Security check lines


DIS Veteran
Jan 5, 2000
What are the security check lines like recently? Still a long line waiting to have purses and backpacks checked? Have they built any new facilities, or is it still just portable tables with tents over them? We're coming back in March and were just curious as to what to expect.
At Thanksgiving, they were still tables with tents over them. When we were there the week before Thanksgiving the crowds weren't that bad, so the lines were pretty good. The one observation that I would make though, is the extreme friendlyness and professionalism of the security staff (excuse me sir, mind if I look in you bag, sir, etc). Guess I am just used to the staff at Six Flags (gimmie your bag!)
Yes - same tents but I must agree on how great the CM's are when checking.

My wife and I were in line behind a family with 2 young children. They asked why they were looking through all our stuff.

Rather than horrify the kids with security info, the CM told the kids that Mickey has gained some weight lately and they were looking for donuts to make sure people weren't sneaking any in to the mouse.

The kids were clueless and the Disney dream kept alive!
Wow, DrDoobie -- what a great story! :D Those were some fast-thinking CMs and I agree, that was a great way to keep the magic alive for the children. Thanks for sharing that -- it really brightened my day.
We wee there 12/29-01/04 and the only place you had to wait long was the MK. the facilities are still makeshift. I was talking to a guard one evening at Intertational Gate(he wasn't busy), and he said they seldom have any kind of problem. People are very cooperative and seem to appreciate the security. A rare drunk is the biggest problem. I hope they continue to check. Y'all are right the people they have doing this are very polite and good natured.
I've always thought that canceling ee mornings was ridiculous but slowing people down at the gates to do these searches is far worse.
Terrorists are smarter than we think... That is how the masterminds have managed to elude justice! Who the heck is going to blow up Cindy's castle? How in the world would that hurt the economy in any way? Those criminals would rather go all the way and really put a dent on our lives by blowing up something virtually impossible to reconstruct. Come on now, after smearing it with bubble gum pink paint for the anniversary, how long would it really take to rebuild such attraction?

Who in the world would ever blow up Mickey and Minnie's house? Criminals are far smarter than that...
Yes, terrorists are smarter than that, but to be honest with you, I think they should have been checking people's bags for weapons long before 9/11. The chances of altercation involving a weapon (call it domestic terrorism if you will) is far greater than we all think. Think about it, you could legally bring a 2 inch knife on a plane prior to 2001. Do you really need to carry a firearm into the Magic Kingdom? I think the safety is important for all of us entering the parks as well as the employees.
Originally posted by TreeOfLife
I've always thought that canceling ee mornings was ridiculous but slowing people down at the gates to do these searches is far worse.
Terrorists are smarter than we think... That is how the masterminds have managed to elude justice! Who the heck is going to blow up Cindy's castle? How in the world would that hurt the economy in any way? Those criminals would rather go all the way and really put a dent on our lives by blowing up something virtually impossible to reconstruct. Come on now, after smearing it with bubble gum pink paint for the anniversary, how long would it really take to rebuild such attraction?

Who in the world would ever blow up Mickey and Minnie's house? Criminals are far smarter than that...

IMHO, it's not necessarily WHAT they blow up, it's more how many people would it affect - look at how many thousands of people visit every year.. people, families, etc - I, for one, feel safer knowing that they do these sort of checks...
I would have to agree with MadMadamMim, an attack on Disney would affect many people from many different places. A little extra security never hurt.
bkcwilliams, WDW has traditionally been a safe place where many parents even let their older kids run around loose. I have never heard of a violent incident in the parks granting such security measures. I know what you are talking about but the maniac that will stab someone could very well walk into a restaurant and steal a knife! Besides, criminals want an easy escape route and no park offers that.

I think Disney parks will continue to be safe regardless of the security checks. They should be done in NYC instead, or even Downtown Disney! There I can see it as a rational alternative to check people walking around...

And yes, I know that preventing is better than regreting but these security checks make no sense to me. Disney does NOT have irreplaceable buildings and attractions and the concept of a mugger attacking anyone in the parks is outlandish. They may not allow weapons at the gate but there are plenty of items that could be used as a weapon available inside, for anyone who really intends to do harm. But then again, how would they get out?

If anything, such extremist measures at the gates empower terrorists and criminals who enjoy keeping us afraid.
I wouldn't mind security checks if they were *real*, but c'mon, they give a cursory look inside your bag and wave you on. You could be carrying a bazooka (well a small one anyway ;) ) and no one would see it. This type of "security" check is just enough to be an inconvenience but not enough to be of any use against anyone intent on carrying a weapon. Plus, it could be anywhere on your body -- no metal detectors. Pointless.

Just MHO, of course!

I think anyone who thinks any place or anyone is safe from terrorism is very niave. I lead my life everday the same as I did before 9/11 and will still travel but I like the extra security checks. Yes the checks aren't perfect but they might find that one. People who are willing to committ terrorism crazy and just that if they think it might get them a reaction they might try anything. While I do believe that for the most part we are safe at Disney World I am not willing to bet my life on it. Thank you to all the CM and for that matter any security any place.
That's the whole point, Amapola, those security checks at the gates are a mockery.
They know it and maybe that is why they don't match security checks entering a court house or a federal building! Don't waste people's times at the lines or even create a false sense of security playing that game unless it is well done and with good reason.
I think Disney only does the checks to give visitors a false sense of security. Most Americans seem to appreciate the checks.

Personally my family finds them a waste of time and money.
When we had to go through the checks last April, we had brought one backpack. It was filled to the brim. The security people had me empty it almost completely. They swiped their hands through the remaining portion of the bag. They even unrolled my sweatshirts. They were very apologetic about it. There is nothing suspicous looking about us, we are just a regular looking family.
The family in front of us were bringing in two thermos's inside a bag. They had them remove the caps so they could be smelled to check for liquor.
I don't think they are just for show. At least my expierence wasn't for show.
Just wanted to add that I do feel that to be more time efficient Disney could spring for metal detectos and xray equipment similar to the airports.
On the Rumors Board (I think) Safari Steve posted that they are building permanent structures for the checks at MK.

For those who think it's a waste of time and for show, maybe it is. Tree says if someone wanted a knife that someone could go into any of the restaurants to get one. My feeling is that if they need them at airports then they need them at WDW.

The raw number of people in any of the park on a given day and at any given time would dwarf the numbers of 9/11.

Even if it's cursory we have no idea what goes on around us while they slow us down. And to whomever said it cost them time and money, how much is your safety worth?
Disney is not the only one doing it, our local water park does it too and to be honest I don't mind.
I was at WDW in December and I had no problem going through security , then again I travelled light, just my fanny pack and camera and I had my fanny pack open for them to look in, they looked in and in I went to the park, it also depends on how prepared people are for it.
Disney is an American institution & was considered a top 10 target in the days following 9/11. Once you start something like the security checks, you really can't stop them. We really must realize that our lives will never be the same again.


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