Summer & Steven's Fairytale Wedding TR, 20th Aug SBP Baby Pics!!!

:dance3: oh yes, Summer, that's my happy dance!!! I've been waiting so long for this! :cheer2:

what a wonderful start - you sound like me: checking and double checking everything! the mall looked lovely and yes, isn't it a shame that when you travel, so many places take advantage and charge ridiculous prices??!!! I'm glad that everything started off on a great foot - so to speak! :rotfl:

aren't you just loving married life?? and how is Morgan? looking forward to your next segment ...:yay:

Michelle :cloud9:
:dance3: oh yes, Summer, that's my happy dance!!! I've been waiting so long for this! :cheer2:

what a wonderful start - you sound like me: checking and double checking everything! the mall looked lovely and yes, isn't it a shame that when you travel, so many places take advantage and charge ridiculous prices??!!! I'm glad that everything started off on a great foot - so to speak! :rotfl:

aren't you just loving married life?? and how is Morgan? looking forward to your next segment ...:yay:

Michelle :cloud9:

Thanks Michelle, Yes married life is great, I'm still adjusting though I keep forgetting I'm a wife now, it feels so strange. Morgan is doing well, he was hoarse from barking so much when he was in the kennels but he seems to be doing much better now, he's still eating well and has had no bouts of vomiting since.

Thank you again for that hanky, my mom loved it, I gave it to her a few days before we left as I knew she would cry, I was right she did, buckets full!

To be honest, right now I am searching the internet for good prices to go back to WDW next year, we had such a great time as you will see from my TR that I deperately want to go back again, esp during free dining!!!
I understand!! don't laugh, you have no idea how excited I was when I realized we still have 20 days of TR left to get to!! :rotfl2:

I know what you mean about looking to go back - we are already trying to plan our 1 year anniversary trip for next year! if you plan your's right Summer, maybe you can get the free dining! my boss just came back - he went 9/2 through 9/8 and had free planning. they offered him to book on the spot and he's going same time next year with free dining again - fabulous deal!!!

glad to hear Morgan is great!!!

Michelle :cloud9:
I feel pretty guilty about my first day being only the travel to Glasgow so I have decided to put up some of Day two also.

Day two...

We awoke at 5.30am, luckily I had set the telephone for a wake up call as my mom's alarm didn't go off:confused3 My mom said she didn't sleep very well as the mattress was pretty hard, I had asked her the night before if she wanted the bed and Steven and I would take the sofa bed, but she said it was fine, I guess it was more uncomfortable the longer you lay down.
I got in the shower first and applied my make up carefully as I knew it would have to last all day. My mom went in after and Steven went last. We had everything packed and were ready to head over to the airport by 7.00am. Our flight wasn't until 10.00am but for International flights you have to be there 3 hours prior to your flight. So we grabbed our suitcases and headed out the door. We didn't check out as breakfast was included in our hotel stay so the plan was to check in and come back for breakfast. It was a quick 5 minute walk to the check in gate, it took slightly longer as our suitcases were heavy, even with the wheels. We walked up to the desk and checked my mother in first. Her luggage weighed 19.6kg, the limit was 20.0kg so she just made it, I couldn't believe her luggage weighed so much for one week:scared1: Next was Steven and I to check in, I handed her our passports and we went through the sppech of yes, having packed our luggage ourselves and no, it hasn't been out of our possession at any time. I put on my suitcase and was surprised to see my case weighed 18.9kg, phew, I thought we may have to pay extra. As a last ditch attempt to get my wedding dress as a carry on, I asked the check in woman if I could carry it on, she said
"Of course you can"
Me, "Really? I was told it may not be possible."
"Let me just check"
She toddled off to her superior and came back about 2 minutes later and apologised profusely.
"I'm so sorry, the rules must have changed, it has to go into the hold"
"Oh, okay then" I felt deflated, I had got my hopes up in that split second she wandered away, never mind, I was positive my dress would be fine.
So we continued with the check in process, Steven put on his bag and it weighed in at 24kg, oh, oh, looks like we have to pay. She informs us that the luggage is fine as our allocation is 30kg each for Steven and myself, huh?
I was told 20kg and 5kg for hand luggage, nope, again 30kg and 10kg for hand luggage! I ask why and she says, "Well you're first class" Huh again, WHAT?
"You are a Premiair Gold passenger, your allocation is 30kg, didn't you know?"
"Um no"
"Oh well, you are, you're luggage will be first off the plane in Sanford, hope you have a wonderful wedding and great trip"
I thanked her and Steven and I moved aside and looked at our boarding passes, right enough, it said 1st Class, but it also confirmed that mom was not with us, she was in Economy and we were right at the front of the plane. We asked her if she was okay with this. I really didn't want to pass up this huge upgrade, we had never flown 1st Class before and it seemed a wonderful amount of pixie dust to receive and this was before we even left Glasgow:yay: My mom was disappointed but agreed that we couldn't pass it up, she said she would likely sleep anyway. We looked into how much it would cost to upgrade my mom, but it would have been an extra £400 ($790) as you had to purchase it for both legs of the flight. There was no way we could have afforded that and I know my mom certainly couldn't. She seemed okay and I said I would come back and check in on her throughout the flight.
We walked back to the hotel and had our included continental breakfast.
It was pretty bland, croissants, danish, orange juice and coffee. I was too excited to eat much anyway. I was really hyper through nerves and excitement when I get like this I talk and talk, I can't remember what I talked about but I do remember Steven saying he hoped I wouldn't be like that for the whole flight:rotfl:
After breakfast we checked out and walked back over to the airport, we decided to head straight for the departure lounge as I wanted to buy some nail polish remover wipes and currency. We went through the metal detectors and had to remove our shoes, including my flip flops:confused3 Nothing out of the ordinary happened and we were waved through after I got randomly searched. The departure area was huge, I found Boots again and bought nail varnish remover and we bought $600 in cash as we already had $500 in checks. I also purchased travel sickness meds as Steven sometimes gets bothered by this. He took one immediately hoping it might make him drowsy on the plane.
Now I had purchased an Executive lounge pass which we had access to from 6am-9am, it was already 8.15am and it was decided that we didn't really have enough time to get there and actually enjoy it, so we chose to just go straight to the Gate. I was disappointed as I was really looking forward to the Exec lounge, but I didn't want to chance missing boarding so I put it down to bad timing.
We sat and looked at our plane through the window, it looked much bigger than I remember:

At 9.15am there was the announcement for all wheelchair assisted and stroller passengers to make their way to the Gate for boarding, 5 minutes later all 1st class passengers were called. I guess this was us:cheer2: I told mom she had to wait for her row to be called, she was row 18 and I told her they usually call rows 10 -20 together. She said if they didn't call her in 5 minutes then she would just board. We explained it doesn't work that way and you have to wait to be called. I already knew that this week was going to be quite difficult. I love my mom to pieces but she has a habit of following other people instead of finding out for herself. Throughout this vacation she did just that and it left me a bit frazzled to say the least.
So we were boarding, our seats were 1A and 1B, we were ushered right up to the front of the plane, the seats were leather and they had spongy headrests, the legroom was fantastic, put it this way, I could stretch out my legs and not touch the wall. We were offered a complimentary pre flight drink so we both took wine. Although we are not wine drinkers we were both nervous about the flight, we hadn't flown in a while and our last flight was pretty bad.
Steven had almost finished his wine when he remebered the travel meds, I checked the box and, yes, it advised not combining with alcohol, oops! So he stopped drinking and switched to water instead. I managed to get 3 alcoholic drinks in before we got ready for departure, 2 glasses of wine and 1 baileys. Yup, I was nervous.
The stewardess came round collecting glasses and the announcement came over that we had to watch the safety routine as we got ready for departure. We started to move and the emergency exits were being shown along with the lifejacket speech. I breathed deeply as I watched the crew sit down and belt themselves in.
We began hurtling down the runway and I quickly asked Steven for some gum. I have problems with my sinuses since my fall last September, so my ears sometimes cause me a problem. I chewed the gum frantically and grabbed on to the arm rests, I felt the lift off and started breathing faster, I looked out the window every so often, but declined when I saw we were turning. I used to be such a great flyer, now I am terrible, I hate any kind of turbulence even though I know it's normal.
I asked Steven about 5 times in the space of 10 minutes whether we were cruising yet, the answer was always "NO" with a variation of sighs tagged on to the end. It seemed to take forever for the stewardess to get out of her seat, when I saw her come down the aisle I calmed down a bit, I must admit to reading the crews faces intently now during any bouts of turbulence:eek:
The drinks came out pretty quickly and then the food about 11.30. As we were in first class we received better and more food. We were advised that the bar was complimentary so to ask for drinks as much as we liked. YAY!!!
We received a cold pasta side dish, which I didn't really care for but Steven liked, a chicken breast fillet done in red wine gravy with carrots and roast potatoes, a small bun (I always love these) Bannoffee Cream Pie (very sweet) Crackers and cheese, dried fruit (didn't eat these) and 2 chocolates (very nice) I also had coffee and a bottle of water. After lunch we were handed out these handheld TV's. I ended up trying to watch Music and Lyrics (Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant) but I couldn't get into it. I watched 10 minutes of a Friends episode I had seen dozens of times (Thanksgiving episode), Simpsons episodes again, why do they always show the same ones? So I started flicking through Radio Stations and noticed that I couldn't concentrate on anything. Steven was quite happily watching the TV. So I got up to look at the toilet. Thats right to look at it, I only used it once during the whole flight, but looked at it 7 times:laughing: It was a great source of distraction during times of minor turbulance. I then went to visit mom, and asked about the take off and food. She was fine and I stood there for about 10 min chatting.
I then went back to my seat and Steven could see me staring at him.
"I'm bored" It was only 2pm UK time, we had only been in the air for 4 hours and I was really unsettled. I couldn't see anything out the windows but clouds, the TV was a pain, and because Steven was content watching TV, I had no one to talk to:sad2:
Throughout the flight I chatted on and off to Steven, grabbed his hand when there was turbulance and although I will agree it was minor, I didn't like it one bit. The flight was long, boring and I didn't like the fact I was so nervous. I just wanted to be on the ground and for the flight to be over, I knew I would relax once I landed.
The Captain announced that we were flying over Iceland and I noticed some icebergs but that was all, then again later over Greenland, not much happening there either.
About 6 hours into the flight we encountered some turbulance, the seat belt sign went on and panic set in again, externally I looked very calm, but on the inside I was not doing so well. I would look out the window and say, "it's just clouds, that's why there's turbulance", or "we are over water and there is always more bump over water" yes, all that being true, it still didn't help me that much. After the main movies played it would show us where we were on the map, I remember cursing at 6 hours in, noting that we were still in Canada, "MY GOD, how big is Canada"?
Six and a half hours in I asked a crew member if he knew where we were, he checked with the cockpit and confirmed we were flying over Canada now, WHAT, STILL? I looked out the window and noticed land and lakes and I thought, but it looks like Maine or something like that. I badly wanted to be on US land as it would feel like we were so much closer to landing. The captain did not update us like I would have hoped 8 hours in our TV screen stated that we had 40 min flying time left. Hmmm, and I thought we were still in Canada;) As the time ticked down, we gradually descended and I saw the cluds over Florida, yikes that meant a bumpy landing. The captain announced that we were flying over Daytona Beach and it was a beautiful sight, I really wish we had taken pics of it. I had hoped I may have been able to see the spires of MK from the plane but I knew we were pretty far away from it.
The crew was told to get ready for landing, the collected our TV's and any rubbish and belted up. We went through some fluffy clouds which are always pretty bumpy, I didn't know though that we would have to turn quite steeply to land in Sanford, damn, I hate this. We seemed to be descending for such a long time, to be honest I think he was waiting for clearance but never said. We landed with no problems though and on time, I looked out the window to notice some rain droplets forming, I thought to myself that it was so typical, I brought the weather with me:rolleyes:

Coming Up...

YAY, we are in Orlando, where are my suitcases??? Our coach transfers are going to where? Will we make it to 'Ohanas?
Yea! :cool1: I'm loving this TR. Great start...I can't wait to read more. This is getting me even more excited for my own wedding!

Anna Marie:bride:
Ooooo this is so good Summer - you are a brillant writer - I can't wait to read more for your TA. It is fabulous that you were upgraded to first class - what a great surprise. I'm so chuffed for you guys. :goodvibes Can we have the next installment very very soon purrrwwwweeeassse lol
fabulous writing makes for intriguing reading - thanks!!! glad you and Steven were upgraded to First Class - that's a treat I've never had either!

very much waiting with anticipation for the next "leg" of your trip - popcorn::

Michelle :cloud9:
Well because you guys asked so nicely I will go work on the next instalment now. At least it gets more interesting now that we're in Orlando, plus I have loads of pics coming up!
Day two, Part two...

So we had arrived in Orlando, after months of planning I was here, it all seemed surreal at the moment and I was just eager to get off the plane and get my suitcase.
We had filled in the visa waiver forms on the plane so it was just a matter of going through security and collecting our bags. We gathered our stuff and exited the plane and immediately I felt that Orlando humidity, I grinned as I had been hoping that it would be hot. We had a terrible summer in Scotland so I was desperate to get some heat.
Going through security was pretty easy, we got called up to a window and was told to show our passports and forms that we had filled out. My mom looked blanky at me and I shown her the forms. She hadn't filled it out, even though I had told her too while on the plane:rolleyes: The security officer sent her back to the desk to fill it out while he processed our forms. We had to put our index finger on the plate and confirm that we were here on vacation. It was over pretty quickly and painlessly, except my mother was taking forever to fill out her form. Security waved us on and we tried to hold back for my mother but we were informed that we couldn't wait there. She was still writing and I said I had no idea how that little form could be taking so long! We were ushered in to collect our bags and noticed that nothing had came out yet. So we waited for both my mom and my bags. We waited and waited some more, still no sign, bags started coming out, but not ours, people were milling through the airport but not mom. Where was she? Where were my bags? I started to panic a bit, my suitcase was pretty bright so I knew it would be easily spotted, where on earth was my mom?
20 minutes went past and no more bags came out, my heart sank, my mom still hadn't arrived but I didn't want to leave, where was my bag?
A baggage handler jumped up on conveyor belt and said there was a blockage. A woman that had been sitting behind us asked whether we were told if our luggage would come out first? I told her yes and that my wedding dress was in there and I was now really worried. She tried to make me feel better and said she was sure our luggage was fine.
I turned around and saw my mom slowly walking in, why is she taking her time like that? Doesn't she know my wedding dress is missing?
I waved her over and I told her my suitcases were not out yet, but loads had been unloaded and ours weren't there. At that moment a pink suitcase fell on to the conveyor belt, it was my moms. But that means that all the Economy passengers are now getting their luggage what about 1st class? Have they all been unloaded? One by one I saw passengers collect their luggage, it became apparent that pink was very popular and my mom proceeded to tell me that every pink suitcase that appeared on the conveyor belt was mine, "No, no that's not mine, nope not mine either, mom, it's too small, it's a dark pink mine is light" this continued for about 15 minutes where I had almost ressigned myself to the fact that my dress was gone and I would be spending the next 4 days searching for a wedding dress. The area was almost empty and the luggage had slowed down, tears began to form as I realised how much I loved that dress.:scared:
Then through a band of light it fell on to the conveyor belt, I started jumping up and down, "my dress, my dress, it's my dress" Steven's suitcase followed and all was well once again.
What a scare! I would have been freaking out! Glad to hear the dress, and the luggage, made it's appearance.
heart stopping moments - after ALL the drama you had with your dress dilemma to begin with!! glad you all arrived in Florida what's next?! :rotfl:

Michelle :cloud9:
What happened next? This is better than a book!

Great TR Summer, can't wait to read the next chapter!

I don't think I can say enough how much I LOVE your sig pic - GORGEOUS!

OK, i haven't read the last installment yet, just caught up with the first mom sounds veeeery similar to yours. you're so good with and my mom, well lets just say I'm not as patient as you are, haha...

you were making me laugh with your impatience on the flight...I hate long flights too, and I had no idea Canada was that big! haha....

ok, i'm off to read the latest...I hope they didn't lose your luggage!


OMG. I was tearing up of the thought that they lost your dress. I am so glad it came down with that ray of light :). Glad that you got bumped up to 1st class, too bad they didn't bump your mom up too. Can't wait for the next installment. :banana: popcorn::

PS I didn't know Canada was so big either (I'm in Connecticut)
ok, you've totally inspired me to ship my dress to florida...i would have had a panic attack if i'd been you...but at least you handled it well!!!
Great TR, Summer! popcorn:: I'm hooked!! Oh my gosh! You must have been just dying waiting for your luggage and dress to show up! :scared1:


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