Security check lines

My wife and I were in line behind a family with 2 young children. They asked why they were looking through all our stuff.
DS3 asked the same thing on our last trip when the CM asked to look in his fanny pack. I said, "He just wants to make sure you didn't bring anything that you weren't supposed to." He very seriously looked at the CM and said, "I left my Buzz in the car like Mom said." :)
I think the checks are a joke. They don't thoroughly search the bags AND they don't search each person.

Anyone could bring a gun or knife into the park with ease by just putting it in his (or her) pocket.:( They wouldn't even have to be creative.
That's so sweet BrerMom! That's one of those moments that you never forget. I think the security really has two purposes: 1. To show people that Disney is security-concious, and provide a somewhat more secure feeling to the public (yes for show). But also, 2. To stop any really large weapons such as an automatic machine gun or gym bag full of dynamite from getting inside. Disney knows that short of a full body search, they'll never stop every knife or small handgun from coming in, so they're not even trying to provide that level of security. Instead, they're focusing on trying to prevent any really large-scale disasters from happening. If they really put in place measures supposedly to catch any possible weapon, then they could also possibly be held legally liable if something did happen and a weapon did happen to get through. So instead, they are saying that they will try to provide a minimum level of security to help people feel more safe, while on the other hand saying that they cannot possibly promise anyone complete safety, such as someone just going crazy and running up and stabbing you or something. So they are being shrewd by offering some general security, while limiting their liability. Sorry for sounding so corporate, but that's probably what it boils down to, in my opinion LOL.
Originally posted by TreeOfLife
That's the whole point, Amapola, those security checks at the gates are a mockery.
They know it and maybe that is why they don't match security checks entering a court house or a federal building! Don't waste people's times at the lines or even create a false sense of security playing that game unless it is well done and with good reason.

So why do people have car alarms? When was the last time you heard a car alarm going off? Did you run over to see if you could catch a thief in the act? No, you didn't. That's because car alarms, and in this case the security checks at the gates, are <i>deterrents</i>. If there is even a small chance that a criminal will get caught, he will move on to an easier mark.

What is the whole reason behind the terrorism, specifically why they targeted the World Trade Center? Because it was a symbol of our economic prosperity and wealth. Just the economic impact of the two towers and related tragedies was enough to send this country into an economic spin. How many airlines are close to bankruptcy (or in) right now?

What if their next target was a tourist location of great regard, such as Disney World? Yes, you can rebuild it, but I can guarantee you that 80%+ of the people scheduled to visit after it's rebuilt will cancel. And not only here, but at Universal, and any other tourist destinations. What would that impact have?

I don't mind the time spent for the 'quick' checks - it stops the obvious freaks, and gives me at least a better sense of security. Even if it's tiny.
I also think that the security checks are mostly for show. I was in WDW one month after the WTC attack. We had to wait nline for a bag check at every park. At TL, we left our bag in the car at park opening when the line was long. After lunch, I went to the car and retrieved the giant duffle bag with clothes for the 5 of us. I walked right through the gate without so much as a second glance from any CM. I guess security is more important at 10:00 a.m. than at 1:30 p.m.
I also think the security checks are for show. We were at WDW last May for 10 days. Over the course of those days, each time we went in a park we had to open our tiny fanny packs. Mine only holds my wallet, room key, and a small bottle of tylonel. My partners is not much bigger, we like to travel light. I also had to open my camera case and, on many occasions take my camera out so that the inside of the bag could be inspected.

At the same time, familys with strollers loaded down with diaper bags etc. rolled right by. The bags they were carrying were checked but, none of the security CMs even bothered to check the bottom of the strollers and the bags that were attached to the stroller. Young men with those giant baggy pants/shorts with huge pockets were not checked either. Much more could fit in he pockets of those shorts than could fit in m camera case or fany pack.

The security check made me feel no safer at all. It would take a terrorist or criminal one pass thru security to notice this weekness. We picked up on this right away, so i'm sure if you were looking for the week link it would be exta easy to find.

Just my thoughts and personal observations...
And yes, I know that preventing is better than regreting but these security checks make no sense to me. Disney does NOT have irreplaceable buildings and attractions and the concept of a mugger attacking anyone in the parks is outlandish.
I agree, Disney does not have irreplacable buildings..... but it does have irreplacable people. If someone brought a bomb in, would it just blow up a building? No. It could kill thousands of people too. If someone brought an automatic weapon inside, that could kill multiple people. I understand they may not have the best security system in place, but something is better than nothing. Personally, I don't mind the bag checks. JMHO
Show or not show I don't mind having security checks like this, and like someone else said, life will never be the same after 9/11.
We have trained our Basset Hound to scare off fierce creatures- we have never seen any fierce creatures, are you telling me that my dog isn't effective?
When we there over X-mas we had cursory checks and very through checks, I don't no that these checks are effective BUT I don't know that they aren't! Anyone in so much of a hurry that they resent the checks needs to slow down and smell the popcorn.Life is to short to get excited over a 5 or 10 minute delay.
I'd be curious to know if Disney ever found any weapons in any of their checkings. Anyone know where a list is posted of what they've confiscated from guests bringing in weapons in the past year and 4 months?
Just imagine the "green light" to the lunatics if they suddenly stopped the security checks. You know it would be in every newspaper. Not a happy thought. :(
I personally have accepted the checks & I always thank the officer for doing what they do.
I don't mind the security checks but I don't feel any safer at DW because of them.
I think it is a liability issue, they had to add SOME kind of extra security since 9/11.
I really don't see how the bag checks make anyone feel safer.
If someone wants to bring a weapon into the parks, they just won't carry it in a bag.
I can't imagine a group of terrorists sitting around plotting their strategy and saying, "Well, we can't carry anything into DW in a bag, so THAT'S OUT!"
I guess I agree it would be a step in the wrong direction to STOP the bag checks now, that would either be saying "the threat is gone" or "We know the bag checks are not an effective deterrent so we won't bother anymore."

"When we had to go through the checks last April, we had brought one backpack. It was filled to the brim. The security people had me empty it almost completely. They swiped their hands through the remaining portion of the bag. They even unrolled my sweatshirts. " Kilee
That's the first I've heard of such a thorough inspection.
It's usually a quick peek in the bag and you're on your way.

I saw the security guard stop a man from bringing a bottle of wine into the Magic Kingdom. It was 9:00 in the morning, I don't know why the guy was carrying it in his bag but he left to go put it back in his car. Strange.

What ARE the bag checks supposed to protect us from?
A terrorist attack?
During Christmas week, I saw 2 guys walk into the Animal Kingdom wearing those big long black coats. They didn't have any bags so they walked around the security check tables. They could have had a number of weapons under those coats... guns, dynamite etc...
I just don't see how anyone can think that some sick person who wants do a horrible, destructive thing at a Disney Park will decide not to do it because of the bag checks.

BUT, I don't mind the few minutes it takes, SOME people feel safer, Disney HAS to do SOMETHING, and the "bag-checkers" are always nice and friendly. There's one that we've seen at MGM twice and he always asks "Where are my donuts?"
Next time, we're bringing donuts. :)
I just want to know which CM has been trained enough to recognize an explosive inside a camera or a weapon hidden in a drink bottle, with the naked eye, even! Forgot what they can hide in shoes already?

Nobody in his/her right frame minds reasonable searches for the safety of the public. But without detectors, these searches are a joke, a mockery to guests' feelings of security and an unnecessary waste of time. A criminal really intending to do harm at WDW outsmarts them all.
The reality is unfortuneatly simple. Right after 9/11, WDW had no choice but to implement security checks. Now, they have no choice but to continue them. Heaven forbid they stop and then something happens.

But, are they effective? Of course not. If someone wants to bring in a bomb and detonate it, they will be wearing it, not carrying it in a back pack. Last week the weather was so cold, everyone was bundled up in thick coats. Those security officers would have absolutely no idea if somone came in wearing an explosive device.

The bag checks are superficial and pale in comparison to what takes place in airports. But, as I said, Disney has absolutely no choice but to continue them (effective or not.)
Personally, I'm not as worried about some lunatic trying to bring an explosive or weapon into the park. Blowing up Cinderella's Castle wouldn't be that "impressive", and it would be difficult for a gunman to make a clean escape. I am, however, very worried about some lunatic bringing anthrax, smallpox... you name it... into the park.

The security checks might not be perfect, but at least it is something. I'll gladly have my bags checked when I get there next week (Whoopee!!!!!!)
I'm with whoever made the comment about the car alarms. For those of you who are calling WDW bag checks useless ... how many of you have car alarms, and how many of you know if it even goes off? You're in the movies, in the shower, in a meeting -- you have no idea if someone is trying to break into your car. But still, you feel safer because you have a car alarm.

What about the people with Mace on their keychains? If you don't have your keys in your hand when someone grabs you from behind, how likely is it that you're going to have the wherewithall to open your bag, pull out your keys, and aim the little canister? But still, you feel safer because you have it.

Same thing here.

No bag check -- with or without metal detectors -- is going to be 100% effective in keeping weapons or other unwanted substances out of WDW. If someone wants to do harm or damage, they can do it without bringing in weapons. But does taking the time to do a quick check do any significant harm? No. It doesn't cost the guest anything, it has managed to remove some contraband items from people's backpacks, it's by all accounts a pleasant experience, and it makes lots of people feel safer and, perhaps, more alert of the people around them. So what's the fuss?

So what's the fuss?

That at least the car alarm knows what it is doing, that's what. That your car is at higher risk of getting vandalized anywhere than guests are of being under terrorist attacks at WDW.

That you aren't safe against muggers, terrorists or anthrax if a CM has no clue about what he's looking for. That anyone intending to do harm will hide whatever in places where CMs aren't even suspecting because they have no search training beyond looking in people's bags in haste... For what? How can they tell something is potentially dangerous? Based on what training?

That people get a false sense of security, that's what.
Originally posted by TreeOfLife
That at least the car alarm knows what it is doing, that's what. That your car is at higher risk of getting vandalized anywhere than guests are of being under terrorist attacks at WDW.

The car alarm knows what it is doing? So ... when it triggers because of fireworks or a sonic boom, it's doing so because it made that conscious decision? I had no idea! :) My point was that if someone wanted to steal your car -- alarm or not -- they're going to get it. Why? Because most of the time, you're not within range of your alarm, and so you couldn't do anything about it anyway. And truly, when was the last time you saw a bunch of people jump into action when a car alarm went off? That alarm isn't protecting your car, it's giving you a false sense of security. (And, perhaps, a break on your insurance.)

Originally posted by TreeOfLife That you aren't safe against muggers, terrorists or anthrax if a CM has no clue about what he's looking for. That anyone intending to do harm will hide whatever in places where CMs aren't even suspecting because they have no search training beyond looking in people's bags in haste... For what? How can they tell something is potentially dangerous? Based on what training?

How do you know they don't know what to look for or what kind of training they've received? Look at the number of people who still make it onto airplanes with weapons, and those security folks are highly trained, so we're told. All sorts of stuff shows up on airplanes that shouldn't. Yet, we haven't yet heard about someone sneaking a gun or box cutter into WDW. Is that because guests aren't bringing them, or because Security is catching them? Who knows. Either way ... no weapons at Disney World.

Obviously, most people don't consider WDW to be a dangerous place -- bag check or not -- or they presumably wouldn't be coming to the park in droves. So if you felt secure coming to Disney before September 11, and you still feel secure enough to come in regardless of how effective you think the bagchecks are, how can the checks give you a "false" sense of security?

I am not planning my trip feeling safer because of those security check fiascos. I am one who believes they are for show and completely unnecessary because the personnel lacks the training or equipment to make them effective.

Whatever, pal... If the fantasy starts right at the gates making you believe you're safer because Joe Schmoe peeked into your belongings, hey it is your trip, believe what you want!

Have a safe vacation... ;)
I just have a question on what they check. Do they check in camera cases? I have a medium size digital camera that barely fits into it case, I wouldn't consider it a bag. My plan was to go light and only take the camera but if I will have to stop for the camera to be checked then I may just bring my bp also. I guess I could maybe compress the case and stick it in my pocket and carry the camera on it's strap if that would work. BTW thanks for everyone posting on all subjects. I have a few pages of things to try and not to try. 17 days and counting.


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