scaring into October Super Goofs Challenge

40 minutes weightlifting...

Sorry I haven't been much of a contributor; waiting for an MRI appointment for my knee...
I tried to do two drive-by's over the past two days, but my iPhone (that I still love, despite everything) decided not to let the posts go through. Grr.

So to sum up, Wednesday was 2.06 miles in 25:55
Thursday was 2 miles in 24:12

Today is rest day. :goodvibes While the rest of the world says TGIF, I say TGIRD!

Mike, hang in there. Don't feel guilty about not contributing much lately. Just get yourself fully healed and eventually you'll be posting the kind of miles and minutes you'd been accustomed to. We Goofs will wait patiently. We're all in this for the long haul, right?

Lisa and Mia (whoops, that's not your name, is it? I meant to say mla1977), good luck in your respective races. Can't wait to read all about them!
today's totals:

3 miles/33:30
20 min stretching

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! Good Luck to all those racing this weekend!!
Today, I did my 5 miler at the gym because it is raining here in NJ...ugh!! Supposed to be a miserable day here. Hopefully it will clear up before my 10 miler tomorrow morning, the forecast looks good for that.

Today's numbers:
5 miles/57:00 plus 15 min stretching

mla1977-That is a lot of working in 4 days...I would be exhausted too if I was you!!! Hope your 5k goes well today...can't wait to hear how it went!

Mike--Take care of that knee...we understand here on the Super is best to rest now and come back stronger later on! Keep us updated on how it is doing!

Suzanne--You are so consistent about getting those workouts in!! Keep up the good work!

Susie--Hope all is well with you...haven't seen you on here in awhile! I noticed that you were scheduled to do a half this weekend...did you do it?
If so, hope it went well!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! Those that are racing, hope you did great and I can't wait to hear those race reports!
My Team in Training subgroup had 7 on tap for this morning. I felt so good, I joined the people training for San Antonio who had to go another 2 miles after our return to the parking lot. So a whopping 9 miles for me today. :cool1: Longest run ever! :thumbsup2 I'm judging my time to be around 1:55 once we edit out all the rest stops and water breaks. And the best part is, I feel like I could have busted out another 4.1 if I absolutely had to. This is probably the first time I've felt super-confident (as opposed to "I think I can") about running the half in January!
Hi Goofs!

I'm sorry I've been AWOL since my report a couple of weeks ago. I've had some rough days at work and the Internet in my neighborhood had been out for over a week due to some construction going on. :headache: I finally was able to connect on Thursday but I didn't have a chance to login until today. Excuses, excuses! :sad2:

Now, I need to go back and catch up on postss to see how everyone is doing.

Suzanne - I did read your RftT report and I'm so glad you had a good time and did quite well! I also enjoyed seeing your pics! You look really good after that race. How do you do it? :teeth:

Lisa - hope you are having fun at the ToT! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Laurie - thanks for asking about me. :flower3: Yes, I did do the race today - it wasn't pretty. I wasn't trained for it but I did it and that's what counts. Ha! I wrote up a report in the Race Reports thread. Hope your Goofy training continues to go well. Is it cold in your neck of the woods?

Mike - I hope your MRI turns out well. It's one thing to be sidelined because you want to be; it's another because you have to be. Hope you are back to where you want to be soon! :hug:

Joanne - hope your knee continues to improve. I need to read about your latest.

Cecilia - hope your Goofy training is going well. I may try for it in 2010 so I'm sure I'll have lots of questions for you. :)

Kim - you are getting really fast!!! Keep up the good work!

mla1977 - hope your 5K went well for you today! :cool1:

Although I will have more hours and miles to report, I'll go ahead and post what I did today:

Saturday, Oct. 25:

Susie: 13.1 miles (26.2 miles for event! :cool1: ), 3 hours 12 minutes

Steve: 17 miles (34 miles for event! Tour de Pumpkin), 1 hour, 5 minutes
Hi goofs!

Ooops. I forgot to post Thursday's 10 miler. 1:36 was the total on that one.

Today was 14 miles. 6 of them in the dark since I was in a hurry to get to a softball tournament. 2:23 for that run. My poor running partner - I wouldn't let us take rest stops since I was in such a big hurry. She is a saint ti put up with me.

Way to go on the 9 miler Kim!! Look at you!

Ah, Mike - no apologies. we know you would rather be out there than on the bench. Heal quickly.

Hi goofs!

I did my 5k this morning and beat the record I had set for myself. I also finished dead last, but who cares about that. I still finished and did it completely on my own. It was a tough course apparently too. Much tougher than what they do at the Race for the Cure. It was pretty hilly. I tried to take advantage of the downhill portions as much as possible.

According to the Nike+ I completed that 5k in 47 mins. I need to recalibrate it properly on a track though. The official race time was 44:40 give or take a few seconds. Definitely under 45 minutes. That was where I wanted to be.

So here's my numbers for Saturday:

5k - 3.1 miles in 44:40
Hi goofs!

I did my 5k this morning and beat the record I had set for myself. I also finished dead last, but who cares about that. I still finished and did it completely on my own. It was a tough course apparently too. Much tougher than what they do at the Race for the Cure. It was pretty hilly. I tried to take advantage of the downhill portions as much as possible.

According to the Nike+ I completed that 5k in 47 mins. I need to recalibrate it properly on a track though. The official race time was 44:40 give or take a few seconds. Definitely under 45 minutes. That was where I wanted to be.

So here's my numbers for Saturday:

5k - 3.1 miles in 44:40

Congrats!! Sounds like a great day!!
Sorry i don't have time to catch up right now, but just wanted to report my miles for today. I had a REALLY tough 10 mile run this morning. I felt sick from the moment I woke up and I paid in my run. I only made it 9.6 miles, I just couldnt' go any longer.

9.6 miles/1:56

I will try to check back in later, time for my nephew's birthday party.
Congrats Megan! Are you looking forward to your next race yet?

Laurie, I hope you feel better soon.

I'm going to try and squeeze 2 miles in while my kids have their playdate at the park. But is that incredibly rude to the other mom? :confused3 She is a friend of mine, and I don't want to take advantage. As someone who only started running this spring, I'm still new to the etiquette issues involved! Maybe I'll do some "speed work" since the guilt of "dumping" my kids on her will push me to go faster?
Thanks suzzane and kshoerlein! I am actually feeling a little better, I think my body was just run down. I ran 5 days in a row this week and that was a MISTAKE!!!! I learned my lesson and will not do that again.

susie-great to hear from you! I will have to jump over to the race reports to see how your race went.

Cecilia--you are really racking up the miles these days!! You are going to do awesome at the Goofy!!

mla1977--great job in your 5k!! sounds like you had a great time.

I am going to take two rest days to recover a little, my body feels a bit run down. Tomorrow will be a complete rest day, then tuesday I have a hockey game, then it will be back to running on wednesday.

I will try to stop by and see how everyone is doing!! Keep up the good work, Super Goofs!!!
I hear you about running 5 days in a row, Laurie. Our TNT coaches have our group running 6 days a week(!) and the other coaches are quietly telling us that it's a bad idea. So now I'm not sure what to do. I'm so anal that I printed out the coaches' run schedule and put a check mark over each run I complete. The 6 days a week was rough especially at first, but now I'm kinda used to it and I love seeing all the check marks. Now that the other coaches have spoken to me about it, I'm thinking about replacing my Monday or Tuesday runs with some cross training. Swimming, rowing and elliptical are all available to me at the Y, so it would be fun to mix it up a bit. And I probably should do a little weight training as well. I'm just starting to feel lost now that I know that my training program isn't necessarily what's best for me. What would you recommend?

I ended up "taking advantage" of my friend today and did my 2 miles fairly quickly (21:13, which is just a few seconds over my best-ever pace). The guilt did make me run faster!
Here's a few pictures!

And my attempt to cover up that fact that I felt sick by smiling for the camera:

My next race is the 8k in Philly in a month. I am going to look for other races to do between that and the Princess 1/2.
Great pics mla1977! What was the weather like for your race?

Sunday update...30 mins bike/5.88 miles.

I get to meet Lisa, our captain, tomorrow night! I will try and remember to bring my camera to work so I can get a pic or two to share!

Have a great Monday everyone!!

It was really nice on Saturday. It was cool, but warmer than it had been the past two days. It was drizzling but a lot of the course was under trees so I only got wet during the one straight away. My hair looks more wet than I remember it being. I'm feeling a little better tonight, but I plan on taking it easy tonight. I could hardly walk last night.

Here's my numbers from yesterday:

Bike 14.40mi/40 min
Elliptical 1.25mi/16 minutes

Have a nice week everyone!


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