So You Want To Be First Do You??? Its Lasting!!

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Thanks :) My dad did the lettering for the birthday cake on a piece of parchment paper so I could do a pattern transfer, since I'm horrible at lettering on cakes. I was going to cut the strawberry one to have with my parents, but my dad doesn't want any and my mom fell asleep. So I'll just wait until tomorrow.
Hello everyone. I'm going to the ranch soon, friend will pick me up in an hour or so. This may be my last, last, unless you can make this last until Sunday.

Enjoy your time at the ranch!

The cake for tomorrow is chocolate with ganache filling, dark blue buttercream, and a lighter blue for the writing and piping. The cake for my parents and me will be yellow with ganache and fresh strawberries, chocolate buttercream, and various flowers on it, since I haven't practiced any of them except the rose :lmao:

They look so yummy and sound awesome.

I know you feel though as I've had a headache almost every day of my life, since I was a teenager. :hug: If the pain scale is less than a 5 out of 10, I am happy and do not even mention it. It has been a few weeks since I've has a full blown 10 but I've had quite a few 8s lately. Right now, I am about a 7.

:hug: Sorry, I know that wears on you so much when it's day after day.

I'm struggling to stay awake. Gonna lie down for a while and hopefully see the cakes soon.

Rest up PIO. We'll keep lasting.

Still icky....

Because I was cleaning out the freezer that died yet again! :headache:

Get well soon and sorry to hear about the freezer, I hate when that happens.

Nice cakes Dana :thumbsup2

Klmall and kmedina. Know all about the migraine headache fun. :hug: Imigran was nasty stuff so I'm basically on reliever all the time. Doc has me on notriptiline as a prventative but it's efficacy I'm not convinced on. But again with cluster headaches you don't always want to drop something if it's helping one of the types.

I think I Should have a coffee soon even though I want to sleep on the second flight which leaves in a few hours. Been having regular coffee past weeks with DBF and a withdrawal headache is the last thing I need.
Starting the day with hurling dinner was enough fun.... :headache:

I'm working a bit backwards here....
So I'm in San Francisco at the moment. Missing DBF :sad: and waiting for the flint home.
Tired is an understatement. As I say I started the day feeling sick...although felt better after dinner departed the way it came in :rolleyes:
I've now been awake about 24 hours with mini naps on the first flight.


Need DBF cuddles....

Nice cakes Dana :thumbsup2

Klmall and kmedina. Know all about the migraine headache fun. :hug: Imigran was nasty stuff so I'm basically on reliever all the time. Doc has me on notriptiline as a prventative but it's efficacy I'm not convinced on. But again with cluster headaches you don't always want to drop something if it's helping one of the types.

I think I Should have a coffee soon even though I want to sleep on the second flight which leaves in a few hours. Been having regular coffee past weeks with DBF and a withdrawal headache is the last thing I need.
Starting the day with hurling dinner was enough fun.... :headache:

I'm working a bit backwards here....
So I'm in San Francisco at the moment. Missing DBF :sad: and waiting for the flint home.
Tired is an understatement. As I say I started the day feeling sick...although felt better after dinner departed the way it came in :rolleyes:
I've now been awake about 24 hours with mini naps on the first flight.


Need DBF cuddles....

Sorry to hear your feeling sick, I was sick coming and going on a flight to Okalahoma. How is your flight? Are you on a long lay over?
6.5 hours layover. No queue at customs coming in but had to wait for bags and then (because he was bored I think) got sent to xray for my baggage to check I meant it when I said I didn't have food to declare.

When the actual xray guy saw I was heading to Australia he seemed surprised i got sent over....
he was like....yeah....
They know not to mess around with declaring food :lmao:
So just did the hand luggage
(google the tv show border security on you tube if you miss the humour...although PIO might explain more for me :teeth: )

Flight leaves in a bit over two hours


Well who knows if we'll be having anything now, she told me that she didn't want me to spread the topping over the whole pie becuase she really didn't like it. I was trying to figure out what she wanted, so I asked if I should only put it on half, she said "no, I won't eat as much as half". So I put topping on 3/4, then when she saw it she freaked out and told me the only thing about the pie she like was the topping!
Okay what kind of pie are we having?

I made the Apple pie with crumb topping, that's where the problem happened. I'm going to start getting things in writing from her, because she is losing her mind. Things she says are not at all what she means. We have had numerous arguments about that

Alison, have you ever attended the Signing in the streests at DL?

never heard of it!

OK going to bed again!
I made the Apple pie with crumb topping, that's where the problem happened. I'm going to start getting things in writing from her, because she is losing her mind. Things she says are not at all what she means. We have had numerous arguments about that

Oh got ya.

never heard of it!

OK going to bed again!

It must be new, it is for the deaf community.
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