***See last page : AK Swap Part II Final Details :

Mickeys Old Friend your package came in today. Your frames are beautiful, and I love my gifts. I swear some of you ladies must have gotten a hold of my secret wish list! I can't wait to start working on my new Disney album. The swap items are to die for. You ladies are once again out doing anything I have seen anywhere else.

Cyndi princess:
Pat ( Inky dinky doo ) and Gail ( swan ) your packages came in today. I loved everything ! Great job ladies.

Cyndi princess:
Though a large portion of the swap items have arrived at my home, a few people have emailed me about there's being delayed in going postal. As soon as all of the packages are in, I will post sign-ups for MGM. Its been so much fun ladies working with you. Only two more swaps to go! You ladies are awesome.

Someone has also suggested a "everything else disney" swap ( ex. restuarants, water parks, downtown disney shopping, etc ). I love the idea, but will probably let someone else host this. I feel like I have hogged the swap's long enough. :teeth:

Hopefully everything will be in by Tuesday or Wednesday and I can begin swapping out the packages. Thanks to everyone providing stamps I will be able to get this out a lot quicker.

Have a great 4th of July weekend everyone!

Cyndi princess:
I'd be willing to give it a try and host this one as long as it's ok with everyone :)
I think we should wait till the current swaps are over though.
I'm game for the "everything else" one and I'm also game for franne to host it :)

<<-- justs hopes Studios isnt posted between the 16th and the 20th :)
Cyndi, just wanted to let you know I FINALLY finished.... Yipeee.... the stuff went postal this morning. I put the stamp in your baggie for the return address. Your bag looks very different from everyone elses.

Mine went out today, too, Cyndi. I was determined to get everything done yesterday and ended up staying up until 3am finishing them. But they are in the mail and should get to you early next week.
Spinning your package came in today. Thank you! And the eyelets and tags are too cute.

Cyndi princess:
Oh I am so glad! I really had a hard time with the tags I knew what I wanted to do but wasn't sure if they came out ok.
Yay! An everything Disney swap! Count me in! And, Franne, I think you'll do a great job.


112 days and counting . . . again!

Forgot to let you know I sent my stuff out too. You should get in Tuesday. I also sent $4.00 for you to send Priority Mail back to me.

ACK! Cindy did I put money in my envelope. DOn't ask me why but all of a sudden I think I didn't! I can't remember. Please let me know.
Hi ladies,

First WDWMom your package came in Saturday. I love the paper you used. And yes Spinning you had money in the bag.

I wanted everyone to know that I will only be on-line this week to let you all know if packages come in. If they all come in by the end of the week I hope to sort and send them out by the weekend or next Monday ( explanation below ) :

I tried posting last night, but my computer was acting so wacky I
just gave up and went to bed. I wanted to ask for prayer for two of my friends. We got the first call late saturday night and the second call early Sunday morning that my friends had two death's in their family in less than twenty four hours ! It took me a long time Sunday morning to get myself together. I'm still can't believe it. It will be a long sad week. Our families have been close for a long time. My daughter's have babysat for one friend, and the other friend has grandchildren that my children grew up with. We spent Sunday afternoon between the two family's home. Today I spent the day with my family . I don't know that I will ever take things for granted ever again. At least I hope that I have learned to savor the moments as they come, because you just never know. Please keep my two friends and their family in your prayers. And give yours's a extra hug tonight and tell them you love them. If you guys don't hear from me much this week you know why.

I'm so sorry to hear that, I will keep you and your friends in my prayers, don't worry about the swap, this is much more important. Love to all,
Don't worry about us just take care of yours. My prayers are with you all.
Awwww.... Cyndi I am so sorry to hear about your friend's family... You are in my prayers and don't worry about the swap. We definitely can all wait.

Mine should be there by tomorrow. I'm hoping... I put the stamp in your baggie too. Let me know if you can't find it.

I am so sorry to hear about your friends. That has got to be tough. Hang in there. Take your time with this swap we all understand.
I am sorry to hear your news...You and your friends will be in my thoughts and prayers!

I finished my swap items finally....sorry to be so late...apologies to everyone. I forgot to give the items to DH to mail(I am at work now!) I will get everything mailed priority tomorrow!


You have company...mine won't go out until tomorrow either. What I thought I was going to do didn't work out and I had to start over. Sorry folks!

Cyndi...my sympathies on your loss...I'll post tomorrow when the package is on its way.



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