"saving" spots in line- your opinion?


DIS Veteran
Jul 20, 2003
Wondering how people feel about 1-2 people in a group saving spots in a long line for the other half of the group, so they can do something else in the meantime?

Is that just tacky? Or resourceful?

Would the numbers in the group change your opinion? Like say 4 people in the group stayed in line, and 1-2 joined them later? Or is your opinion still the same?

*disclaimer* I'm not for or against either way, just curious how others view it as I've seen it done before, and want to know what others think! :wizard:
This is wrong, wrong, wrong, and deserves a special place in hell.

The only exception is if a parent has to take a small child to the bathroom.
Man, I just am going to respond to every thread today ;)

It depends on the people that cut in. If it is a 50 minute line and a dad and son stay in it for 10 minutes to be joined by mom and daughter, I could care less. If it is 40 minutes into it and you see them texting and all of a sudden 3 people are pushing through the line it is irritating. It almost came to fisticuffs at Space Mountain Friday night when 8 people came into the 45 minute line. I didn't say anything but a bunch of people did. It looked like there were 12 people in line ahead of us and then they wanted the other 8 to ride with them? If you are that concerned that your group of 20 ride together, wait at the entrance and all get in line together. A CM said something to them after someone went to complain, but didn't make them get out of line.

I don't like line saving, but i try to ignore it the best I can.
What about allowing one parent to have the child outside of the line to play while the other parent stands in line? For example, last year at WDW, DH played with DD while I stood in line for Dumbo and Astro Orbiter. Of course, both are outside lines with easy access to the lines, so when it came time to get in they weren't shuffling through everyone else behind. If it's an indoor line, we'll all go together (we stood in line for SM for 60 minutes with all 3 of us. I felt bad because she went #2 halfway through the line).
I think it depends on the number of people and the situation.

In Dec. when we where there, we went to ride Storybook Canal's, sorry if that's not the name, anyhow, it was just opening for the 1st ride of the day and there were maybe 2 or 3 people in line. Excited we go over since we were jamming on MM and the people tell us in line there are 25 people more coming in there group so we won't be on the 1st boat. We couldn't believe it. They were so RUDE and the worst part was they were the Disney family of the day. Bad choice on their part. They weren't even offering to let the 3 of us go in front of them. So DH and I are talking and we decide to forget it since it's gonna be a couple boats before we get on and we'll come back (it wasn't crowded). We were actually just trying to make a point with them, we still couldn't believe they were holding it for so many people and not offering to let us go in front. We were loud talking about what we should do. The ride now opens, their 25 people are no where to be found, ha! They try to tell the CM they are waiting for others who will be here any minute. CM says sorry and we get to ride the ride. They were mad. They were the rudest people I ever encountered in DL. Still can't believe it.

But if it's just a couple people, like 2 and especially if they have small children I have no problem (the children might have had to go to the bathroom).

It's a hard thing to figure out what is right or wrong, but if all the people joining can fit in the same "ride" together I see no problem at all.
I like to assume the best, so if it's one parent and one child (ie. unexpected potty break), no big deal. If they're polite about it, go ahead! Or if it's only after waiting for five minutes (they were doing something quick, like buying a drink), no big deal.

But if it doesn't seem like a potty situation etc. and it's 30 minutes into the line, and it's a group of more than two, it's NOT ok to me. Then the group should wait. If they are extremely polite and apologetic, I can get over it, but mostly it seems like these type of people do it because they 'deserve it' and don't feel bad about it at all.

Also, I agree with the previous poster who mentioned outside lines vs inside lines, if you have to squeeze by me, probably not the best line to cut into.

I really didn't notice much of this on my last trip though, maybe I'm just too oblivious! :cloud9:
I hate it! If you want to ride-wait in line like everybody else! My kids have always waited in line. If there is a medical reason why you or your child cannot then you need to get a GAC and let the CM know of the issue.

When people try and push past me I just block the aisle and tell them no they cannot go ahead. I have had some nasty hings said to me but when it started I waved down a CM ( we were still close emough to the entrance) and he told them they could not go and catch up with their group. It continues happening because people do not stand up for themselves and stop it. If more people would stop it as soon as it starts happening at ride entrances when a CM is present it would stop the behavior.
I hate it! If you want to ride-wait in line like everybody else! My kids have always waited in line. If there is a medical reason why you or your child cannot then you need to get a GAC and let the CM know of the issue.

When people try and push past me I just block the aisle and tell them no they cannot go ahead. I have had some nasty hings said to me but when it started I waved down a CM ( we were still close emough to the entrance) and he told them they could not go and catch up with their group. It continues happening because people do not stand up for themselves and stop it. If more people would stop it as soon as it starts happening at ride entrances when a CM is present it would stop the behavior.

It has been my experience that DL does not have a consistent policy. We had 8 people cut in line (see post above) and he just gave them a warning and let them stay in line.
I hate it! If you want to ride-wait in line like everybody else! My kids have always waited in line. If there is a medical reason why you or your child cannot then you need to get a GAC and let the CM know of the issue.

When people try and push past me I just block the aisle and tell them no they cannot go ahead. I have had some nasty hings said to me but when it started I waved down a CM ( we were still close emough to the entrance) and he told them they could not go and catch up with their group. It continues happening because people do not stand up for themselves and stop it. If more people would stop it as soon as it starts happening at ride entrances when a CM is present it would stop the behavior.

I'll try to aim my kids pee away from your feet then when we're standing in line in front of you and they can't hold it any longer.:rolleyes1
yes, so wrong. So just because they have a larger group of people, they can experience more...while the rest of us smaller groups have to wait? I don't think so!!!! Unless someone needs to use the washroom, I say we all stand in line!
I think if a group wants to ride together then the group in the front goes to the back-not trying to ram up in front of everyone else waiting. Again-if more people would stand up for themselves then it would happen less often. SOme people behind me had let them through but when I stopped them and got the CM involved the people who had just been cut became vocal as well.
It is neither tacky, nor resourceful ..... it is WRONG and should not be done. I've never been to a theme/amusement park that knowingly tolerates this. Some places will show you the exit for "cutting."

Please be courteous and wait for your entire party before entering the line.

There have been a million reasons why people will think it is okay for THEM to cut ... but there are no good ones.
It is different if you see someone in line get out of it and then come back or if it is a long line and they catch up at the beginning of the line due to an unexpected potty break before line kind of deal. That said, there were plenty of times that we took my daughter to the bathroom anytime we saw a 20+ minute line due to her small bladder and then got in line as a family :). It is not cool to be in line for 30 minutes with my own kids to have someone show up with theirs right before the ride starts.
I'll try to aim my kids pee away from your feet then when we're standing in line in front of you and they can't hold it any longer.:rolleyes1

sorry should have had that in there-a kid who is in line and has to go potty does not bother me at all!!! LOL I much prefer it to peeing in the line:lmao:

But if you know your kid has to go potty before you get in line I don't think a part of your group should go ahead and get in line. When that happens to someone in our group then we all wait to get in line together.
It doesn't bother me at all if there is only 1 or 2 that are catching up with their party. Most people in my opinion are respectful. I say just have fun and let the others have fun too. I think it is rude to get mad if someone is trying to get to their party and you won't let them through, you don't know why they weren't there.(no need to be a DL police wanna be) Now if it is a big group like 3 or more then they at least have someone to ride with so they can wait. :) IMHO
I'll try to aim my kids pee away from your feet then when we're standing in line in front of you and they can't hold it any longer.:rolleyes1

I agree. It really depends on the age of the child and how long they have been potty trained.
It is different if you see someone in line get out of it and then come back or if it is a long line and they catch up at the beginning of the line due to an unexpected potty break before line kind of deal. That said, there were plenty of times that we took my daughter to the bathroom anytime we saw a 20+ minute line due to her small bladder and then got in line as a family :). It is not cool to be in line for 30 minutes with my own kids to have someone show up with theirs right before the ride starts.

sorry should have had that in there-a kid who is in line and has to go potty does not bother me at all!!! LOL I much prefer it to peeing in the line:lmao:

But if you know your kid has to go potty before you get in line I don't think a part of your group should go ahead and get in line. When that happens to someone in our group then we all wait to get in line together.

Having 4 kids, I can pretty much expect that one of them will have to go AGAIN even if we go before a long lined ride. It hasn't happened often, but I like to hope people can understand the situation and not get offended. I'd much prefer it goes in the bathroom then on my feet too;)
If it's only a couple people, I don't mind that much.

I have seen a cast member tell some people to go back and wait in line at the beginning last July when they tried to cut in with someone who had waited for them in about an hour long line.


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