Something About Nothing............ #14

Wow all you homie's with the Christmas going on. I got nothing. After months of hardly any work, DH is working the one weekend we planned to get it done. Looks like a job for the computer, the credit card and the "wait until the last minute decor".

Come have a seat next to me....

I have done nothing about Christmas yet.

The only shopping that will be done is to send Mr Mac to Walgreens and buy the sons/family a Christmas card so I can write a check to enclose in it.

That is the extent of our Christmas shopping.

It is stress free and our kids always love it.
Come have a seat next to me....

I have done nothing about Christmas yet.

The only shopping that will be done is to send Mr Mac to Walgreens and buy the sons/family a Christmas card so I can write a check to enclose in it.

That is the extent of our Christmas shopping.

It is stress free and our kids always love it.

I actually love the way you do stress......just get on with it.....and yes, cheque`s are always appreciated!!! My mum apologised this year for us all getting her it`s not a problem.....honest.......::yes::

I`d be stressed it wasn`t done though. I`m the one who just has to get them all up and the house looking like a santa`s grotto scene meets Christmas vacation.......:thumbsup2

Rained most of last night, and has started raining again this morning. At least it`s not snow nor ice.......but at the moment we have around 42F with a chance of slight snow later this morning.....some areas are already getting it.

Off to the post office this morning again, and butchers in the village.....we need a top up of bacon, can`t go into the weekend without it.

No plans to go out the rest of the weekend, plan to hibernate, bake, cook and watch some Grand Prix...........and maybe fit a glass of wine in there somewhere. One of my cousins in Canada sent me some recipes for no bake items and some sound lovely. One with cherries, coconut and condensed milk along with some other items I can`t remember, might keep them for nearer Christmas.

We have some parcels coming today too, so want to be back in for them coming, one is an angel for the top of one the trees........time for a change for that one. And few other bits and bobs......essential of course :rolleyes1





Have a wonderful Friday and weekend too.......


Agavegirl, hey, no matter how the holidays are done, it will be perfect.

Yay! A MonyK post, and what an awesome picture. So happy you enjoyed some time away, and meet ups too. I hope all are healthy and negative tests.

Schumi doing her bits and bobs this morning. Good Afternoon, and hope some tea was had after being out.

And so, and a relaxing morning for me, how nice is that? Though DH is louder than the kids. Older one has a late morning class, so he’s quiet, and little one has her headphones on, as she’s in her early morning class. Hehe, little one has a very early morning final coming up and grumpy about it. Apparently, she did not inherit the early riser trait. 😊

And so, with a cup of tea in my hand, a wish to all the homies I hope you have a


Hope each homie is well today, including Robo, Snow, Elsa, Bobbie, McK, Kfish, and Tink.

Ooh, today I can make a longer timed breakfast. Yay! Bacon for me.

:wave2: Later homies.:music:
Hairdresser shocked I asked for a much shorter cut - thought I’d be prepared in case of a post Christmas lockdown! We have snow here today though not sticking yet - but plenty to be seen on the hills on the other side of our town. Think we will be very cold at the lantern walk tonight so many layers will be worn.

Will make hot chocolate shortly and pack up our nibbles ready for leaving.

Hope everyone is heading into a good weekend.
Yay, safe travels Julie. Shorter hair is nice. Glad you got to the salon today.

Yay, bacon, eggs and home fries. Had to use up some potatoes. Cup of tea, and listening to weather news. What? Sigh. With the wind, will feel in the low 30’s all day long on Sunday. And an ooh you loose rain showers today, with a rain soaking evening, continuing into a very wet Saturday morning. No sun to be had until maybe later Saturday afternoon. Another sigh. No nice weather weekend coming up. But not complaining. That low weather system hung around down South long enough it did not mix with the very low Gulf Stream letting that dang its cold air come here, and give us snow. Cold rain, yeah I’ll take it. Anything well above freezing, this time of year, deserves a yay. So even with the soaking rain coming, 40 degrees is not bad. Just will be hunkering in, like Schumi. But I am sure a grocery run will happen though, as pantry is looking a little more bare. With all home, I think we go through more food. At least that’s what I am claiming.😎
After reading Lynne’s breakfast list, I want eggs, potatoes and bacon

Potatoes for breakfast over here just isn’t a thing......maybe if we have a brunch with friends but apart from that, bacon......entirely different.

We got a months supply from our butcher this morning with extra as it’s the festive know where we are......::yes::

This is just the worst and wildest day we’ve had in a long time.

Rain that has never ceased except to drop some hailstones and sleet, no snow for us. But the wind has got up and it is perishing. Well, probably not that cold, but it feels it as it’s been so mild recently.

Lamps in all rooms have been on all day, as have the Christmas trees and any light up decorations.......yes it’s been that dark! Right now the hailstones are just bouncing down and wind is getting wilder. Glad I don’t need to go out anywhere.......

Made a lasagne for dinner tonight and some garlic bread. And will look to find a good movie to watch tonight.......will end up being a dvd as the movie channels on Sky are rubbish. I thought Tom had cancelled them to be honest as we never watch them.....but they’re still there.

Another hour or so till dinner.......think I need a small snack. Tom had a cherry scone mid afternoon, but I never I wish I had.......might go have one now.
Back to reality now. Fun times at RPR-forgot how much I love the lobby smell. My shirt says "resting Grinch face"-Grinch loved it! I swear the best character interactions are always at Universal. Ended up with a Grinch zippered hoody too...and the boy loves his hogwarts face mask. Have to admit the UO facemasks are really comfortable! EP lifesaver with busy parks. Velocicoaster construction is zipping along. And how did I NOT know of the cider/Firewhiskey
drink at Hogs Head?? Haven't caught up on thread so don't know if they already mentioned-but manage to catch Sue and Patty! Sue was brief, but hubs and I sat with Patty and Joe for quite awhile by Chez Alcatraz. Lovely to catch up with both in person!

Great pic and sounds like such a good time! Glad you made it home safely!

The only shopping that will be done is to send Mr Mac to Walgreens and buy the sons/family a Christmas card so I can write a check to enclose in it.

Its such a good gift because it always fits and looks flattering on all shapes and sizes. :thumbsup2

No plans to go out the rest of the weekend, plan to hibernate, bake, cook and watch some Grand Prix...........and maybe fit a glass of wine in there somewhere. One of my cousins in Canada sent me some recipes for no bake items and some sound lovely. One with cherries, coconut and condensed milk along with some other items I can`t remember, might keep them for nearer Christmas.

No bake treats are so much fun! My favorite is peanut butter balls - peanut butter, powdered sugar, and rice krispies mixed and rolled into little truffles, then dipped into chocolate. The only problem is not eating them all! Have fun making them - the cherry and coconut one sounds especially good!

Hairdresser shocked I asked for a much shorter cut - thought I’d be prepared in case of a post Christmas lockdown!

Its always fun getting a new 'do for the holidays! Plus fun to give the hairdresser a little surprise for the day!

Yay, bacon, eggs and home fries.

Ooh thanks for making us all breakfast! I had a grocery pick up order this morning so I stopped at Starbucks for a peppermint mocha and some cream cheese-filled bagel bites. Those little things are surprising good. Would have been better with some of your bacon though!

Sun is out today and a high of 39! Feels almost like spring. :D Work today, then probably out for a fish fry tonight. It will be a low key weekend working around the house, but will likely do some baking too. I have a lot of apples left in the fridge so might make a nice apple crisp. Luckily I also had some ice cream as part of my grocery order so it should be a tasty dessert!

Ooh and a new Mandalorian episode tonight! Happy Friday all!

Great pic and sounds like such a good time! Glad you made it home safely!

Its such a good gift because it always fits and looks flattering on all shapes and sizes. :thumbsup2

No bake treats are so much fun! My favorite is peanut butter balls - peanut butter, powdered sugar, and rice krispies mixed and rolled into little truffles, then dipped into chocolate. The only problem is not eating them all! Have fun making them - the cherry and coconut one sounds especially good!

Its always fun getting a new 'do for the holidays! Plus fun to give the hairdresser a little surprise for the day!

Ooh thanks for making us all breakfast! I had a grocery pick up order this morning so I stopped at Starbucks for a peppermint mocha and some cream cheese-filled bagel bites. Those little things are surprising good. Would have been better with some of your bacon though!

Sun is out today and a high of 39! Feels almost like spring. :D Work today, then probably out for a fish fry tonight. It will be a low key weekend working around the house, but will likely do some baking too. I have a lot of apples left in the fridge so might make a nice apple crisp. Luckily I also had some ice cream as part of my grocery order so it should be a tasty dessert!

Ooh and a new Mandalorian episode tonight! Happy Friday all!

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I wish I liked peanut butter......never could get the taste for it. But they always sound so nice.

She gave me one for mars bars, Rice Krispies, chocolate and condensed milk I think, I’d need to check......I think condensed milk is very prevalent in these recipes........and all calorie

Sounds like a nice weekend you have crisp.....yum!! Hope it’s a relaxing weekend for you.......
Hello again. It is a dreary, rainy day today. We decided to do some shopping. Dh wanted to go to a huge knife store called Smokey Mountain Knife Works. It was too crowded for me, so B and I are waiting in the car.

Yesterday we went to a place called Anakeesta. It was on top of a mountain. It’s a little recreation area that has restaurants,shops, a zip line, ropes course and other activities. Afterwards we drove out to a place called Cades Cove. We saw a bear cub along the way. Last night we went to the show that was the reason we took the trip to Gatlinburg. It’s called Sweet Fanny Adams. I guess it could be best described as a silly vaudeville type show. This is their 41st and unfortunately last season. Another victim of Covid 19. I was happy to learn that almost all of the cast are either retired or have day jobs, so they won’t be losing their livelihood.

Around 4:00 this morning I heard some commotion outside and then a man shouting, “Go on. Get out of here!” I looked out my window but didn’t see anything. I was afraid there might be a bear outside.

Charade what a fun picture of Gaitlinburg! I love Christmas lights like that!
There are lights like this all through town. It is really pretty.

Poofing back in. Hi everyone!
It looks like I'll be probably receiving a high B+ this semester. I already paid for my class next semester and that should be it. If I pass that I'll be graduating.
Congrats Disxuni! A light at the end of the tunnel.

I am slow getting my decorations up this year.
Mine aren’t up yet. Dh wanted to put them up before we left, but I didn’t think it was a good idea to leave him home alone with the decorations.

Charade, if I am a passenger, l look at my feet when on a ridge or mountain road.

I can’t deal with those heights.
I looked at my feet and phone.

one is an angel for the top of one the trees.......
I have been looking for the perfect tree topper for years. Haven’t found it yet. I do love angels though.

Still waiting for Dh at the knife shop. Next stop is The Christmas Place.
Hello again. It is a dreary, rainy day today. We decided to do some shopping. Dh wanted to go to a huge knife store called Smokey Mountain Knife Works. It was too crowded for me, so B and I are waiting in the car.

Yesterday we went to a place called Anakeesta. It was on top of a mountain. It’s a little recreation area that has restaurants,shops, a zip line, ropes course and other activities. Afterwards we drove out to a place called Cades Cove. We saw a bear cub along the way. Last night we went to the show that was the reason we took the trip to Gatlinburg. It’s called Sweet Fanny Adams. I guess it could be best described as a silly vaudeville type show. This is their 41st and unfortunately last season. Another victim of Covid 19. I was happy to learn that almost all of the cast are either retired or have day jobs, so they won’t be losing their livelihood.

Around 4:00 this morning I heard some commotion outside and then a man shouting, “Go on. Get out of here!” I looked out my window but didn’t see anything. I was afraid there might be a bear outside.

There are lights like this all through town. It is really pretty.

Congrats Disxuni! A light at the end of the tunnel.

Mine aren’t up yet. Dh wanted to put them up before we left, but I didn’t think it was a good idea to leave him home alone with the decorations.

I looked at my feet and phone.

I have been looking for the perfect tree topper for years. Haven’t found it yet. I do love angels though.

Still waiting for Dh at the knife shop. Next stop is The Christmas Place.

Sounds a lovely place....I haven’t been on a zip line for years......loved them!

We ended up ordering our new angel from a garden centre we saw online. Couldn’t find a nice one anywhere.....well, one who’s face didn't look like it had been melted or drunk........

Bears are scary.......hope you got back to sleep......

Seems “someone“ ate two of the Mars bars that were in the goodie Mars bar cookie tomorrow. So, it’ll be cherry marshmallow balls......and again, using condensed milk! Very healthy......:rotfl:I think they can be frozen, so will make double and leave some for Christmas.

mac.....early call for bacon.......::yes::
What time for bacon?
Don’t want to be late..

Take your time......we’ll keep it fresh for you:flower1:

Rain has finally stopped........but it’s cold outside.

My friend got puppy Poppy’s brother yesterday......she sent me a picture of her three dogs all huddled together having a snooze this afternoon......looks like he’s settled in well already.

Can’t wait to meet him.
Great evening at Chester Zoo lantern walk. Very limited numbers so was actually better than when we went a few years ago. I took a rucksack of goodies to eat as we walked round and hot chocolate when we went back to the car and it worked very well.

We had quite a bit of snow this afternoon but it stopped before we left and we were so lucky with a dry evening as it started to rain as we got back to the car and rained all the way home.

The children enjoyed it so the grown ups did too.
sorry sideways pictures again!
Nice pictures Julie
Sounds like it was a fun day all of you.

I’m sure the kids loved it!
Yes, nice pics realfood.......certainly looks better than the disaster that was Lightopia........hope they get that sorted!

Talking of lights.........hope Charade is along with our night light later??? I get to see it in the morning of course........

Almost bedtime here.......and rain is back on again.......

With all the talk of Christmas stuff, light for those that need it.

Charade having some shopping fun. Safe travels home tomorrow.

Julie, thanks for sharing some nice pictures. I totally enjoy seeing holiday lights. Hot chocolate, yum.

Schumi, good you get to meet Poppy’s brother tomorrow. Bet he will be as sweet as his sister.

Ah, what will Saturday’s dinner be? Our usual Chinese for Saturday’s dinner was tonight. Yum, though. Enough left over, will be for brunch or snack tomorrow.

HaHa, twice was asked what doing tomorrow. Um, wash, cleaning and relaxing. And returning an item we decided not good looking enough to keep. Issue with not being able to try on after online order. Sometimes a great fit, sometimes not.

Ooh, may make some coffee. All that food.
@schumigirl i hadn’t seen the Lightopia problems. What a shame it wasn’t better managed. There were lots of staff with light sabers to guide us around any darker corners. My favourite bit was over the tree walk right in the centre they had a little disco and the security up there were all dancing to encourage us to join in. L loved that part but her best was a snow machine area. So glad we got to experience something normal as so many cancelled.

Peaceful home this morning and no plans except some baking . We are having fish and chip take out tonight as normally a fortnightly Friday treat. Nice I don’t have to cook.

Lovely bright and sunny morning and no sign of anymore snow yet.

Time for another coffee before everyone lands for brunch. Cheese and sausage oatcakes. Not the biscuit type oatcakes these are Staffordshire oatcakes like a pancake and everyone here likes them so a one choice meal.


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