"saving" spots in line- your opinion?

If my family wants to watch the fireworks from somewhere other than the seat of BTMRR (which is pretty amazing to be honest) then they can wait with me. I have no issue waiting 2 hours for fireworks but stopped saving places for more than a snack or bathroom break a long time ago. :laughing: I don't really care whose saving what for who as long as it doesn't infringe on my spot. :thumbsup2

As far as rides go, I've taken my kids to Disney alone and have had to leave a line for an unexpected potty break. Strangers have gladly held my spot and I do the same. :goodvibes
Another thing I found rude at DL during my son's first trip. He is 5 now...was when teenagers were running and jumping over bushes to get to the next attraction...could have very easily knocked over someone.

I know I am not moving as fast as I would like to at Disney...my family tries to keep up with me. It is not really hard to stay on the path which are bigger than the aisles at target.

Since my son has gone to DL and WDW, we have "Mickey" leave him things at night if he was good at the park earlier in the day...things which conveniently can help bypass the time when standing in line. Yes, we do get out of line for restroom breaks and if it is extremely hot get a drink.

I have seen where a couple of people will say they are getting back to their family in line...but I don't think I have seen a huge crowd...maybe I should go to Disney more.

I think bottom line, we all want more bang for our buck when attending DL or any other park, but doing it the right way with consideration for others. Why do some feel they are entitled? Most people have paid for their tix to DL...even though some do get in for free.
I was holding my pee for about 10-15 minutes while in line for the Peter Pan's Flight because I didn't want to leave the line and came back; it would make people think I was rude. We were close to the boarding spot.
I am not a fan of line cutting. If my kids have to pee, they either hold it or we all get out of line and get back in. We don't wait longer than 20-25 minutes for any ride so it has never been an issue.
We had two situations on our last visit where for different reasons part of our group got ahead of us in line. I felt a little rude excusing my way through the line with my kids in tow, but I have to say that everyone was very nice about it. I thought that I would be greeted with rude looks, but instead it seemed that people understood and nobody had a problem with it. I was grateful at how nice people were about it. I think the people who purposefully cut in front are really a small majority and we shouldn't punish everyone else for it.
Mental note. Put potty trained 7 year old with small bladder in a depends for DL :P He actually did great last year. And honestly, if he had to get out I'd tell him that we'd have to go start over in the line. I'm too embarrassed to cut back in.

I sent both kids in ONCE into mickey's house after leaving the line for potty. Know how you go in the side and there's a rope in front of the front door? I let them run in the front since their cousins were RIGHT there. Honestly, I felt immense guilt. Esp after I got the stink eye from like 4 people. *cough* Notice I only sent the kids. ROFL
I'm usually okay about savings spots for family members of young children, elderly or even one or two adults. When I have a problem is when obviously people are abusing the situation.

I totally agree with this and am on the same page as you are!:)
I recently posted this on another thread concerning tangled lines

"Ya know, I just don't get it! We all have kids and we all know how hard it is for them to stand in those very long lines and we all know how precious time is when you are at the DLR!! It does not bother me at all if someone - be it parent, big brother etc. is waiting in line then younger siblings join them when the line gets closer. I think we all have to be a little forgiving when at the happiest place on earth! It is, after all, for the kids and everyone needs to be given a break every now and then...Just my opinion...

Again, I don't mind if you have young kids etc. BUT if you are able to stand in line -please do so, none of us like it BUT you knew what coming to DLR would entale(sp?):thumbsup2


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