Sharon's Journal -150 here I come!

Hey Marcia - Yeah, I do seem to get on a roll. A few days OP seems to just fire me up! And the better I do with exercise, the more I want to continue it. And I think both of us really thrive from the positive outlook we get from these boards - VERY inspiring!

So here's what my Friday ended up like

100 oz water - this is just a given for me now.

B - Mini bagel with marg, black coffee 2 pts

L - matzo crackers, string cheese, raw carrots 4 pts

D - Chinese! 1 cup shrimp lo-mein, 1 cup pork fried rice, 1 serving wonton soup total 20 pts

Total for day 26 pts. Target 24, used 1 APS, 1 flex

I knew I wanted Chinese for dinner, so I was very careful throughout the day to save my points!

20 min on the EVIL stepper only earned me 1 APS:mad: But that is okay, because I know that the exercise is targeting my real problem area, so I still want to keep it up. I plan to get back on it this afternoon! Gonna aim for another 20 min.

I also did not eat past 7 pm last night, no snacking!:teeth: Again, the urge was there "just because". But I talked myself out of it and was glad I did. I really stuffed myself on the Chinese, but man it was good! I tried to drink plenty of water afterward so that I don't retain too much.

Don't have too many plans for today. Run a few errands with kids, get on EVIL stepper, do laundry..... Haven't planned anything for dinner, but I'm thinking stay OP so if I go off tomorrow for Superbowl it won't be 3 days of craziness (like last weekend!:o ) Maybe some kind of chicken and broccoli dish?
We'll see.

great job planning for the chinese. i did something very similar a few weekends ago when i knew i was going out for japanese. gotta love those 0 and low point filling foods! and i totally agree about the positive outlook from the boards. i'm spending more and more time here just reading (even if i only go through and post once a day), because it helps me to stay on track. it is wonderful :)

evil stepper, evil stepper, you will be tamed by sharon! hear sharon roar! :crazy: you are taking on that thing like a champ. i'm very impressed at your dedication to it. especially because i know how much you hate it!

and i hear ya with the superbowl. as of right now, i have no plans, but i've heard my parents talking about maybe going to a place like houlihans or something that has a free appetizer buffet. and then my parents will pay for my drinks/other food. we'll see. i'm going to do my best to stay within my points (including ap and flex), but if not, i'm not gonna sweat it. so have a great day tomorrow, do your best, but don't agonize over it if you go a bit over. enjoy yourself tomorrow :sunny:
Well, Sat is in the books and here's what we had. (I just was not hungry all day - I get like that sometimes)

100 oz water

B - black coffee

L - 2 slices FF banana Bread with marg

D - chicken breast strips with mushroom soup and broccoli over rice (got the recipe somewhere on these boards) and 2 crescent rolls. Had extra since I hadn't really eaten all day, so I counted it as 17 pts

S - Ice cream sundae (1/2 cup Edy's choc ice ceam made with Splenda, 1 banana, and 1/4 cup whipped cream) 5 pts

Total for day 24 pts (which is target)

I ate the ice cream sundae because I hadn't eaten too much all day and it got me a milk serving and a fruit serving. (Plus it was really yummy and made me feel decadent!) Unfortunately, I ate it at about 8 at night because my day was pretty hectic, so I didn't make my goal of no eating after 7pm.:(

I did 20 min on my *evil* stepper again. Yeah! I also figured I was doing 30 steps per min, which gives me 2 APS for the 20 min. (Still can't believe its only 2 APS!!!) I also did some free weights for my arms - want those to look good this summer too!;)

Still have no definite plans for today. (Except I have to help my DD put her science fair project together. Yuck!:headache: ) I will just go with the flow and take it as it comes.

hey sharon, glad you enjoyed that yummy ice cream sundae! i know you have a goal to not eat after 7, but sometimes it happens. i dont think it's such a big deal.

hope your sunday went well! and have a great monday :sunny:
Well, we finished the Science Fair Project yesterday. Man, I have always hated those things! Glad to see it done. And I have to say, it looks really nice. Don't know if it will win, but it looks good!:smooth:

Yesterday ended up being pretty good. We didn't do anything special for the Superbowl, so no need to go off plan. I didn't get any exercise in, but it was because I was EXHAUSTED from doing chores at home. Did 7 loads of laundry, ironed, made dinner, cleaned kitchen, bathroom and did that science fair thing. Phew! I'm tired just thinking about it.:p Anyhow, I finally sat down at 6pm and my legs actually hurt they were so tired. So I figured I could call it a day without the *evil* stepper. I WILL go visit him tonight though!;)

Here is what the day looked like:

100+ oz water

B- 2 slices bacon (it just smelled SO good when I made it for DH & DD), black coffee 3 pts

L- Mini bagel with marg, carrots 2 pts

D - Roast Beef and a big salad with spinach, mozzarella, tomatoes, carrots 8 pts

Snacks - 3 home baked cookies 5 pts and chips and salsa during Superbowl 2 pts

Total for day 20 pts

Wow, just realized how low my day was yesterday, pts wise. And I had been planning on it being a big day. Go figure!

Oh, the story with the cookies was, I just wanted some! I am a cookie monster! So I had some of those break apart and bake cookies in fridge. I made 1 pkg and told everyone they could each have 3 cookies. So I endulged and there are none left in the house to call my name today. But what a nice treat it was for yesterday!:hyper:

And there I was watching the Superbowl. I decided that I wasn't hungry and therefore I wouldn't eat any snacks during it. Figured I might as well stay OP since I wasn't hungry. Then DH pulled out the tortillas and salsa. It just looked too good to refuse. So I carefully counted out my 12 chips and dipped away!:teeth: Unfortunately, that means I didn't make my goal of no eating after 7 pm.:( But since I only had 20 pts for the day, I'm not really feeling bad about it.

I am planning to stay within my pt range for today. And I want to tackle the stepper again. I am determined to beat that thing! hehehehe!:teeth:
Sharon it looks like you had a great week! Way to go with keeping OP with food and for sticking it out with the evil stepper. I am so proud of you! Those lbs and inches will just melt away. Keep up the great work!
Stephanie & Marcia -Thanks for stopping by and the words of encouragement! It really helps to motivate me, so THANK YOU!!!!!

Okay, Monday is in the books and it was GOOD! I have added a cheat free bear to my signature. I'm gonna track how many days in Feb are cheat free (like so many others here are doing). So Mon was cheat free for me!

I don't know what it is, but I just haven't been hungry these last few days. It is Tues and I have 33.5 flex pts left. I get 35 new ones tomorrow. Don't know what exactly is going on, but I won't complain. I finished eating yesterday at about 7:15. A little past my 7 pm goal, but it couldn't be helped with our schedule, so I say I met my goal (close enough, right?!)

Here's what I had

100 + oz water

B- black coffee
L - Roast beef on rye with spinach leaves and 1 tsp light mayo 5.5 pts, carrots and McDs fruit & Yogurt Parfait 3 pts
D - 1 cup spaghetti, 1/2 cup sauce, 1 Italian sausage link, lettuce salad 12 pts

Snack - 2 choc chip cookies 3.5 pts

Total points for the day 24 pts (right on target)

Okay, my big news is I did 30 minutes on the stepper yesterday! Yes, that's right 30 minutes! I really am starting to get used to that thing. I hope it really helps to tone my back end, cause MAN I sure do need it there. I would be so thrilled if I could tone up in that particular spot!:tongue:

I'm off to a very good start today. I weigh in tomorrow morning, so my fingers are crossed to see something good!:teeth:
you did great yesterday and you're going to nail that *evil* stepper :) :sunny:
hellllllloooo sharon! you are doing such a great job with your points! how are you not eating any flex??? i need to take a page from your book! (just like i'm doing with cutting off my nighttime eating :rolleyes: )

i am re-dedicating myself to the wish process. and you are helping me out so much. thank you for all of the support you have given me, when i'm doing well, and especially when i feel like i'm faltering! today is a brand new day. you are doing so excellent, and i want to do excellent too.

you are definitely mastering that stepper, i am so proud of you! keep it up, that backside is thanking you (even when it's screaming in agony :p )

good luck with weigh in tomorrow! i am sure it will go wonderfully for you. you've been sticking to the plan, getting in the exercise, and just overall doing great. i hope you have a great day today :sunny:
Had a meeting at work first thing this am, so I'm a little late checking in.

Today is not so good.:worried: I weighed in this morning and I gained 1.5 lbs. Have NO idea how that happened. I guess I'm a little discouraged by that. I am also not feeling too well. Nothing specific, just not feeling good. So my overall mood is down. :(

I did get on the stepper last night. I did 20 min. Didn't push it to 30 because I was not feeling well. I also didn't meet my goal of not eating after 7 pm because I didn't get home until 7:30pm. Not sure if I will roll over my bear or not.

here is what I ate yesterday:

100 oz water

B- 2 slices ff banana bread with marg, black coffee 3pts

L - roast beef on rye with spinach leaves and 1 tsp light mayo 5.5 pts, carrots

S- 3 pieces Wendys chicken strips 7 pts

D - leftover chicken with broccoli and mushroom soup 8 pts

S - 94% fat free popcorn 1 pt

Total for day 24.5 (24 target, .5 APS)

I don't have any idea why the scale said 176.5 this morning. It was 175 yesterday morning. There is no way I built up that much muscle. I will say I can feel a difference in my body, that I "feel" smaller. Just the scale won't confirm it this week. Maybe I'll get a big whoosh in the next couple of days?!

Marcia - thanks for the kind words yesterday! It really does make me feel a little brighter.:smooth: I know I will beat this little set back. Just excuse me if I'm not as positive as usual.:o

Sharon, here's a :hug: for you! I'm sorry your run-in with the scale was not as positive as you'd like. :( However, you're doing so many healthy things for your body that I'm positive that silly scale will catch on soon!!

Have you taken your measurements? You say that you "feel" smaller so that's a positive sign! On low-carb it's very common to lose inches while the scale stays the same and then the scale moves while the inches stay the same. I know you're doing WW, but maybe that's what's happening with you?? Are your clothes getting looser? I'm always happier about losing inches than pounds - I don't care what the scale says if I can fit into a smaller clothes size! :tongue:

30 minutes on the evil stepper - you've GOTTA be building some muscle! Maybe that doesn't account for 1.5 pounds but, trust me, some of that is new muscle that takes up a lot less space than the same amount of fat!! ::yes::

I think you're on the right track, Sharon, and you've got lots to celebrate. Try not to let that scale's number get you down, OK? Besides, if you put the scale next to the stepper, that stepper will tell the scale to behave! :crazy:
I'm sorry the scale was a meanie! I just bet it means that you'll have a nice woosh next week. I tend to hop on the scale all the time at home and sometimes the difference b/w when I "officially" weigh in on Sunday and Sat or Mon's weight is so drastic. This Sun I weighed in at 171 but Mon it was hovering around 169-170. Who knows what those scales are thinking. I think it's great that you are feeling smaller. You probably are smaller whether the scale says so or not. Again, I am so proud of you for kicking that evil stepper's butt!
Thanks Doe & Steph!:cool: I knew I could count on everyone here to make me feel better today!

The "smart" part of me knows if I keep up with these points and the *evil* stepper, that I will conquer the scale! But there is a part of me that was really looking forward to weighing in and having tangible proof that what I am doing is working.:rolleyes: I will just have to listen to the smarter half today and ignore that other voice!:crazy:

And yes, I am taming the *evil* stepper! Thanks for all the encouragement there too! I like your idea, Doe, about letting the stepper have a word or two with the scale! That scale will be running scared!:earseek:
hey sharon, i'm so sorry about your appointment with the scale. it's frustrating when you know you're doing everything right, and it moves in the wrong direction. maybe it's all that muscle your'e building from the *evil* stepper. i know it's hard to not have tangible proof, how about measurements? i don't remember whether or not you're a measurer. i just started a couple weeks ago, gonna check it again at my weigh in on sat. that could be some tangible proof. hope you're feeling better! and don't worry if you're not always positive. that's what's so great about wish, not everyone is going to be up all the time. but we are here to lean on each other when we get down. i think it's a very nice balancing act :)

have a great day today! :sunny:
Well, I sure am glad yesterday is OVER! It was not a good day at all. Weigh-in went poorly, I didn't feel to well and I had MAJOR stress at work. Glad to shut the door on that day!

Due to the day being absolutely awful, I didn't do very well. I ate poorly throughout the day and finished up with a greasy cheeseburger! I knew I was partially doing it because of comfort food, but I was also too exhausted to cook or clean-up and since I hadn't had too many pts during the day, I did it. I guess maybe because I recognized I was seeking comfort food I was at least a step in the right direction.:confused:

Heres the story of the day:

100 oz water

B - thomas' mini bagel with marg 2 pts

L - honey nut cheerios and 12 Matzo crackers 4 pts

D - double cheeseburger and small fries 16 pts

Total for day 24 pts (target)

So even though it wasn't *diet* food, I stayed in my pts. I also finished it before 7 pm, so I met that goal. Didn't eat anything else. I guess I'm going to count it as cheat free for the day.

I didn't exercise because my Wed schedule with the kids doesn't really make it fit in. So I took a day off. I'll be back at my *evil* stepper tonight.:tongue:

What a lousy day yesterday was. Today is a little better, but not great. Some serious stress here at work. I'm trying to not let it get to me. I have Fridays off, so I'll have 3 days to regroup after this.:smooth:

Sharon~I'm sorry yesterday wasn't a good day; I hope today is going much better. ::yes:: I'm so impressed you were able to stay in your point range on such a day--good job! Relax over the next three days and vent through sweat! I will check in later to see if today was any better--remember we are all thinking of you. :hug: and we are all here to :listen: . :sunny:

Take care and :)
Denise - thank you so much for the support.:D It is truly appreciated!
Marsh - yes I did take measurements. I am down 1.5 inches in the hips and 2 inches in the waist (nothing in the bust :teeth: ) So I do have that. But darn it all, I really still need to see it on the scale!! I am hoping for nice results next Wed!

Well, my dreadful week at work is over. It looks like the stressful situation is going to be hanging over my head for a few weeks, but I don't think it will be quite as bad as this past week was. Time will tell.:rolleyes:

Yesterday's food was not quite healthy, but I was below my target, so I'll take that considering my stress level for the day.

Here's the details:

100 oz water

B - 2 slices ff Banana Bread with Marg, black coffee 3 pts
L - 1 cup carrots 0 pts
D - 4 pieces KFC chicken strips 9.5 pts
potatoe chips 7 pts

Total for day 19.5 (well below 24 pt target)

I did finish eating before 7pm, so it is a go with rolling over my bear. :p
I noticed while reading Marcia's journal that I really don't put enough emphasis on getting my fruit/veggies and dairy servings in. I need to work on that. I think I will try to focus more on that next week. Dairy tends to be hard for me because I don't drink milk and I am somewhat lactose intolerant. But there are ways around it for me. I just need to focus more effort on it.

And I need to visualize my goal a bit more. I refused to buy bigger jeans/slacks, so I have been wearing stretchy pants and leggings for the past 4 or 5 months. My DH has never liked me to wear that type of clothing. He says I get dressed up for work, but not for him. I thought about that and said he's right. I need to dress nicely for him because he is the one I ultimately want to "impress". It's what keeps a marriage working - wanting to be healthy for our future, to look nice and attractive, to not take each other for granted.::yes:: So, I need to focus on getting back into my jeans! Size 12s to start, but I've got some 10s and even some 8s in the closet. I was wearing them just 1 and 2 years ago! I really want to be back into some of them at least by April/May. I CAN do this! The *evil* stepper will help me to do this!:crazy:
Sorry so long, but I really needed to put some of this stuff in writing. It will make it more concrete for me.
I'm glad your stressfull week is over - hopefully next week will be better.

I also have a hard time some days getting in my fruits/veggies. Sometimes I think its a good thing I like to eat yogurt for breakfast b/c otherwise I don't think I'd get any milk at all - I love milk but I can't spend all my points on it. I used to drink two big glasses a day.

I'm going to WDW in at the end of May. Sure you can come along - do you think you could hide in my luggage?
i hear ya on the milk and veggies. the only reason i get them in is because i make a concerted effort. on my ww online journal when i plan out my day, i check off the 5 little tomatoes and 2-3 milk bottles as i add my foods. and if i don't see them full, i go back and tweak my day to make sure i get them. i know it sucks to have to "spend" 4 points to get those 2 necessary milk servings, but i feel like it's necessary. i want to take care of my bones, even starting this young, to help me out for when i'm older. and sometimes, i don't even get my milks in, if i splurge on something one day, i tend to take out a milk to make up for it. and i know that's not good for me.

i also try to eat other foods that have the 25% calcium serving in them, but don't count them as my milk servings. the hot cocoa i drink has 25% calcium, and my pria bars have 30%. i feel better that at least i'm getting those. but i really am trying to do the 2 cups of milk, or a cup of milk and a yogurt, every single day. sure it means cutting out other things i might rather have, but again, i know i have to do it.

and i have the same feeling about buying clothes that fit. i'm on a really tight budget, and i feel like i'm wasting my money by buying clothes that are not going to fit me pretty soon. i have 2 pairs of pants that i wear for work, and they're really too big, plus i have to do laundry a lot since there's 5 days in a week :o . i try to go shopping when my mom goes though, she tends to buy me clothing if i need it (lucky for me that i'm still a "kid"). that is really great though that you have such a great reason to get back into those 12s! (and 10s...and 8s...and beyond :p ). it is definitely good to want to look great and be healthy for hubby. good for you guys for wanting to be better for each other, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside :goodvibes

hope that stressful situation at work turns out ok for you. oh yeah, and congrats on the losing inches. i must tell you, those numbers going down are as good for you as the scale number, even if you don't like it! ok, i think i've written you a novel, sorry bout that, hehe :crazy:
alrighty people! I did not go AWOL:crazy: I ended up with a stomach bug the last few days - YUCK! So typing at the computer was just not something I was up for.:(
I didn't eat much on Sat and didn't record what I did eat. Due to the yucky bug, I just wrote off the day, no guilt, no issues. In fact, I'm rolling the bear for it too.:D
Today I'm feeling much better, thank you. However it was a VERY busy day. Had to make a birthday dinner for my Mom. Homemade Lasagna, salad, garlic bread - YUM! And of course birthday cake!;) I went over my target for the day, but that is okay, I had plenty of flex AND I've been trying to switch my pts per day around in order to fool my metabolism (the WENDIE plan). So all in all, it was a good day and I'm rolling my bear again!:smooth:

The day was -

32 oz water (tummy still can't handle too much water right now:( )

B - Thomas' mini bagel with marg 3 pts

D - Lasagna, salad, garlic bread 18 pts

S - birthday cake :tongue: 12 pts

Total for day 33 pts (24 target, 9 flex)

I have NOT exercised in DAYS!:eek: I just have not felt up to it. Man, I'm gonna have to start from scratch with that *evil* stepper!:mad: Oh well, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!:earsgirl: I'll try to get back on track tomorrow with it. (I'm still not 100%, so I don't feel like doing it tonight.)
Hope everyone had a great weekend!


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