Sarah & Fred - 1.11.07 - AK/MK - The Perfect Midnight Stroll

Princessdisneybelle, Steph, Jen, Kashmir104, mermaidbride1108, honeybee5517, aprincess72, Codie, angel*lady, SRUAlmn, D&R love Disney, and DisneyFairy19 ~ Thank you for your wonderful comments.

Kashmir104 ~ Sorry your having trouble convincing Disney to offer a night MK wedding. I hope that’s not because our wedding is fresh in their minds! There are a great many problems with the whole night MK wedding idea from the lack of a sufficient catering kitchen to the jam packed MK renovation schedule, so I’m not at all surprised your getting the answers you are. I suppose we ran across a bit of extra pixie dust for some reason because I truly have no good explanation for why they finally said yes. (Well, I guess we could have been a trial run for the dream wedding give away, but that really is all I can come up with.)

Mermaidbride1008 ~ I am a member of several Disney wedding boards, and I’m not sure what post your referring too. As far as I know there are at least three other boards out there. Disneymooner, DisneyBrides, and MouseMooners

Aprincess72 ~ Oops! I forgot to post about Fred’s addition. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now if only I could convince him to write some of the recaps from his perspective!

SRUAlmn ~ Yep, their all cocker spaniels. At one time we were breeders, but it became too hard to let them go! It’s a miracle we only ended up with four. They stayed at a place called Dog Day Afternoon ( They have a pretty informative website, but if you have any specific questions I’d be more than happy to help. Oh and you definitely need a wheelchair. I had no idea the darn pier was that long. It sure doesn’t look like it is when you ride by it. Our planner wasn’t Marion, so I’d say the poster is a go.

D&R love Disney ~ Yep, that was the same room! I had the standard room with a king bed and Fred had doubles. Did you stay there before the renovation? Or after?
How wonderful!!!! Love the fireworks photos! That must have been INCREDIBLE being the only ones in the MK and having your own personal light show preview. I can't even imagine! Thanks again for sharing your amazing wedding with us!:cloud9:
Sarah...I have to say...I love your report and it sounds so magical...I'm crying as I read half because I am so happy you got to experience something so cool, but i have to admit that the other half is because i am SO incredibly jealous--HOW incredibly magnificent and what an incredible memory you created not just for you and Fred, but for everyone you involved...and you sound like such a wonderful, down to earth person too!!! Congratulations on an incredible feat!!
Truly sorry this has taken so long, but I'm almost finished. The remainder should be up very soon.

Bridal Breakfast

The next thing I know some annoying person or thing is poking at me attempting to rouse me from my slumber. Hmm.... looks like the wedding day is starting off just like any other day! After madly swatting at whatever it was and mumbling something unintelligible, I finally manage to drag myself from the nice warm bed and into the shower. The moment the water hits me and I actually become conscious, I finally get it! Um . . . today is my wedding day. Literally the next thing that comes out of my mouth is “Mom! Is it raining?” Well . . . it was not.

I get out of the shower and call Fred to make sure he’s up. So he was up, but he was in a horrible mood! What’s up with that??? He explains that the he had just received a phone call from a guy at the limo company that was suppose to take the groomsmen to their lunch telling him that they wouldn’t be able to make it. Great way to start a wedding day, huh? (Not to mention that we had already paid in full.) Fred freaks out and the man says he will check and see what he can do and call back. Ok, I must confess I’m thinking this isn’t that big of a deal. Michelle can certainly handle this. For pete’s sake there aren’t but seven of you,
if worst comes to worst you can all fit in my dad’s excursion! Yes, I realize that had it directly affected me I most certainly would not have had that sort of attitude, but I was really concerned that this little hiccup would ruin Fred’s mood for the entire day.

I was just finishing drying my hair when the phone rang, it was Fred and he had news. The man from the limo company called back and told him that there was absolutely no way they could make it because they had to be at the Wilderness Lodge in Disney World for a groomsmen’s luncheon at 11:00. Hmm . . . this sounds familiar! He went on to say that they had to make that pickup because the charter had already been paid in full. Well, it turns out he had called the wrong person to begin with. Evidently, someone had contacted the company the day before and inquired about whether a charter for the next day was possible. The man from the company intended to call the person who had recently requested a charter, but called Fred by mistake! (Ok, so I can understand the screw up, but why on earth didn’t you realize it when Fred told him he was looking at an invoice stamped paid in full!) Anyway, crisis averted ... but what damage had it done?

I finally get myself ready and leave everything in a nice neat pile for Fred and the bellman to retrieve when he checks out. Mom and I are literally walking out of the room and I spot the little envelope they slide under your door with the bill and for some reason I have to pick it up! Now I know we haven’t charged anything in a night, but still I felt the need to check it. Well, I tear into it and they haven’t applied the deposit. So this requires that I go back into the room and place another phone call to Fred. He luckily agrees to handle the situation and we finally leave the Contemporary five minutes after the bridal breakfast was scheduled to begin!

After deciding against a Mad Hatter tea, we scoured my Disney movie collection in search of another movie with a tea party theme. Along came Mary Poppins! So then I had a very productive session with Laura Kidd and we decided to pattern each table after a song from the movie. Laura truly ran with the theme and came up with some very unique and surprisingly inexpensive centerpieces. In the end, we settled on three tables patterned after “Let’s go fly a kite,” “A spoon full of sugar,” and “Jolly Holiday.” I then created kite, spoon, and carousel horse escort cards using plaster of Paris and candy molds! Anyway, on to the party. . .

After surveying the room and finding quite a few unexpected magical touches, I started the buffet line and we began to eat. I manage to eat only a precious few bites before our special guest arrives.

I have a sneaking suspicion Mary Poppins stayed longer than she was suppose to because everyone was having a great time interacting with her. (Even the grownups!) She was just a great Mary Poppins! Practically perfect in every way. In fact, we were in the Magic Kingdom two days after the wedding and saw her getting on the carousel. She spotted me, waived, remembered my name, and asked how our wedding went! Perhaps that’s common place at Disney, but with all the people she must meet I was rather impressed that she remembered my name!

Anyway she finally had to go, we all said goodbye, and returned to our food. Then of course we need to take a bizzion more photos in front of the carousel horse. In no time, the party was winding down and guests were starting to say their goodbyes. I got up to play hostess and sent my guests on their merry way. Soon after the ladies from Absolutely Fitting arrived to steam the dresses and the bridesmaids went off to their appointments at Ivy Trellis.

Groomsmen’s Luncheon

Fred has always been a Emeril fan and this luncheon was a great excuse to eat at Emeril’s Orlando. They met up in the lobby of the Wilderness Lodge and had a nice limo ride over to Universal followed by lunch in a little private room off of the main dining room.

My husband to be neglected to take any photos of the occasion. Luckily a very detail oriented groomsman thought it might be appropriate to document the event and graciously provided the following photos. (Counterclockwise; Appetizer, Adouillie Sausage; Entrée, Texas Redfish; and Dessert, Crème Brulee`
Truly sorry this has taken so long, but I'm almost finished. The remainder should be up very soon.

Bridal Breakfast

The next thing I know some annoying person or thing is poking at me attempting to rouse me from my slumber. Hmm.... looks like the wedding day is starting off just like any other day! After madly swatting at whatever it was and mumbling something unintelligible, I finally manage to drag myself from the nice warm bed and into the shower. The moment the water hits me and I actually become conscious, I finally get it! Um . . . today is my wedding day. Literally the next thing that comes out of my mouth is “Mom! Is it raining?” Well . . . it was not.

I get out of the shower and call Fred to make sure he’s up. So he was up, but he was in a horrible mood! What’s up with that??? He explains that the he had just received a phone call from a guy at the limo company that was suppose to take the groomsmen to their lunch telling him that they wouldn’t be able to make it. Great way to start a wedding day, huh? (Not to mention that we had already paid in full.) Fred freaks out and the man says he will check and see what he can do and call back. Ok, I must confess I’m thinking this isn’t that big of a deal. Michelle can certainly handle this. For pete’s sake there aren’t but seven of you,
if worst comes to worst you can all fit in my dad’s excursion! Yes, I realize that had it directly affected me I most certainly would not have had that sort of attitude, but I was really concerned that this little hiccup would ruin Fred’s mood for the entire day.

I was just finishing drying my hair when the phone rang, it was Fred and he had news. The man from the limo company called back and told him that there was absolutely no way they could make it because they had to be at the Wilderness Lodge in Disney World for a groomsmen’s luncheon at 11:00. Hmm . . . this sounds familiar! He went on to say that they had to make that pickup because the charter had already been paid in full. Well, it turns out he had called the wrong person to begin with. Evidently, someone had contacted the company the day before and inquired about whether a charter for the next day was possible. The man from the company intended to call the person who had recently requested a charter, but called Fred by mistake! (Ok, so I can understand the screw up, but why on earth didn’t you realize it when Fred told him he was looking at an invoice stamped paid in full!) Anyway, crisis averted ... but what damage had it done?

I finally get myself ready and leave everything in a nice neat pile for Fred and the bellman to retrieve when he checks out. Mom and I are literally walking out of the room and I spot the little envelope they slide under your door with the bill and for some reason I have to pick it up! Now I know we haven’t charged anything in a night, but still I felt the need to check it. Well, I tear into it and they haven’t applied the deposit. So this requires that I go back into the room and place another phone call to Fred. He luckily agrees to handle the situation and we finally leave the Contemporary five minutes after the bridal breakfast was scheduled to begin!

After deciding against a Mad Hatter tea, we scoured my Disney movie collection in search of another movie with a tea party theme. Along came Mary Poppins! So then I had a very productive session with Laura Kidd and we decided to pattern each table after a song from the movie. Laura truly ran with the theme and came up with some very unique and surprisingly inexpensive centerpieces. In the end, we settled on three tables patterned after “Let’s go fly a kite,” “A spoon full of sugar,” and “Jolly Holiday.” I then created kite, spoon, and carousel horse escort cards using plaster of Paris and candy molds! Anyway, on to the party. . .

After surveying the room and finding quite a few unexpected magical touches, I started the buffet line and we began to eat. I manage to eat only a precious few bites before our special guest arrives.

I have a sneaking suspicion Mary Poppins stayed longer than she was suppose to because everyone was having a great time interacting with her. (Even the grownups!) She was just a great Mary Poppins! Practically perfect in every way. In fact, we were in the Magic Kingdom two days after the wedding and saw her getting on the carousel. She spotted me, waived, remembered my name, and asked how our wedding went! Perhaps that’s common place at Disney, but with all the people she must meet I was rather impressed that she remembered my name!

Anyway she finally had to go, we all said goodbye, and returned to our food. Then of course we need to take a bizzion more photos in front of the carousel horse. In no time, the party was winding down and guests were starting to say their goodbyes. I got up to play hostess and sent my guests on their merry way. Soon after the ladies from Absolutely Fitting arrived to steam the dresses and the bridesmaids went off to their appointments at Ivy Trellis.

Groomsmen’s Luncheon

Fred has always been a Emeril fan and this luncheon was a great excuse to eat at Emeril’s Orlando. They met up in the lobby of the Wilderness Lodge and had a nice limo ride over to Universal followed by lunch in a little private room off of the main dining room.

My husband to be neglected to take any photos of the occasion. Luckily a very detail oriented groomsman thought it might be appropriate to document the event and graciously provided the following photos. (Counterclockwise; Appetizer, Adouillie Sausage; Entrée, Texas Redfish; and Dessert, Crème Brulee`

Sarah so glad you came back. Your Mary Poppins breakfast looks like so much fun. I love the pics of you gettting ready too.
Getting Ready

It was getting close to 1pm by then and I was a little worried that Janet was running late. I decided to wait a few more minutes to call. In the meantime, the ladies from Absolutely Fitting had finished steaming all nine dresses! Ok, so they did send two people, but I kid you not they were literally through within an hour. The head asked me about my veils. Oops! That would be important huh? She looked at them both, steamed the short veil and laid it over two chairs instead of hanging it up. She said that way it wouldn’t get wrinkled again. (Seems perfectly rational to me now, but for some reason I always assumed that you would hang up a veil! Go figure!)

After looking at the long veil she suggested that I just lay it out on the table because it was made out of soft tulle and wasn’t really creased or wrinkled. I’m very glad we started talking about the long veil because we both noticed that it didn’t have a comb! Excuse me but who sells a veil without a comb attached? (And yes, I went back and checked and it was suppose to have a veil attached.) So we went on the search for a comb. Luckily I happened to have a small comb floating in the bottom of my bag - why I’ll never know! (About a month before the wedding I went into our local dollar tree and stocked up on everything I could ever imagine needing. I even had spray glitter for pete’s sake!) Anyway, my mom set out to attach the veil to the comb with the handy dandy sewing kit I happened to place in each bridesmaids bags! Sarah :1 Wedding day mishaps: 0

Oh and the Absolutely Fitting lady also suggested that I go ahead and set out my crinoline so it could breath. (sounds silly huh?) So, I not only set out my crinoline, but also set out the bridesmaids crinolines! I of course set them up in little rows and when I got through it looked like we had a little garden full of white humps!

Janet arrived about ten minutes later and quickly began to work on my mother. Only one problem . . . we didn’t have a mirror. (As a result she did makeup first.) So I go and find a convention center employee that assures me that she will put someone right on it. I return to the room and find the bridesmaids have returned from Ivy Trellis and all but one are redoing their hair! Evidently the stylists working that day thought the girls needed a little more volume than they wanted.

We are all starting to get a little thirsty, so that becomes my next mission. Ok, so I thought this would be easy. Simply call room service and have them deliver a variety of softdrinks. Um . . . nope! I had to go through three departments before someone finally figured out that all I needed in the form of payment was an event identification number that I happened to have in my trusty binder! Drinks on their way, another crisis averted. Upon returning to the room, there’s another surprise! What? There’s still no mirror? After a few more unsuccessful attempts to procure the mirror, it occurs to me that I should call our planner. Low and behold, after a quick stop at the restroom on the way back, I return to the room and find the mirror all set up and ready to go. (Note to future brides ~ call your planner instead of trying to solve the problem yourself!)

Our photographers soon arrive and start photographing the myriad of jewelry and other details I procured over the six last months. You see, I hadn’t exactly decided on a set of jewelry to go with the dress. Truthfully, had I not been surprised with another perfect set of jewelry, I would have most likely taken at least two sets to the Magic Kingdom! The pocket watch in the photo below belonged to my maternal grandmother. The pocket watch was smaller and attached to a broach so that it can be worn by a lady. I simply pinned it to my crinoline. My mother had one of my paternal Grandfather’s handkerchiefs embroidered with the following phrase: “For my loving daughter on your wedding day. January 11, 2007 Love, Mama.” I was unaware of my mother’s handkerchief plan, so this was my something blue. (I also made Fred one, but he wasn’t being cooperative and noone took a photo.) I just picked up some blue felt from Wal-Mart and attached pins and charms of significance.

It was finally time for me to start getting my hair done. So I hopped up in the chair and Janet proceeded to roll thirty some odd rollers in my hair! In the middle of this madness, Laura arrives with my flowers. Ok, so I was extremely nervous about this. My bouquet was extremely important to me (don’t ask me why I focused on that one thing) and I really didn’t know what I would do if the bouquet was horribly wrong. Anyway, Laura had already removed my bouquet from the box before coming in the room and had it hidden behind her back. She asked me if I was ready, I took a deep breath, and said yes. Then she pulled out the most humongous bouquet I had ever seen! It was absolutely perfect! I don’t quite remember what I said, but I must have made some comment about its size. Laura just looks at me a says “Well, we couldn’t let the bouquet get lost in all that dress could we?”

Shortly there after Michelle returned to the room with an Emeril’s bag and a wooden box tied up with a ribbon. She gave me the bag which contained an extra dessert from Fred’s groomsmen’s lunch (creme brulee), but she refused to give me the wooden box until the videographer, who had just arrived, captured the moment.

Ok, so by that time I knew it was from Fred, but I honestly didn’t know what it was. The videographer finally arrived and he asks if it’s alright to video me in rollers. Um ... I have rollers in my hair? Oops! I briefly consider how I must look, but then decide it doesn’t really matter! So he commences filming me in rollers. So I attempt to untie the ribbon that is around the box. No luck it’s tie in a knot. All the while I’m truly wondering who Fred got to wrap this up. I mean I recognized the ribbon (it was the original gold firefly ribbon for the programs), but that still didn’t account for the wrapping job! (Um . . . come to think of it I still haven’t figure that one out.) I finally manage to extricate the ribbon from the box and open it to find a necklace and earring set that literally looks like it was made for my dress! Needless to say . . . I had finally picked out my jewelry.

It was finally time for everyone . . . including me to actually begin getting ready.

Meanwhile, the troops were getting hungry! Um ... I suggested that we get food when we ordered drinks, but no one would hear of it! Now they want food? There wasn’t a great deal of time to have something delivered, so our planner says she can procure some fruit and cheese in relatively short order. While she was gone, they discovered sugar cubes! Yes, Laura had used real sugar cubes in the centerpiece for the spoonful of sugar table and they started eating them!!!!! It wasn’t really a joke at first, but then the videographer got into it and had them recreate biting into sugar cube after sugar cube.

Janet had my hair up in no time and then it was time to get dressed. Our photographer suggested that we set up in front of the fountain so there would be an interesting backdrop for the photos. So that’s what we did. I placed the crinoline on the floor (it stands by itself) and then flopped the dress on top. By that time, it was rather difficult to step into the dress . . . So I got a chair . . . And dived in! One bridesmaid tied the crinoline, while another bridesmaid retrieved my jogging pants from under the dress, and yet another helped me with the top. Then what seemed like six hands zipped up my dress!

Then comes the hell called putting on the veil! This photo makes it look almost sweet, but I kid you not, I spent 15 minutes squatting on the ground while my mother jabs me with the veil’s comb.

I really have no story to tell about the following photos as I wasn’t exactly there, but for the sake of completeness. . . The Boys Getting Ready.
First Look

Everyone’s ready and they won’t let us go! The boys are running behind. (Fitting huh?) They finally manage to extricate the boys from their room and shortly thereafter we are turned loose. This was one of the “disney bride”moments I had actually been looking forward to experiencing . . The Walk.

The Convention Center was packed and it just so happened that the large convention going on had a break at about the time we started out. So, it felt like I was in a little parade going down the hallway. Ok, they weren’t little children exclaiming “Look mommy . . . there’s a princess,” but they were just as good. I was really starting to feel like a bride. Anyway, I guess I was learning how to walk in my dress or something because I was bouncing up and down with each step I took. I was getting the hang of it, but the bouncing was doing my bouquet no favors and right there in the middle of the hallway one of the dangling orchid branches fell out. Worse yet, I almost stepped on it and didn’t realize that it was gone until one of my bridesmaids spotted it and stopped me. (I told you I was enjoying The Walk.) Anyway, our planner stopped, retrieved the stem from my cousin, and put it right back in the place from which it fell. (So she’s a florist too? Is there anything this woman can’t do?) We were once again underway.

When we reached the door, I waited while everyone else went ahead. Our planner was behind me holding my train and on the walkie talkie coordinating with whoever was with Fred. (Trust me, she is actually there.)

We waited for a while (everyone was getting in position on the other side of the building) and we finally got the green light to go. We walked through the turnaround and as we were about to turn the corner of the building, our planner let go of the train and for a split second I felt like I was floating. (Wind + Big dress = floating sensation)

I then immediately started to feel awkward. I was all dressed up like a cupcake walking through the grounds of the Grand Floridian by myself. (Can you tell I’m not exactly comfortable from the expression on my face?)

Anyway, I finally round the other corner and can see Fred. Well as I already explained we weren’t meeting were I thought we were and then out of nowhere this nice older couple enters my field of vision. The woman looks at me, realizes what I am (i.e. bride), and gets this horrible look on her face. They then rush past me and essentially hide in the bushes so they wouldn’t continue to be in the shot.

I continued my awkward walk with a rather odd look on my face until I get a close enough to Fred that they tell him to turn around. Now I had imagined that this would be some sort of grand moment. To me it was just plain awkward. We didn’t know what to do our say. When we finally make it to each other we fumble the kiss and just end up hugging for a while because we couldn’t think of anything better to do.
Formal Photos

After a few more awkward minutes our planner comes to get us and directs us through the building to the place where we were going to originally meet. We never really thought about that spot for all the formal photos, but it seemed pretty cool at the time. Good backdrop and the monorail track beeps at us! Great! Only one problem . . . the wind is horrid.

After a while we had it with the wind and decided to move to the courtyard area in front of the main building for more photos.

The wind was a little more manageable there, but after a while we decided to head into the building for photos.

Most of the photos were finished so the bridal party went back to the dressing rooms to gather their stuff Fred and I went over to the staircase for the Little Miss Moffett photo.

Does anyone know of a message board that is similar to the disboards but is exclusively all wedding topics?? I have tried the message board but its just way to slow.

I was wondering if anyone can suggest another website to me..thanks
oops sorry I didnt mean to post here but i started to read your thread its great congratulations..ill still be reading...
Out of Africa

Fred and I split off into our separate rooms and change into our dinner attire. And let me just tell you, I was changed and ready to go in five minutes flat! I helped mom change, we made sure everything was ready when we returned after the reception.

The limo finally arrives and we all gather to get in. The driver tells the parents, including my father and Fred’s father (fairly big men) to slide in so the bride and groom can sit in the back. I know that’s what usually happens and I don’t blame him at all because he was just doing what he normally does, but there was absolutely no way my father would have made it. So Fred and I hop in and let our fathers take the back seat.

I shared a Diet Coke with my mom along the way and basically basked in the glow of the moment. This was the beginning of giggly high on life Sarah. After I spotted the Tree of Life in the distance there was absolutely no way you were going to get me to act normal!

We finally arrived at the backstage gate to the Animal Kingdom and our parents are rather amused with the security measures. (You know the barriers that can be raised and lowered into the ground.) Not long after passing security we pulled up to Dean’s smiling face at the back side of Tusker House. Dean is with Animal Kingdom catering and has a personality that will make anyone smile. Anyway, we get out of the limo and are escorted around the gate to the Village of Harambi!

I kid you not the first thing I thought was “Wow, the music is really loud when no one is here!” It was rather neat. Then we turned the corner and I was instantly relieved that we decided to stay with Tusker House. There was some concern that the venue would not be formal enough or otherwise suitable for a wedding. That night all lit up, it was simply beautiful.

At this point, I’m like a kid in a candy store. I’m not sure whether I actually ran down the empty street, but I’m sure that I at least skipped. Which by the way, seemed to make our planner’s day or at least hour. Fred and the rest of the family finally arrive (Come on people ... I’m too excited to wait.) We look around at everything and it’s really beautiful.

Our planner told us we had arrived a little early and the guests would not be arriving for another 15 minutes or so. I don’t remember who, but someone suggested that we use the time to take photos. Which we did. Check these out, they are some of my favorites!

So, back to Tusker House. We had decided to have the guests enter from the side door, rather than through the lobby where the food was being set up, for obvious reasons. They had set up our smoothie bar in the courtyard area right outside that door and we decided to greet our guests as they made their way into the building. The first room they entered (Tusker House is technical divided into three rooms.) was set up a meet and greet area. That is where they set up our escort cards.

We opted for individual cards rather than a guestbook. The two objects on the table are actually candles, but we used them as containers to hold the completed cards.

The main dining room was set up with a head table and two long roman tables. We found fabric for runners online and made simple narrow runners for each table. On a lucky trip to our local Sam’s club we spotted these lanterns and scooped up enough to add a little flair to the tables. We also found authentic soap stone votive holders at a local store to add more light to the tables. Laura designed a tropical arrangement for the head table and we used the orchids from our rehearsal dinner as arrangements on the guest tables.

The animal on the guests’ escort cards corresponded to one of five table names: Hippopotamus (Head) Table, Elephant Table, Giraffe Table, Monkey Table, and Lion Table. Then, once each guest found their assigned table, each place setting was set with an embroidered napkin with the guest first name.

Ok, enough with all the boring stuff . . . on to the story! So, while Sarah was jumping/skipping/running around in sheer joy, Fred and the parental pairs were stuck waiting for our guests to arrive.

Our guests finally arrive, fill out the wish cards, find their escort cards, and find their seats.

Fred blesses the food and then were off to the buffet. I never knew this, but when you’re the bride and groom and you have a buffet dinner, you don’t exactly go to the buffet. They immediately brought plates of food for us. Well, I wanted to at least see the buffet so Fred and I made our way to the lobby area where we were immediately met with a waiter team that again informed us that they would get us anything we wanted. When we told them we really just wanted to have a look, they seemed confused, so we quickly looked around and returned to our seats!

Sometime during dinner, Dean heard me say that it was one of my co-worker’s son’s birthday and asked if they could do something special for him. So, as dinner was winding down, they brought out a zebra dome made into the shape of Mickey and we all sang Happy Birthday.

It was getting close to our exit time, so we tapped my cousin’s husband to round up all the stragglers for the toast. (He insisted on a badge ... so we gave him a flower! And no they hadn’t been served liquor yet.)

Fred thanked everyone for traveling from far and near and then my mother then proceeded to explain the significance of the tiny bottle of champagne . .

Thanks to a dear friend, we now have our very own bottle just like my parents. Granted ours is better . . . it is Rose Regala.

It was now time to make a mad dash to the kingdom.
Mad Dash to the Kingdom

My mother, Fred’s mother, Fred and I made our way backstage to the waiting town car. All I can say is that the driver was extremely efficient. In less than ten minutes we were pulling up to the Magic Kingdom toll plaza. Then it happened!

I was sitting in the middle of the back seat and my worst fear was coming true. All of a sudden the windshield filled with water drops! I let out a horrified “Oh no!” and then it stopped! The driver turned on the windshield wipers to clear the window and I sat there fixated on the windshield searching for any sign of rain and willing it to hold off just one hour more. We made it to the convention center and were asking everyone we can find if and when it is suppose to rain. Oddly, everyone looks at us like we are crazy.

After a quick bathroom break, I make it back to our dressing room and the door is locked. Unlike earlier in the day, the convention center was now deserted except for one party at the far end of the hallway. Fred ran in the direction of the music and spotted a familiar face. It was Ken Weaver and the other party was also a Wedding. Fred told him our dilemma and he simply used his walkie talkie to have a convention center employee meet me at the room. In the meantime, I cheated. The room next door was unlocked, so I used that room’s service entrance to gain access to the service corridor and then entered our room through it’s service entrance. Bad yes . . . but I was in a hurry. :-)

The convention center employee Fred and Ken Weaver had procured arrived shortly thereafter and unlocked the door so that we could come and go. I visited the restroom one more time and then mom helped me get dressed. The FTW CM that would be with me soon arrived and told us that Fred and his mother had just been picked up by the limo. (The limo stayed at the Animal Kingdom until the remaining parents needed to leave and then stopped by the convention center to get Fred and his mother before going to the Magic Kingdom.) The first thing I asked her was whether the ceremony was going to occur as planned. She looked at me funny and I said “It didn’t rain at the Magic Kingdom earlier?” Um . . . nope! As the night went on it appeared that no one but the four of us had seen it sprinkle, so all we can assume is that the driver in a car in front of us decided to wash his/her windshield and some of the spray floated back to the windshield of our car. Either that . . . or I was hallucinating.

We finally found the wrist loop on my train for which I had extensively searched earlier that day and we were off to the town car. One problem, I had never attempted to get the dress into a car. We truly needed a photo, because by the time they squished all the tulle and train into the car, I took up three fourths of the back seat and my head was barely visible. Nevertheless we were on our way.

Meanwhile, the rest of the bridal party boarded their own bus for transport to the Magic Kingdom. Now, I most certainly did not know this until everything was over, but apparently they were hungry and thirsty. (Can someone explain to me how your hungry immediately after a buffet dinner?) The managed to get the bus driver to agree to stop at the Hess station on the way to the Magic Kingdom so that could grab snacks. This went so far that the driver did in fact pull into the station on the way, but luckily cooler heads prevailed and they decided they valued their lives. (They did end up getting the driver to stop again on the way back to the hotel at the end of the night for snacks and booze.)

Anyway, as the town car pulled into the Magic Kingdom backstage entrance behind Frontierland we spotted the bridal party bus waiting at the gate. Now all I could think about was some odd problem and that the entire wedding would be ruined because they wouldn’t let us in. The town car driver, of all people, whipped around the bus and announced in a very stern voice that he had the bride and needed to get through. The guard says that they are waiting on someone to escort the bus because the bus driver doesn’t have directions to the crystal palace. Um . . . that would be important huh?

So, the “escort” shortly arrives, they open the gate, the escort car zooms through, and the next thing I know, we are right behind him. Well, evidently at that gate only one car can go through at one time because when were about halfway through the arm comes crashing down unto the top of the car! The arm kinda bounces off the top of the car and our driver just continues on like nothing had happened! I’m about to have a heart attack, my mother is in shock, and the bridal party, who are now directly behind us, are all laughing hysterically! I”m sorry to say . . . there are no pics. (Who knew we needed photo and video coverage at MK security?)

So, we make our way through the gate, past the parade barn, under the railroad track, around the jungle cruise canals and finally make it to city hall. It takes both Janice and my mother to extricate me from the car and we then make our way up a flight of steps and into a door at the back of city hall. We’re escorted through hallway after hallway until we finally emerge behind the guest services desk. We are then directed into a small room where we meet our photographers.

My mother hands over my grandmother’s/her engagement ring, (my something borrowed)and then she is escorted to the Crystal Palace to meet up with the rest of the bridal party. We wait a few more minutes and then someone comes to tell us that the guests are far enough down Main Street to bring the coach around. We emerge from City Hall and the only thing I can see is the coach . . . and the steps of the coach.

Meanwhile, from Fred’s Perspective
The towncar dropped Sarah and her mother and my mother and I off at the Grand Floridian Convention Center after dinner. My mother and I went to the room that the groomsmen and I had previously gotten ready in early that day.

I quickly started to change into my formal tuxedo, shaved, and brushed my teeth. (This was the third time I had shaved that day.) My mother was a little surprised that I did not need a lot of help and I was very quickly and efficiently doing what I needed to do without acting worried. As my mother and I were walking out of the getting ready room, our limo was pulling up. It was between 9:40 and 9:45 at this point and we managed to be right on schedule. My mother and I got into the limo. Sarah’s father, step mother, step father, and my father were already in the limo and had just arrived from the dinner at the Animal Kingdom. We were off.

The 6 of us had a little ideal chit chat and before we knew it we were entering the gates to back stage Magic Kingdom. We asked the limo driver if he had ever driven back stage MK and he said he had only been back there once. We were escorted by people with flashy light sticks. The limo driver made the comment that we would be stopping soon. As the escorts guided the limo into the park (on stage) and we neared the Castle, the driver’s jaw basically dropped. He was amazed that we were pulling up to right up to the back side of the Castle.

We got out of the limo and made our way to our staging area at Cinderella’s Royal Table. I was very happy to see Diane Mahonney-Brown (DMB). Diane and I had worked well together during the our initial negotiations with Disney and it was good to see a comforting face that I felt could keep things on track. She had my new boutonnière ready and replaced the one I had on for the formal photos.

The rest of the group made their way into the throne room at CRT while I spoke w/ Diane. I went in and made sure everyone was okay. I urged everyone to take advantage of the restroom now. Bob (Sarah’s father) was a little flushed. Diane got him a bottle of water from the bar that was being set up. Once I was confident that everyone was settled, I actually took the time to step back out of CRT and look around. I was in such a hurry before that I did not fully appreciate the setup that had been done in the courtyard.

The pressure was off at this point. Everyone was where they needed to be. Everyone was settled and playing well with each other. I had the time to actually inhale and appreciate what was going on. As Diane and I stepped out of CRT, I was truly stunned by how beautiful the table center pieces were. As I took in the entire picture of the 8 tables with their magnificent fairy-garden tree centerpieces surrounding the world’s most lovely dance floor (Cinderella Castle’s Compass Rose), All I could think of was that it was that the dream that we had worked so hard on was actually coming true in front of me. I knew that Sarah would be so happy when she saw this. I knew that it was exactly what she wanted.

I stood there for what seemed like an eternity that only lasted for a minute, not hearing the world around me, but truly appreciating ,for the first time, what was happening. . . what we had done . . . what we were doing. In that moment, I knew that this was the place . . . the time . . . the wedding that I wanted to forever encapsulate the love and commitment that I have for Sarah.

“Fred. . . Fred?” It took a second for me to actually realize that the person standing next to me was actually talking to me. I begrudgingly returned to reality and answered. It was one of the photographers. He was a gentleman that our photographer had brought in as an additional photographer. He asked me if I would mind standing in the center of the Compass Rose for a couple of photos since we had a few extra moments. I agreed . . .
Wow is truly amazing! I LOVE all the photos must have taken a lot of time to put all this together! It was definitely worth waiting for...I'm definitely excited to hear the rest!

THANK YOU so much for sharing this with must have been a truely awesome night!


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