Sister Wives

Yes, and I don't think they have an actual church family. They practice their religion at home because polygamy is so frowned on. It was illegal where they lived and they weren't a part of any sect so they didn't have any priesthood holders above Kody to answer to as far as all that goes. I remember in the early days they talked about this and showed a little bit of them gathered together worshiping. Either they aren't very religious anymore or they chose to keep how they worship off camera. That religion is a bit private unless you are a member. You can't go to their temples and you can't go to their funerals. Most definitely the largest cult out there. If you haven't seen the HBO show "Big Love", you should! It gives away every. single. secret of the church. Both fundamentalist and Latter Day Saints. As crazy as it seems, everything they do in that show is exposing Mormons. From weird things like the "prophet" sticking his face inside a cowboy hat and popping back out with a prophecy:rolleyes:, to the Mormon church having a HUGE part in Las Vegas gambling. It will blow your mind! I own the box set :rotfl2: The show is about a family exactly like the Browns, trying to hide their lifestyle in Utah, living amongst the regular Mormons and just how important it is to be involved in the church out there. I've told this before too, but for those who haven't been reading along the whole time. I dated a guy that had to move to Salt Lake with his family when he was little and the teacher introduced him to the class as "The little Methodist boy from Oklahoma" or "back East"...something like that. She made it well known that he wasn't "one of them".

You may not have meant to, but your post came across as kind of offensive to me-as a Mormon (our actual name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Mormon is a nickname.) I don't wish to get points for talking religion, and I am by absolutely no means a doctrine or history expert, but I do feel I need to try and clarify a few things that you brought up. I know the FLDS and other polygamous groups are offshoots of the LDS/Mormon church. But you seem to be using the Brown's religion and the LDS religion interchangeably in your quote above. Please know, they are not the same. Same beginnings, different current religion. Yes, our religion can be a bit private regarding things we consider sacred. We don't wish to handle those in a light or irreverent manner. But we do welcome questions and try to answer as best we can. Regarding temples, you actually can go into any temple after it has been constructed and before it has been dedicated. That is an open house period and everyone is welcome and invited to come inside. Regarding funerals, I have been to several "Mormon" funerals and they have all been open to any and all to attend. They are usually done in the buildings where we regularly attend-the chapels, and those too are always open to the community. And your comment about it being a cult...I honestly don't know where to begin on that. I clearly disagree. But it obviously has a very negative connotation and I ask that you not resort to name calling for things you do not believe in. As for the cowboy hat thing-I don't pretend to know everything about that. But anything religious and sacred can be made to sound silly and absurd. I would suggest if you want to know more about that, that you look at church resources as well as the non-church resources to get a more accurate or complete portrayal. And as for Las Vegas, again, I don't know much, but my understanding is that a "Mormon" individual did facilitate much of the bringing of casinoes to the area. But that is not the same things as the "Mormon Church" bringing casinoes to the area.
As I mentioned upthread, Paedon has a TikTok. Here is a really touching one posted today. It points out how much the kids who had no agency about what or when to film and share were effected by their parents decisions.
I felt so bad for those kids going through the moves and adjustment to Robyn on TV and even just going through puberty with a bunch of people watching and commenting.
As I mentioned upthread, Paedon has a TikTok. Here is a really touching one posted today. It points out how much the kids who had no agency about what or when to film and share were effected by their parents decisions.

Wow, he is the spitting image of Christine..mannerisms and all.

You may not have meant to, but your post came across as kind of offensive to me-as a Mormon (our actual name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Mormon is a nickname.) I don't wish to get points for talking religion, and I am by absolutely no means a doctrine or history expert, but I do feel I need to try and clarify a few things that you brought up. I know the FLDS and other polygamous groups are offshoots of the LDS/Mormon church. But you seem to be using the Brown's religion and the LDS religion interchangeably in your quote above. Please know, they are not the same. Same beginnings, different current religion. Yes, our religion can be a bit private regarding things we consider sacred. We don't wish to handle those in a light or irreverent manner. But we do welcome questions and try to answer as best we can. Regarding temples, you actually can go into any temple after it has been constructed and before it has been dedicated. That is an open house period and everyone is welcome and invited to come inside. Regarding funerals, I have been to several "Mormon" funerals and they have all been open to any and all to attend. They are usually done in the buildings where we regularly attend-the chapels, and those too are always open to the community. And your comment about it being a cult...I honestly don't know where to begin on that. I clearly disagree. But it obviously has a very negative connotation and I ask that you not resort to name calling for things you do not believe in. As for the cowboy hat thing-I don't pretend to know everything about that. But anything religious and sacred can be made to sound silly and absurd. I would suggest if you want to know more about that, that you look at church resources as well as the non-church resources to get a more accurate or complete portrayal. And as for Las Vegas, again, I don't know much, but my understanding is that a "Mormon" individual did facilitate much of the bringing of casinoes to the area. But that is not the same things as the "Mormon Church" bringing casinoes to the area.

This was very insightful, thank you for sharing.
very inappropriate and social media postings from as recently as 2020. also-just saw today that TLC recently announced a similarly based firing for alina of 90 day fiance-before the 90 days. you would think these reality shows would go through people's social media histories with a fine tooth comb but apparently it's traditionally been very cursory.
She supported the police and came out against the looting of last summer. That gets you fired nowadays
i think kody's spent too much time with the younger girls in the family-between his perfectly primped and freshly permed hair combined with his tweenish attitude, vocabulary and mini meltdowns it's like watching a bad reboot of 'clueless', our only hope is a paul rudd like character will rush in and recognize kody's inner strength and make him into the 'polaroid of perfection' kody knows he is and always will be (cue kody to shake his freshly permed mane) :rotfl: :sad2:

the women are seemingly being forthcoming-he is spouting nonsense, hurtful words and if he continues to only refer to robyn's children as 'ours' while always referring to the other mom's children as 'yours' it will forever ring in those other children's ears and hearts as to how their father puts forth no effort, concern or care about them.
I continue to be aghast at with the complete aversion to forgiveness by Kody. Yes, he was hurt by Meti and it would be very tough to accept betrayal but many couples in the real world work thru it. What is he teaching his kids about adult relationships? That once you have been hurt, you throw it away and don’t work through it? I agree that the cat fishing was an emotional affair but his complete refusal to work with her efforts to reconcile and recover, still being very angry about it, is child-like.
I continue to be aghast at with the complete aversion to forgiveness by Kody. Yes, he was hurt by Meti and it would be very tough to accept betrayal but many couples in the real world work thru it. What is he teaching his kids about adult relationships? That once you have been hurt, you throw it away and don’t work through it? I agree that the cat fishing was an emotional affair but his complete refusal to work with her efforts to reconcile and recover, still being very angry about it, is child-like.

I agree. His responses to everything are so immature and unhealthy. There were a couple of mature ways for the Meri situation to resolve.
1. Decide it’s too much of a betrayal for you to consider overcoming and end the relationship.

2. Counseling to try and work through it to save a long marriage. After a period of counseling and effort decide to stay together or end the marriage.

The writing was on the wall for Meri way back when he convinced her to divorce him.
Did I hear right that Meri said she and Kody hadn’t been intimate for a decade? Well that was before the catfish incident, so I think he was just using that as a complete out.

I read that yesterday. I’m feeling a little catfished by the show. Lol. Apparently, he had significant marriage issues with both Christine and Meri from around the time the show started.If they intended to show the world that polygamy families can be happy and functional, it’s showing the opposite.
You may not have meant to, but your post came across as kind of offensive to me-as a Mormon (our actual name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Mormon is a nickname.) I don't wish to get points for talking religion, and I am by absolutely no means a doctrine or history expert, but I do feel I need to try and clarify a few things that you brought up. I know the FLDS and other polygamous groups are offshoots of the LDS/Mormon church. But you seem to be using the Brown's religion and the LDS religion interchangeably in your quote above. Please know, they are not the same. Same beginnings, different current religion. Yes, our religion can be a bit private regarding things we consider sacred. We don't wish to handle those in a light or irreverent manner. But we do welcome questions and try to answer as best we can. Regarding temples, you actually can go into any temple after it has been constructed and before it has been dedicated. That is an open house period and everyone is welcome and invited to come inside. Regarding funerals, I have been to several "Mormon" funerals and they have all been open to any and all to attend. They are usually done in the buildings where we regularly attend-the chapels, and those too are always open to the community. And your comment about it being a cult...I honestly don't know where to begin on that. I clearly disagree. But it obviously has a very negative connotation and I ask that you not resort to name calling for things you do not believe in. As for the cowboy hat thing-I don't pretend to know everything about that. But anything religious and sacred can be made to sound silly and absurd. I would suggest if you want to know more about that, that you look at church resources as well as the non-church resources to get a more accurate or complete portrayal. And as for Las Vegas, again, I don't know much, but my understanding is that a "Mormon" individual did facilitate much of the bringing of casinoes to the area. But that is not the same things as the "Mormon Church" bringing casinoes to the area.
Sorry if I offended you. I got all of my information from the LDS girl that I used to work with so I'm definitely no expert on the subject. She was the one who told me that she was married in the temple and her husband's family and her non LDS friends were not allowed to attend so they had a separate reception for us.
I continue to be aghast at with the complete aversion to forgiveness by Kody. Yes, he was hurt by Meti and it would be very tough to accept betrayal but many couples in the real world work thru it. What is he teaching his kids about adult relationships? That once you have been hurt, you throw it away and don’t work through it? I agree that the cat fishing was an emotional affair but his complete refusal to work with her efforts to reconcile and recover, still being very angry about it, is child-like.
Who is Meti?
Edited: I just answered my own question. I see it was a typo and you meant Meri. lol
Did I hear right that Meri said she and Kody hadn’t been intimate for a decade? Well that was before the catfish incident, so I think he was just using that as a complete out.
I'm guessing she wishes that hadn't slipped out. I guarantee that's going to be what is remembered from this episode.
Sorry if I offended you. I got all of my information from the LDS girl that I used to work with so I'm definitely no expert on the subject. She was the one who told me that she was married in the temple and her husband's family and her non LDS friends were not allowed to attend so they had a separate reception for us.

Upthread you said, You can't go to their temples and you can't go to their funerals. Most definitely the largest cult out there.

I've been to several LDS funerals and they welcome anyone and everyone.

Shows like Big Love and Sister Wives remind me of the mis-information in medical "dramas" and so-called "legal" shows. Two of my sisters were nurses (before retirement) and they refused to watch shows like "E.R." because there was so much fictional garbage. DH (retired judge) is quick to point out the ridiculous errors in legal shows, even when they have a so-called professional to check for accuracy. when a WWII movie has a so-called fact-checker, that doesn't mean the producer (or who ever) doesn't take artistic license to make the story more interesting.
Sorry if I offended you. I got all of my information from the LDS girl that I used to work with so I'm definitely no expert on the subject. She was the one who told me that she was married in the temple and her husband's family and her non LDS friends were not allowed to attend so they had a separate reception for us.

I'm married to a former LDS member. It is a little confusing. I'm non-LDS but have been invited to church to watch certain people (usually kids of friends) do something like sing or talk during the service, or for Christmas Eve service. Things like weddings or other ceremonials in the temple are for LDS members only. When my BIL was married, my MIL and her family waited outside.
Sorry if I offended you. I got all of my information from the LDS girl that I used to work with so I'm definitely no expert on the subject. She was the one who told me that she was married in the temple and her husband's family and her non LDS friends were not allowed to attend so they had a separate reception for us.

Thank you! All good. I just wanted to make sure correct information is out there. On that note, the above is correct. After a temple is dedicated, only LDS members with a current and valid recommend can enter. If a couple chooses to get married in the temple, then there are restrictions on who can attend.
Things like weddings or other ceremonials in the temple are for LDS members only. When my BIL was married, my MIL and her family waited outside.

exactly, and it's not unusual at all for a member to be married who qualifies for a temple wedding (not all members qualify) to do one there that is almost immediately followed by a second very traditional 'wedding' that members and non members alike attend. i was a bridesmaid in one that occurred the day following the temple wedding/sealing, dh and i attended as guests one that was the legal wedding and held at the couple's 'meetinghouse' (what non members refer to as their local 'churches') because the bride to be had temple privileges but the groom to be was a fairly new convert and didn't qualify (some time later when he qualified they did a temple ceremony),


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