Something About Nothing............ #14

Yay! Countdown for Charade. Mine is now 10 more sleeps. Well, last sleep will be cut short with a just about dawn flight, and a pre dawn arrival.
And it's Thirsty Thursday :drinking1

I sure wish I could start my day with a mimosa like our @schumigirl :laughing: The weather is cooler today - and I seen the first of the leaves starting to turn :sad: on my way to work this morning. I will embrace the warmer days we have coming.

I seen a super cute idea for decorating out front door for halloween. Now to head out and see if I can find some of the items for a reasonable price.

Dh is away out of town for work, so it's just me and the boys. Last night was a fend for yourself night as I was tired and this cold/flu is kicking my butt. Tonight is butter chicken with coconut rice. I think this weekend, I will be doing a roast chicken again. I've been craving a good roast chicken meal. The only good thing about fall is nice warm tummy meals!!!!!

Well, I should get started on the paper shuffle. Hopefully the cold meds start to kick in again and I feel a little more human. After 3 years of not really being sick ( except with actual covid) I sure am NOT used to fighting off sickness...or...I'm just getting wimpy in my old age lol.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
And the Queen has passed away :sad: I am heart broken. As a member of the commonwealth, many of us are very saddened.

Something nudged me this morning when I was listening to the news and they were talking about the Queen. I had a feeling. At least she passed away in her favorite home.
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hope your cold meds make you feel better !

All going good for me today
Trying to decide what’s for dinner tonight

Hope all is good with the homies!
Well-made new friends at Swizzle lounge. Went over to check out the Monsters thingy at Cabana Bay: cool photo ops. Decided on a drink at Swizzle Lounge- of course it started pouring so waited it out (um 3 hours lol). Highly recommend the Wolfman,
Lost the quotes - charade sorry we will miss youand Mac again this year!
Pumpkin hope you feel better soon.
Aurora-didn’t know the Queen passed until now, echo your sentiments. Met a gentleman fro UK at Swizzle today.
Robo-glad the trip was good!
Carole-you are not a bad influence-innovators/trend setters are always ahead of their time ;)
Lynne hope we do get to say hello at least!

Pattyw just texted and they will be here this weekend too! Planning on HHN Sunday with them! So excited as we adore Patty & Joe.

Think I may go to HHN for an hour or two before I have to pick up kiddo at 11pm. Her car is still at dealership after getting quote to fox it glad the hubs is coming In Tomorrow so he can deal with it-we have our strengths and mine is medical, his is mechanical.
Waiting on rain to clear a bit. Want to see Tribute store…
Monyk… well one of these years i will be able to see you and Patty and the family and all the homies

I know the four of you will have a lot of fun

I am trying to catch up on the threads tonight and my cats keep screaming feed me

They can be so demanding at times…
Super quick hello. I got to work too early today, so I am killing some time before going inside.
I’m less than 2 weeks from my trip. Can’t wait to see some of you there.

Your trip is getting close, if you see us, give us a shout out!

And it's Thirsty Thursday :drinking1

I sure wish I could start my day with a mimosa like our @schumigirl :laughing: The weather is cooler today - and I seen the first of the leaves starting to turn :sad: on my way to work this morning. I will embrace the warmer days we have coming.

I seen a super cute idea for decorating out front door for halloween. Now to head out and see if I can find some of the items for a reasonable price.

Dh is away out of town for work, so it's just me and the boys. Last night was a fend for yourself night as I was tired and this cold/flu is kicking my butt. Tonight is butter chicken with coconut rice. I think this weekend, I will be doing a roast chicken again. I've been craving a good roast chicken meal. The only good thing about fall is nice warm tummy meals!!!!!

Well, I should get started on the paper shuffle. Hopefully the cold meds start to kick in again and I feel a little more human. After 3 years of not really being sick ( except with actual covid) I sure am NOT used to fighting off sickness...or...I'm just getting wimpy in my old age lol.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

I’m loving the morning “Carole Mimosa”……and starting a trend for sure with no fruit juice!

I agree, cooking winter warming dishes from scratch is good for the soul in the cold weather……hope your cold is gone soon and you feel much better Pumpkin.

And the Queen has passed away :sad: I am heart broken. As a member of the commonwealth, many of us are very saddened.

Something nudged me this morning when I was listening to the news and they were talking about the Queen. I had a feeling. At least she passed away in her favorite home.

It is heartbreaking. Even though we all suspected it was coming as her look had changed so much last two weeks whenever we saw her, it’s still a shock.

I do think Charles will make a wonderful King with Camilla by his side.

My condolences to Tom and Carole on the passing of their Queen.

Thank you Aurora… was so sad to hear that news yesterday. We were sitting in a friends house when the news broke and my brother in law had sent an email to say there were rumours she was passing. Very sad time.

Well-made new friends at Swizzle lounge. Went over to check out the Monsters thingy at Cabana Bay: cool photo ops. Decided on a drink at Swizzle Lounge- of course it started pouring so waited it out (um 3 hours lol). Highly recommend the Wolfman,
Lost the quotes - charade sorry we will miss youand Mac again this year!
Pumpkin hope you feel better soon.
Aurora-didn’t know the Queen passed until now, echo your sentiments. Met a gentleman fro UK at Swizzle today.
Robo-glad the trip was good!
Carole-you are not a bad influence-innovators/trend setters are always ahead of their time ;)
Lynne hope we do get to say hello at least!

Pattyw just texted and they will be here this weekend too! Planning on HHN Sunday with them! So excited as we adore Patty & Joe.

Think I may go to HHN for an hour or two before I have to pick up kiddo at 11pm. Her car is still at dealership after getting quote to fox it glad the hubs is coming In Tomorrow so he can deal with it-we have our strengths and mine is medical, his is mechanical.
Waiting on rain to clear a bit. Want to see Tribute store…

lol…..I love the trend setter part……hope you make a visit to Strong Water during your trip…..ask if there’s any new drinks available……. ::yes::

I think you’ll certainly love HHN this year……it has been so much fun, heading there tonight and Sunday I think.

Monyk… well one of these years i will be able to see you and Patty and the family and all the homies

I know the four of you will have a lot of fun

I am trying to catch up on the threads tonight and my cats keep screaming feed me

They can be so demanding at times…

lol…..those cats will keep you young mac……

Met @Raeven in Strong Water Bar last night with Josh… the same tables next to each other as we saw them last time…….very weird coincidence…….it was nice to chat with them, they were heading off to HHN and we were heading to bed soon……….

Seeing a friend this morning for a catch up, then meeting our little Lindsey and her Spider-Man boyfriend for lunch, then a little shopping before lounge and hhn…..praying for no rain tonight!

Might get some park time in over the weekend or leave it till Monday now.

Only two more nights at Sapphire then we move to RP……won’t take long to get packed up, but we’ll miss this huge suite over here!

Time to get the day started……..:wave2:
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A fabulous Friday is here. Weather. Like what the weather news said this morning. Sunny conditions will persist all day. Yay!

MonyK, wahoo, very much liking your live reporting. Hope some more HHN with Patty and Joe on Sunday tonight. Will be touring with them, and looking forward to meeting up with them and you. Ugh for your daughter having her car in the shop. But yep, the mom taxi does later night pick ups. Hope she gets her car back soon. Nice your DH is coming down, and will help with getting the car repaired.

Pumpkin, sending some more mummy dust well wishes your way. I hope you get feeling much better soon. Resting is good when not feeling well.

Sad to hear the Queen has passed away. Never easy, for a family mourning. But Charles III will be a good King.

So yay, a day of relaxing for me. So happy about that. Next week, a full week of week day routines, with two days in there, to enjoy that commuting. Not. But then, the week after that, starting it right, with an early morning flight. So making it a three day weekend to end this week, yep, certainly needed.

Thus, a quiet enough house. Made some breakfast for DH and and I and he’ll be out the door sooner then later. As older one works today, will be a little one and me day, though she has classes this morning. Then I will see what mood she is in. So no real plans today. Though may want to see the greenish looking sea today, and walk on the beach. Not too long a drive to our shore points, so maybe a lunchtime drive will starting heading that way. Either way, in shorts and sunglasses. Woot!

Come on, feel that Friday feeling! Means the weekend is loaded up, and ready to be enjoyed. A fabulous Friday it is, so get up and dance.


A Friday. Woot! ::yes::
Good morning everyone. I’m currently sitting in a mall in Roanoke waiting for the stores to open. I had to take my camera to a shop in Roanoke to have it cleaned. I’m getting spots on the photos and the problem isn’t the lenses. Unfortunately there are no camera shops where I live, so I had to go an hour away.

Pumpkin - hope you fell better soon.

MonyK - Sorry I will miss you again this year.

Schumi - I’ll stop and say hi if I see you, or maybe we can arrange a brief meetup.

I guess I will me seeing Mac, Lynne and Keisha soon.

Sorry to hear about the Queen. It’s going to take a while to get used to saying King Charles.
Good morning everyone. I’m currently sitting in a mall in Roanoke waiting for the stores to open. I had to take my camera to a shop in Roanoke to have it cleaned. I’m getting spots on the photos and the problem isn’t the lenses. Unfortunately there are no camera shops where I live, so I had to go an hour away.

Pumpkin - hope you fell better soon.

MonyK - Sorry I will miss you again this year.

Schumi - I’ll stop and say hi if I see you, or maybe we can arrange a brief meetup.

I guess I will me seeing Mac, Lynne and Keisha soon.

Sorry to hear about the Queen. It’s going to take a while to get used to saying King Charles.

Well, I’m meeting up with Keisha and mac from the San thread and a couple of others who don’t post on here but do read, so maybe we can work something out when you arrive. We have a lot of meets sorted out and we seem to be so busy this time around!

Hope you get your camera sorted……

Today’s weather………Hot!

Definitely making a Mall at Millenia visit this afternoon after lunch and looks like rain won’t be a problem tonight for Horror Nights.

Gorgeous day.
And it's Fun Day Friday! I am very glad the weekend is here. I'm starting to feel more human again - which is good! Hopefully the cough stays away.

It's my first at home weekend in a month...and as great as it is to be busy and going places, I am very much looking forward to being at home, puttering and cleaning a few areas, do some baking. It will be a relaxing weekend at home. I am needing it. Hoping to get to watch a few movies as well that I have been wanting to watch. We will see what I can all fit in.

It was a very cool morning, but it seems to be shaping up to be a nice warm day today. I think I just might put some chicken on the grill tonight. Hopefully the wind stays away so I can do this lol. We tend to get more wind in the fall. Yesterday was a windy one!!!

So no real plans today. Though may want to see the greenish looking sea today, and walk on the beach. Not too long a drive to our shore points, so maybe a lunchtime drive will starting heading that way. Either way, in shorts and sunglasses. Woot!
That sounds like a fantastic way to spend the day! Enjoy!!!!
I’m currently sitting in a mall in Roanoke waiting for the stores to open. I had to take my camera to a shop in Roanoke to have it cleaned. I’m getting spots on the photos and the problem isn’t the lenses. Unfortunately there are no camera shops where I live, so I had to go an hour away.
I hope you get it sorted soon.
Well, I’m meeting up with Keisha and mac from the San thread and a couple of others who don’t post on here but do read, so maybe we can work something out when you arrive. We have a lot of meets sorted out and we seem to be so busy this time around!
It sounds like you have some great meet-up's planned. It's great you meet up with so many other from the boards. Have fun...enjoy that heat!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I should start the paper shuffle. Not much to do today., so I will enjoy the quiet day.

Have a great day everyone!
hey all. A busy am, good thing I’m always early as I mis-took the time I was to meet my middle DS today by an hour. Still at the appointed point in plenty of time. Later picked up the mr and we all had our fill of sushi & other chinese on the buffet.

making like a beached whale until time to head to tonight’s Friday lights. thankfully, it’ll be another beautiful night with temps in high 70’s at game time.

sounds like our members who are HHN are enjoying it. Starting to think that many vocal naysayers will just never give it due after a few shaky years.
Beach afternoon. Was so beautiful. Just enough sea breeze to make it not too hot feeling. Nothing like just made caramel corn and watching them make salt water taffy, and picking out our favorite flavors from just put out bins. Treats to eat when not feeling so full after soup, salad and grilled cheese sandwiches. We were hungry when got back. And that after had a huge slice of pizza when we got there.


Beach babes? Yep.

Friday night chilling at home with my tea? Yep, and ah so good.
And it's Fun Day Friday! I am very glad the weekend is here. I'm starting to feel more human again - which is good! Hopefully the cough stays away.

It's my first at home weekend in a month...and as great as it is to be busy and going places, I am very much looking forward to being at home, puttering and cleaning a few areas, do some baking. It will be a relaxing weekend at home. I am needing it. Hoping to get to watch a few movies as well that I have been wanting to watch. We will see what I can all fit in.

It was a very cool morning, but it seems to be shaping up to be a nice warm day today. I think I just might put some chicken on the grill tonight. Hopefully the wind stays away so I can do this lol. We tend to get more wind in the fall. Yesterday was a windy one!!!

That sounds like a fantastic way to spend the day! Enjoy!!!!

I hope you get it sorted soon.

It sounds like you have some great meet-up's planned. It's great you meet up with so many other from the boards. Have fun...enjoy that heat!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I should start the paper shuffle. Not much to do today., so I will enjoy the quiet day.

Have a great day everyone!

We certainly do, I’m thrilled with the plans we have made with folks we want to see.

Hope your weather does stay nice and you get some baking done… that! And movies too…….nice relaxing way to spend your days off.

hey all. A busy am, good thing I’m always early as I mis-took the time I was to meet my middle DS today by an hour. Still at the appointed point in plenty of time. Later picked up the mr and we all had our fill of sushi & other chinese on the buffet.

making like a beached whale until time to head to tonight’s Friday lights. thankfully, it’ll be another beautiful night with temps in high 70’s at game time.

sounds like our members who are HHN are enjoying it. Starting to think that many vocal naysayers will just never give it due after a few shaky years.

It is a fabulous HHN this year!!! It really has been turned up a notch……some of the houses are nothing less than stunning.

Sounds like a fun Friday night, hope the game is a good one…..I empathise your beached whale feelings…….we ate far too much today!

Pizza Fries………..hmmm…..not sure.

Ran into the lovely Monykalyn tonight…….well, we heard a voice call us as we walked towards the entrance of horror nights and it was Monyk with her husband and one of her daughters, it was so lovely to catch up and chat.

We did the Classic Monsters house together, it was a very good house!!! But it was lovely to meet Mr Monyk and their lovely daughter too.

Did most of the other houses again tonight except The Weeknd which I doubt I’ll do at all.

It was busy tonight and not boiling hot, so it was very pleasant walking around.

Almost midnight, ready for bed, my eyes are struggling to stay open.
Yay, that’s so great hearing HHN is much better this year. Robo, hehe, I’d take one of those purple ones.

Ah, was up way too early, then decide was sleepy, and went back to sleep. Feel more refreshed this Saturday morning.

Planned today? Relaxing I think. Though some shopping and gas to do and get today, probably.

Hehe, the large tub of caramel corn is half empty now. But that’s actually a good thing. So nice when you can buy food right where they make or grow it. Fresh and should be eaten in days.

And so, T minus 8. Next weekend I arrive. First time I won’t change hotels. Usually I do, but by the time I decide when I wanted to go, slim pickings with the amount I wanted to spend. So SF I will be all my stay.

Super sized very happy Saturday to everyone. Hope Robo and Schumi, and MonyK have a lazy morning, with a late start. Late nights are meant to have lazy mornings following them.
We certainly do, I’m thrilled with the plans we have made with folks we want to see.

Hope your weather does stay nice and you get some baking done… that! And movies too…….nice relaxing way to spend your days off.

It is a fabulous HHN this year!!! It really has been turned up a notch……some of the houses are nothing less than stunning.

Sounds like a fun Friday night, hope the game is a good one…..I empathise your beached whale feelings…….we ate far too much today!

Pizza Fries………..hmmm…..not sure.

Ran into the lovely Monykalyn tonight…….well, we heard a voice call us as we walked towards the entrance of horror nights and it was Monyk with her husband and one of her daughters, it was so lovely to catch up and chat.

We did the Classic Monsters house together, it was a very good house!!! But it was lovely to meet Mr Monyk and their lovely daughter too.

Did most of the other houses again tonight except The Weeknd which I doubt I’ll do at all.

It was busy tonight and not boiling hot, so it was very pleasant walking around.

Almost midnight, ready for bed, my eyes are struggling to stay open.
Im so glad we got to meet up!!! And yeah after going thru weeknd house again:lots of blinky lights and strobe lights. If anyone is slightest bit sensitive this house is a skip.
Drug ourselves out of bed to make out UTH tour. Naps on agenda for afternoon lol.
Halloween house was awesome! I don’t have the comparison to 24 (which seems to be one of best houses ever)
Hey all, another game won for DSs’ team. Rah rah. :scratchin getting out of the away team’s parking lot after the game could be a maze unto it’s self.

brushing my teeth this am felt an object in my mouth, popped off a crown that has been firmly in place for almost 2 decades. Don’t think it has root canal as it’s starting to talk to me. left message with dentist i need it hopefully, glue back in place vs a redo. Think I’m going to go stick gauze in some booze & stick on it. My mom always swore by that:confused3 If anything else, it can be an appetizer for the concert tonight:rolleyes1 I’m not the designated driver, hooray!

tomorrow will be football, football. Made my pulled pork already. Need to go grab the buns before they disappear as usual on weekends here.

Have a great weekend all


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