September 2011 - The Planning Has Started!!!

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Okay so here is my first attempt - thinking it would look better on our friend's daughter - a little big on our daughter... lol... sorry about graininess - had to use laptop - camera batteries dead...

My daugter Kelly in my first attempt at a pillowcase dress... lol - its a pattern I didn't realize i had


Very Nice---see we are more talented then we thought:cool1:
I am gonna work on a MK shirt tomorrow, just have to think of a reason I am making one in Mickey colors....though if you saw my house, I guess my girls won't think anything of it cause they know I am everything Disney!
Amy--thanks about the top... My friends (NY) I am traveling with have decided I have done such a good job that I am the girl to make the MK tops for all 5 girls...I said of course but I am not sure there was a compliment in that idea or an.."I don't wanna do it":rotfl2: So I am gonna try and at get 2 of them done over Easter break, however I have alot of running the dancer in my life so we shall see how far I get.

Amy-- just switch to my's gotta be cheaper and more fun!!:lmao:

Ha! I looked at all sorts of weeks in September and the only week that seemed to work for our cruise (and the cabin category I wanted) was the first week. I DID look at switching things around a couple times, but now all of the cruise prices have SKY-ROCKETED!!! I'm thinking because of the fuel prices?! Same exact dates, same people, and same cabin category (this is JUST Mikella and I, mind you) is now $800 more!! It's only a 3 night it pretty much DOUBLED in price!'s the cruise portion that prevents me from making too many changes. Originally when my two older kids were going with us, we were booked for the Oct. 9th sailing.
Sounds like so much fun!!! We live close enough to Chicago that we can take the train in for a day of fun!

Have you ever been to AG? If you want your girls doll to get her hair done or get her ears pierced go STRAIGHT there so you don't have a long wait. ;)

And we love the big Old Navy!!! Have fun!!!! :yay:

I think we are taking the train in from Naperville...staying a hotel there. Gonna spend Fri the 29th in downtown as long as the girls don't have to dance that day. Thank for the advice on AG, DD(7) wanted ANOTHER doll efor her bday, we said sure...however I really think we have enough of them in our home. So i told her if she passes on another one and we save that money + her chore money, that she could get an ipod touch before the start of the next school yr. She seems very intrigued, we'll see what happens. Thought of offering her the Magz cover or ear piercing...won't let her pierce Nellie's though cause that ruins the whole historical value of her. Anyhow, can't wait to hit Michigan Ave!!:yay:
Hey Amy...where is IL do you live? Are u close to Aurora or Chicago? We are coming there April 28th. Syd has competition there that weekend. Friday we are going into downtown. Hitting AG, FAO, Old Navy(3 stories--woohoo), and a chicago dog, and deep dish excited!!

Sounds like fun!! We are a little less than 2 hours from Aurora, and about 2 hr and 45 min (depending on traffic) from the downtown Chicago area. We live southwest of Chicago on the IL/IA border. We usually make it up there for soccer tournaments several times a year. I try to avoid the chaos of that city as much as I can!:rotfl: I LOVE the outlet mall in Aurora though!!
Today has been a miserable day here too! Snow flurries, rain, windy, cold...

Warmer days can't get here soon enough! :tink:

Yeah, you can say THAT again!! LOL! It snowed here too, but it didn't stick (thank goodness), but my older daughter is in Cedar Rapids, IA for a soccer tournament and the snow COVERED the fields this morning. Had to cancel the first game since no one could see the field. Cold, windy, rainy, snowy......ugh!!
I think we are taking the train in from Naperville...staying a hotel there. Gonna spend Fri the 29th in downtown as long as the girls don't have to dance that day. Thank for the advice on AG, DD(7) wanted ANOTHER doll efor her bday, we said sure...however I really think we have enough of them in our home. So i told her if she passes on another one and we save that money + her chore money, that she could get an ipod touch before the start of the next school yr. She seems very intrigued, we'll see what happens. Thought of offering her the Magz cover or ear piercing...won't let her pierce Nellie's though cause that ruins the whole historical value of her. Anyhow, can't wait to hit Michigan Ave!!:yay:

Which dance competition is it? I grew up in dance....tap, jazz, ballet, tumbling. I also taught all through Jr. high/high school until I got married and moved away. Now Mikella is dancing (big Spring recital tomorrow), but I just don't know if I want her to compete when the time comes?! $$$$$ :confused3 She DID do a couple county fair talent competitions last summer just for the fun of it...but those don't cost anything. I traveled all over the country when I was competing and it cost a FORTUNE!! :scared1:
Sounds like fun!! We are a little less than 2 hours from Aurora, and about 2 hr and 45 min (depending on traffic) from the downtown Chicago area. We live southwest of Chicago on the IL/IA border. We usually make it up there for soccer tournaments several times a year. I try to avoid the chaos of that city as much as I can!:rotfl: I LOVE the outlet mall in Aurora though!!

Have you ever gone to the Gurnee outlet?? I hear they have a Disney Store Outlet!!! That's about 2 hours from here but the idea of a Disney Outlet has me seriously thinking about going!!!! Ha!
Have you ever gone to the Gurnee outlet?? I hear they have a Disney Store Outlet!!! That's about 2 hours from here but the idea of a Disney Outlet has me seriously thinking about going!!!! Ha!

Yes, I've been to Gurnee Mills, but I don't remember a Disney Store's been a few years since I've been there though! Think I'm gonna look it up! lol
We got some good news... neither myself or DM is very comfortable with flying, so we plan on driving. However, our van is getting on in years... it is now 14 years old and has made several trip to Disney. Over the last year or so we have had to repair it numerous times for standard stuff like broken belts... but has been running into a bit of money! Not to mention that the last time it was more than 100 miles from home it broke down and cost us an arm and a leg to tow and fix it.. So needless to say, I was concerned about it making another trip to florida. We had another car, but it was too small for such a long journey, no cruise control and no room for DMs WC. Friday we finally got approved for a newer vehicle... we are now the proud owners a 2006 Chevy Trailblazer.... with many perks added in!


Only problem, we didn't measure the cargo area and it is too short for her WC.... but we will figure something out for it!!!
Yep, it's there! Hmm, might have to check that out one of these days. Gurnee is just so much further north. We were just up there for a couple days at Great America last summer, but didn't have time for shopping.
I would love to go but not sure wwe will have time for that. I am figuring that we will get in thurs nt, then go to downtown Fri morning and be back with girls in bed by 8pm cause I am sure once the schedule comes out they will be dancing at 8am and that means they must be there at 7am and well that's a 6am wake up to get hair and make up down...oh I love watching DD dance comp, but sheesh it is very exhausting:guilty:
Well I convinced my husband to go check it out tomorrow!! I had him at "Bass Pro Outlet" Ha!!! :lmao: I will let you know how it goes!!! Ha!

Thats awesome, hope you find great deals...tell us all about Disney store!!!
Very Nice---see we are more talented then we thought:cool1:
I am gonna work on a MK shirt tomorrow, just have to think of a reason I am making one in Mickey colors....though if you saw my house, I guess my girls won't think anything of it cause they know I am everything Disney!

just tell them you are making it for someone else... lol... i know - its so hard not to tell them... mine thinks we are saving to go next summer - only way we can chat a little about what we want to do without giving it away...
jewelsg - good job! I love your daughter's haircut. None of my girls have had hair straight enough for something like that to work and I have always loved that look.

I have vacation fever. My oldest dd just had her tonsils/adnoids out and I just want to take a break from all the mundane and chores and get away. Come on September!!!!!!!!!! :banana::banana::banana:

I am starting to run out of lists to make ...:scared1:

Never! There are always more lists!:lmao: Maybe we should all list our lists to get new ideas. :rotfl:

We got some good news... neither myself or DM is very comfortable with flying, so we plan on driving. However, our van is getting on in years... it is now 14 years old and has made several trip to Disney. Over the last year or so we have had to repair it numerous times for standard stuff like broken belts... but has been running into a bit of money! Not to mention that the last time it was more than 100 miles from home it broke down and cost us an arm and a leg to tow and fix it.. So needless to say, I was concerned about it making another trip to florida. We had another car, but it was too small for such a long journey, no cruise control and no room for DMs WC. Friday we finally got approved for a newer vehicle... we are now the proud owners a 2006 Chevy Trailblazer.... with many perks added in!

Congratulations! :banana: I love the new car honeymoon period. So much fun to explore it's little quirks, nooks and crannies, and capabilities.

Only problem, we didn't measure the cargo area and it is too short for her WC.... but we will figure something out for it!!!

Is it electric? Most of the regular ones have some type of folding mechanism, even though it may be complicated. Also, some of the electric ones have foldable/removable handles/sides which might make it a little shorter.

just tell them you are making it for someone else... lol... i know - its so hard not to tell them... mine thinks we are saving to go next summer - only way we can chat a little about what we want to do without giving it away...

I can't imagine trying to keep it a secret from the kids, half of my fun is discussing the trip with them and making plans. It will be so exciting when the time comes, though! And kudos to all you sewers (okay, what is with this spelling?!) I don't have the patience or ambition to do it myself! :worship:
just tell them you are making it for someone else... lol... i know - its so hard not to tell them... mine thinks we are saving to go next summer - only way we can chat a little about what we want to do without giving it they just pay me no mind:rotfl: I have always wanted to surprise them so nothing will blow this.
My kids know I am always talking Disney so they just pay me no mind I will have to post pics of my family room and you will see the obsession...I mean love!
Never! There are always more lists!:lmao: Maybe we should all list our lists to get new ideas. :rotfl:

I agree....

I can't imagine trying to keep it a secret from the kids, half of my fun is discussing the trip with them and making plans. It will be so exciting when the time comes, though! And kudos to all you sewers (okay, what is with this spelling?!) I don't have the patience or ambition to do it myself! :worship:

I have always told them about the trips but always wanted that surprise moment and I have my girlfriends in NY that I am talking to daily about our plans. We are so excited to surprise them. Making special clothes, doing FE stuff for them....(thats cruise talk) since we were supposed to be cruising so we still wanted to surprise them with little FE gifts. Though I think we have gone over board. :confused3 I will have to copy my list from Excel....mine is long...:rotfl:

I just after 3 yrs on the DIS figured out how to multi-quote:confused3 Man that's sad....i really am smarted then that...:laughing:
My kids know I am always talking Disney so they just pay me no mind I will have to post pics of my family room and you will see the obsession...I mean love!

lol... no such thing as too much Disney :goodvibes

just completed another dress - way too big on my girl - gonna see how it fits DD's BFF Dela (who is coming with us) and if necessary recruit my mom to help me take it in... hard to say though - there are still 5 months for them to grow... lol


DD said she wouldn't wear it anyways - too big for Winnie the Pooh :confused3
Congratulations! :banana: I love the new car honeymoon period. So much fun to explore it's little quirks, nooks and crannies, and capabilities.

Is it electric? Most of the regular ones have some type of folding mechanism, even though it may be complicated. Also, some of the electric ones have foldable/removable handles/sides which might make it a little shorter.

Thanks... we have had some fun with it so far.. Yes her WC is electric, it appears that the handles are screwed on... I know it is supposed to fold up when the batteries are removed, we are gonna play with it a bit when the weather gets nice, see if we can get it to fit and if I can ACTUALLY lift it! We usually use a ramp but it won't work in this vehicle.
Need new lists to make huh? What about lists of disney movies that you want to watch or your kids want to watch before your trip?

Budgeting and saving for Disney is one of my favorite things in the world. I love that you ladies are making clothes! Usually cheaper than buying from the store and sooo much cuter! We are officially having our first yard sale on May 7th. Everything we raise will go toward the vacation fund.
Also we just found out that my work offers free cell phone plan to its employees, and a line for a spouse for $20! We have to pay $7 each for it will be $34 for our cell phone instead of $104 each month from now on!! The savings we are putting in a separate account for home repairs. My boyfriend does local commercials for a branch of MediaCom cable and we also just found out that we are not in their local service area so rather than getting free cable, we get a stipend of up to $75 toward whatever service we want! That money is going to a separate vacation fund!!! Talk about automatic savings!!
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