Something About Nothing............ #14

Night owl? Fading fast. But quiet house, as kids watching screens, yay, little one is home for the night, and DH is asleep watching his screen. Think all will be in 🛌 soon. Still full from dinner. House is cool, perfect for sleeping. AC has been off and on since last night. More humid today. Better chance of rain tomorrow, though still said to be spotty.

And I have always had fabric luggage, and like the spinner wheels. On my third one since a teen, with my most favorite my first. That was almost indestructible until a broken zipper finally did it in. I have had current one for years, bought at Marshall’s. Little one bought her fabric one from Bon Ton years ago, and it still is looking good too. She got it, I think when she was 7, as her small Disney character kiddie bag was no longer wanted, and was too small anyway, then. It was in the clearance section, and being an only piece, was very cheap. Still in use as late as a couple of weeks ago. Hers is easier to spot as I have never seen anything close to its color pattern. My current one, for the first time I have not had a black bag. It is a purple shade, that many other bags have a similar hue, but have not seen ant an exact match. I have a bright pink tag on it, and no bag I have seen has that same tag. So both are easy to spot in baggage claim. Older one has a nice soft sided one he has had for years, I think I bought it from Macy’s on clearance, and he has the set, but really only uses the carry on sized one. And for the first time, he used a hard sided one I got from Penny’s at a huge discount. That one held up, but I think is smaller than his fabric one, so I think it may have been a one time use. I guess I will see what he uses next time we travel.

Hope all have a good night sleep, and hope that cat leaves Charade alone tonight. And MonyK, yep we call our neighbor chicken coop, the fancy one. That current one replaced the old basic one, when neighbor awoke to find raccoon almost in the cage. Even has these flashing lights on the cage to try to scare raccoons. While we have red foxes around too, the biggest threat is the raccoons, then our local cats. So far, no chicken dinner for any animal or person.
Done watching tv and reading the dis now

Don’t tell me many if you have turned out the lights already

Some of you have the holiday off work today.

I’m counting on charade checking in here later
Maybe her cat will wake her up soon
Today (Monday) is opening day for a new attraction in a mall less than a mile from our house. An indoor go cart track with a bar, bistro, arcade and axe throwing. And we are friends with the owners. This could be life changing! I see us spending much time there. We'll be heading over after the first squirrel feeding.
I’m counting on charade checking in here later
Maybe her cat will wake her up soon
The cat hasn’t woken me up because I haven’t gone to sleep yet. This is what I get for taking a 4 hour nap. I discovered that one of our local channels is showing a Space 1999 marathon. I’ll be watching that until I eventually fall asleep.

Today (Monday) is opening day for a new attraction in a mall less than a mile from our house. An indoor go cart track with a bar, bistro, arcade and axe throwing. And we are friends with the owners. This could be life changing! I see us spending much time there. We'll be heading over after the first squirrel feeding.
You must have a very large mall. Axe throwing seems to be the new “in” thing to do. I don’t think I’d be very good at it though.
Today (Monday) is opening day for a new attraction in a mall less than a mile from our house. An indoor go cart track with a bar, bistro, arcade and axe throwing. And we are friends with the owners. This could be life changing! I see us spending much time there. We'll be heading over after the first squirrel feeding.
Wish I lived up in your neck of the woods
I love go carts
The axe and the bar would be my type of fun!

Figured I stayed up late tonight, someone would drop in

(Charade is probably sawing logs right now)

Went out for Mexican food and beer tonight and I always sit up for couple hours when I go there
Did not see charade post above until after I posted

Charade cats are a good thing to have as a pet
Low maintenance.....
And you don’t have to walk them
outside as they use a liter box

Is your office closed tomorrow?

No sweat them, sleep in to 9 in the morning
Sue.....really?? Didn’t realise they weren’t a standard over whole married life and longer we’ve been much better......and didn’t realise one’s over there weren’t great when they first came out?? That’s a little bit of news I had no idea’s the norm over here I guess. Ours have always been incredibly reliable. Yes, grazing is nice at times instead of a proper meal..... sounds good! Love anything with lemon flavoured anything in plans for your trip in place! Oh good luck with the laptop........and hope that raccoon disappears......yes, least you know your chicks will be safe from vermin like that..........

Charade........hope you got a better sleep last night and the cat hasn’t been spooked anymore! Wonder what freaked it out.........animals certainly do have an amazing sixth sense.........

Lynne........enjoy your Labor Day today........hope you had a lovely long weekend........soft luggage for us too.......purplish colours are certainly popular........I remember years ago, no one had those that’s all we ever have it seems.........

mac........glad to see you!!! Hope dinner was nice......and lovely temps again you’re having.........we have gone a little cooler now, but didn’t have to switch up the thermostat after all last night.......

Monday again........watching the Bahamas has been awful to see. It’s devastating.

Not much going on today after all........plan to get all the bedding done between today and tomorrow........and last minute laundry.......

Hope you all have a lovely Holiday Monday..........
Just few more days before you have your anniversaries and fly out that day to Orlando Schumi!
Has to be exciting

MrMac returned home from his trip late Saturday might
Not hungry just tired
After he unloaded his car, he wasn’t ready for bed
So we went out Sunday night for dinner
Mexican food

Some of it gave me a belly ache so woke up and sitting in the living room for now

It was so nice to have him back home

Thought I would get up since could not go back to sleep and watch the weather channel
It’s hard not to watch it !

Hope all the homies will have a full sleep and be ready for their day
Nothing like a late start on a day off. Little one wants to go to the mall, and then be dropped off on the train or maybe I will drive her again. Easy day, and left over food is always good for breakfast too, as we will probably get something to eat at the mall, or near it.

Neat sounding additions to your mall, Squirlz, and nice to hear little girl squirrel is doing well.

Schumi, yep diffident colors of luggage is so much more popular lately, as before was easy to find a plain black bag in the brand I like. I hoping this bag lasts a very long time. It is the perfect size, and I have learned how to pack it to get the most volume, though I usually do not pack it that full, as I have to pick it up at times. Even at less then 50 pounds, it still can feel heavy to pick up.

Hope all are having a lovely Monday, and a nice holiday one for some of us.
Just few more days before you have your anniversaries and fly out that day to Orlando Schumi!
Has to be exciting

MrMac returned home from his trip late Saturday might
Not hungry just tired
After he unloaded his car, he was ready for bed
So we went out Sunday night for dinner
Mexican foos

Some of it gave me a belly ache so woke up and sitting in the living room for now

It was so nice to have him back home

Thought I would get up since could not go back to sleep and watch the weather channel
It’s hard not to watch it !

Hope all the homies will have a full sleep and be ready for their day

Glad mr mac had a lovely trip!! Yes, it’ll be lovely having him home.......

I’m still avoiding all hurricane, anniversary dinner plans have changed.......we’ll be eating in the hotel real energy to get dandied up to go out for a fancy dinner.......will make my birthday dinner a joint celebration. We’ll still have fun.........hope your tummy is better now!

Lynne yes, luggage is very heavy once you get up into 50lbs and above.....we have 70lbs but someone else always lifts it lol.......I just have to drag it at times.......and I do complain, but it’s my own fault as I do fill it up........sounds like you have a nice day planned.......enjoy!

Got all the bedding washed and dried......managed to get it outside before rain came on. All beds including guest bedrooms all have clean bedding on, just in case of guests while we’re away! He doesn’t ever have parties thank goodness......but don’t mind friends stopping over.

Little colder here now, but kept busy so haven’t really felt it.

Making chicken piccata tonight......extra lemon for me.....Kyle is having bbq chicken as he’s not a fan of lemon. And since I had loads of lemons left over, made a lemon syllabub and butter shortbread.....lush! Tomorrow night is takeout pizza.......

Picked (not me) a load of pears apples and plums and had them sent over to the farm where she makes all sorts with them. Told her to freeze us a couple of apple pies and we’ll take a few jars of chutneys.

Hope all are enjoying today..........
Such noisy rain.

Yeah, I am so sorry to hear of all that was destroyed in the Bahama Islands. I hope all continue to be safe, and hope there is so much help in the rebuilding.

Heard some one up, ah older one. DH left around 8 to get some things done. Me, relaxing with the remote. And big cup of tea. Thinking long pants for the mall. Does not feel that cold out, and I remember last fine, I was almost too cool inside when the weather was hotter. Phone says 70 right now. Eh, short sleeve shirt though. Not that cool. 😎
Morning Sans family :wave2:



Sounds like everyone is busy enjoying cookouts and travel plans.

I like my soft sided luggage. I bought my last set at Macy’s when they had a luggage sale. It’s London Fog and so far it has done well. I do like the swivel wheels. When I think of all the years of lugging bags and rolling them behind me, the swivel wheels are awesome.

I am very much east of the I-95!!!

LOL......YEP, you are significantly east of 95.

Large family cookout and swim, birthday dinner. Lots of small kids, so nice to see some that we don’t see very often. As usual, enough food to feed an army, and that is a good thing. Means leftovers for meals tomorrow.

Glad to hear you had a great family get together and birthday dinner.

Monyk glad to hear the feisty hen has settled down. cute hubby of friend who was ill showed up for get together....I bet she was happy he went. She had peace and quiet and he was lucky to enjoy your good food and nice visit with friends.

Have looked at the weather channel on and off. Nothing to be done about it. Still some uncertainties. Hopefully it will skirt up the coast and stay off shore and not do much damage. Tomorrow will tell.

Have house things to do today. Need to get moving.

Have a lovely Labor Day everyone.
Lynne I’ve always gone with soft sided too. They have the features I like. But am considering trying a hard sided Heys. One with mesh pockets inside. Still thinking lol! My current set has held up very well. I’ve had other sets that when luggage gets off carousel either wheel is missing or once the telescope handle was gone! I can’t figure out how they managed that one.
It sounds like we have similar coloured luggage.

I’m looking at all the stuff I’m taking, my Universal popcorn bucket, mug, travel electric grille, I just ordered the same floating chair for $10 Canadian on Amazon that Cabana Bay is selling for $15 USD. A good savings for me. I want to go over to do lazy river. It will also be nice to use at HRH pool. Now guess I’ll have to bring electric pump too. I know CB will inflate but I’d have to wait till we go there, and not sure which day we will.

Squirlz that sounds like fun! Nice that squirrel is doing well, guess you’ll have a friend for life!

Charade my youngest dd (29) did axe throwing for her birthday! I guess it’s a thing here too!

Mac yay for Mr coming home. I always enjoy the first couple of days my Mr is away. Me time is nice. But then I’m ready for him to be home!
Sorry something upset your tummy. Hope you’re feeling better now.

Schumi dinner sounds lovely as usual. I love lemon too.
Our tankless system replaced our hot water tank. And it was a tank! With 2 daughters we had a large capacity one. So now it’s a small box on the wall! Love it. I became aware of them around 15 yrs ago. At first they didn’t have a high enough output to be practical. You couldn’t shower, run dishwasher and laundry at same time. You had to decide. Now you can do it all. Although if both showers are going at same time I do notice a little drop in water pressure.

Robo, I agree the 4 wheeler is great! So much easier.
Me too, glued to tv for weather. It’s a scary storm. I feel so bad for the Bahamas and pray there aren’t casualties. Hopefully it skirts florida coastal cities. Although they are having mandatory evacuation from Deerfield Beach up. I hope my fav hotel survives. It’s my home away from home when down there visiting family.

Monykalyn hope that chicken is staying out of stew pot lol!

I better get moving! Told oldest I’d go with her to drop her off for her mani. I’ll go to mall across to Hudson’s Bay to look at luggage, lol. I think they have Labour Day sale.
Good afternoon. I hope everyone is having a better Monday than I am. I slept in until 10:30, but woke up with a headache. I’m also not feeling very well. I don’t really fell sick, but just not feeling right. I had several things I had planned on doing today, but instead I have been watching a Harry Potter marathon on the Syfy channel and occasionally checking the hurricane coverage on the Weather Channel.
Hi everybody :wave2:

Hope everyone is having a good holiday...I'm on my lunch break and thought I would check on my homies.

Charade...sending well wishes for you and hope you feel better soon.

I'm glad Carole got her travel arrangements settled and look forward to seeing her soon and Sue too!

Only 4 more work days left and trying to get everything done haircut, waxing, pedicure and last minute shopping..
can't believe we leave in a week! :cool1:

Time to get back to work...have a wonderful day :flower1:
Sue, we’re similar. We have four showers in our home, and usually only one goes at a time......but if two are running and someone flushes the toilet, there is a slight dip.......but it’s negligible. We can run dishwasher and washer or regular taps with no effect. Best system around. Even the combi boiler before this was the same.

Lemon chicken was gorgeous......will have lemon in anything.

Charade.......feel better. It’s horrible just not feeling right.

Vicki..........good to see you!!! Looking forward to meeting up with you soon.......enjoy all your treatments coming up too!!!

Watched The Firm tonight..........can’t stand Tom Cruise as a person, but love a couple of his movies........this is one. And a Few Good Men too.....

Tomorrow is few bits of final birthday cards for this month to buy and then packing in the evening.......

Heating was on earlier, just for an hour or so.......that was enough. It’s not as cold as I thought.

Almost bedtime here........hope you’ve all had a great Monday........
Feels like sunday around here-3 day weekends always mess me up, though love being able to sleep in.
Charade hope you feel better-had a day like that a week or two ago.
Back to hot weather-humidity supposed to be lower, especially after "cold front" tuesday night when it goes back down to 80's. Put electrolytes in the chickens water-and now none of them will drink it as it is orange colored. My suspicious babies. Daisy doing better, she is and remains the top hen. Usually when a hen gets sick they lose their spot in pecking order-not her-she's got the rest so terrified she can still fend them off with a look-although I do notice some scabs on all the babies combs so I think there may have been some well place pecks that I haven't caught. Gave out more eggs to neighbors again today-was up to 4 1/2 dozen in fridge...
Dinner in oven/prepped: decided on italian style turkey meatloaf, rosemary/garlic roasted red potatoes and sugar snap peas.
A/C will be on here for awhile yet. Hoping we do get some days where we need neither heat nor a/c.

Watching the Potter marathon on the deck-with the shade curtains and fans I'm good-plus it is close enough to kitchen I can hear my timers.

New laptop is kaput, so back the old, heavy and HOT laptop-works fine, but generates quite a bit of heat! Have a special lapdesk that it sits on with an extra fan in it to cool off.
Time for a cocktail while dinner cooks I think...


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