Something About Nothing ... #12

Now waiting for the train. Who knew over 50 people were in the we have kids, so we could not sit together, and one kid cried almost the whole flight. Late in coming in, but our luggage cane out fast. And is raining, but neither luggage was wet.

Wahoo in my book.
I left the light on for you as figured you would check in here once you landed......
Just call me the welcome home committee

Guess you did not get to close your eyes on the train ride home tonight....
but once you are home and in bed, you can sleep in for the morning.
Oh, thanks Mac.

Our carriage will be a pumpkin by the time I am home. Surprised at number of homies out on this Friday night.

Safe travels all those traveling this long and weekend.
Mac needs to keep the light on for the rest of the night owls. Lights out for me. Sweet dreams all, as I am the last asleep here.
Crikey that is a big picture for September!!!!

Lynne, glad you`re home safe and had a wonderful time with your daughter. And you don't have long to wait to get back again!! Really enjoyed seeing your pictures...….

Beautiful day here today...…..went for a walk along beach early this morning with a good friend who is having a few issues right now......she just needed to chat and hear some home truths. But, went well...….think she was ready to hear what she needed to hear. :hug: Put off some grocery shopping till tomorrow......

But, rest of the day is qualifying for Italian F1 Grand Prix and pizza night!!!! And red wine...… kind of Saturdays...…..

Now it`s September though...…..this is the worst month of the year for Birthdays and anniversaries including our own, so many of them!!! So have to be organized and make sure all cards and gifts are covered before we leave...….

And September means one thing...…………………..

Have a great Saturday...……………...
Good morning :coffee:

Robbie...hope you had a good flight and enjoy your trip :goodvibes

Glad you made it back home ok Lynne. We had a screaming toddler on our flight last year...poor dad tried to make him happy but he wasn't having it.

Cute ears Charade...B will love them I'm sure.

Guess I'll have to get ready for work now...later homies...have a wonderful day :flower1:
We now are part of the visitors to MIB.

Had some fun with a Dino or two.

On AP Night, was when little one learned where the camera was. As you can see, I was not. Though she realized after the ride, the camera was on the other side.

Hope your work day goes quick Tink, and you had some coffee first.

Schumi, pizza for dinner sounds good. And yes, September is a busy month, not so much for birthdays, but back to school routines. Hot and rainy today. Guess Florida weather came with me.

Glad it is Saturday, as time for wash and back to routine. And aww, last night older one showed me a shirt he had bought me for my birthday. Sweet kid.

With that, another load needs to be done. And yes, the luggage will be put away, but not to long. Yep, 60 days from today, back for some more Mickey fun, and fun at RPR. Gotta love the 15 month renewal of my UOAP. Little one is now a passholder too. Woot!

Glad it is Saturday, as time for wash and back to routine. And aww, last night older one showed me a shirt he had bought me for my birthday. Sweet kid.

With that, another load needs to be done. And yes, the luggage will be put away, but not to long. Yep, 60 days from today, back for some more Mickey fun, and fun at RPR. Gotta love the 15 month renewal of my UOAP. Little one is now a passholder too. Woot!

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Not 60 days for youse but more like 30 days

Thought you listed your October dates as you cross over to when Many of us will be there

Glad you had a fun time in Orlando with little one

You have the weekend to recover Before Monday and work comes around
Yeah you are right Mac. Early morning math. LOL

Cannot believe the summer break is over, and it now September.

Ah, kids are up, means time for breakfast.
Good Morning Sans:wave: ... I hope everyone had a good night! Liv and Charlie are going to spend some time with Charlie's dad. I hope they have a good time and he doesn't pull any BS on them. Brian and I will hang out and try and get some stuff done. I am not sure about dinner tonight but last nights cutlets went over well. We have cool weather today only suppose to be in the high 70's too cool for me on Labor Day! We will be basically rain free for a few days. I told the teens we will do a six flags day either tomorrow or Monday!

Lynne- Glad you got home safe and had a great time. It's always nice to come back and know you will be going again soon. It makes it a little easier.

Schumi Glad that you think your talk went well with your friend. You picked one of my favorite places to. I think a walk on the beach is a great setting to chat!

Mac Thanks for leaving the light on :goodvibes

Tink Have a good day at work

Monykalyn Sorry about the instrument cost. I hear you on the instrument repair stuff. Liv played the flute for 4 years before turning to the saxaphone. One of our best friends who passed away last year was Liv's band director. He was fantastic at everything instruments. he taught Brianhow to do do some of the repairs for us to help save some.

Charade I bet the ears are gong to be awesome!

RAPstar have a great trip!

Patty Let me know how you make out with Amazon. I love amazon smile!!

I hope all the rest of the Sans family have a great day!
Bobbie, I was hoping you would be back posting soon

Knew you had some plans with the kids

When I say kids I’m talking about Liv and Charlie

When they visit with Charlie’s dad today, hope it is a peaceful and good time with him

What are you fixing for dinner tonight?

If it’s something I like, save a plate for me.....

Hope all the homies have a great weekend!
Vicki, hope your work day is a quick and one without a lot of work involved!!!! Nice little treat tonight might be nice for is Saturday after all...….

Lynne, your pictures are fabulous...…..and again, glad it was an amazing trip...……yes, pizza is always good. Hope your return to work isn't too harsh....never fun...…

mac.....your math is exceptional!!! I`d never have picked up on that!!!

Bobbie...….yes, we love the beach....and only live a 5 minute walk away.....well, maybe 10 if we dawdle...….but yes, we are so lucky to have a beautiful beach on our doorstep......and hills and forests behind us...….hope you enjoy your day at six flags.....sounds a fun place to be and the kids will love it.

Got a glass of wine already in hand...… for the day and not going out tonight...….so Tom just appeared with one of the biggest glasses we have for me but only a small amount in it......looks nice though!!! I call these my special glasses but we use them all the time...…..don't see the point of keeping things and not using them...….

Can`t quite believe it`s finally September...…!!!!

Yep, it`s a shimmy type of day...…….love September!!!!!

Happy September everyone. I am looking forward to cooler temps, but it doesn’t look like that is happening anytime soon.
Dance pictures are done. We are now waiting for food at Red Robin. I had a coupon for a free burger.

Lynne - Glad you made it back home safely and are looking forward to the next trip.

Schumi - December is our busy month. In addition to Christmas we have both my and dh’s birthdays.

Bobbie - Hope all goes well with Charlie’s dad.

Time for food.
Hope everyone is having a good day.
Lazy day-haven't even gotten dressed yet, but should soon. yep-noon here. Potter marathon on, coffee still in cup.

Crikey that is a big picture for September!!!!
Love it!

But, rest of the day is qualifying for Italian F1 Grand Prix and pizza night!!!! And red wine...… kind of Saturdays...…..
And dinner dilemma solved-think Pizza tonight here too! hamburgers on grill tomorrow I think...

Liv played the flute for 4 years before turning to the saxaphone. One of our best friends who passed away last year was Liv's band director. He was fantastic at everything instruments. he taught Brianhow to do do some of the repairs for us to help save some.
Oh that is so awesome you can do some repairs in house. Sad about your friend; we work with many band directors and they are such neat people! So passionate about their job, so nice to see!

iv and Charlie are going to spend some time with Charlie's dad. I hope they have a good time and he doesn't pull any BS on them.
Fingers crossed for a good visit. The emotional BS is why my "summer daughter" (Oldest DD BFF) stays with us when she is in town-her dad is a master manipulator and it is just too exhausting and stressful for her to deal all the time.

I call these my special glasses but we use them all the time...…..don't see the point of keeping things and not using them...….
totally agree!!
Wow, mall was crowded. Back to school crowd, and muggy day. Little one scored the most, but hey, I think that is most trips, and I did get some, including a store birthday gift I never knew they gave out, and is nice too.

Bobbie, hope the father visit went well.

MonyK, yeah it is a Saturday when it seems to always say, gosh noon already. Nice you had a Potter marathon.

Hope your pizza was good, and you are relaxing with some wine, Schumi.

Mac, hope all is well and you are feeling good, including those knees.

Robo, hope you are doing well too, and not in pain.

Wendy, sending good thoughts your way, and hoping you are healed and looking forward to some fun.

Charade, hope your burger was good. I like RR burgers too. We tend to have more than one serving of fries. We like the idea of unlimited fries.

Afternoon, so all are relaxing. No rain yet, but muggy. No fall weather here. Kids are in shorts for most of the first month of school. With the first day of school to have a muggy high of 89.

Hope all are having a great first day of September.
Yep, sitting with the fancy them.....beautifully angular shaped and the size of a goldfish bowl!!!

Wine isn’t bad either...........:duck:

Had a fairly quiet day and now a quiet evening..........trying to decide on a movie........after Rocky Horror we are struggling........I forgot how good a movie that actually is!!! Love Tim Curry.

Weather is hot!! Although cooled down now as it’s almost 9pm.........

Think the heatwave is back...........:sunny:


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