Something About Nothing ... #12

Sad news today. I just heard that Bob Dorough, creator of Schoolhouse Rock, has passed away. Thanks to him I can still sing the preamble to the Constitution.

Today I actually slept until
My alarm went off. Yay! Last SOL test today, so I added some cinnamon rolls to B’s bacon and egg breakfast.

Looks like it is going to be another slow day at work. I think I should start bringing a book.
SOS - my Dad discovered it whilest in the service during WWII. Bought the cured meat in the jar. Hard to find now. Every now & again I get a hankering for it...then wonder why afterwards lol

I am mighty thankful my DH has great health insurance. Today my eye dr gave me option of surgery or daily drops. Took about a half second to blurt out I’d go with the drops.:p Cost without insurance is $653 a bottle/month.:sad2: insurance price is $20...for a three months supply:banana:. Feel like i dodged a bullet, phew. Makes me sad to think many don’t have that sort of coverage. Something is terribly wrong with the system.:confused3

We loved the IoS a few years ago. Maybe we’ll bump into you in port next week somewhere lol. Enjoy

Aw, so cute!!!:goodvibesreminds me of my havanese :cloud9:
Ckmiles -Bogart is precious! What does his shirt say?

This work day is dragging!! Going out to dinner tonight for a friend's birthday!!

So excited!! DS is flying in tomorrow from Orlando for a visit!! He's flying Southwest and I'm hoping his flight won't get cancelled!

Thanks Patty! His shirt says Handsome Devil-

Good news Charade. Has B looked at colleges yet? We will visit her top pick next month.

Good news Keisha. Drops over surgery oh yeah. I hope it corrects whatever you need the drops for. I hear ya, little one needed a script, so pharmacy said $300, I was like I have insurance. Oh, needed to add her account there to my insurance. Owed $7 after. Crazy.

Robo, plotting and scheming too. So fun your grandson likes to pick where to eat.

CK, my dogs never let me put clothes on them. Though all were large dogs, two labs and a boxer.

Ack, kids need food.

Later homies. Cloudy night, and even my DSis said, tired of wearing a winter coat to walk at night.

Lynne- I started him wearing clothes when he was a pup- He's so small and he doesnt have alot of hair so I think it helps keep him warm.

Happy Anniversary, Mac!

Loved the Flintstones.

Robo ~ very familiar with SOS, lol.

CK ~ aww, cute puppy. We have a house full of cats, but I am definitely a dog person. The year has been the first time since I was a child that I have only had one dog.

Charade ~ glad the testing is going well so far!

Finding it hard to keep up in here this week. The oldest is trying to wrap up all of her end of semester papers and study for finales, The middlest has several projects due for her tutorial in the next week or two, and the youngest has ball practice or games almost every night. They are keeping busy, to say the least, but vacation is right around the corner!

I love cats too- but Im highly allergic-I think cats are easier to take care of. (Im thinking about walking my dog when is snowing.....)

Tink- congrats on your weight loss!

Schumi- I love that you have 16 sleeps to go. We used to count down that way as kids- and I still do it now as an adult!
Also, be careful when texting and going through rides at the park. I got distracted while going through the line at Gringots and didn’t even notice until the ride started that I didn’t pick up the 3D glasses. Of course that’s not as bad as the time I went with my Nephew to see Godzilla in 3D and watch half the movie before I realized the 3D was really bad then looked around and noticed we were the only ones wearing glasses. Apparently we walked into the 2d showing by mistake
Sad news today. I just heard that Bob Dorough, creator of Schoolhouse Rock, has passed away. Thanks to him I can still sing the preamble to the Constitution.

Ha Ha! Me too! I might not remember what I wore yesterday, but I can sing the preamble!! Loved all the Schoolhouse Rock stories! Bought the videos years ago- maybe have to check into CD's as I don't know if we even have a VCR that works!

Yay! picked up DS from the airport! He's only been away since January but quickly acclimated to the warmth. He was greeted with rain and 51! He wasn't too thrilled at that! He is thrilled to see the cats! We've visited him so he didn't miss us much, but the cats he has missed SO MUCH!
So nice to have the boy home Patty. Yep, I could get used to being warm. Yay, that the cats missed him. Picture. please

CK, I have family that is severely allergic to cat dander. Should have been a deal breaker when I got married. LOL. So, I like cats and have had two when I was growing up. But we are a dog family, as lucky, dog danger is not a set off of any family member's allergic reaction. And so cute to have the dog wear shirts, cute saying of the one he has on. My boxer would shiver when she was romping in the snow. We tried to put a jacket on her, but nope, even as a wee pup, would not wear anything, but a collar. Even that, she tried to get off all her life. My male lab would let me put a bandana around his neck, but then the female lab would promptly rip it off and chew on it. Female lab would not let me put anything on her, and because of her chewing, both had metal collars, and metal leads.

Charade, such a nice mom to make all for B's breakfast. On week days, little one gets a Kind bar or whatever she grabs, as I am the one waking her up as I leave. On weekends, I make a full breakfast. Thinking of making a three day week-end. Week is dragging, and this gray sky looks like it should be 6pm, not 11 am.

TaylorsDad, I have not parked at the port at Ft. L, but I would think it would not be that hard. We drove past the port, as we made such good time coming from KW, that we toured Ft. L near the airport, and in our touring, found a fun soda shop that made these very yummy but huge, and I mean huge, scoops of ice cream. That was a nice way to spend the time, rather than sitting in the heavily in construction small airport before our flight.

Lunchtime yet? Made some oatmeal, but that's not doing it. Tea, yes, more tea though.
Schumi- I love that you have 16 sleeps to go. We used to count down that way as kids- and I still do it now as an adult!

It was Mac that started me counting that way years ago...........does sound good!

Also, be careful when texting and going through rides at the park. I got distracted while going through the line at Gringots and didn’t even notice until the ride started that I didn’t pick up the 3D glasses. Of course that’s not as bad as the time I went with my Nephew to see Godzilla in 3D and watch half the movie before I realized the 3D was really bad then looked around and noticed we were the only ones wearing glasses. Apparently we walked into the 2d showing by mistake

Lol........that is so funny.........wonder how long it would have been for someone to tell you.........

Yay! picked up DS from the airport! He's only been away since January but quickly acclimated to the warmth. He was greeted with rain and 51! He wasn't too thrilled at that! He is thrilled to see the cats! We've visited him so he didn't miss us much, but the cats he has missed SO MUCH!

Oh bless him..........shame about the weather, but least he’s home for a while..........get as many hugs as you can!

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Have decided I may be half cat’re too classy to be a cat!!!

Was looking after my friends little granddaughter this afternoon.........she is adorable. And so funny........friend was asked to work and so was her daughter, son in law works away so always happy to help when I can.........

Always got to check my minions as she loves them! So we did some baking and we made of course minion muffins........I should have taken a picture........they were the oddest minions you ever saw! I’m not artistic though.........

Tonight’s plan is sit in front of tv with some strawberry lemonade we made today......

Hope Mac is well on her way to her tours..........
Oh Keisha, you're no cat, well, as the decade younger soccer moms, had shirts when we played against the girls. We were the Cougars. Uh Hun. Maybe you are half cat. LOL

Always nice of you Schumi to watch the minion lover. Bet she needed a band aid or two. Hope your evening is relaxing.

I need tea. It's still raining, and gray out. One word. Really?
Is it ONLY Wednesday? or maybe Monday part 3...
At least it was sunny and warm for Cardinals ball game yesterday (local affiliate). Started with Happy Hour at Ebbets Field, walking distance to stadium. Had lots of "wish we were there" posts on FB but "normal" people can't usually go day drink LOL! Glad I had yesterday off as it was too nice to work. Cool and gray and raining today. And both Cards teams won yesterday. Supposedly John Goodman is in town and spotted at game yesterday...

Lynne-you can probably appreciate this-having to mop/wipe/wash the soccer bag from caked on mud from rainy games. Went to pick up DS stuff yesterday and bag is caked with mud from weekend tournament. No wonder he used a string bag for practice Monday night.

It actually stands for Standards of Learning,
Hope the rest of her SOL go well. We call them EOC here (End of Class) tests-and my middle has those this week. So I wonder what finals week will be like then??

using canned corned beef. My kids love it but I have to be in the mood. I serve it over toast biscuits would be good
Stouffers has a chipped beef-we usually have a few individual boxes in freezer-kids and DH love it, and they pour it over toast. Not for me.

My male lab would let me put a bandana around his neck
My lab has bandannas to go with season/holiday. Although I need to find his RedWhiteBlue one as Memorial day is upcoming, he still has St Pats one on.

Finally decided on beach rental for June-decided on Cocoa Beach-just for a couple days but the kids will love it.

Lunch today was chicken fried steak, mash potato, and spinach, this NH cook is good. Fortunately they didn't have any leftover dessert! Tonight is pork risotto casserole (recipe from Hello Fresh). Did a big grocery shop yesterday and meal planned. Hoping I don't have to do another really big grocery shop til after vacation in June.

Hope mac is having fun. Ah well back to work before food coma sets in!
MonyK.......I’ve never had chicken fried steak......always mean to try it......but so many dishes and not enough days or nights to try everything!!!
Hope the rest of her SOL go well. We call them EOC here (End of Class) tests-and my middle has those this week. So I wonder what finals week will be like then??
Thanks. She will probably get her history score tomorrow. Here if a students passes an SOL she doesn’t have to take the final exam in that subject. B’s English and history exams are scheduled for the same day which happens to be the last day of school. She will be able to skip the last day of school.
When we go to the Cracker Barrel, I sometimes order the chicken fried steak. Usually, at breakfast.

Nice if she can skip the last day of school, Charade. Hoping she does well on all her exams.

Sigh, what to eat for dinner tonight. Had pizza last night, as no one wanted the steak tacos. No steak left though, as DH plowed through the one slice left over, and made himself at least 2 steak filled rolls. Hmmm, have a coupon for the Jewish deli. Food is good there, and their menu is huge. I tend to go for the same stuff most of the time. Have to see what the kids want. Eh, maybe pasta. I think there is some red sauce left over.

This afternoon is so long.....

Yep, and mud caked over cleats are just as fun MonyK. I'm actually glad soccer is winding up this Spring. She's thinking of just doing school soccer next year. I agree, needs to focus on her senior year, and not do club. The rest of her club team will be seniors the year after her.

Eek, junior prom is this week-end. Pampering day for her. Party night for her. Quiet night for me and older one. I think DH has to work that night.
have a coupon for the Jewish deli. Food is good there, and their menu is huge. I tend to go for the same stuff most of th
Matzo ball soup?? Mmmmm

Yeah got the mud caked cleats too- no matter how many times he was told to take shoes off at door. Finally had to yell at him to pick stuff up- I call them "Ben droppings" as they are a trail as to where he's Ben (his name)/been- shoes, hoodies, tablet, head phones, empty plates/food wrappers...and that was just today :rotfl2:
Junior prom? Fun times:thumbsup2

Schumi- I don't normally order nor make the chicken fried steak (messy prep and too many calories) but I love it. The cooks always give me extra spinach as they know I love it. Then casserole tonight had kale in it-so good. Recipe is a keeper.
Throwing chicken in crockpot for tomorrow.

And exciting news- my middle was chosen as a student mentor for next year! And she thinks she did well on her EoC tests. Wish our school let them skip finals if the pass EoC. My college kid though- her classes this year- if they ace the tests and have A in class they can skip finals. Will help a lot as she may get to come home for a bit longer before we lose her to the Mouse for the summer.

Squirlz-love Weird Al!
Schumi, DH loves chicken fried steak, me not so much because I like steak. Plain, boring steak lightly seasoned and medium rare.

Squirlz, I have 5 or 6 Weird Al CDs.

Mony, congrats on your childrens' success! I know my older girls had opportunities to skip exams but not me, A's or not. Hubby made a shrimp dish tonight using some Cajun sauces and seasonings we picked up in New Orleans last month. It tasted so "New Orleans" but we should have served it with grits instead of rice I'm thinking.

177 more sleeps until Orlando...:snail:
Agavegirl, you would be happy to dine with little one. She loves a steak, salt and pepper, medium rare. When she was younger, we went on a 7 day cruise. By night 2, the waiter said, steak for her, yes? Yep, every single night. She said the steak at the Wave at Christmas this past year, was very good. She sometimes finds a cook that knows how to cook it medium rare. It's a hit or miss. Sometimes she gets almost too rare, and sometimes almost no pink. Hey, a countdown. Still deserves a wahoo!

MonyK, that's so cool that she can skip exams. Not here. Neither kid can do so. I think Older One's college class days is numbered now. Two more weeks? I think. Little one's last day is June 18. Yes, I know, a Monday. Kinda like why, why not end on a Friday? We did not need extra days for excess weather closings. I guess she should be happy for that.

And the weather and traffic report from my ride in:

The sun is rising and fantastic sun and clouds to a freaking 70 or so today, it's going to be a totally, awesome, happy day.

There's a car accident on SK, you know, where it always happens, at and .

Watch out for that intersection, yes you, you are not the only one with a yellow flashing light, all have yellow, slow down.

And so, an ordinary Thursday is unfolding. Cool morning, so had a jacket on, but sunglasses almost needed, there's a great ball of fire arising from the horizon. Car even turned off the lights about 1/2 a mile from end. That was nice.

But, upload_2018-4-26_7-6-33.jpeg and yes,

And yep,


With that, I need tea, and yes, I decided I needed a 3 day week-end, and made it so.

That is all, throw back a drink, salute this Friday eve day, and
and hoping, all the homies have a good Thursday.


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