Spring Secret Sister Swap- CLOSED


<font color=darkcoral>Mother, Wife, Daughter, Frie
Dec 27, 2004
I'm putting this up early because I have to go teach in the morning. Sometimes RL gets in the way of Dising....
So, Here are the rules for the Spring Secret Sister Swap. You are making a three month commitment when you sign up for this swap. Please remember that when considering if you would like to sign up.
You will need to mail you secret sister a package on March 1st, April 1st and May 1st.
1st package- $.41 envelope. Mail on March 1st
2nd Package- Box - $20 minimum. Mail on April 1st
3rd package- Homemade surprise. Mail on May 1st
To sign up, please cut and paste these questions into a PM for Buffy (Bernardandmissbianca) and I (mickeyteacher)- We will collect them all and then give out buddies when the sign ups close on January 20th.
Please be specific in your answers. This will help your buddy get you the things that you want and/ or use. Please no YES or No answers. These types of answers make it really hard on your buddy.
Please let me know if you have any other questions
Shawna and Buffy


DisBoard Name:

Mailing Address:

Do you mind mailing internationally?

What size books do you scrap?

What album are you currently working on?

What themes do you have waiting to scrap?

Do you have children (Please list ages and genders)?

Do you scrap for them?

What activities do they participate in that you scrap?

What holidays do you celebrate and scrap?

Is there anything you really need or want?

Do you like to read—if so, what bookstores do you shop at?

What is your favorite ice cream place?

What is your favorite fast food place?

Do you have a Cricut or other die cutting machine? If so, which one and what cartridges/ dies do you have?

If not, what are some things that you would like die cut from the machine?

Do you have pets? If so, what type and name?

Do you scrap for them?

What is your favorite embellishment?

What is your favorite color?

What month/day is your birthday?

Do you like homemade surprises?

What are your favorite candy/ snack?

Are you allergic to anything?

Is there anything you know you do not like to use in your books?

Is there anything else you would like your buddy to know about you?

Do you collect anything?

Do you like scented lotions/ candles? If so, any favorites?

Do you shop online? If so, favorite store?

Do you have a Michaels, Joann’s, ACMoore near you?

Are there any magazines that you like to read but you don't get/buy?

Do you use stamps and ink?

Who have you SS swapped with in the past?

How is the list of who I have PM's from:
Lovely scrapper
Party of 3
New England Eeyore
Pretty in tink

Kids Swap:
MickeyTeacher DD 4
MickeyTeacher DS 8
Marlynnp DD
party of 3 DS
just sent off my survey! can't wait to do this again!

Question on the .41 envelope, how many items could possibly fit? I couldn' find the thread to the last swap.

Thanks for hosting Shawna and Buffy :flower3:
I see you've asked if people mind mailing internationally - won't the game be given away with the first package as it will have to have the senders name and address on?

I am sooooooo tempted but its not on my list!
i have sent my pm! i love this!
(have i mentioned that before!!!!!)
Yippee!! I'm totally in as this was SO MUCH FUN last time. Sending PM shortly.

Mommy2mrb - You can fit lots of light stuff in an envelope like ribbon, fiber, brads, and eyelets. If I know this group though, those envelopes will be more like the $1.10 size. AWM was my buddy the last time we did the $0.41 swap and my package cost $1.30 to send. It was bubble mailer and I had stickers, ribbon, fiber, brads, and some other stuff in there. It was still pretty cheap to pack a bunch of goodies inside.
Question are we treating the $.41 envelope like the exchanges were we are supposed to shop from our stash? or are we planning on getting new stuff?
I see you've asked if people mind mailing internationally - won't the game be given away with the first package as it will have to have the senders name and address on?

Not if we put a family member or friend's name and address instead! Or a different DIS'er.

I'm off to do my survey!
Ya'll can use my addy for SS return addy. Mazda, you can mail to me first and I can get the packages off to your SS if you would like too.
So tempted....tell me what do you usually do on the last two months? 20 box meaning put in 20 worth of stuff I'm guessing?

Ok talked me into it....ha!

I'll PM soon.
Yippee!! I'm totally in as this was SO MUCH FUN last time. Sending PM shortly.

Mommy2mrb - You can fit lots of light stuff in an envelope like ribbon, fiber, brads, and eyelets. If I know this group though, those envelopes will be more like the $1.10 size. AWM was my buddy the last time we did the $0.41 swap and my package cost $1.30 to send. It was bubble mailer and I had stickers, ribbon, fiber, brads, and some other stuff in there. It was still pretty cheap to pack a bunch of goodies inside.

Thanks Shauna, I pretty much expected to spend a bit more on the postage.


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