Something About Nothing............ #14

:wave: everyone...It has been a rollercoaster again with the move. Brian gets a couple of interviews then he waits to hear from them and either they take weeks or don't respond at all. It is getting discouraging but we are keeping up the energy and enthusiasm. He has been trying to reach out to some recruiters and he hears different reasons for the job market. We are thinking of changing our strategey in a few weeks, not sure how. I still have everything ready to go when he gets a job.

Charlie is doing okay, he is working quite a few hours at Target and is now a "Captain" and will be training new recruits. Liv on the other hand had her hours cut (which she is happy) but she knows she has to try and pick up other's shifts to pay for what she wants. However, it is very hard for her even more with the pandemic. She has germaphobic tendencies and her Asperger's heightens it. It is a challange for her everyday and takes a lot of understanding from us, since we can't truly understand how she feels. The good news she is doing great in her on line classes and she changed her major to Psychology with an empasis in clinical and behavioral. She has to start thiniking about a career path as she is a Junior now.

The weather has gotten chilly the last couple of days, which is fine with me. Our leaves ares starting to drop, poor Brian thought he wasn't going to have to rake them this year. It looks like we will be here for the holidays, but will probably have to stay home this year. We don't want to put any of our family in danger with Covid. I will miss my big Christmas Eve dinner this year, it is my favoirte time.

Charade, Lynne, DLPN, Mac, Schumi, Monykalyn and sorry I can't remember who else, I tried to pop in. It sounded like everyone had a great time and so happy that you were able to travel. I caught a few pics and enjoyed them.

I hope Charade, Lynne, Monykalyn college bound teens are doing good! I hope the rest of the SANS family who have children in school are doing good, being safe and healthy.

I hope all our well and feeling better!

I understand about the fur babies and being sick. I hope eveyone's fur and feather babies are feeling good! I have had a few bill myself the past month or two. In addition to sickness I have to make sure they are up to date on rabies and blood work for moving across state lines.

I want to say a :wave: and good thoughts to all the SANS family who have posted an not. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Good to see you bobbie.......continued good wishes for Brian and his job must be disheartening.......good wishes to you all........
Yay, Bobbie, thanks for posting. Sending lots of good thoughts that Brian finds the right job. Yep, while still online for both universities, kids are doing great. Can’t believe in the Spring, little one will be a Junior too. Time is flying by.

Chicken for lunch, so thinking steaks for dinner. So nice out on my lunchtime walk.
Yay, Bobbie, thanks for posting. Sending lots of good thoughts that Brian finds the right job. Yep, while still online for both universities, kids are doing great. Can’t believe in the Spring, little one will be a Junior too. Time is flying by.

Chicken for lunch, so thinking steaks for dinner. So nice out on my lunchtime walk.

Sounds good Lynne, save 5 spots for us!!!!!
:wave: everyone...It has been a rollercoaster again with the move. Brian gets a couple of interviews then he waits to hear from them and either they take weeks or don't respond at all. It is getting discouraging but we are keeping up the energy and enthusiasm. He has been trying to reach out to some recruiters and he hears different reasons for the job market. We are thinking of changing our strategey in a few weeks, not sure how. I still have everything ready to go when he gets a job.

Charlie is doing okay, he is working quite a few hours at Target and is now a "Captain" and will be training new recruits. Liv on the other hand had her hours cut (which she is happy) but she knows she has to try and pick up other's shifts to pay for what she wants. However, it is very hard for her even more with the pandemic. She has germaphobic tendencies and her Asperger's heightens it. It is a challange for her everyday and takes a lot of understanding from us, since we can't truly understand how she feels. The good news she is doing great in her on line classes and she changed her major to Psychology with an empasis in clinical and behavioral. She has to start thiniking about a career path as she is a Junior now.

The weather has gotten chilly the last couple of days, which is fine with me. Our leaves ares starting to drop, poor Brian thought he wasn't going to have to rake them this year. It looks like we will be here for the holidays, but will probably have to stay home this year. We don't want to put any of our family in danger with Covid. I will miss my big Christmas Eve dinner this year, it is my favoirte time.

Charade, Lynne, DLPN, Mac, Schumi, Monykalyn and sorry I can't remember who else, I tried to pop in. It sounded like everyone had a great time and so happy that you were able to travel. I caught a few pics and enjoyed them.

I hope Charade, Lynne, Monykalyn college bound teens are doing good! I hope the rest of the SANS family who have children in school are doing good, being safe and healthy.

I hope all our well and feeling better!

I understand about the fur babies and being sick. I hope eveyone's fur and feather babies are feeling good! I have had a few bill myself the past month or two. In addition to sickness I have to make sure they are up to date on rabies and blood work for moving across state lines.

I want to say a :wave: and good thoughts to all the SANS family who have posted an not. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.

Hello Bobbie!!!

Wishing the best for the job search, something perfect will come along!

Bobbie, delighted to see you here!

I was about to give you a call but last time we talked about two hours .....

Now that you gave the sans an update on how things are going for you, will call you later this month
Wonder if Squirlz still saving squirrels. And enjoying trips to KW

Doubt we’ll see Squirlz anytime soon........

And four more Christmas presents ordered today.......once you start it all falls into place.......:thumbsup2

Possible international travel starting back up later in the year made the news today........mum was straight on the phone asking if I was taking her to NY again next years old and has the flying bug stopping her.........
Bobbie, delighted to see you here!

I was about to give you a call but last time we talked about two hours .....

Now that you gave the sans an update on how things are going for you, will call you later this morning.

lol.....last time we chatted it was 3 we win.......:rotfl:
@macraven yes, I watched both last night too! I think World Beyond is getting better. And loved Fear.

@schumigirl i didn’t care for the new Perry Mason either. Watched the first one and that was enough.
Yuck, time change already. There’s always talk of doing away with it, but never seems to happen.

Thanks @Lynne G both doggies seem much better now! The little guy is snuggled up next to my leg on the sofa.

@Realfoodfans what a cute pumpkin! We had a corner room at FQ too in bldg 4. Loved it. One window looked at main buildings and other looked toward hot tub direction. Our last WDW visit was early Dec and we decorated our window!
Sorry to hear about Wales. Is that where you are? Our dentists opened up to routine appts in June. But it’s a routine, have to phone when you park, then wait in car till you get the go ahead to come in. At entrance hand sanitizer, temp check, sign your life away, then you come back to a room. Wash mouth out with rinse strong enough to take down an elephant! I’m going in for my cleaning next week.

@bobbie68 Hi Bobbie! Sorry nothing seems to be happening right now. But I know you’re making the best of it. May as well enjoy all that work you put into the house. It sure is a tough time for big moves. Hope things start to fall into place.
Glad to hear the kids are ok.
Thanks, my fur babies are doing better and so glad the diarrhea seems to be gone.

@schumigirl did something happen to Squirlz? Your mom is too funny! Good for her! Hope she gets her NY trip.

Nothing happening around here today. Another dreary day out. Not raining at the moment. Thinking about some lunch. i have some fruit in a bowl, will add yogurt.
I had scrambled eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast earlier.
Bobbie thanks for the update. It sounds like your daughter does so well. My GS is on the AS mainly it is his dyspraxia and sensory issues that need the support. He’s gone to high school this time and they are so far going above and beyond for him. Praying it continues for him. Job hunting is extra difficult here and I’m assuming the same for you but persistence will eventually win for your DH.

Sue we are in Cheshire - our county town is Chester virtually on the border with Wales. In normal circumstances a lot of our days out or short breaks would be to Wales. The lodge I’ve reserved for next July is in Wales but our break next week is meant to be to Devon - on our SW coast and to Sidmouth our favourite place in the country as we had bought a property there some years ago but we sold up when my parents became unwell as it became a strain not being able to visit. Rumours are we may all be put on lockdown for half term but if so they are leaving it late to inform businesses.

I used to love to talk on the phone - from the first time I moved out from home I would ring Mum every day and catch up with friends. Emma would ring me most evenings and of course now we are here with her. More recently I would ring Dad every evening to check he was ok and say goodnight. Now I only use the phone for business or arrangements - don’t know why.

I’m off to my bed now to read some more Agatha Christie - each volume holds three stories so you can imagine there is a lot available for my winter reading!

Night all x
@macraven yes, I watched both last night too! I think World Beyond is getting better. And loved Fear.

@schumigirl i didn’t care for the new Perry Mason either. Watched the first one and that was enough.
Yuck, time change already. There’s always talk of doing away with it, but never seems to happen.

Thanks @Lynne G both doggies seem much better now! The little guy is snuggled up next to my leg on the sofa.

@Realfoodfans what a cute pumpkin! We had a corner room at FQ too in bldg 4. Loved it. One window looked at main buildings and other looked toward hot tub direction. Our last WDW visit was early Dec and we decorated our window!
Sorry to hear about Wales. Is that where you are? Our dentists opened up to routine appts in June. But it’s a routine, have to phone when you park, then wait in car till you get the go ahead to come in. At entrance hand sanitizer, temp check, sign your life away, then you come back to a room. Wash mouth out with rinse strong enough to take down an elephant! I’m going in for my cleaning next week.

@bobbie68 Hi Bobbie! Sorry nothing seems to be happening right now. But I know you’re making the best of it. May as well enjoy all that work you put into the house. It sure is a tough time for big moves. Hope things start to fall into place.
Glad to hear the kids are ok.
Thanks, my fur babies are doing better and so glad the diarrhea seems to be gone.

@schumigirl did something happen to Squirlz? Your mom is too funny! Good for her! Hope she gets her NY trip.

Nothing happening around here today. Another dreary day out. Not raining at the moment. Thinking about some lunch. i have some fruit in a bowl, will add yogurt.
I had scrambled eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast earlier.

Yep, Perry Mason was dreadful.......doubt it’ll be very popular. Time change is something I don’t mind, love the extra hour....although this year we don‘t need any extra!

My mother is hilarious......honestly, if I do take her back to NY she’ll be so excited, but I do think its a little too much for her now.....she doesn’t think so, but when I last took her, I could see how much the journey took out of her. Try telling her that have rain forecast in the next few hours......

Off to bed soon here too......will see what the weather is like tomorrow before we decide what to do.......maybe nothing if we choose.......:wave2:
Getting ready to go soak the aches out of my carcass...old hen in the stew pot
I watched one Perry Mason.
I stuck in there, yikes. So creepy it gave me the willies but enjoyed it
Sue, I’m watching last weeks fear the dead now and waiting for this weeks episode

and then will watch Beyond the Dead tonight.
Last weeks Beyond did not excite me but now the story line has been done, hope it is a catchy episode tonight.
I watched super market sweeps & card sharks lol. Will polish off ‘the dead’s’ tonight
Father in law is now covid recovered-got the pneumonia and was on oxygen and 2 separate one nights hospital stays. Mother in law was negative at first but then she turned up a positive test too-cough and scratchy throat only. Both off quarantine and fine now. Bright side of that is they will likely have a much much much lower chance of getting it again - especially with their Mexico winter getaway they do every year in January.
Glad to hear both ok. Find it disturbing that people are getting reinfected with different strains. Ugh. Hope the vaccine will address that to at least a 70%
Update on my doggies. The spaniel is doing ok. Nothing bad showed on ultrasound, vascular something on liver, age related changes. Have to keep her on a low fat gastro diet. My little yorkiepoo has had diarrhea the past 4 days so he went to vet yesterday. I can’t catch a break. $$$$$. He was given antibiotics.
oh geez but good to hear they are getting examined
But since our state has shown a huge spike, nothing more to back to normal now. I don’t see my work returning to the office any time soon. This new normal will be at least well into the new year. Sad. Infected so many, effected so many, with lives lost and jobs lost.
36 other states right with us. Sigh

see that Canada extended border closings again till 11/21

getting nervous re our trip after thanksgiving coming off with things spiking up earlier than I anticipated. Had thot early To mid dec After thanksgiving rush
Yep, Perry Mason was dreadful.......doubt it’ll be very popular. Time change is something I don’t mind, love the extra hour....although this year we don‘t need any extra!
It actually was a critic’s darling, got great ratings for HBO and was renewed early on Something for everyone. Do believe the mr hung in there to watch it just to please me lol
Yeah, I feel for those wanting to join family driving over the border, with the extended closing going on for another month. I guess flying will still be the only way.

Steaks were great in the grill. Some steamed broccoli and baked taters. Full.
Good evening everyone. It's late, I am exhausted, so fair warning - I am not going to proofread before posting. Today has been such a Monday. *Getting on my soapbox* Unless it is an emergency, please don't contact your medical professionals on a Monday. That is the busiest day of the week. *Stepping off soapbox.* So, in addition to being very busy at the office, I went out for lunch and my car was dead again. I got someone to jump start it and took it to have the battery checked. This time it was showing as a bad battery, so I ended up having to purchase a new one.

I have been fighting with one of our Medicaid providers for over a year now, trying to get one of our counselors contracted so she can get her claims paid. I won't bore you with all the details, but today I got and email stating that the tax ID and provider number on her contract didn't match the numbers they has in their system. I had then give me the numbers they had. I looked up the provider number and it belongs to a counseling office in western VA that has a name almost identical to our counselor's business name. I looked up the other office's website, and it turns out hat I actually know one of their counselors. I used to go to church with her when she lived in my city. Cue a chorus of It's a Small World.

thanks so much for the pics! My daughter makes me go on all the coasters in Tampa lol. We haven’t been in quite a few years. I still remember getting on Shiekra lol. It was new. One of the first 90 deg drop coasters.
Tampa has a river raft ride too.
I would love to go to BG Tampa at least once. Won't ride the high thrill coasters though.

charade -friend told me she’s skipping AoA as big blue pool going back down for longer refurb next year. I think till Easter/early April. You’d think it’d made sense to handle that when they were closed.
The pool closing doesn't really bother us too much. We don't usually use the pools very much. If we have to postpone the vacation we will probably go after the pool reopens.

I’m in the chicken club so no Twilight Zone for me!
Twilight Zone isn't really scary, but can get a little creepy at times.

Father in law is now covid recovered-got the pneumonia and was on oxygen and 2 separate one nights hospital stays. Mother in law was negative at first but then she turned up a positive test too-cough and scratchy throat only. Both off quarantine and fine now. Bright side of that is they will likely have a much much much lower chance of getting it again
Good to hear from you MonyK. Great news about your in-laws.

Update on my doggies. The spaniel is doing ok. Nothing bad showed on ultrasound, vascular something on liver, age related changes. Have to keep her on a low fat gastro diet. My little yorkiepoo has had diarrhea the past 4 days so he went to vet yesterday. I can’t catch a break. $$$$$. He was given antibiotics.
Sending speedy well wishes for toe dogs.

Charade, great BG pictures. Weather looked fabulous. And yeah, only some coasters I will go on. I am a holder, so kids don’t need the lockers when they go on the big coasters. That first hill in RRR, makes that Studios coaster a no so far. And upside down, um a no to Hulk in Islands either. They did get me on BGT Cheetah Run. Um, that was a one and done. The rest of the coasters there. I was a watcher.
Yep, that's me too. I call myself the pack mule. I have never been on RRR or Hulk.

everyone...It has been a rollercoaster again with the move. Brian gets a couple of interviews then he waits to hear from them and either they take weeks or don't respond at all. It is getting discouraging but we are keeping up the energy and enthusiasm. He has been trying to reach out to some recruiters and he hears different reasons for the job market. We are thinking of changing our strategey in a few weeks, not sure how. I still have everything ready to go when he gets a job.
Hi Bobbie. Good to hear from you. Hope Brian finds the perfect job and y'all are able to move soon.

I hope Charade, Lynne, Monykalyn college bound teens are doing good! I hope the rest of the SANS family who have children in school are doing good, being safe and healthy.
B is doing well. She is a junior this year too. Her school has managed to stay open. The Covid numbers started fairly low and have been dropping each week.

Dh has football on. I think I am going to try to go to sleep early.

I finished another puzzle tonight, but the site isn't letting me post a picture.
@Charade67 ha, I was going to say it’s a small world but you beat me to it! Hope everything gets sorted out. That group would be lost without you!
I really am a chicken, can’t watch scary movies or creepy ones like Twilight Zone. Nightmares for days. But I’ll go on just about any coaster. Go figure.
Thank-you for the doggy wishes!
I started doing puzzles online! Something to do while watching tv. I’m doing beach themes at the moment.

@keishashadow doggies are both doing well now. My little yorkiepoo (9) is cuddled against my leg, his fav spot. He’s a mamas boy! So glad I don’t have to deal with the runs anymore. Antibiotics seem to have cleared it up.
My black cocker (8) is my rescue dog. As a pup she ate a rock and needed abdominal surg. The owners released dog to the Emerg vet as they didn’t want to pay for the surgery. A friend worked at the Emerg vet clinic and knew I had sucker in neon lights across my forehead! one day she brings me the dog saying Sophie needs a home:rolleyes2 The rest is history.

Yep our border announcement came this morning. Closed another month. Canada won’t open until Covid is better contained. But we can fly across. No driving across. After watching the news seeiNg the numbers soar I’m getting nervous too :scared:

@KStarfish82 hi there!
Yay! Kfish is here. Hope you all are doing well. And hope you are enjoying this Fall weather.

Great looking puzzle Charade. And glad had fun this weekend. Yeah, the back to week day work routine. Sigh.


So have a very good night homies. 💤


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