South Beach Dieters......... Unite

spb999 said:
Hi Pixiechick and welcome to the Beach !!

I'm not sure what the true "south beach" answer is for this, but one of the things I loved about this program is that I didn't have to count points, or weigh my food etc.

Thanks Sandy! I feel like I'm cheating somehow. I know that as long as I focus on lots of water and veggies, I should be fine. It just sounds too easy.
pixiechick, I never checked either. I just ate until I was full. I pretty much still do. My best advice is to listen to your body!
Hi, everybody! :wave2: I posted a few times last summer and fall, and I read this thread alot, but I've fallen off the Beach. :rolleyes1 I lost 21 pounds last year, down to 176 by the time I got back from Disney World in December (lost 2 pounds there!). Anyway, between work and life in general, I've put 7 pounds back on (evil things jumped on me while I wasn't looking). :lmao:

So, I'm back on the Beach starting today. I'm looking at losing those 7 plus another 20 at least. So, I rounding it up to 30 pounds to go. I know it can be done, because I already did it the first time. I'm relying on you guys to keep me motivated too. :cheer2:
Happy 4th of July everyone. I hope you all had a safe wonderful day
Hi my fellow SB dieters!! I am glad there is a thread about this! I just started a week ago today!! It was really hard at first but every day gets a little easier. I am a 23 year old (24 on friday!!) mother of 2 (Nathaniel ,3 and Cayla,2) and My largets was 215 when I was pregnant. I am currently at 143 and would like to lose another 20 lbs. When I started the SBD I was 153 so in a week I have lost 10 lbs!!! I am so thrilled and it keeps me from picking up the chocolate which is my worst enemy! I havent tried any of the recipes in the book since I am a really picky eater so I just stick to what I can eat and make my own recipes from there but my favorite is turkey burgers with cheese and mushrooms. yummy! My husband is also on the diet and he lost 13 lbs in a week. It is really great to have someone to support you on something like this.
Hello neighbor (I'm in dfw) Welcome. Congrats on your 10 pound weight loss!!!!! :banana: :banana:
Hi all,
After reading most of this thread in the past month, I decided to give the beach a try. We (DH is trying too) started on 7/12 and so far I've lost 5 lbs. I had a rough couple of days at first, not the missing bread or sugar, but the caffeine (PEPSI!!!). But 5 lbs is sure an inspiration. I sure hope to have the same success as so many of you have had! I have a goal to lose 50 lbs by Christmas, and seeing the weight come off so quickly in the first couple of days is so gratifying, I hope I feel this way when I slow down to the norm (1 or 2 lbs per week)
Thank You for this thread! :goodvibes
Hi Jill. Welcome to the beach. 5lbs is an inspiration. It makes you want to continue on with the plan. I always say that your level of success depends on how bad you want it. For so many it is hard to stay away from old habits and make the committment it takes to get and keep the weight off. I recommend that you buy the handheld guide that tells you which food you can eat and enjoy and when and how often. I used that more than the book. I did this because it was easier to reference to.

Well I'm off, I am sitting at OKW right now, but just wanted to drop in a welcome!
Count me in as another one heading back to the beach we should all carpool!

I have posted to this thread before...always saying "Here I go again..." and each and every time, I have success! Then I somehow get de-railed....*sigh* Oh well, the difference this time is that I am exercising a heck of a lot more...I have been doing a great exercise routine for the past month or so, so that is fairly well established now. So, just going to add the eating right portion in, and that should keep these pesky pounds off for good this time!

To those new to SBD: IT TOTALLY WORKS. And once you get passed about day 4, it is very easy. The reason I love it is b/c you DON'T have to weigh and measure and count points, etc. If it is allowed, you eat it...if it's not, you don't. No muss, no fuss.

Good luck to us all!

I have 17 pounds total to lose (but b/c I am short, it really looks like a lot more...I am definitely not happy with my current appearance)...but I'll take it one pound and one day at a time....

My mantra: Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels....
Thanks for the welcome sm4987!

I have a question for those South Beach Pro's: I HATE eggs, but the recomendations for most of the breakfasts are egg dishes, any advice? (Besides learning to like eggs :rotfl: )
Thanks for any help!

Woo Hoo! 1 more pound GONE! :banana:
AlaskaMom - My suggestion is that just because it's breakfast time doesn't mean you have to eat breakfast food - if there are other things on the plan that you do enjoy eating that you wouldn't object to eating as your first meal of the day then go for it !
Oh My!
I haven't posted on theis thread for a few days, and still there's not alot of action, must be a busy summer. I just finished reading thru the entire thread!!! It took about 4 days!
As for my progress I have lost a total of 10 lbs in 10 days (actually in 8 days, I didn't lose any the last 2 days:( And a total of 5 lbs since joining wish and the back to school challenge. Life on the beach has sure gotten much easier, I don't really crave anything, just sometimes nothing sounds good. Anyone else feel that way?: another cheese stick, almond, celery stick, or piece of meat just does not sound GOOD.
Well I'm off to the video store to check out the exercise dvd's to try out before I buy.
Have a good day eveyone! :sunny:
Jill, yes that happened to me and quite often. However, I often remember that those are allowed snacks and food and just go with it. This thread goes through its ups and downs. Sometimes we have very busy weeks and then times of quiet. Summer seems to always be like this. I'm glad to see that you are making so much progress. Kepp up the good work!
Hi all. I'm back. Since Thanksgiving I've ended up gaining about 20lbs. I finally starting to get back on track. I'm on day 4 of redoing a week on Phase 1. I'm not doing 2 weeks because next week I'm counceling church camp and can't control what's being served so phase 1 isn't possible. I've lost about 4 of those lbs. I changed my clippie to my current total loss. I still hope to lose about 50lbs total. I'll try to get on here more frequently and keep you updated on what's happening.
Hello Jeremy. Sorry about the gain. I think what keeps me from gaining is this constant exercise and my determination with food. I know that phase 1 will help you get it back off!!!
Oh my goodness...I'm back. was quite a trip away. But, went to the Dr's this morning and said I wanted to lose weight. He kept promoting WW, but I told him that SBD had worked really well for me last year while DH and I were planning for a cruise (lost 32 lbs!) and I really thought it would work well for me again...this time for good! He said go for it. I go back to him in 4 weeks to let him know how it's going, so that's kind of a motivating factor for me.

It seems like there are some familiar faces here again, so I'm feeling good about that. I even joined the SBD online group, just to see if it could serve as that additional motivator or level of support. I'll keep y'all posted on that one.

The craziest thing? DH, the kids and I are going to Disney for two days next week! Yikes! But DH really wanted to start on a healthier lifestyle change now rather than wait until after Disney, so the added challenge is going to be to stay on phase I while at the World. Can you imagine???? I'm sure I'll be getting one of those refillable mugs and just chugging the diet Coke, as that is the thing that I love more than chocolate. It will be my one comfort thing in the face of all of that food!

Anyway, can't wait to get back into this and talk to all of you.
Hello fellow South Beachers! I am back again... this is my second time starting Phase I. I did phase 1 last summer and had great success, then went on to Phase 2 and began to cheat a bit and so on.... well.... I am an emotional eater For SURE! Lots of stuff going on in my life and I have been indulging my sweet tooth like a crazy person since march and that has really piled the weight on again. I had kept off my weight loss prior to this, but the sad thing is when I realize I could have been losing instead of just maintaining from the fall to the spring! Anyway, I am still about 12 lbs less than when I started my weight loss journey, but 5 lbs up from where I was before and it makes me mad!!!! Now I am back on Phase I again. It is so strange, I feel better about myself, and just feel better in general when I eat like this but it is so easy to fall into the temptation of other stuff. Today is day 3 of Phase 1 and I feel good. Just thought I would say hi. I enjoy reading the posts, even the old ones for encouragement. We have a trip planned to DL in October so I am spending more time on the DIS boards and enjoying planning it. Been to WDW twice. Our trip to California is for a wedding and we are doing a vacation around it, including Disneyland. Can't wait.


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