South Beach Dieters......... Unite

Good morning South Beachers-
I'ts been a few days since I've had a chance to get on. Hello to johde, Florida_Mom and calena.

I've been on the beach for 2 1/2 weeks now: lost 10 pounds in 8 days, then 1 pound 3 days later then the scale has not budged! For 1 week it hasn't moved, is that normal even in phase 1? I started what's been called on this board phase 1 1/2 where I've only added 1 serv. of carbs after 2 weeks of being on phase 1 (cheat free!!!!)

So to you South Beach pros, is it normal to plateau while you're still in phase 1?
I know I'll have plateaus but I didn't think it would be so soon.
Have a great weekend everyone! :sunny:
plateau is normal, but not if you are still in phase one. What have you added back to your diet? What kinds of carbs? Is there any hidden sugars in it? Post a sample menu so that we can have a look!
Wow Sheree you're right on top of things;
Okay here goes the menus for the last couple of days:
AM almonds (about 10-12), mozz cheese stick (low fat)
Noon Turkey sausage w/ sour kraut
PM snack cucumber sticks w/ humus
PM Halibut w/ lemon and dill, salad w/ celery, black olive slices, artichoke hearts, and ranch dressing

AM almonds 2 strips of turkey bacon
AM snack cheese stick
Noon chef salad with ham, turkey , low fat cheddar, cucumber, olives, artichokes, and ranch
PM snack sugar free fudgescicle
PM lime cilantro chicken with broccoli/cauliflower

Don't really see many carbs except for maybe the olives, artichokes, and ranch? and I really hope it's not any of them, they are probably the things I like best of all!
It looks pretty good. If you want to keep a check on your food, use this site

You can input your food and it will tell you calories, carbs, etc. It could be that your body is adjusting to the lower weight. I lost then stalled, then whoosh (big amount of weight) and pretty much repeated the process. I stayed on a modified phase 1 till most of my weight was gone. It worked for me. Have you started exercising? If so, that could be stopping the loss by gaining muscle. if not, then try some movement to see if you can get the scale moving again.
I just finished week one. Lost 4 lbs. :sunny: It is also TOM today so maybe the scale will show more tommorrow? :rolleyes: Sticking with the program but I find the snack time tough. Alaskamom.... you lost 10 lbs in 8 days AMAZING!!!! Don't be discouraged if the scale doesn't go down right away... our bodies are all adjusting to a new eating style - at least that is what I tell myself. The cravings have gone down, but there is something so "easy" about ordering pizza etc that I am having to fight... but it is worth it. I am keeping my blue south beach book close by to read it... I am also reminding myself I am changing my blood chemistry to the better... :sunny:
Hi everyone-

Sheree' thanks for the info, I still haven't lost any more, but I have been exercising quite a bit. My clothes are fitting much better, it's just the mind games I play with myself (and the scale).
Calena- 4 pounds is great!!!

Hi and nice to meet you Jeremy and Florida-mom.

Weight loss is a whole life experience, and I'm so grateful to have this board as support in changing my life to a much healthier version. Thanks to all of you :goodvibes

Have a good weekend :sunny:
Jill, that scale is the devil. It can play so many tricks with you can't it!!! We actually had a stay off the scale challenge for a month because it was hindering so many people. Exercising will not show the weight loss as much as if you were not exercisisng. However since your clothes are looser, that means you are losing inches and that is more important (I never would have said that two years ago though!) That means you are replacing fat with muscle and imho I'll take that muscle over fat any day.
Hi AlaskaMom and Sheree and everyone!

Well, I lost 8 lbs. on my first week. That felt great. I was actually surprisingly good at WDW...we went to 'Ohanas because I love the whole presentation and it's great because they serve so much protein and salad and veggies, that you could really fill up on that!

I weigh myself again on Thursday. I've been pretty good about staying on phase I this week. My one exception seems to be using the whole milk in my iced latte from Starbucks rather than skim. But overall, I think I've been doing pretty good.

My next goal is going to be getting back into I need to gear up for that.

Regarding muscle weight and plateaus....I think what made me realize the value of exercise was when someone here (Sheree maybe?) wrote in one of many posts on this thread that she weighs the same now as she did in high school, but now she is a size 4 and not a size 10. That really opened my eyes. Shoot, I don't care what I weigh if I'm a size 4! :rotfl:
:cool1: 8 pounds is great!!!! Doesn't it feel good to know that that is 8 pounds that won't come back!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup2

Florida Mom, yeah, that would be me. It really is surprising. I see so many people and they are so surprised. I'm shocked actually. The exercise and weight training was worth it. I started off just wanting to be in the 130's like high school. Then I of course was wearing a 10/11 or 12/13 juniors. Ya know how that crazy numbering system is. Then the next thing I know I'm a 2/4 misses, and I wear a 5 junior. I really belive the cardio and weight training is what did it. I don't even look at the scale as much anymore. I'l go grab some jeans now and say yup, I'm on track!!!! It's nice to know the scale number, but it doesn't mean as much knowing that I can walk in a store and not try something and know it will fit!
Haven't checked in in a couple days. My plateau finally gave up and I "whooshed" 4 lbs. I've been real busy trying to out-do my own goal on the Aug exercise challenge, so far so good. The South Beach way has gotten much easier, now that I can incorporate some fruits, or brown rice, I really haven't craved anything. Well I did get caught in one craving.... whipping cream, my son wanted a strawberry cake for his b-day, no problem-o, except for the fresh strawberries and whipped cream for the top, oh and the strawberry whipped filling, I just LOVE whipped cream!!!! I didn't really succumb, much. Just 2 little tastes from my finger tips! It's a REAL GOOD thing there was a big group of boys who came over and gobbled up all that whipped cream (I mean cake)
Way to go Florida Mom- 8 pounds in 1 week is great. This "diet" is a great motivator by giving you such positive results in the first few days!! Keep up the good work!!

And yep I agree Shree' you are an inspiration! Here you've met your goal, maintain, and still come and support all of us at the begining of our journey!
Thanks :cheer2: :cheer2:
I'm going to give it another try. I tried last October with my DH and I quit after 3 days because I was so sick. I'm going to try to fight past it this time. I only have 10-15 to lose, but I would like to lose most of it and get a little firmer by Oct.5, when we go on our 10 year anniversary cruise. I just realized how close it is and I'm running out of time. My biggest problem is remembering to eat at regular intervals and not letting myself get so hungry I don't care what I eat.

On a side note, DH has lost and kept off 20lbs since last October!!

So here I go, 2 hours down on day 1!
Thanks Jill. I try to be here to help. It was those who started with me at the beginning who kept me going. I know what it feels like to think that you are out there in this all alone and I hate the thought of anyone feeling like that!! So, I'm here to cheer you all on!!!!!

cwnhokie, welcome back!!! I hope it goes better for you this time around. Those first couple of days can get you, but it does go away if you stick with it. Let us know how it goes!!!
I need help guys, this is my bad time of the day. I usually sit and much from now until dinner. Any suggestions, good snacks, things to do to keep my mind off munching? Thanks,
Hi Chrissy and wishing you much success on the beach !
My standard snacks are peanuts (20) in the morning and a cheese stick in the afternoon. Do you like veggies ? How about celery sticks or cucumber slices ?
I second the nuts. I love almonds and pecans. Cheese is good. Are you gettting enough water? How about a quick walk? Having the munchies is not bad especially if you are in phase 1. Grab a phase 1 snack and you will be o.k.
Hi everyone. I lost 2 lbs. my second week. It's starting to come more naturally again, and my clothes are starting to fit better.

As for snacks as mentioned above, I love the salted almonds. I also like the cheese cubes and now that I'm on phase 2 I'm enjoying the south beach protein bars (I only have one per day at the most). What I've found is that I need a lot of protein in the morning, and I need to snack frequently. I just don't want to give my blood sugar a chance to drop at all because then I get so hungry that I'll just eat whatever is closest. I've been filling up on salads at lunch because I'm not great about eating my veggies, but I find that the salads with lots of protein on them really fill me up.

Good luck everyone!


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