Rumored Changes to G+

They're not going to divulge their secrets.
no secrets from me. Parks open usually by 9am. the misconception is you have to tap in (ie actually enter the park) I do not believe that is true, as I remember having more than one reservation before entering usually around 1pm or so.

Also do not be scared if Genie+ plans are overlapping... often times it warns you that you have two selections close together, but there is usually plenty of time to do both in my experiences
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no secrets from me. Parks open usually by 9am. the misconception is you have to tap in (ie actually enter the park) I do not believe that is true, as I remember having more than one reservation before entering usually around 1pm or so.

Also do not be scared if Genie+ plans are overlapping... often times it warns you that you have two selections close together, but there is usually plenty of time to do both in my experiences
I wasn't referring to tapping into the park. I was referring to tapping into your first G+ LL. Unless there is a loophole that I'm not aware of, if your first G+ LL is for two hours or more after park open, you can't book your second one until two hours after park open. Sure, you can have two or more by 1:00. But that's by booking your second one at 11:00 (if your first G+ is at a park that opens at 9:00) , not by booking your second one at 9:00. Have you personally actually been able to book your second G+ LL at 9:00?
no secrets from me. Parks open usually by 9am. the misconception is you have to tap in (ie actually enter the park) I do not believe that is true, as I remember having more than one reservation before entering usually around 1pm or so.

Also do not be scared if Genie+ plans are overlapping... often times it warns you that you have two selections close together, but there is usually plenty of time to do both in my experiences
Overlapping is one of the parts of Genie+ that is superior to FP+.......

You do not need to tap into park to add your second genie+ selection after 7am.......its 120 mins after the park opening or after you use your LAST selected Genie+ pick) so for eg today HS opened at 9am so at 7am I booked SDD and at 11am I booked TOT.....Then you will be eligible to book MMRR at 1pm.........

the one thing to remember is, if you want to be able to book in less than the 120 mins, you have to have used your LAST booked LL........A lot of people mess this the scenario above:

7am - Book LL for SDD 3pm return
11am - Book LL for TOT for 1pm return
1pm - Book LL for MMRR for 3:15pm return

Arrive at park at 1pm and scan into your 1pm TOT CANNOT book another selection until 3pm, or 120 mins after ur 1pm booking since MMRR was ur last LL booked even though you used your TOT LL..........

What a lot of guests do to try an maximize their LL selections is once they arrive at 1pm they try and modify MMRR to a closer time (anytime prior to 3pm would be quicker than the 120 rule) so then you can ride TOT, MMRR in succession AND book another ride right away

This strategy is even further enhanced if you get an early LL return time for your 7am selection, so you can avoid the 120 min return window......So sometimes its better to skip SDD if the return is later in the day, select maybe TOT that's at 9:30, use it and then get SDD at the 1:17 drop
I wasn't referring to tapping into the park. I was referring to tapping into your first G+ LL. Unless there is a loophole that I'm not aware of, if your first G+ LL is for two hours or more after park open, you can't book your second one until two hours after park open. Sure, you can have two or more by 1:00. But that's by booking your second one at 11:00 (if your first G+ is at a park that opens at 9:00) , not by booking your second one at 9:00. Have you personally actually been able to book your second G+ LL at 9:00?
you cannot
I wasn't referring to tapping into the park. I was referring to tapping into your first G+ LL. Unless there is a loophole that I'm not aware of, if your first G+ LL is for two hours or more after park open, you can't book your second one until two hours after park open. Sure, you can have two or more by 1:00. But that's by booking your second one at 11:00 (if your first G+ is at a park that opens at 9:00) , not by booking your second one at 9:00. Have you personally actually been able to book your second G+ LL at 9:00?
Let me add that I know there are some older videos and blogposts that say you can get your second G+ LL at 9:00 as long as you got your first one at 7:00. They're wrong. They were recorded/written back when Genie+ was first starting and people, including the vloggers/bloggers, didn't understand the rules.
Incorrect........Its a advanced strategy used to stack....there are so many ways to use Genie+ and you arent even scratching the surface.......

you know disney holds back inventory in 3 parks for several rides and drops them on the :17's every day?

Your description of Genie+ is the bare minimum and prob only about 20% of its actual capability

I think ive proven my point......Genie+ is extremely complicated

It’s only complicated for those on the Dis or other Disney message boards which is about 1% of the population. An average guest isn’t going to know these advanced strategies nor worry about them. They will stack or just roll with booking as they tap in and do that all day

I consider myself well versed in G+ and I don’t use these strategies and never did with FP+ either (the additional drop times) and we still get everything we want and have a good time. I choose not to make it overly complicated for myself.

I have no idea how to book two LL before park opening. We did have a LL for BTMR around 9 am and it didn’t open with park opening and we were automatically eligible to book another LL. So by 9:05 we had to LL already. We’ve also had two with LL and ILL.
If you miss both drops, then your only choice for riding that attraction is spending money.
Alternatively: You can guarantee a ride and have a short wait by spending money.

I think ive proven my point......Genie+ is extremely complicated
I know what RS is, and I've been known to hang out at La Cava.

However, even I'd admit that G+ is "pretty good" for most people with a minimum amount of effort. Yes, you can explore all the dusty nooks and crannies and go from "pretty good" to "great", but that's at the margins for most people. It's vacation. If someone wants to make a hobby of life-hacks for G+, more power to them (and, I guess, to me, since I do). But, at the end of the day, these are theme park attractions. Not that important.
Alternatively: You can guarantee a ride and have a short wait by spending money.

I know what RS is, and I've been known to hang out at La Cava.

However, even I'd admit that G+ is "pretty good" for most people with a minimum amount of effort. Yes, you can explore all the dusty nooks and crannies and go from "pretty good" to "great", but that's at the margins for most people. It's vacation. If someone wants to make a hobby of life-hacks for G+, more power to them (and, I guess, to me, since I do). But, at the end of the day, these are theme park attractions. Not that important.
LOL.......La Cava is great and I study all the nuances b I despise waiting in lines
You can stack the rides, so if you start at 7.... you can book again at 9... and at 11.
Book 7am... book 9am... book 11am =3 selections by 11:05am
If you book your first G+ LL at 7:00, you cannot book another at 9:00 . . . unless you actually tap into the first one then. The 2-hour rule does not count the time before the park opens.
You can book at 7:00am but the timer acts as though you booked at park open, be that 8:00, 8:30, 9:00 etc. Once you use your first LL then you can book another OR you wait two hours after park open.

(kinda complicated as some of the “experts” don’t know/understand this)


You can book at 7:00am but the timer acts as though you booked at park open, be that 8:00, 8:30, 9:00 etc. Once you use your first LL then you can book another OR you wait two hours after park open.

(kinda complicated as some of the “experts” don’t know/understand this)
lol, the 'experts'
People who have used the system are simply trying to help and reassure folks who are nervous. A WDW trip is a lot of money and folks feel the pressure to have a good time.

Genie+ is not complicated I say, but that this is from the viewpoint of someone who deals with a lot of complicated computer programs every day. So while I may not think it is complicated that does not mean I think it is super easy. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.

I have said from the first that the folks in the blue tents can be very helpful, and worth the five minutes when you enter the parks. They can sort out a lot and make your trip smoother.


Just like the tips that folks share on these boards. But do you have to be super versed... no, I think you can go to the parks and have a great time with and without Genie+ if you wanted to.

I appreciate the time people take to try to give tips, does not mean I have to use them or they will work for me, but I appreciate it. Always something to learn
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lol, the 'experts'
People who have used the system are simply trying to help and reassure folks who are nervous. A WDW trip is a lot of money and folks feel the pressure to have a good time.

Genie+ is not complicated I say, but that this is from the viewpoint of someone who deals with a lot of complicated computer programs every day. So while I may not think it is complicated that does not mean I think it is super easy. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.

I have said from the first that the folks in the blue tents can be very helpful, and worth the five minutes when you enter the parks. They can sort out a lot and make your trip smoother.

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Just like the tips that folks share on these boards. But do you have to be super versed... no, I think you can go to the parks and have a great time with and without Genie+ if you wanted to.

I appreciate the time people take to try to give tips, does not mean I have to use them or they will work for me, but I appreciate it. Always something to learn
I think the point is, the people on these forums know prob 95% more than the general public and most of them (see every one of Super Mags post) dont know how it really works b its so complicated
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I think the point is, the people on these forums know prob 95% more than the general public and most of them (see every one of Super Mags post) have no clue how it works b its so complicated
You want to make it all or nothing. Reality is some people do not find it complicated. Some people use it to the full potential and some dont, It is subjective. Yes, most people on here are not your average first time WDWer.

There is not a one size fits all strategy, it depends on your park habits and interests. I personally think, that even with its most basic use.... and simply book rides... choosing the rides available first that you are most interested in you likely get some good use out of it. Ride a ride, book another, rinse and repeat.

I think it is helpful to share what works and does not work, that way folks can pick and choose. Not an expert by any means. Just a teacher who cannot resist a chance to share lol.

.... and sure perhaps I do not have a clue according to you. Not a big deal.... still gonna have a great time, even being clueless.... because i am lucky enough to be at WDW with my family and loved ones.
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I think the point is, the people on these forums know prob 95% more than the general public and most of them (see every one of Super Mags post) have no clue how it works b its so complicated
It becomes complicated when you try make Genie+ become FP+. If you book rides as the you use one and take what's available it's a very simple system.

It's the people on these forums that make it difficult. Once you start adding in strolling into the parks mid afternoon, stacking and refreshing times to get the perfect one it complicates things.
It becomes complicated when you try make Genie+ become FP+. If you book rides as the you use one and take what's available it's a very simple system.

It's the people on these forums that make it difficult. Once you start adding in strolling into the parks mid afternoon, stacking and refreshing times to get the perfect one it complicates things.
Well contrary to popular theory, the vast majority of guests, i would guess about 90%, do not rope drop........

If MK daily average is 60k, then less than 6k guests drop..........

SO stacking is a necessity for almost everyone going to the parks if you want to avoid lines
Well contrary to popular theory, the vast majority of guests, i would guess about 90%, do not rope drop........

If MK daily average is 60k, then less than 6k guests drop..........

SO stacking is a necessity for almost everyone going to the parks if you want to avoid lines
that is the feature (stacking) I am most worried will disappear with any rehaul. People like what works for them and it is my favorite feature. For my style of park going (afternoon) It is helpful, especially combined with using the app to keep an eye on standby.

Nothing will ever make everyone happy
that is the feature (stacking) I am most worried will disappear with any rehaul. People like what works for them and it is my favorite feature. For my style of park going (afternoon) It is helpful, especially combined with using the app to keep an eye on standby.

Nothing will ever make everyone happy
100% agree with this.....this is what i am afraid of most too........I dont think theres enough inventory to allow 3 pre selections without having to use them first, which basically eliminates stacking
Yes, I really wish they would separate the times. Change Genie+ or VQ to 7:30.
or 830am. No good reason to have them at 7am that I can see with the limit of next booking 120 after park open or actually using the LL booking.

if the park opens at 9am, for the stackers it would still be the same. Book #1 at 7/7:30/8/8:30... you still can book #2 at 11... #3 at 1. And for folks in the park it would not matter either. they would be unaffected. So those two hours+ between 7am and 9am (park open) are needed for what?


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