Splash Mountain to become Princess and the Frog ride

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It's a small thing but one thing I love in the movie is the mix of animation styles - how they use the simpler, more "flat" style in parts (some of the dream sequences) and wonder if the incorporate any of that

Maybe use that style for the instructional videos on how to board the boards and warnings about how you may get wet?
Ok well while you are at it, take all the slave owners and racists out of the hall of presidents. At least those are actual real world examples of the issue at hand.

Sorry you guys dont get it.

Why is it so important to celebrate the Jim Crow South? I'm from there, went to Robert E Lee Junior High. Envied the Duke's General Lee with it's stars and bars across the roof.

In other words, I was an idiot kid idolizing a culture I didn't understand.

There is absolutely nothing redeemable about that movie. The point of it -- THE POINT -- is to show how well the freed slaves got along in their shanty town outside of whatever Georgia town they said they were in that hadn't been burnt to the ground. The plot is nonsensical and it revolves around the kindly old house slave just missin' his owners so much he still tells stories to the kids. He still looks out for them, so slavery couln'dt have been ALL bad, right? If the freed slaves still have affection for their masters, there must have been GOOD things, too, right? And as for the cartoons? They are the epitome of every negative racial stereotype about black people in the south. Brer Fox and Brer Bear are lazy and stupid. Even the hero -- Brer Rabbit -- is just another example of the Kingfish from Amos and Andy -- scheming, fast talking, surviving on his wits and the stupidity of those around him. But he's not hard working -- he's not trying to accomplish anything beyond his next scam.

It's an evil movie. It reinforced stereotype and opinions that still exist to this day. That it took Disney 40 or so years to shutter it is disgraceful on its own, and that they allow one of their most popular attractions to sanitize it is equally so.

It's got nothing to do with removing the past; it's about not celebrating it.
It's got nothing to do with removing the past; it's about not celebrating it.

Agreed. It shouldn't be celebrated but I would also add that until recently we have removed the past but in a different way. We haven't taught people what slavary was really like and what black people have been through. We have tried to erase the past already - the parts we didn't like. I am southern born and bred and am proud of that. However when I had history class I remember clearly when we started the unit on the civil war my teacher saying "despite what you may thing the civil war wasn't about slavary and when we finish this unit you'll understand why". That stood out because it seemed weird but that was how it was taught - as simply being states rights and that the south did have a chance to win but things didn't go their way.

I said earlier in this thread I hadn't heard of minstel shows until recently and somebody even said "how can you not know that?". That was obviously after my time but it just wasn't taught in the areas I grew up in. Many people in Texas are just learning of it too with issues with "eyes of texas" song.

We are not erasing history or pretending things didn't exist. We've already been doing that. We are bringing the ugly stuff we buried back to light. In a way we are making sure people know the FULL history and not just the part of it I was taught growing up.
Yes just think of the techniques and technology that was used for Navi River Journey and how that could be applied or advanced on possible bayou scenes and such on the ride. Will be interesting to see where they take this.
When I saw the concept art, it really reminded me of Navi. NRJ is one of my absolute favourite rides; it’s just so beautiful. I’m not sure the direction this will go but given the length of the ride and the possibilities I’m so excited about this.
Agreed. It shouldn't be celebrated but I would also add that until recently we have removed the past but in a different way. We haven't taught people what slavary was really like and what black people have been through. We have tried to erase the past already - the parts we didn't like. I am southern born and bred and am proud of that. However when I had history class I remember clearly when we started the unit on the civil war my teacher saying "despite what you may thing the civil war wasn't about slavary and when we finish this unit you'll understand why". That stood out because it seemed weird but that was how it was taught - as simply being states rights and that the south did have a chance to win but things didn't go their way.

I said earlier in this thread I hadn't heard of minstel shows until recently and somebody even said "how can you not know that?". That was obviously after my time but it just wasn't taught in the areas I grew up in. Many people in Texas are just learning of it too with issues with "eyes of texas" song.

We are not erasing history or pretending things didn't exist. We've already been doing that. We are bringing the ugly stuff we buried back to light. In a way we are making sure people know the FULL history and not just the part of it I was taught growing up.
When I teach my (young) kids about splash, I will be telling them it changed because some people are mean to people because of minor genetic differences like eye, skin, and hair colour. For some reason skin colour is one that people were the meanest. I plan to link this somehow to what they learned about MLK day in kindergarten.

We wouldn’t like it if people were mean to us because of our hair, eyes, skin, or height and we might not like a ride based on a movie linked to people being mean to us. Mickey doesn’t like that either so he’s changing the ride into something that will be even better than it was before :)

They’re young so I won’t go into a lot of detail yet unless they ask. Still learning the best way to introduce these discussions but fortunate it’s in the curriculum at school. The truth is once my kids learn it’s being rethemed to princess and the frog they will be so happy they probably won’t care or ask why it’s changing anyway, lol.
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Would be interesting if they picked a different theme

Looking at the maps their Splash Mountain is in Critter Country and really the only attraction there and next to their Haunted Mansion which is in Fantasyland so they could go a different direction/larger change
They could do a Mulan ride or another Big Hero 6 ride
You probably should. What makes your cause better than someone elses?

Walt was not a good person many a time, so why should we enshrine him and overlook his transgressions?
The sense is people are selectively choosing what to be outraged about and ignoring other injustices.

But who knows that may change, George Washington is being lambasted for being a horrible person, Hamilton just won't be the same with out GW's "Here comes the General and One Last time". They just removed John Wayne's name from John Wayne Airport. And Woodrow Wilson's name from Princeton.
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