School now banning all "out of term" holiday leave

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I shall remember that I'm get a "subsidised trip" next time I go on a school trip and am responsible for the care and safety of your children. We are paid to work during the hours of the school day (plus planning, marking and assessing outside of this time), not the 24-hours a day school trips demand with virtual parental responsibility for your child - it is the most stressful thing to do as a teacher and trust me - no one sees it as a subsidised holiday. :sad2:

So to clarify, do you or do you not get free/subsidised travel on school trips?
So to clarify, do you or do you not get free/subsidised travel on school trips?

Of course we don't pay for our own travel etc when taking kids on a trip? Do you think we should? As said by myself and someone else earlier, it's not a holiday for us, we're at work! Even more than work in fact, we're 'on' 24/7!!

Sorry to have taken this off topic somewhat anyway :)

And as for places like Fuengi and Lloret not being 'proper Spanish culture', obviously not but we're using it as a base to explore Barcelona and Catalonia, as I would imagine Fuengi would be a base to explore Malaga and Andalucia :)

Do schools still do toy days? - Not at my school!! Everyday is learning day (there's only 190 in a year, y'know).

My DD school has two toy days a year, before christmas & summer holidays. It is apart of the schools reward system. It is the highlight of my DD school year.
Can I add that what makes kids expensive is the money you fork out to put batteries in EVERY single blasted toy they own.

£180,000 to raise a child apparently from birth to 18. 80% of that is batteries.



X 3 means that I am really worried now ;)
Of course we don't pay for our own travel etc when taking kids on a trip? Do you think we should?

Absolutely not. Your own family on a holiday is one thing. But taking care of a whole group of other peoples' children I would expect high level Danger Pay on top of my expenses :rotfl2:
As parents, you have a LEGAL responsibility to ensure your child attends school.
Failure to pay, or persist the absence can lead you to court. The worst case scenario, although rarely done, is that parents can be prosecuted and could face imprisonment for taking your child out of school without permission. It is technically illegal.

I admit that I am no expert but I am pretty sure that this isn't true.
When we were planning on moving back to the UK after living in the middle east we were struggling to find a school that we were happy to send DS to.
As a result we looked into home learning and one of the things that I remember reading is that it is not a legal requirement to send your child to school. It is, however, a legal requirement to ensure your child gets an education. How this is carried out is up to you as a parent and you must explain to your LEA how you plan to achieve this, but they are not even allowed to come round to your home and monitor what you have in place.
I would think he means if your child is enrolled at a school then it's a legal requirement, not that they must by enrolled at a school, if you see what I mean :)

So to clarify, do you or do you not get free/subsidised travel on school trips?

No they get paid to do a job which involves travel. The same way that any other tour guide/holiday rep doesn't get free travel whilst they are working they are just working.

Do you think your kids are so well behaved that the teachers ignore them for 5 days and hang out by themselves?
I am just back from four days away with my class. I would not expect to pay for it as I am working round the clock to ensure the health and safety of the children. You cannot even take the time to have a shower without rushing like a mad thing to make sure they are ok.

The cost of the trip would be substantially less than the cost of my time, which, of course, I would not expect to be paid extra for.

Surprised to read this.
I would think he means if your child is enrolled at a school then it's a legal requirement, not that they must by enrolled at a school, if you see what I mean :)


Yeah that's right!

LEA's appoint people to "inspect" parents who electively home educate.
So to clarify, do you or do you not get free/subsidised travel on school trips?

Of course we do - would you pay for a business trip out of your own pocket?

We are at work the whole time we are there: it just so happens that our job is caring for and teaching your children who you have entrusted entirely to us! We also take school trips over weekends too - when we are not even paid to be there. We sacrifice evenings with our own family to care for yours.

If your business said to you: would you like to pay £250 out of your own pocket to spend three nights working 16 hours a day and on-call should anything go wrong in the night (holding someone else's child's hair back as they throw up all night?), would you go?!

Alternatively, would you want to take 10 unrelated 14-year olds for whom you are responsible on a 5-day trip to Spain and pay £400 for the privilege?
Of course we do - would you pay for a business trip out of your own pocket?

We are at work the whole time we are there: it just so happens that our job is caring for and teaching your children who you have entrusted entirely to us! We also take school trips over weekends too - when we are not even paid to be there. We sacrifice evenings with our own family to care for yours.

If your business said to you: would you like to pay £250 out of your own pocket to spend three nights working 16 hours a day and on-call should anything go wrong in the night (holding someone else's child's hair back as they throw up all night?), would you go?!

Alternatively, would you want to take 10 unrelated 14-year olds for whom you are responsible on a 5-day trip to Spain and pay £400 for the privilege?

Well said! I feel like it is summer now that I have my residential over. Maybe I should take a fortnight off and take DD out of school!! Just kidding :)
Yeah that's right!

LEA's appoint people to "inspect" parents who electively home educate.

Not in our experience they don't :mad: We got left to it and they wouldn't even offer any advice at all on lesson planning etc. None of the work we did with our DS was checked either :confused3

Mrs Pegasus
Not in our experience they don't :mad: We got left to it and they wouldn't even offer any advice at all on lesson planning etc. None of the work we did with our DS was checked either :confused3

Mrs Pegasus

Did you home educate from the beginning or did your son start off in school? I think if it's the latter the are more likely to check up on you for some reason.
The teachers are fighting back :lmao:


It has been a good fight on both sides :goodvibes

What is great about this thread; even though we are massively off-topic, is that each side has made their points without the need for fighting.

If DIsers made up the total parent and teacher population we would be able to sort out Local Authorities, Unions and Government perfectly :grouphug:

I recon we could make this the longest should I take my child out of school thread in DIS history :thumbsup2
I recon we could make this the longest should I take my child out of school thread in DIS history :thumbsup2

My finger is aching, been hovering over the close thread button for almost 4 days. :rotfl2:
Great to have a civil discussion on this subject.
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