Storm Watch: Hurricane Sandy

Just checking in...

C'mon, MD, DE, NJ, NYC, CT, RI and MA.....let us know how you are doing!
Northern NJ wind gusts at 37 mph. Little rain only about .25 inch so far.
Wind is picking up here in Plymouth right about 30 mph now, with gusts to 40. No real rain though. Forecast is for the winds to pick up further (to 40+) through early evening and then to taper off.
Windy and drizzly, but not so bad so far. The shore line has started to flood during the morning high tide. Many have lost power, but so far, we're still lit up in the Hartford area. I'm downloading lots of podcasts to listen to when the lights go out.
The new just reported wind gusts in my area have gone above 50 MPH. Power has gone out in many towns nearby and things are picking up significantly. The storm is still a few hundred feet away, but it's definitely coming. In fact, I think it may be here before the predicted 8 PM starting time.
Getting some really strong gusts here in central NH.

About 2,000 households without power so far.
My sister lives about an hour north of NYC and just lost power. But they have a generator and plenty of food so they will be fine, I'm sure. We're in the Ithaca, NY area and the last reports were that we would see some wind gusts aroun 60-70 mph overnight but the weather is pretty calm right now. The eye is estimated to be right overtop of us Wednesday morning (we're on the southern tier of NY right in the yellow line in the picture below). We all hope it will lose much of its strength before then. This area had a great deal of flooding in September, 2011. We sincerely hope those people do not have the same thing happen again.

Here in NE MD, strong wind gusts, heavy rain, with another large band of heavy rain expected soon. Luckily, we still have power. Wind gusts are about 30 mph here and increasing. OC, MD is getting pounded. The storm has picked up speed and is expected to make landfall sooner than expected.
Hi Kevin! Here in South Jersey about 30 minutes away from Atlantic City. We have had a good amount of rain all day and now the winds are gusting. Trying to decide if I should hide out in the basement so I do not need to hold by breath with the way the trees are bending. By the way we met last year at the 40th Anniversary for the Magic Kingdom. We were the ones also waiting for Kevin Kidney and Jodi Daley- much more fun than today :(
Yikes! An hour ago, the news was reporting 2,000 households in NH without power. That jumped to 25,000 in the past hour!
Crazy thing here is part of the state is under a hurricane warning and the western part a Blizzard warning!
Just reported on ABC: a crane on top of a building on 57th st and 7th is hanging down and might fall. Evacuations are being rushed. Mass chaos in this area of Manhattan now.

Also, Sandy is now expected to be here by 5 instead of 8 and stay for 24-36 hours.
Just reported on ABC: a crane on top of a building on 57th st and 7th is hanging down and might fall. Evacuations are being rushed. Mass chaos in this area of Manhattan now.

Also, Sandy is now expected to be here by 5 instead of 8 and stay for 24-36 hours.

Yeah, this crane collapse is a big deal. For those who don't know the geography of Manhattan, this is basically the middle of the island, nowhere near any of the evacuation zones. It's "safe" land.
Just checking in...

C'mon, MD, DE, NJ, NYC, CT, RI and MA.....let us know how you are doing!

Went to work for part of the day...really? Most businesses and every, every school was closed. Some flooding as high tide took place before, but the worst is about to take place again midnight. Highways shut down at 1:00 p.m. Roads are going under same effect, curfews in some towns around 8:00 p.m. Thousands of homes already have power outages and they anticipate catastrophic damage, so we anticipate eating all that Halloween candy we bought a couple weeks ago. Businesses already closed for tomorrow. Shelters filled. But I still have power and the Dis.


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