Something About Nothing............ #14

Finally caught up on the sans !

I see there are a lot of homies that enjoy pastas and noodles.
I can’t add to that discussion as we don’t favor those dishes
Can’t remember last time I made anything with pasta

We did make spaghetti and meatballs and lasagna, etc when the kids were growing up as it was filling for them and a quick meal to make

Its 77 here now and had our second mowing done this month
Looks like it will be weekly mowing until November

Any great plans for the weekend homies?

I’m looking forward to Sunday for Walking Dead
I know many have dropped out of tuning in for the show.
Kind of hard to keep it at a fast pace level now

Hope all have a great weekend!

Pizza and an online quiz is our highlight......and red wine........

Yes, not big pasta fans in this house.......

77 sounds nice!!
We were big Walking Dead fans Mac but I dropped out before Kev and I was glad when he gave up watching. I saw Andrew Lincoln recently in a newish movie called Penguin Bloom - based on a true story. Nice to see him in something else!

Well done keeping the doggie safe Schumi - terrible number of dog thefts at the moment.

I agree Cam - it’s the social side of school that they miss. Hope your son gets settled back soon.

We enjoyed our take out Fishy Friday. Not good for my low carb but I don’t have the fries - just a huge fish. Will be naughty all weekend as J has to make scones tomorrow and take a photo for school and then all our afternoon tea treats on Sunday.

Funny how interest and capability in cooking varies. I inherited my love of cooking from Mum and we enjoyed cooking together. My son always cooked with me (and my mum) and is a great chef though no longer in the trade he makes fabulous meals and barbecues. When he was in the trade he was in a Chef’s Club and they would visit different restaurants and then he would always take me later which was good fun. Em has no interest at all and would happily buy everything ready done except for a roast dinner and anything with pasta. I cook with both the GC though take more care with J who isn’t as aware of dangers.

Started watching a new tv drama - Bloodlands. Seems to be quite good - set in Ireland.
Anything pairs with wine Lori......::yes::
Truest words ever written:worship:

Got the first semi decent slicing tomatoes this week. Can not wait for the garden ones. Still
A twinkle in the mr’s eye. Will be heading out with him to pick up some more seeds for him to start

Do you golf? We stopped when the DH work schedule got erratic. I’m utterly horrible but would go along to make up a family foresome
Garden tomatoes are what make summers great!!

DH and DD are very good golfers. I do golf....poorly.
But I enjoy tagging along sometimes. It's a fun family outing and I like being outside!

Today is Caspian's 7th birthday. Here's how he is celebrating.

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Happy Birthday Caspian!!! Cute as a bug!

Sunny warm day today but I think it comes to an end soon. Today's high is 78 tomorrow's high is 55. Lazy day so far but I did have a scheduled call with DS's school guidance counselor to nail down DS's schedule for next school year so that is done. Now I just need to make a decision to send him back to school when they open up in 2 weeks....not concerned about COVID, I just don't want to put him through sitting in a lockdown environment when he could learn the same thing at home. I would like to send him so he can socialize with other kids since he is an only child but not sure how that will go with masks and 6 feet apart.
There is no easy answer for this. Whatever makes your DS happiest is probably the best decision.

Think Lori had the panini`s.....we had chicken in pepper sauce....

Think it`s a pink gin night tonight......🍸
Yes, we are having the paninis.

I bought DD some pink gin....we have another convert!!!

Its 77 here now and had our second mowing done this month
Looks like it will be weekly mowing until November
77 would be so incredible right now!

Opened the wine a bit early.... but I finished all my housework, and meals are planned for tomorrow and Sunday.
Started back up with Good Girls on Netflix. On Season 3 currently.
Will be a relaxing Friday night!
Truest words ever written:worship:

Garden tomatoes are what make summers great!!

DH and DD are very good golfers. I do golf....poorly.
But I enjoy tagging along sometimes. It's a fun family outing and I like being outside!

Happy Birthday Caspian!!! Cute as a bug!

There is no easy answer for this. Whatever makes your DS happiest is probably the best decision.

Yes, we are having the paninis.

I bought DD some pink gin....we have another convert!!!

77 would be so incredible right now!

Opened the wine a bit early.... but I finished all my housework, and meals are planned for tomorrow and Sunday.
Started back up with Good Girls on Netflix. On Season 3 currently.
Will be a relaxing Friday night!

Good girl!!! Pink gin is gorgeous, glad she likes it too. Although we ended up having wine and keeping the pink gin for tomorrow night when we do the quiz. I can make up pitchers.....or jugs as we call just need to get some strawberries to pop in the pitcher along with lemons.

No such thing as opening wine too early........and you have a lovely weekend planned. We have Mother’s Day here on Sunday, so we have a no cook weekend too. Pizza tomorrow night and take out from the local pub who do amazing food.......can’t cook on mums special day.

Enjoy Good Girls. We have 3 episodes of the last season to watch, I think there will be another season after this one. I do kinda like the bad guy a little ::yes::

Have a lovely weekend Lori........

Still watching Capt Jack Sparrow.......such good movies.

Bacon and sunny side up eggs in the morning......already looking forward to them........

Hope your Friday night is a good one.......
Watching our local 6:00 news

Temps were higher here than I thought
I see it was listed 81 today

Hoping we won’t have another hot summer here
Yeah, Keisha had to watch that finale twice to see stuff I did not quite see first time
Planning on watching the last two, maybe the whole series again as i’m Sure i missed a lot along the way.
Hoping we won’t have another hot summer here
Beats the snow :p. Hot weather = killer tomatoes!

Mini love letter to Pasta :), often dismissed as peasant food but, delicious comfort food for many.

Used as a side dish/starch here quite frequently in lieu of potatoes. Dressed with anything from basic butter or oil up to the various sauces. Stuff it as pierogi, ravioli, manicotti :), toss in some cabbage & make haluski.

I look at pasta as a blank slate, dress it up or down, hot or cold, even as a dessert, it’s all good to me.
Me too Keisha. Use pasta or noodles almost every week. Staple in our home. Cheap, and can flavor almost in any way. Red sauce is our usual, though butter and oil I do quite often. Side or entree. I liked the later episodes not the few first. But did enjoy watching it twice. Raja looks interesting, but I can wait until it’s free. Thinking of asking older one which movie we have. Not much on the tube tonight.


Yeah, movie may end with my eyes closed.

May all the homies have a relaxing Friday evening. And, that sound sleep. And think lucky me, will be in the teens and low 20’s in temps in the overnight, so a teen or low 20 degree start tomorrow morning. Sniff, bye 60’s early morning. Though even the weather guy said was a beautiful day today. And it was. Little one was in shorts and a short sleeved shirt. Me? Was in flip flops. Ah, a nice late Winter day? Shorts and summer shoe wear. Woot!

If ever a time for tea. Yep, even in the evening, I like to enjoy a cup of tea. Though so nice of a day, had an after dinner limoncello sip.
Quick good evening from Williamsburg. Tomorrow we go to Busch Gardens. I’m really looking forward to watching the Irish dancers.

We eat way to much pasta and noodles at my house. I’m trying to cut back on carbs, so I’ve been buying less pasta.

Dh got a email today about scheduling his vaccine. He will have his first shot on March 20. He will be getting Moderna. I had Pfizer.

Tomorrow we get up a little early to choose a pancake house for breakfast. They are everywhere here.
:wave2: Friday night stop in!

Came home from work early today. Working with all men some days ( then coming home and being surrounded by more men/boys), I was just done lol. It was sooo slow, all my paperwork was done, so I left early for a little mental health space. Some days :sad2: I wonder why the universe has me surrounded by so many men.

I finished my project last night. I posted it on FB marketplace, and I had a buyer within under an hour. I guess I should have asked for a little more, but I buy my pieces cheap, and it actually takes longer for the paint to dry than it does to actually paint it.


It turned out even better than I thought it would. I debated in colors for a few weeks, and finally just started and jumped in. I guess I need to trust my gut, and just forge ahead.

miss my sewing room Pumpkin. All in storage while we are sharing with Em. Hence why I am hand sewing at the moment. So good to have the space to have cutting board out etc.
I enjoy my project room/spare room. While the kids were young, of course I didn't have time for anything creative. I crave being creative. So I really do enjoy the time I get to spend creating again.
Pumpkin, yeah, my walks would be not very long in those temps either. Hope some warmer weather comes your way.
Today was alot warmer. But of course, it will be short lived. But now, I can see how much brighter the sunlight is now, and that cold edge to the cooler weather is staring to fade now. Hopefully spring is around the corner for us. So e years it comes early, other years ( like 2019) it can last until May :sad:
Happy Friday all!
I may open a bottle of wine tonight.....panini sandwich pairs well with wine, right?
Think it`ll be a movie night tonight, no idea which one.....might be a Pirates of the Carribean night.......haven`t seen some Johnny Depp for a while.
We rewatched that series not too long ago. We all enjoy those ones.
Can not wait for the garden ones. Still
A twinkle in the mr’s eye. Will be heading out with him to pick up some more seeds for him to
Gosh, I can't wait for spring to arrive. I plan to have a few tomato plants this summer again . I told She to get ready for the alllllll my pots to be around the yard all summer. I have missed flowers and a select few veggies to tend to. This summer I will have time ( and hit the garden centers early - as people were stupid crazy early and bought everything out last summer with covid ) to spend more time outside working on our yard.
That episode made me sad, but I'm curious to see where the MCU will go with her story.
That is the next series I will watch. I can't wait to start that one!
Now I just need to make a decision to send him back to school when they open up in 2 weeks....not concerned about COVID, I just don't want to put him through sitting in a lockdown environment when he could learn the same thing at home. I would like to send him so he can socialize with other kids since he is an only child but not sure how that will go with masks and 6 feet
Those decisions are hard! You know your child and I am glad you have made a decision for what works best for all of you!

Well, I should probably head to bed. I work early tomorrow touching and moving pretty things :teeth:. Hopefully I don't find too many thing I want to buy. Those paychecks are supposed to fund our vacation account :rolleyes1 lol. The vacation fund doesn't grow when I keep finding items that will look amazing in our home!!! Lol

Good night homies...I hope everyone had a great evening.

Ah nothing like a quiet early morning. Good Morning homies.

Ah yes, clear out, and yay, still above freezing. Guess it did not get as cold as said it would be.

Pumpkin, very pretty. You do great work. Happy you have got some warmer weather. Yeah, time of year nice days and some brr, not so warm day. At least we have a dry run of days.

Charade, have fun in the park today.

Ah, time to get more tea. And yeah:


Super happy Saturday to the homies.
Planning on watching the last two, maybe the whole series again as i’m Sure i missed a lot along the way.

Beats the snow :p. Hot weather = killer tomatoes!

Mini love letter to Pasta :), often dismissed as peasant food but, delicious comfort food for many.

Used as a side dish/starch here quite frequently in lieu of potatoes. Dressed with anything from basic butter or oil up to the various sauces. Stuff it as pierogi, ravioli, manicotti :), toss in some cabbage & make haluski.

I look at pasta as a blank slate, dress it up or down, hot or cold, even as a dessert, it’s all good to me.

I think mac n cheese and lasagne are the only pasta dishes we do regularly, apart from that.....never asked for here. I do have a pack of dried linguine and spaghetti in one of the dry ingredient cabinets, but may need to check the date on them!

Always laughed at an aunt who wouldn`t eat in a Italian restaurant as they charged a fortune for a dish made from, cause other restaurants don`t do that too......she was a card!

Quick good evening from Williamsburg. Tomorrow we go to Busch Gardens. I’m really looking forward to watching the Irish dancers.

We eat way to much pasta and noodles at my house. I’m trying to cut back on carbs, so I’ve been buying less pasta.

Dh got a email today about scheduling his vaccine. He will have his first shot on March 20. He will be getting Moderna. I had Pfizer.

Tomorrow we get up a little early to choose a pancake house for breakfast. They are everywhere here.

Good news on the vaccine! That`s when Tom gets his on the 20th.

Enjoy those pancakes......

:wave2: Friday night stop in!

Came home from work early today. Working with all men some days ( then coming home and being surrounded by more men/boys), I was just done lol. It was sooo slow, all my paperwork was done, so I left early for a little mental health space. Some days :sad2: I wonder why the universe has me surrounded by so many men.

I finished my project last night. I posted it on FB marketplace, and I had a buyer within under an hour. I guess I should have asked for a little more, but I buy my pieces cheap, and it actually takes longer for the paint to dry than it does to actually paint it.
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It turned out even better than I thought it would. I debated in colors for a few weeks, and finally just started and jumped in. I guess I need to trust my gut, and just forge ahead.

I enjoy my project room/spare room. While the kids were young, of course I didn't have time for anything creative. I crave being creative. So I really do enjoy the time I get to spend creating again.

Today was alot warmer. But of course, it will be short lived. But now, I can see how much brighter the sunlight is now, and that cold edge to the cooler weather is staring to fade now. Hopefully spring is around the corner for us. So e years it comes early, other years ( like 2019) it can last until May :sad:


We rewatched that series not too long ago. We all enjoy those ones.

Gosh, I can't wait for spring to arrive. I plan to have a few tomato plants this summer again . I told She to get ready for the alllllll my pots to be around the yard all summer. I have missed flowers and a select few veggies to tend to. This summer I will have time ( and hit the garden centers early - as people were stupid crazy early and bought everything out last summer with covid ) to spend more time outside working on our yard.

That is the next series I will watch. I can't wait to start that one!

Those decisions are hard! You know your child and I am glad you have made a decision for what works best for all of you!

Well, I should probably head to bed. I work early tomorrow touching and moving pretty things :teeth:. Hopefully I don't find too many thing I want to buy. Those paychecks are supposed to fund our vacation account :rolleyes1 lol. The vacation fund doesn't grow when I keep finding items that will look amazing in our home!!! Lol

Good night homies...I hope everyone had a great evening.

That is lovely!! You have a real talent for things like that, I`m not surprised it sold so quickly. I`m sure whoever bought it will love it. But, I do think I`d be tempted to keep that myself.

I think I need to get in on this tomato business......I remember my dad`s tomatoes when I was a child, nothing quite like them for flavour and the scent too.

Have a good day today......

Saturday again.......had the best sleep last night and slept through till just after 8 which was a luxury I enjoyed.

My wonderful husband brought me a cup of tea in bed and a slice of toast which was just lovely. Kept me going till breakfast lol.....then did have some bacon with a small croissant (since I had the toast) lovely.

Laundry day today I think again, put machine on earlier and think I won`t be hanging it out as it`s just too windy and a chance of showers. But, will fill my day doing bits and bobs and a couple of phone calls. Then cut both my guys hair as salons and barbers don`t open for another month....they both need it! So do I to be honest. Might do some baking too.

Lunch will be something light as breakfast was a little later than normal. Kyle has asked for chicken noodle soup for lunch tomorrow so will make it today....he`s a happy bunny as he has all of next week off on vacation. Obviously won`t be doing much as we are still in lockdown, but he has a lot of vacation time in a year, so thought a week now would spread it all out.

Love a lazy-ish Saturday........and pizza night!





Hope you have a wonderful Saturday whatever you may be doing 😁

Have lost count of the number of M&M cookies i’ve inhaled. Now, I remember why I rarely make them
May all the homies have a relaxing Friday evening. And, that sound sleep. And think lucky me, will be in the teens and low 20’s in temps in the overnight, so a teen or low 20 degree start tomorrow morning. Sniff, bye 60’s early morning. Though even the weather guy said was a beautiful day today. And it was. Little one was in shorts and a short sleeved shirt. Me? Was in flip flops. Ah, a nice late Winter day? Shorts and summer shoe wear. Woot!
Weather similar here, currently 29 degrees but sun is shining. Couldn’t figure out why so cold in the house this am. Turns out somebody (not me, hmmm maybe the pooch?), turned off the heat.
We eat way to much pasta and noodles at my house. I’m trying to cut back on carbs, so I’ve been buying less pasta.

Dh got a email today about scheduling his vaccine. He will have his first shot on March 20. He will be getting Moderna. I had Pfizer.
Yea for the mr! That’s the one we had. Have a great day, enjoy that clogging

I’ve taken to cooking half the volume of pasta & adding a salad to the meal. Still satisfying.

Have you tried spaghetti squash? It’s not be in great supply here over the last year. Easy enough to prepare in MW once you get the hang of it. does it’s best to mimic spaghetti if looking to cut those carbs
This summer I will have time ( and hit the garden centers early - as people were stupid crazy early and bought everything out last summer with covid ) to spend more time outside working on our yard.
Was surprised to see that it appeared they needed to restock seeds yesterday at Loews. Of all things marigold seeds were OOS. Had to go to dollar tree lol. $.25 each, will see if they come up or not.

That side table is stunning. Is that a white wash of sorts? Rather ignorant on painting techniques. Last I attempted was a sponged wall that I couldn’t wait to paint over :)
Always laughed at an aunt who wouldn`t eat in a Italian restaurant as they charged a fortune for a dish made from, cause other restaurants don`t do that too......she was a card!
Haha, true in a sense. Most italian restaurants here (and there are many), don’t gouge for their pasta based dishes. IMO the measure of a great chef is what they can do with the simplest of ingredients.

That said, think i’ll Make a chicken based stir fry today. Please freezer, don’t fail me now
My wonderful husband brought me a cup of tea in bed and a slice of toast which was just lovely. Kept me going till breakfast lol.....then did have some bacon with a small croissant (since I had the toast) lovely.
Aw, that is special. Lucky you! Have a great time at gamenight
Kyle has asked for chicken noodle soup for lunch tomorrow so will make it today....he`s a happy bunny as he has all of next week off on vacation. Obviously won`t be doing much as we are still in lockdown, but he has a lot of vacation time in a year, so thought a week now would spread it all out
Would be nice if the weather cooperates & he can do some star gazing. Is it permissible to go-round & see his mates (lookee me, talking Iike a Brit :)) there yet?
Hehe, Keisha. My DH has been accused of turning off the heat. No I don’t want to wear a heavy sweatshirt in my home. Glorious sunny day here. Saw some meatballs in the freezer. Thinking spaghetti and meatballs. Easy meal weekend meal. Yep.

Aww, mini breakfast in bed. Sweet of him, Schumi.

I made breakfast, bacon and eggs with some yellow peppers added to the eggs. Was looking for a red pepper, but yellow was fine. Neither kid is up yet, but saved some of the eggs for older one, and bacon both will eat. Was going to eat the last bagel, but think little one will eat it. So left it for her. Did put some butter on a sheet of matzo. Yay, time of year a 5 pack of matzo can be had. I always let a piece stale a little, then make matzo fry. That was a favorite of my mom’s, and I have always enjoyed it too.

Not sure what we are doing today. Little one has a store gift card she discovered in her purse. So maybe we will go there. Then will get some more grocery, as not all I wanted was at the grocery store I went to yesterday. Though I think if we go anywhere, I am sure it will include a drive through that chicken place. Little one is a fan of their nuggets and soup. Me, eh, at least it looks like real white meat chicken.

Ooh snack time. And ack, when went into kitchen, saw someone ate the last of the bag of Reese’s cups, and left the bag for me. Grr. But little one made some chocolate chip cookies around midnight last night. So I saw some of them left. Very few, mind you. But ah yes, perfect accompaniment to my tea. While 37F out, house is a bit cool. Hot tea refill to be had.

What a good morning. Even if a tad cool.
Good afternoon all. Was rainy first thing but bright and breezy now. J and I made scones for home economics homework - was only small quantity so gone immediately. Should have doubled it up. Em and L went a walk in the next village where people have been making a fairy woodland. Anyone can add to it and it’s really growing. She has an online party shortly. How sad these little ones are all missing out.

Keisha our restrictions are mostly still in place. Can meet up with one person for a walk. Schools opened this week and five weeks until the next reopening. Then five weeks until the next etc. Wales are doing it differently which is causing some confusion as we are so close to the border. Basically we are staying locked down in our family at the moment. No rush to mix.

Unusually not planned tonight’s meal so think it will be simple quesadillas. Have cold chicken and salad too and fries for the children if needed.

J has a question for you - do you have a watershed on your tv channels? Here after 9pm for anything not suitable for family viewing. He is next too me on the sofa we have been working out travel time to certain places from Orlando - all in his future planning!
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Have lost count of the number of M&M cookies i’ve inhaled. Now, I remember why I rarely make them

Weather similar here, currently 29 degrees but sun is shining. Couldn’t figure out why so cold in the house this am. Turns out somebody (not me, hmmm maybe the pooch?), turned off the heat.

Yea for the mr! That’s the one we had. Have a great day, enjoy that clogging

I’ve taken to cooking half the volume of pasta & adding a salad to the meal. Still satisfying.

Have you tried spaghetti squash? It’s not be in great supply here over the last year. Easy enough to prepare in MW once you get the hang of it. does it’s best to mimic spaghetti if looking to cut those carbs

Was surprised to see that it appeared they needed to restock seeds yesterday at Loews. Of all things marigold seeds were OOS. Had to go to dollar tree lol. $.25 each, will see if they come up or not.

That side table is stunning. Is that a white wash of sorts? Rather ignorant on painting techniques. Last I attempted was a sponged wall that I couldn’t wait to paint over :)

Haha, true in a sense. Most italian restaurants here (and there are many), don’t gouge for their pasta based dishes. IMO the measure of a great chef is what they can do with the simplest of ingredients.

That said, think i’ll Make a chicken based stir fry today. Please freezer, don’t fail me now

Aw, that is special. Lucky you! Have a great time at gamenight
Would be nice if the weather cooperates & he can do some star gazing. Is it permissible to go-round & see his mates (lookee me, talking Iike a Brit :)) there yet?

You are doing well with the Brit it!!

No, no getting together in anyone`s homes yet. We are still at the meet one other person outside......mates and gf`s are a bit of a way away yet.....I think they`re all keen to get back together though. No stargazing either, clouds and wind are stopping him. It was crystal clear last night, or the night before, but 40mph winds made it impossible. And clocks change soon, so less darkness soon.

Love stir of our favourite dishes. Yes, Italian restaurants here are never what you`d call a bargain. Probabbly my last choice after Mexican for a night out, usually just order steak if we do get drawn into an Italian night. It`s true though, a good chef can do anything.

I remember attempting to rag roll and sponge paint in the 1980`s....then immediately painting over quite looked like the picture!

M&M cookies.......mmmm.......would go nice with my mid afternoon cuppa.....::yes::

Hehe, Keisha. My DH has been accused of turning off the heat. No I don’t want to wear a heavy sweatshirt in my home. Glorious sunny day here. Saw some meatballs in the freezer. Thinking spaghetti and meatballs. Easy meal weekend meal. Yep.

Aww, mini breakfast in bed. Sweet of him, Schumi.

I made breakfast, bacon and eggs with some yellow peppers added to the eggs. Was looking for a red pepper, but yellow was fine. Neither kid is up yet, but saved some of the eggs for older one, and bacon both will eat. Was going to eat the last bagel, but think little one will eat it. So left it for her. Did put some butter on a sheet of matzo. Yay, time of year a 5 pack of matzo can be had. I always let a piece stale a little, then make matzo fry. That was a favorite of my mom’s, and I have always enjoyed it too.

Not sure what we are doing today. Little one has a store gift card she discovered in her purse. So maybe we will go there. Then will get some more grocery, as not all I wanted was at the grocery store I went to yesterday. Though I think if we go anywhere, I am sure it will include a drive through that chicken place. Little one is a fan of their nuggets and soup. Me, eh, at least it looks like real white meat chicken.

Ooh snack time. And ack, when went into kitchen, saw someone ate the last of the bag of Reese’s cups, and left the bag for me. Grr. But little one made some chocolate chip cookies around midnight last night. So I saw some of them left. Very few, mind you. But ah yes, perfect accompaniment to my tea. While 37F out, house is a bit cool. Hot tea refill to be had.

What a good morning. Even if a tad cool.

I thought it was tomorrow when he brought up the tea and toast....Mother`s Day I always get a cuppa in bed......

Are stores all open as normal where you are Lynne? Still only essential stores for us till at least middle of next month. Suits me right now as I only want to be out for essential stuff anyway.

Glad you had a nice breakfast and enjoy that tea........

Got my washing out after all......sunny, breezy even if it is a little too chilly. It`s drying which is ideal.

Books arrived for the book group, will distribute them beginning of the week.

Decided which pub in our village we are going to order my Mother`s Day dinner tomorrow.....the one we go to the most I think. They`re doing a few specials, so will call and order and they`ll go pick it up as it`ll be quicker than them delivering it. Looking forward to that too.

Quiz for tonight is finished......we`re all doing some questions so there`s not one couple just asking the questions. I did get a txt this morning from one of them saying they`re going to win tonight......she is so competitive and funnily enough her husband is the opposite.....they`re hilarious to watch at times......

Time to bring washing in and make a cup of tea.......
Keisha our restrictions are mostly still in place. Can meet up with one person for a walk. Schools opened this week and five weeks until the next reopening. Then five weeks until the next etc. Wales are doing it differently which is causing some confusion as we are so close to the border. Basically we are staying locked down in our family at the moment. No rush to mix.
At least they’ve given a schedule. Think it helps when one can see progress being made.

I do think there will be many in the world who will take precautions above & beyond what is recommended. I just wish more people would pull their heads out of the sand and put politics aside...just follow the basic, easy protocols. KISS :rolleyes1 Sometimes a hat is just a hat.
Managed to get both my vaccine appointments made earlier......first one this Tuesday afternoon.......:cheer2:

Must have got a cancellation as that appointment wasn`t there earlier this morning, lady on phone told me to keep checking so, glad I did. The pharmacy is about a 40 minute drive away, but we`re not doing much else anyway.

Getting hungry now, but at least an hour till they go get the pizza`s.....decided to make pitchers of sloe gin with prosecco, fizzy lemonade with strawberries, lemons, limes and blueberries for tonight......the fruit is part of my five a day......:rotfl:

Sloe Gin is made by a friend who gave me the bottle for Christmas and it had a warning lable on be careful, it was strong!! I believe her......::yes::
Poor Charade.

Ack, I wish my state would vote no DLST. Clocks will be an hour ahead at 1am tonight. Boo!


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