Sister Wives

Garrison wouldn’t be out on his own in Vegas. Rent is huge now in Vegas. A one bedroom is $1400-$1700 a month. A 2 bedroom is $1700-$2000 per month. A 3 bedroom is now $1700-$2800 per month. There’s a rental shortage along with a housing shortage. Houses are being built, yet it’s 7-12 months wait with no guarantees.

Kody is not plugged-in thinking today’s young adult can afford to move out on their own. Heck our Oldest is an adult and their friends, everyone single one of them are still living at home because rent isn’t $600 for a 1 bedroom in a great neighborhood like it was 20 years ago. I’m truly convinced Kody has absolutely no concept of money. The reason they sold their Vegas homes was they did very creative financing to get into them in the first place and the show was going to be cancelled.

Oh and Kody’s a deadbeat dad for not being there for his daughter’s surgery, yet can have a freaking nanny thinking he’s like The Kardashians. By way Kody, you had no problem being in the Hospital ER waiting room with Janelle when one of her kids was there. I saw you both years back. So your Covid excuse for not being there for your daughter’s surgery is pure bull💩.

Kody is so toxic. Glad Christine finally saw it. All the kids have been seeing it for years. Looking back on their interviews, they don’t say it loud, yet they admitted when things weren’t right and it was said often.

Not to mention that many young adults who do move out, do it with help from their parents. That coupled with parents who fund college is a big advantage the Brown kids don’t have.

These kids seem to be expected to sort life on their own.

I wonder what the pay structure is for adult children. Do they get paid for appearing?

Jill and Derrick Duggar have been vocal about how Jim Bob took the money.
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Robyn's eyebrows are so comical and ugly. Just ugly. Why would someone draw them in like that?
I've had this question for a loooooong time: Why on God's good earth doesn't somebody at TLC do something about their make-up and/or the lighting for those couch interviews? The ladies often look just really, really awful and it must be mortifying to see themselves on tape afterward. I honestly feel sorry for them. :sad1:
I've had this question for a loooooong time: Why on God's good earth doesn't somebody at TLC do something about their make-up and/or the lighting for those couch interviews? The ladies often look just really, really awful and it must be mortifying to see themselves on tape afterward. I honestly feel sorry for them. :sad1:
I always assumed it was TLC who did the make up, especially considering how terrible eyebrows have been
This very heavily, overdone look started with the pandemic episodes when they were filming themselves. I just assumed they started doing their own.
Not really. There have been lots of couch interviews in past years where their makeup was hideous - all four of them. These comments are from 2014:
Edited: Ooops - I came back to remove the link because if you keep on scrolling the language gets pretty filthy. Sorry. :blush:
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Not really. There have been lots of couch interviews in past years where their makeup was hideous - all four of them. These comments are from 2014:
Edited: Ooops - I came back to remove the link because if you keep on scrolling the language gets pretty filthy. Sorry. :blush:
I guess I didn’t notice as much until now. It’s especially clownish the last two seasons.
Funny how Merri has been following all the rules for months yet still couldn’t get together with Robyn or her kids. And I get that the show is months behind, but Kody’s “science” is years outdated. Where is his data for a virus being spread on groceries or clothes? It sounds like he sees his nanny more than his own kids. Guess this will be show’s last year. I think Robyn will be the only wife who sticks around so can’t have a polygamy series with only one wife!
I agree this was a hard episode to watch. They really are unraveling at the seams. Meri had on a Halloween tshirt, so I assume this was shot in October last year? Most had given up on the surface transmission stuff by then. That list was way over the top. So far over the top that it almost seems concocted to purposely get them to choose not to follow it.

Robyn is something. She just wants everyone to get along and not be mad that she swiped Kody for herself. But please can't we all just be happy? I wonder if she's reading places like Reddit when she talks about things others are saying. Or maybe it's family gossip mill and it's stuff the older kids are saying.

Meri is a joke at this point. If she's not just going along to get along and pick up her check, then she's a pretty pathetic figure with no self respect.

Go Janelle flat up admitting she's choosing her kids over Kody. Why on earth would anyone choose a husband who could only be there 1 or 2 nights a week over the kids who life there and have been her entire world the entire time the pandemic has been going on?

I still don't get the nanny thing. What on EARTH are she and Kody doing that she needs a nanny for her 6 and 10 year old (with older babysitter age kids living there)? Christine has to be losing her sh** knowing that she cared for a dozen kids single handed for some time.

And does anyone believe the nanny is really following those rules? LOL, sure Kody, every last one.
And what's with Kody's 10 foot social distancing? I don't think that was ever the standard. Either over the top paranoid, or designed to get the wives to choose not to abide by the rules.

Counting the days until next week when Janelle apparently tells Kody to F off! Go Janelle!
Funny how Merri has been following all the rules for months yet still couldn’t get together with Robyn or her kids. And I get that the show is months behind, but Kody’s “science” is years outdated. Where is his data for a virus being spread on groceries or clothes? It sounds like he sees his nanny more than his own kids. Guess this will be show’s last year. I think Robyn will be the only wife who sticks around so can’t have a polygamy series with only one wife!

It’s so obvious that Kody and Robyn’s rules are designed to cut everyone else out.

Kody made the choice to have 4 wives so he should be stepping up to the responsibility of that pandemic or not. He never did though, so this is a convenient excuse to not even feel guilty about being where he wants to be.
I still don't get the nanny thing. What on EARTH are she and Kody doing that she needs a nanny for her 6 and 10 year old (with older babysitter age kids living there)? Christine has to be losing her sh** knowing that she cared for a dozen kids single handed for some time.



All I could think about was Christine thinking Nanny? WT F?
Even Canada does not have those insane rules Kody. :laughing:

OMG, last night was insufferable all around. Kody, newsflash - you screwed up saying these are not the rules for small groups together, simply all of us. Meri has been following strict rules and gets to see no one. Oh Lord, have mercy.
We know it is at least one of Janelle's children, who has both the insight and the balls. :thumbsup2:cheer2:

It totally explains why Kody is like a rabid dog with that side of his family. Blaming Janelle and chastising his children on camera, over and over again.
Robyn cries that Ari and Sol can’t be away from Kody for 2 weeks, but she doesn’t care that means that other children don’t get to see their father or that Ysabel and Christine can’t have his support during major surgery.

Speaking of the surgery, Kody is such a jerk now claiming that he regrets not being there and hoping that she hurries up and heals so that HE can feel better. Yuck!

Meri must be getting something out of this relationship, but I have no idea what. Kody doesn’t ever sleep at Meri’s because they don’t have that kind of relationship? And then he expects the other wives to choose him over their children and has the nerve to talk about loyalty. He has none. How are he and Meri supposed to work on their relationship if he refuses to see with her or stay with her. The answer is that he’s done with her but keeps her dangling. When he was saying that the lack of the wives’ loyalty won’t be good for them in 5, 10,15 years shows his vindictive nature. He can just freeze them out over anything he wants to, and that’s that.

Robyn just loves the power that she has over everyone. The way that Meri was licking her boots so that she can see Sol and Ari was so sad. And then crying Robyn’s excuse was that mean, old Christine and Janelle would hate her if she let Meri visit, and they were like whatever, we know she’s been quarantining.

They are so not a family anymore, and it’s sad to see. Kody is a horrible leader/head of household.


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