S/O How long do your showers last?

How long do your showers last?

  • Less than 5 minutes

  • 5-10 minutes

  • 10-15

  • 15-20

  • 20-25

  • 25-30

  • 30+

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Dreams of Disney
Jun 14, 2016
The towel thread made me curious...

How long do your showers last (on average)? My norm is 15, maybe 20 minutes and most always at nighttime. I'm always shocked some people can be in and out in 5 minutes! What is that wizardry?! ;)
Between 3-5 minutes, having our town almost run out of water and being on the strictest water restrictions you could imagine, make you conserve as much water as possible.

Multi tasking gets showers done quicker

Jump in and turn water on.
Wet all over as you are squeezing shampoo out
Shampoo hair and wash face whilst shampoo is getting rinsed off
Rinse face
Condition hair and wash/scrub body
Rinse and out.
In the morning, the only thing standing between me and my coffee is my shower, so i usually shower in 5 mins or less! However, if it's a hair-washing day it takes me a little longer, so I said 5-10 mins.
Showers are right about 5 minutes. Hair washing/conditioning included. Shaving is a bath event due to balance issues. I'm pretty fast and efficient for a girly girl:)
5-10, generally speaking. I can go well under 5 if in a hurry. Way over 10 if I'm trying to soothe sore muscles or clear my sinuses.
Generally 5-6 minutes, so I checked the 5-10 box. My husband? Always less than 5. My son will shower for 30 minutes if we let him. We don't. It's wasteful of water and gas (for heating). And, soft water (the salt it takes to soften). My daughter right around 5 minutes. Same with our new "exchange" daughter. She's also short in the shower, which I appreciate. I truly do not understand what people DO in a shower lasting more than 10 minutes.
depends- if I am in a rush then 10 minutes or so- otherwise I could be in there for 30 minutes- and forget it if I am taking a bath- that can be 2 hours long- because after the bath I then have to get up and shower since I was sitting in my own dirt water!
Less than 5 minutes, probably closer to 3. It's boring and I'm not that dirty. :)
7 minutes.
8 if I linger.
I shower in the morning.
I also don't shave in the shower. I hate doing it that way so when I shave its at the sink prior to getting in the shower. Since that's once a week in the spring/summer and once every 3 weeks in the fall/winter I don't count it in my showering routine.
Im 10-15 min shower man. I take mine after work, then go to gym, come home and shower, so I like to spend a little time in there, I know it was a good shower when I smell all soapy afterwards
...'til the hot water runs out.

Seriously, I would estimate 10-15 minutes. It really depends on how serious I am about washing my hair. Sometimes it is just nice to hang out in the shower. I have been known to just relax in the tub and just enjoy the hot water and steam. When I was with my ex-husband, I would just go in there and get my good cry out so that I could get on with my day.
Zero amount of time - there should have been an "other" in the poll choices. :teeth:
I absolutely never shower (unless I'm on a cruise ship and am without a tub). My nightly bath takes about 20 - 30 minutes.
I voted for less than 5 as that is more typical. I only wash my hair a couple of time per week, but then it is a bit more than 5.

It usually take me 20 minutes to get ready in teh mroning; shower, hair, contacts, make up, clothes . . .
I can't imaigne spending that long on just the shower
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