Something About Nothing............ #14

Oops guess I needed a nap, woke up saw 5:23 on my watch, was like gosh gotta get up I am so late. Then I realized, oh evening now. Was a sunny and hot day.

Dix, glad you were able to telework, saying prayers all in the path now are safe, and homes fine, as well.

Mac, doing that Taco Bell run?
:wave2: doing a quick stop in. I hope everyone that is in the south has hunkered down and stays safe and that once that eye hits that it does not do too much damage. I'm praying for everyone.

Looks like everyone had a good long weekend. Charade...sorry you were in the emergency with kidney stones. That would not be fun. I hope you are on the mend.

We the youngest started school today. I won the Golden Wire Hanger award today. ( my group of close friends call it that when we are bad mommas = picture Joan Crawford and the wire hanger :o :laughing:) I forgot to take the first day of school picture. I ended up faking it when I gave him a haircut tonight and I said we are faking the picture...go put on the shirt you wore!!!! He jus sighed...and went to put it on...and posed. Such a good sport :rotfl:

Seems summer is finally making an appearance here - too bad it's September. Oh well, I got to enjoy the heat at lunch, then while I was grilling smokies for supper tonight. I didn't it was smokies/sausage, perogies and salad. It hit the spot tonight. Guess i better plan for something Thursday...tomorrow night I have an extra shift.

Have a great sleep everyone...stay safe and I'm crossing my fingers and playing for everyone to stay safe
Pumpkin, I was just thinking about you and wondering where you were....!
Then poof, you appeared here 10 minutes later..

You are a quick thinking mom being able to fake first day of school pic....
First day of school is always exciting.
Maybe more for the moms than the kids though

Charade, how are you feeling now?
Has the pain subsided a lot?

Keisha, welcome back home.
The vacation is over......
check in here!

Believe that Schumi is 5 hours ahead of my time/ET
So that means today, will be her packing up the cases time!
Then the day after this, it will be celebrate the anniversary sky high and the start of UO fun.

I guess this means no bacon breakfast for all of us homies on Wednesday

Disx, hope your hotel time is pleasant.
Hope no heavy rain damage to your home.
Crossing my fingers your hotel has food you can get.

Robo, glad you are in Indiana where it does not have what Florida has.
Let's hope and pray no damage to your Fl home.

I'd name each and every homie right now but afraid I would miss one by accident.
So just will say all have a good night.

I think that would be Schumi, as she's leaving today, for long holiday. Hope you enjoy your wedding anniversary, even if on a plane. Hope your plane does take off and land as scheduled. Will be happy to see pictures.

With that, hoping Charade is still feeling better.

Pumpkin's kid is back to school. Guess I was never expected to have a first day picture. One of my cousin's posted one, and the kid is giving her, the I can't believe my mother is saying that to me look. Hope he has a great school year. And haha, golden wire hanger award for that miss.

Dix, hope you can go home, soon, and hope your home has no damage. Enjoy teleworking today, and hope you do find some good food to eat there.

And hope Robo's home is not damaged too.

I so need tea. Seems having laptop issues. Nothing like a Wednesday to have computer issues. Fine when you can connect, not fine when you can't. And ohh, the sun has just peaked out of the cloud cover. Ah, golden rays streaming into the window. Smile. Yep, even this stormy day, as said by the phone, I still brought my sunglasses. And yeah, umbrella in the bag too.

Have a wacky, wonderful Wednesday.

Safe travels to Schumi. Hoping she's ready to say: 432783 ::yes::
Quick good morning. I’m still feeling well, but still going to have my pain meds prescription filled just in case.

Dix -Glad you are safe and well.

Pumpkin - Too funny about the faked picture. This is the first year in 15 years I didn’t get to take a first day of school pic.

Hope Schumi doesn’t have any difficulty getting into FL.

Good morning to Mac, Lynne, Robo, Sue, Squirlz, and anyone I may have missed.

I’ve been watching the Weather Channel and they are now saying that Virginia may see some of Dorian too.

Speaking of VA, I just purchased some tickets to Busch Gardens. They are having a good sale right now. I am thinking we can go during B’s fall break in October.
Thanks for your kind words @macraven, @Charade67, @Pumpkin1172, and @Lynne G as well! My parents actually decided to stay at the home for the evening, so it was only me here. They saw me this morning then poofed again. Might as well since things have calmed down for now and I have to work again. Also, my dad's a rebel anyway, if it weren't for him, my mom would have stayed here. A few glitches, but I'm here. I'm stocked up with food and supplies galore. A friend of mine is trying to go home today, but she lives on the beach side, but a little more south than what I am, so she might come here if she's unable to come home today. A lot of us are lucky, but my thoughts are with those who are more affected, especially the Bahamas.

On a more happier thought, good morning to all! And I forgot that yesterday was Taco Bell Tuesday! Also, @RAPstar, I love the costume! It's amazing! 👏
432809 Tea, why yes, lots of it. And laptop, well, behaving better than earlier, I think. And so it goes. Hump day indeed, as so looking forward to that Friday feeling. On a short work week, no less, Friday is such a happy day. Week-end, here I come. And since have to pay a bill tonight, thinking older one and me will find something to eat while out and about. And boo, the sun has been hidden behind the ever covering clouds. We will see rain, the tree says so. Hoping it stays away while I am in commuting mode.

Glad you are still okay, Charade. Good to have medicine if still need later on.

Dix, good to hear from ya, and happy to hear all is well, so far, and lots of food to help with the waiting.

Ooh Pooh, one of my favorite characters. Great costume for Mickey's Party, RAPstar.

Shumi's is 0 now, me, 26, and counting down too.
Good Morning, Wow, can't believe it is Wednesday already. Two day work week for me and I am fine with that :). I guess we will do a little storm prep this afternoon. Looks like it will just skirt our area so hopefully just a nor'easter type storm for us. If it ever gets here....

I feel for the people in the Bahamas. The pics are just unbelievable.


My DS started 8th grade yesterday. He seems happy with his teachers and classes. Just hope it lasts.
The new school attendance policy is very strict. Might have to rethink any UOR trips during the school year...we will see.

Hair appointment after work so it is a fend for yourself for dinner kind of night.

Charade, glad you are feeling better. Kidney stones are no fun.

Have a good hump day!
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Robo, I make egg McMuffin ! It’s quite small. Or you could use it to toast a bagel too. B4A66C0A-C292-4702-9DD0-20E41E34B97D.jpegI hate going out for breakfast and would rather have it in my room so I can eat while getting ready. My friend you met last time found these.
Good morning :coffee:

Glad to hear Charade is doing better...hope all will pass soon.

Looking forward to next's actually predicted to be cooler in Orlando than here.

Funny story...I found my 2015 Mardi Gras blinky glass and washed it, put it in the dish drainer after checking to see if it still blinked...nothing. Later that night Danielle asked me why I turned on the glass and it was lighting up purple, green and would not turn off so it's been blinking for 2 weeks's down to only one yellow light...they don't make them like that anymore since the one I got at HHN last year doesn't even blink red anymore.

I bet Carole is on the road to the airport or maybe she's at her hotel relaxing in the lounge since it's 5 hours later there. Safe travel and happy anniversary wishes for her and Tom 💕🥂

Hi to mac, keisha, lynne, sue, Robo, monyk, Robbie, squirlz, disxuni, cam, Bobbie, pumpkin and anyone else who is reading along and bye bye to Dorian, thank you.

Happy hump day to all :flower1:
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UO is closing at 6 today

City Walk will be open but closing time unknown as of this posting
HeHe Sue, I have one of those, but it makes waffles. Cute little thing, and mine is blue. Use it when I only want to make a few waffles.

Hey Tink. Blink, Blink, Blink. Ha, Ha. Seems things always work when you don't expect them to.

That's good Mac. At least most will still have a full enough day of fun. No need to be out in the dark, with a storm.

Woot! Almost time for lunch. Seems sun is out again, so taking both sunglasses and my umbrella. Prepared am I.
RAPstars costume love it! :thumbsup2

Pumpkin first day of school I remembered I cried after I dropped her off, lol.

Charade glad you’re feeling ok! And it’s best to have pain meds on hand if needed!
Good score on Busch Gardens. I’ve only been to Tampa one but loved it. Wish there was one on west coast!

Disxuni what area are you in again? I forgot. Glad to hear it wasn’t bad. I have family in Coral Springs and they were fine.

Cam hope storm doesn’t hit your area hard, but best to be ready. Are you in the Carolinas?
It always surprises me to hear how strict some of the US school districts are about attendance. We don’t have that here. Many families add on a few days before or after holidays, especially if they’re going far away. Or will take their kids out for a week or two for family holiday depending on when they can schedule for work. We all know how expensive it is if you can only get away Christmas or Spring break. All that’s needed is a letter from home. And many contact teacher to get the school work to take away.

Lynne love the smiling cat! My dog smiles like that!

Did I mention I got another suitcase yesterday? I found a Samsonite I liked better, seems better construction than the American Tourister so I will return that one today. I need to stop looking lol!
Starting to think about what to pack.
Also meeting up with a friend for Starbucks this afternoon.
Tonight youngest coming over and we’re going out to dinner at the restaurant she was telling me about that’s just like Hot and Juicy! Can’t wait to try it. It’s called Captain’s Boil.

1.5 weeks to go, woohoo! My pre trip appts all made. But not getting pedicure, I find when I have one too close to trip my feet blister between all the walking and hot weather. So just having polish change. And manicure. Need a fill for Solar nails. Changed it for this Friday.

Have a good hump day Sans.
HeHe Sue, I have one of those, but it makes waffles. Cute little thing, and mine is blue. Use it when I only want to make a few waffles.
My friend has the waffle one too, but she brings it on trips, uses it to toast English muffins and makes egg in it and turns out fine. Great to take on trips for breakfast in room. Our arrival day we’re having lunch at Hot & Juicy then going across to Publix to get muffins, eggs & sliced cheese to make our breakfasts. I’ll also pick up some yogurt for mornings I don’t feel like egg McMuffin. And bottled water.
That's so cool, Sue. I'll have to experiment when I get home. Only have made waffles with it. Neat idea to have for away breakfasts.


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