin'
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?:I love Disney. Enough said. lol.
24. Favorite things to do when not working: I love being with my friends....taking adventures to different places....just having fun:)
25. Name one good quality about yourself: I care about everyone I meet.
26. Name one bad quality about yourself: Sometimes I care too much lol
27. Any medical conditions (optional): Negative.
28: What is your favorite Disney movie: Beauty and the beast lol
29: Do you like to eat out a lot: Yes!
30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: Who knowsss lol.

Other things I think you should know: I am awesome. At least...people tell me that lol....and I am a great friend :-D
1. Your name?: Alyssa
2. Male or female?: Female
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight, LGBT friendly :-)
4. Where do you live?: Nacogoches,Texas
5: Your college: Stephen F. Austin State University
6: Your major: English with a minor in Education 8-12
7. What role will you have at Disney?:Dipatch Bell Services
8. What is your arrival date? Still working on it, some time in May (;
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: No, not yet.
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?:Chantham or Patterson
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?:2-3 Rooms,1-5 roommates.
12. Are you messy/tidy?:I can be both,since living in a dorm though I can keep the mess on my own side :D
13. Do you drink? Yes
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?:I'm a college student so I do party occasionally, however parties I would host would probably be making cupcakes, playing board games and watching movies :-)
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?:Nope
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?:A bit of both more so a night owl though.
17. Are you driving or flying down?:Driving
18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?:I love fruit dishes and Mexican food, I love cooking, I'll probably do that more than eating out :)
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?:Nurturing Kind Dependable
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?:I love most movies, music I'm not really into Rap.
21. What do you do for fun?:Read,Write,Take pictures,hang with friends,sing,do crafty things
22. What is your favorite quote?:Be the change you wish to see in the World.
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?:Just an awesome opportunity to be out on my own and making memories in the happiest place on earth :)
24: On the disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: 1000000000000
25. Name one good quality about yourself: Easy going, I can pretty much get along with everyone.
26. Name one bad quality about yourself:I tend to take on too much stuff, I worry about other people's happiness other than my own.
27. Any medical conditions (optional):I have a few strange allergies to dairy products.
28: What is your favorite Disney movie:The Little Mermaid
29: Do you like to eat out a lot:I do now because I live in a dorm but I much rather cook at home.
30:Will you be in a relationship during the program:Yes, to a wonderful person <3

Other things I think you should know:
I'm very social I like doing things with other people.
I love to decorate,within the Disney limits of course
I don't really talk about my feelings'
I love love love to laugh :)
My favorite color is Hot pink.
&& I absolutely LOVE zebra patterns
Add me on Facebook: Alyssa Love :)
1. Your name?: Whitney Stine
2. Male or female?: Female
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
4. Where do you live?:Mesa, AZ
5: Your college:Mesa Community College
6: Your major: Nursing
7. What role will you have at Disney?: Merchandise
8. What is your arrival date? August 10
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: will be Sept. 27!
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Wellness patterson or Chatham
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: 3 roomates, 2 bedrooms
12. Are you messy/tidy?: depends if I'm stressed but I always clean up my mess
13. Do you drink? no except my 21st birthday at pleasure Island!
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?:YES! but not crazy parties where there are drunks. I might have small gatherings to play games, watch a movie, or go to WDW together.
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: NO!!!
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: I think I can be both but probably more of a night person.
17. Are you driving or flying down?:don't know yet:confused3
18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?:hamburgers:) I would say I'm a pretty good cook. I can make really good cookies.
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: funny, caring, outgoing
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?:I like all kinds of music but I really like linkin park, maroon 5, muse, and country music. I like all kinds of movies but I only watch rated R movies if it is only gory like war movies.
21. What do you do for fun?: exercise, hanging out with friends, being outside, do new things.
22. What is your favorite quote?: I never told you it would be easy, I said it would be worth it.
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: meeting new people and creating friendships
24: On the disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: probably an 8 or 9
25. Name one good quality about yourself: I care about other people
26. Name one bad quality about yourself: I'm very random and sometimes I say random things
27. Any medical conditions (optional): nope
28: What is your favorite Disney movie:Beauty and the Beast
29: Do you like to eat out a lot: Depends if I have money. But at WDW I want to try all different kinds of food.
30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: not likely
31: Religon: Mormon but as you can see I'm not a molly mormon

So Excited to go to WDW!!! :dance3:
1. Your name?: Alyssa
2. Male or female?:female
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional):Straight
4. Where do you live?: Near Cleveland, Ohio
5: Your college: Tri-C
6: Your major: Biology
7. What role will you have at Disney?: Merchandise (again)
8. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)?: Fall Advantage
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yep 23
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Non-Wellness, Preferable Patterson.... but if i have to Chatham
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: 1 or 2 bedroom
12. Are you messy/tidy?: depends, tidy some times and messy other...
13. Do you drink? (socially, nightly, etc): socially
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?:
Sure; maybe, who knows
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: nope
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: night person usually
17. Are you driving or flying down?:Driving... I need my car, I will die without it
18. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?:
I like everything, and trying new foods... And I can cook
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: quiet, crazy, nice
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?:
A little bit of everything
21. What do you do for fun?:Video games, watch movies, go out if there is a place to go...
22. What is your favorite quote?: I have many just can't think of one right now...
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: being in Disney again... And working there... You really do miss it
24. Favorite things to do when not working: walking around the parks... Watch movies... Hang with friends
25. Name one good quality about yourself: easygoing
26. Name one bad quality about yourself: I become a loner sometimes, indecisive too...
27. Any medical conditions (optional): nope
28: What is your favorite Disney movie: that is a hard question, they are all amazing in their own way...
29: Do you like to eat out a lot: yep, i need to try more food places
30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: who knows..
1. Your name?:Dylan "Srog" Rios

2. Male or female?:Male

3. Gay, straight, bi (optional):Straight

4. Where do you live?:Tucson AZ

5: Your college:Pima CC

6: Your major:undecided leaning towards computer sciences

7. What role will you have at Disney?:custodial

8. What is your arrival date? 08/17/2011

9. Are you legal (over 21)?:No.Turning 20 in 5 days.

10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: See above

11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?:I'm open for whatever. I enjoy the company of people, but I also like a little isolation from time to time.

12. Are you messy/tidy?: I'm pretty tidy, I'm known to have some clutter.

13. Do you drink?: I enjoy the occasional underage alcoholic beverage but I don't plan to touch the stuff while I'm in California.

14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I wouldn't be opposed to meeting new people and hanging out with them, I wouldn't mind hosting if my roommates were alright with it.

15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?:only when I'm really really really really stressed. and it would be outside far away from anyone.

16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: I'm an all day person if I get my daily dose of caffeine.

17. Are you driving or flying down?:Driving!

18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?: I consistently LOVE pho. I have been trained in the fine art of Chicago/Italian cooking. I enjoy experimenting with different baking recipes Which can result in some truly wonderful creations, and some really bad ones. Its all about that trial and error!

19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?:understanding, rational, fun

20. What kind of music/movies do you like?:Oh my, my favorite part. For movies I'm a big fan of zombies (Fido, most of George Remeros movies, Dead Snow) and modern noir (Brick is a fine example and a great movie) As for music I'll listen to everything except maybe noise bands, grindcore,top 40 country, and most international metal bands. My favorite bands right now are "Andrew Jackson Jihad" "Bomb The music Industry" "Modest Mouse" "Los Campesinos" "Sweat Shop Union"

21. What do you do for fun?: I'm turning into an avid mountain biker. So bike riding, being a huge nerd (reading comics, playing video games, internetting) hanging out with friends. Making people happy.

22. What is your favorite quote?:"Journalism is just a gun. It's only got one bullet in it, but if you aim right, that's all you need. Aim it right, and you can blow a kneecap off the world." Spider Jerusalem in Transmetropolitan

23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?:Well the ability to put Disney on an application dosnt hurt, I'm really excited about being part of a place that inspires whimsy in young children to old men and woman. and of course the obvious parts. Free tickets, hanging out at the park, meeting new people, the works!

24: On the Disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: I'm gonna have to say I'm 5 or 6. I really like what Disney does for people and some of the products the put out but I'm not foaming at the teeth for all it.

25. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm really good at understanding different points of view

26. Name one bad quality about yourself: I can be a know it all sometimes. especially when it comes to movies and comic books.

27. Any medical conditions (optional):Nope

28: What is your favorite Disney movie: Toy Story 3 without a doubt.

29: Do you like to eat out a lot: kind of. My first food priority when I get there will be to find an excellent burrito place.

30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: Possibly
1. Your name?: Rebecca

2. Male or female?: Female

3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight

4. Where do you live?: Houston Texas

5: Your college: HCC and TSU

6: Your major: Entertainment Industry (Engineering)

7. What role will you have at Disney?: Merch

8. What is your arrival date?: May 18th

9. Are you legal (over 21)?: 23

10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Vista Way non- wellnes

11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: 2 bedroom 3 other roomates

12. Are you messy/tidy?: messy but respectful

13. Do you drink? socially sometimes

14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: i like get togethers idk about the hosting thing

15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: NO smoke makes me sick

16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: either mostly night

17. Are you driving or flying down?: driving

18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?: I just Love Food and Yes I can Cook

19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: caring loud and long-winded

20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: R&B, some hip-hop, some rap, Gospel, jazz and some pop

21. What do you do for fun?: hang with friends

22. What is your favorite quote?: Music is the sound feelings make

23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: starting my career

24: On the disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: 1-10 probably on a 9

25. Name one good quality about yourself: giver

26. Name one bad quality about yourself: i internalize too much

27. Any medical conditions (optional): bad allergies, and frequent migraines

28: What is your favorite Disney movie: princess and the frog

29: Do you like to eat out a lot: yes!

30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: nope

Other things I think you should know:

I'm bringing my flat screen, my entire movie collection, my PS3 and I SNORE badly!

hit me up if your interested... my email's the fastest rebeccametters
1. Your name?: Leah

2. Male or female?: Female

3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight but LGBT friendly

4. Where do you live?: State College, PA

5: Your college: Messiah College

6: Your major: Business Admin/Marketing

7. What role will you have at Disney?: Merch!

8. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)?: 6/6

9. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yup

10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Definitely non-wellness, preferably Chatham though that’s negotiable

11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: 2 maybe 3 bedrooms

12. Are you messy/tidy?: Pretty tidy. I don’t mind disorganization in personal spaces, but do prefer roommates that pick up after themselves in common areas like the kitchen :)

13. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Yes. I’ll have some wine or a cocktail after a long day at work, and like to go out on the weekends and for happy hour some days but mainly to chill bars and pubs.

14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I like to party and have fun but I'm not into crazy, wild partying or the drug or clubbing scene really. I'd be okay if my roomies wanted to host but I wouldn't on my own initiative

15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: no

16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: night though my work schedule doesn’t always match that :/

17. Are you driving or flying down?: driving

18. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: Italian and Mexican, though I’m starting to get on a bit of an Indian kick. I can cook well, but only when/if I have the time

19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Laid back and easygoing; free-spirited but down-to-earth; a trustworthy and dependable friend (more than 3, I know, but that’s a tough question!)

20. What kind of music/movies do you like?:I love rock music, esp. metal and grunge/alternative but don’t really mind other types. I like action, thriller, comedy, and dramas in regards to movies. Basically just not chick flicks lol

21. What do you do for fun?: I’m kind of bipolar with what I do for fun lol. Sometimes I just like to stay home and chill and watch movies and read, or take walks. Other times I like to go out and try new things and have adventures—exploring a new place, going to museums, concerts, art festivals, bars on the weekend, etc.

22. What is your favorite quote?: “Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced” –Soren Kierkegaard

23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: I can’t wait to work for Disney, interact with the guests, and meet new people (so cliché, I know, but so true!). And I can’t wait to be in warm FL

24. Favorite things to do when not working: Kind of the same as #21, right? Am I missing something?

25. Name one good quality about yourself: I try to be very authentic and genuine and just be true to myself. I’m not shallow, fake, or airheaded.

26. Name one bad quality about yourself: I tend to overthink and overanalyze things sometimes

27. Any medical conditions (optional): No

28: What is your favorite Disney movie: Beauty and the Beast. No Question. It's my favorite movie including non-Disney movies :)

29: Do you like to eat out a lot: I enjoy eating out occasionally but if I have the time and money for good groceries I enjoy cooking for myself

30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: I'm currently single, if that's what this means lol. But I'm viewing this program as an awesome opportunity to work for Disney and have fun, not as a singles mixer lol so dating isn't at the top of my priority list with this.

People say I’m unique and refreshing, but in a good way. I don’t really adhere myself to social norms and kind of just do my own thing in life. I’m not “anti-society” or whatever, and get along really well with most people, but I consider myself to be very authentic and free-spirited and independent minded.

Sometimes I can be a little too independent as people sometimes interpret my independent spirit as being anti-social. I love meeting new people and being with people, but as an introvert sometimes I just need time to myself to recharge. Though I can be reserved at first in person, once I get to know you (and you, me) I’m very friendly. Feel free to friend me so we can start connecting before the program!

I’m very easy going and laid back. I love going with the flow just living life in the moment, and having fun and finding adventure in life.

Also, I have a very sarcastic sense of humor :)
1. Your name?: Meredith

2. Male or female?: Female

3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight

4. Where do you live?: Santa Barbara, CA but go to school in Nashville

5: Your college: Vanderbilt University

6: Your major: Business and Spanish

7. What role will you have at Disney?: Main Entrance Ops or Entertainment

8. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)?: Fall Adv. May 23-Jan03

9. Are you legal (over 21)?: 21, 22 in June!

10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Non-Wellness Patterson. Lived there before and loved it.

11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: TWO rooms...3 if must

12. Are you messy/tidy?: i do leave clothes laying around sometimes, but I HATE when things are actually dirty. I am not okay with dishes in the sink, dirt on the floor, etc.

13. Do you drink? (socially, nightly, etc): socially

14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Yes, but not in my apartment

15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: No smoking please!

16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: either/or.

17. Are you driving or flying down?: driving

18. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: Pizza or sushi, and I learned how to cook fairly decently when I was down there last time. I've been compiling recipes :-) we had a lot of baking nights, too! cupcakes!

19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: sassy, smart, fun-loving

20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Pop, hip-hop, rap, top 40 (kesha is a guilty pleasure...but i also love adele and city and colour and james morrison and paolo nutini...all over the place). Movie-wise, pretty much everything.

21. What do you do for fun?: Watch movies, bake, explore, gym/pool, make new friends!

22. What is your favorite quote?: It's kind of fun to do the impossible." (i like proving people wrong, so this feels particularly applicable)

23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Being back! I missed it so much.

24. Favorite things to do when not working: parkhopping, water parks, hang out at DTD, hang out at the pool, play video games/watch movies

25. Name one good quality about yourself: fun! and very respectful of roomates

26. Name one bad quality about yourself: i'm a workaholic. i offer to extend every time i'm at work...which makes me a zombie at home sometimes. my record for last CP was around 70 hours for a week.

27. Any medical conditions (optional): nope

NOTE: last CP I had a roommate who had to watch TV to fall asleep. I cannot do this! I have to have minimal light/sound to fall asleep at night. I also am NOT okay with people under 21 drinking in our apartment. EVER. Not worth getting termed for, especially since we're all 21. Otherwise, I promise I'm easy to get along with. I just firmly believe there's basic roommate courtesy (being quiet in the morning/night if the other is sleeping, etc.) that everyone should follow. (
1. Your name?: Marina

2. Male or female?: Female

3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight

4. Where do you live?: Austin, TX

5: Your college: Austin Community College

6: Your major: Journalism

7. What role will you have at Disney?: Attractions

8. What's your arrival date? August 8

9. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yep, 22 :)

10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Chatham, Non-Wellness

11. How many roommates would you like? I'm down for whatever, the more the merrier

12. Are you messy/tidy?: I'm messy but Im not dirty. I have a tendency to try on my entire closet each morning so I leave clothes in piles but they never stay there for a whole day or anything. The cleaner my roommates are, the cleaner I'll be. I live by example haha.

13. Do you drink? (socially, nightly, etc): Yeah. I would say I drink somewhat often, but I don't drink in large quantities. Like, I'll have a beer after work or go out for mimosas with the girls on a nice sunny day off. I don't like getting crazy drunk and I especially don't like taking care of crazy drunk people. I do love going to the bars and going dancing though!

14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I like going to parties because I like meeting new people. I'd love to host get togethers at our apartment but I don't want to have an 'anyone can come' giant party because I don't want 50 strangers in my apartment. Also, I think all roommates should be checked with before we have a lot of people over because I know if I have to work early in the morning, I don't want to be kept up until 3 am.

15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Nope, but I dont care if you do as long as its outside

16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: It depends on what Im doing. If I'm downtown or at a party, I can be up until like 4 am. If my friends wanna go to park opening, I can be up at 7 am.

17. Are you driving or flying down?: Driving :)

18. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: My favorite foods are mexican and pasta. I don't know how to cook anything really, but I'm willing to learn. If I end up with a cooking savvy roommate, I'll definitely throw down on groceries if you'll cook enough for me too :)

19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: sweet, silly, happy-go-lucky

20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I love honky tonk country western. Old stuff like Johnny Cash, Loretta Lynn, Hank Williams, etc. I also love Top 40 and anything they play at a gay bar, haha. And I love folky rock and roll like Bright Eyes or dance rock like Vampire Weekend.

21. What do you do for fun?: Go on adventures. I love to road trip. And dance. And karaoke.

23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Meeting new people and playing in the parks

24. Favorite things to do when not working: Besides #21, vegging out and watching Law and Order: SVU marathons.

25. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm fair and nice to everyone.

26. Name one bad quality about yourself: I'm late everywhere all the time

Things you should know:
I prefer to sleep listening to music. I don't care what music, just something to cover up noises at night.
I sing a lot, but I'm a good singer. If I get annoying just tell me to shut up.
I'm really social so I love being around people and want to have friends over to hang out as much as possible. I'll be respectful of roomies of course, but would love some that are just as social and want to meet new people!

Facebook message me (Marina Hendrix from Austin, TX)
Follow me on Tumblr (
or message me on AIM (marinahendrix)
or skype (marinahendrixxx) extra x's.
1. Your name?: mason
2. Male or female?: male
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): straight
4. Where do you live?: atlanta, georgia
5: Your college: clayton state university
6: Your major: liberal studies (focused in psychology, film production, and music education)
7. What role will you have at Disney?: merchandise
8. What is your arrival date? aug 22 (aka best day of my life)
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: yup
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: chatham or patterson
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: 3-4
12. Are you messy/tidy?: very clean
13. Do you drink? not at all
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: i am not a party person
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: i don't
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: either..
17. Are you driving or flying down?: driving
18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?: i love italian!! and i've never really tried to cook anything difficult
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: quiet, funny, interesting
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: my musical taste is all aver the place...i appreciate everything except rap. i love all kinds of movies. mostly comedies
21. What do you do for fun?: write music, watch movies, read, halo :P
22. What is your favorite quote?: "'i'm scared of getting older because i'm only good at being young"
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: ALL OF IT!!!
24: On the disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: how high can i go?
25. Name one good quality about yourself: trustworthiness
26. Name one bad quality about yourself: sometimes i'm too awesome
27. Any medical conditions (optional): none
28: What is your favorite Disney movie: beauty and the beast
29: Do you like to eat out a lot: yeah
30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: i dunno...i'm not right now

Other things I think you should know:
i tend to spend a lot of time composing music. i think that the gym is evil...but its a necessary evil and i go often. i typically get a long with everyone except for people who are generally bitter all the time!
1. Your name?: mason
2. Male or female?: male
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): straight
4. Where do you live?: atlanta georgia
5: Your college: clayton state university
6: Your major: liberal studies (focused in psychology, film production, and music education)
7. What role will you have at Disney?: merchandising
8. What is your arrival date? aug 22 (aka best day of my life)
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: yup
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: chattham
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: 3-4
12. Are you messy/tidy?: very clean
13. Do you drink? not at all
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: i am not a party person
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: i dont
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: either..
17. Are you driving or flying down?: driving
18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?: i love italian!! and ive never really tried to cook anything difficult
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: quiet, funny, interesting
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: my musical taste is all aver the place...i appreciate everything except rap. i love all kinds of movies. mostly comedies
21. What do you do for fun?: write music, watch movies, read, halo :P
22. What is your favorite quote?: "i scared of getting older because im only good at being young"
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: ALL OF IT!!!
24: On the disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: how high can i go?
25. Name one good quality about yourself: trustworthiness
26. Name one bad quality about yourself: sometimes im too awesome
27. Any medical conditions (optional): none
28: What is your favorite Disney movie: beauty and the beast
29: Do you like to eat out a lot: yeah
30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: i not right now

Other things I think you should know:
i tend to spend a lot of time composing music. i think that the gym is evil...but its a necessary evil and i go often. i typically get a long with everyone except for people who are generally bitter all the time!

We have the same arrival date :)
1. Your name?: Marivangeli, but everyone just calls me Mari.
2. Male or female?: Female
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
4. Where do you live?: Puerto Rico
5: Your college: Interamerican University
6: Your major: Business Administration
7. What role will you have at Disney?: Merchandise
8. What is your arrival date?: August 17
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yep
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Non-wellness and I think I would prefer Chatham.
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: Don't really mind
12. Are you messy/tidy?: I like the house to be tidy, but I don't like making my bed.
13. Do you drink?: Yep
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I do like to party but I'm not into cleaning up after a party. I guess it depends on my roommates.
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Nope
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Night
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Flying
18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?: I love pizza and yes, I'm good... when I want to cook.
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: outgoing, honest, friendly
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I love movies, except horror films. I used to work at Hot Topic so I guess that says a lot about the type of music I like. Basically alternative, hardcore, indie, electronic... I guess everything but country :confused3
21. What do you do for fun?: I LOVE to read so I'll be taking my Kindle with me.
22. What is your favorite quote?: Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become. - C.S. Lewis
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Meeting new people :)
24: On the disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: I guess I'm an 8...
25. Name one good quality about yourself: honest
26. Name one bad quality about yourself: sometimes too honest
27. Any medical conditions (optional): Nope
28: What is your favorite Disney movie: I love all of them! I really like Toy Story, Mulan, Aladdin, Peter Pan... the list goes on and on.
29: Do you like to eat out a lot: I guess I do sometimes.
30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: Nope

Other things I think you should know: I won't have a car (sucks). I'll probable take my PS3 so I can watch movies but I won't take a TV so I'll probably buy one there. I love Chery Cola.
1. Your name?: Rory
2. Male or female?: Female
3. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight, but LGBT friendly =D
4. Where do you live?: Orlando, FL <3
5: Your college: University of Florida
6: Your major: Event Management
7. What role will you have at Disney?: Merchandise
8. What is your arrival date?: June 6
9. Are you legal (over 21)?: Yep
10. Which apartment complex would you prefer? wellness or non-wellness (if over 21)?: Non-wellness, I prefer Chatham or Patterson
11. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?: 2-3 rooms preferred
12. Are you messy/tidy?: My personal space tends to be a little messy, but common areas are always clean
13. Do you drink?: Not often, but I enjoy a good drink every now and then
14. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: I like house parties better than clubbing, but I do think I'd host one.
15. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: Nope
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: I switch between the two
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Driving 20 min there =P
18. What's your favorite food, and can you cook well?: I love Italian and Mexican food, as well as a good steak. I like to cook when I have the money to buy decent groceries.
19. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: enthusiastic, optimistic, passionate
20. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I like all movies except Horror films. I'm a movie enthusiast and LOVE love love most movies.
21. What do you do for fun?: Reading, Movies, Going out with friends, going to Disney
22. What is your favorite quote?: It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. - Albus Dumbledore
23. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Meeting new people, getting one step closer to having a full-time Disney job
24: On the disney fan-o-meter, where do you rank: probably a 9.3
25. Name one good quality about yourself: extremely passionate about what's most important to me
26. Name one bad quality about yourself: Procrastination!
27. Any medical conditions (optional): Not as of now, but this might change after a visit to the Dr.
28: What is your favorite Disney movie: I really really love Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast and Mulan.... but I'm recently OBSESSED with Tangled
29: Do you like to eat out a lot: I eat out a lot... I don't really like to though.
30:Will you be in a relationship during the program: Not currently

Other things I think you should know: I have this thing where I have to be watching TV to fall asleep, so I will have a TV and a DVD player for my room.


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