Swine flu

Well considering I live near London and get a tube everyday I'm just as likely to get it here as I am in WDW so we are still going.

The only way we won't go is if our holiday is canceled by the holiday company.
Well considering I live near London and get a tube everyday I'm just as likely to get it here as I am in WDW so we are still going.

The only way we won't go is if our holiday is canceled by the holiday company.

Thats the spirit :thumbsup2

Seems us brits are well 'ard compared to these americans ;)
Take it from an American who lives near WDW. I would stay home if I were you. I live an hour from WDW and I'm staying clear of the parks for now.


WDW is a place where many nationalities vacation together, far different than, say, Grand Canyon National Park or Cedar Point amusement park whose parkgoers are compromised mainly of Americans. Think of all the international airlines that fly into Orlando (and Sanford-mainly from the UK) on any given day--hundreds of people each in plane. Below is a list of all foreign carriers, along with those who code share with American airlines (Air France flights on Delta jets coming to the US from Paris, for example).


This link explains it even better:


US immigration at MCO can clear up to 2,600 international visitors per hour. How many of those people are sick?

Exactly! How many of those people are sick with other things too? All kinds of nasty illnesses and diseases!!! Unless you're going to spend your life wearing a mask and never leaving your house, you're gonna catch things! Swine flu included! People die from communicable diseases all the time that they could have caught from some innocent person in a shopping center! But... that's life! We all have to die, and hopefully most of us will have had enough of a life to have caught lots of colds etc in the past and have built up some sort if immunity!

I an nurse on intensive care and alot of my patients have deadly illnesses that you can catch, but I wash my hands and don't lick them and I've never caught anything!

I'm still going to Disney World on the 11th and (most of) you lovely people have made me realise that I should enjoy and stop worrying, so I am! :thumbsup2

Mickey here we come! :cheer2:
Unless my flight gets cancelled we will be there on the 9th May.
Did think it was necessary to pre warn the kids, told them WDW might be closed next week, if it is we will go to legoland:scared1:
The only thing is that we are full off colds, worried that we wont be let in
OK, on a roller coaster of emotions here. I really should stop reading these threads. One minute I feel enthused by some to go (trip in 13 days), the next minute, terrified.

The only thing that is swaying me on the going side, is that Tamiflu is working well. This has lead tme to worry what we would do out there if we did suspect one of us had it.

Does anyone know what we would do in that circumstance? We are staying offsite. Where do we go? Who do we contact?

I know Tamiflu only works if taken early on in the illness, so I know spead is of the essence
Don't know if anyone knows this one - our DS is 4 months old. Can he have Tamiflu?

They can't possibly give Tamiflu to everyone who turns up at a Drs in Orlando with the start of a cold. How will they know who has a cold, flu or swine flu?

I am terrified that we will have the start of it, and request Tamiflu, but will be turned down because a: they think it's a cold or b: they are running low on Tamiflu and need to start being ruthless.
Sorry.. i think the press are going nuts on this one.. like they did with bird flu....

Its always sensible to be cautious, but the press are being ridiculous. I suppose its good news for the economy though.... theyve stopped terrifying the general public about that for the time being....

The following text was taken from this article:

Florida has reported an incidence of swine flu today, and Indiana health officials confirmed this afternoon that a student at Notre Dame has swine flu. These developments bring to seven the number of states where the infections are being investigated.

In Orlando, Fla., the chief medical officer at Florida Hospital Loran Hauck indicated the flu has spread to a tourist who visiting the crowded Disney World.

"A case was diagnosed here in Orlando today on a tourist from Mexico who came to Disney attractions two days ago to visit," Hauck wrote in the email. Florida health officials have not confirmed that the tourist was stricken with swine flu.

Scary - but I feel so sorry for these people.
Another thing to consider is this: The US is the only industrialized country in the world that doesn't have national healthcare. (More than 50% of bankruptcies in the US are because of the inability to pay huge medical bills.)

If you come here and get sick, and have to use medical facilities, and you haven't purchased a travel health insurance policy, you'll get a bill the likes of which you have never seen.

Is it worth to put the health of you and your family at risk?
Again I get on the tube everyday with people I don't know where they are from or how they are feeling. Do I just stop going into work now?

What about going to the supermarket?

Surely its the same thing, lots of strangers in a small area.

They have admitted that its to late to contain it!
jane- dont worry, i think its all hyped up with the media

I have given dh hand santiser to wash his hands after the tube and we are not worrying about it

All the cases that are not mexican are all mild even the child that died was mexican so it seems to be attacking them more than anyone else as everywhere else its mild

I think that because most countries have the tamiflu and the relenza antivirals and it seems mexico hasnt got the stocks of these and very poor health system its going to kill

This has been in mexico since feb last year! we travelled on our honeymoon last sep and came home with a cold and flu like symptoms, who is to say that wasnt the same thing. Its only because its all over the media that people know about it. At the mmoment I dont think the numbers are any different to the amount that die with normal flu
Another thing to consider is this: The US is the only industrialized country in the world that doesn't have national healthcare. (More than 50% of bankruptcies in the US are because of the inability to pay huge medical bills.)

If you come here and get sick, and have to use medical facilities, and you haven't purchased a travel health insurance policy, you'll get a bill the likes of which you have never seen.

Is it worth to put the health of you and your family at risk?

Why on earth would we come without travel insurance?? It's not even "something to consider" I don't think anyone would travel without insurance swine flu or no swine flu & I think everyone on here is more than aware of the US medical system & non of us are ignorant of the situation regarding swine flu or the fact that bugs go around Disney parks all the time. If you don't want to go to Disney World, don't go.. but we do and we are AND WE'RE EXCITED ABOUT IT!!
Why on earth would we come without travel insurance?? It's not even "something to consider" I don't think anyone would travel without insurance swine flu or no swine flu & I think everyone on here is more than aware of the US medical system & non of us are ignorant of the situation regarding swine flu or the fact that bugs go around Disney parks all the time. If you don't want to go to Disney World, don't go.. but we do and we are AND WE'RE EXCITED ABOUT IT!!

Nicely said everton
I spend 9+ hours a day in a supermarket filled with strangers so there is just as much chance I would get it at work or last night when I went to the pub to watch the football.

The public love a nice story blown out of proportion in this country hehe
Sorry.. i think the press are going nuts on this one.. like they did with bird flu....

Its always sensible to be cautious, but the press are being ridiculous. I suppose its good news for the economy though.... theyve stopped terrifying the general public about that for the time being....
My thoughts exactly! ;)
here is a feature in 'the examiner' about donald rumsfeld having the potential to make mega bucks out of swine flu:

Thanks to media reporting on the swine flu, a pandemic wave of fear has already spread across our nation and world. People with only a cough or cold and virtually no chance of contact with the swine flu virus are staying home from work, some paralyzed by fear that they might die a victim of this impending pandemic being predicted by newspapers and TV news programs around the world. Yet what or who is really behind the swine flu and this pandemic of fear?

Newspaper headlines around America read like that of Monday's San Francisco Chronicle, "U.S. declares national health emergency." The venerable Center for Disease Control (CDC) states on their website, "If you are sick, you should stay home and avoid contact with other people as much as possible."

Yet we have to ask, should someone who lives in small town Nebraska with no chance of coming in contact with swine flu stay home if they get a cold? If your child has a cough, yet knows no one who has been to Mexico and no cases have been reported in your city, should they stay home? Why are the recommendations so out of proportion to the real risks? Is the media just feeding on the desire for sensationalism and spreading more fear than is warranted? Is the government acting out of proportion to the real danger?

To treat swine flu the CDC website states, "CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with these swine influenza viruses." Oseltamivir is Tamiflu, the same drug recommended for the avian flu, which was promoted with such great fear only a few years ago. Yet Tamiflu was shown numerous times to be ineffective against avian flu, which in case you haven't noticed, never came close to being a pandemic.

In spite of its ineffectiveness for treating the avian flu, stock prices for the maker of Tamiflu, Gilead Sciences, soared because of sales of the drug, which was being recommended by the government as the best treatment. Few know that former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was chairman of the board of directors of Gilead in 1997.

Gilead stock increased so much that Britain's respected Telegraph reported on March 12, 2006 that Rumsfeld alone "made more than $5m (£2.9m) in capital gains from selling shares in the biotechnology firm that discovered and developed Tamiflu, the drug being bought in massive amounts by Governments to treat a possible human pandemic of [avian flu]."

Here are other key excerpts from that Telegraph article:

The drug was developed by a Californian biotech company, Gilead Sciences. Mr Rumsfeld was on the board of Gilead from 1988 to 2001, and was its chairman from 1997. He then left to join the Bush administration, but retained a huge shareholding. The 2005 report showed that, in all, he owned shares worth up to $95.9m, from which he got an income of up to $13m. The firm made a loss in 2003, the year before concern about bird flu started. Then revenues from Tamiflu almost quadrupled, to $44.6m, helping put the company well into the black. Sales almost quadrupled again, to $161.6m last year [2005].

Yet the massive stockpiles of Tamiflu built up by governments around the world to combat the impending avian flu pandemic were never needed. The pandemic never came close to happening. As prescription drugs like Tamiflu all have expiration dates that rarely go beyond a couple of years, the stockpiles are now all outdated and cannot be used. Thus Gilead is now gifted with another major opportunity in the current swine flu scare to fleece the public once again as it's stock prices soar.

How much can we trust government when huge profits are at stake? How much influence do the lobbyists of the huge pharmaceuticals have over our elected representatives? Is there a possibility that the government might even have had a hand in the creation of both the avian flu and swine flu? These are questions that warrant media and public attention as this current wave of fear spreads.

Regarding pharmaceutical lobbyists, a 2007 CBS News article states, "Congressmen are outnumbered two to one by lobbyists for an industry that spends roughly a $100 million a year in campaign contributions and lobbying expenses to protect its profits." Another powerful article shows how fear is used by certain wealthy, elite groups to manipulate the public and rake in the profits. Here are key excerpts from a revealing 2006 article in the Christian Science Monitor on the pandemic of fear created by government and media in relation to the avian flu.

Americans consider the United States to be a country where debate flourishes. Yet with regard to avian flu, hyped sound bites predominate. When President Bush asked Congress for $7.1 billion toward "pandemic flu preparedness," even his critics replied "not enough." What is lacking in the overall discussion about pandemic flu is disagreement, criticism, and skepticism - once the bedrock of science - from researchers willing to question and test the data. There are better ways to promote America's health than selling sickness through the language of fear.

Some experts publicly claimed that the avian flu was not a threat and was being used as hype. As one newspaper stated, "Dr. Marc Siegel, a practicing internist and associate professor of medicine at the New York University School of Medicine ... isn't buying into the scare scenario. 'If anything is contagious right now, it's judgment clouded by fear,' Siegel said." Notice the many similarities in all of this between the avian flu and swine flu.

At the same time as we question the media and government, we have to also ask ourselves, why are we so easily affected by fear and sensationalism in the media? Why is this what sells newspapers and TV news programs? What if instead of feeling an almost morbid fascination with all things sensational and fearful, we choose to look at fear as an opportunity for growth.

What if instead of imagining all of the terrible things that might happen to us, we imagine how in times of crisis we might come together to support each other and transform fear into love and community support? When we choose to shift fear within ourselves, a ripple effect is created which, when joined with the ripples of many others doing the same, create a wave of transformation which can pave the way for a brighter future for us all.

The box immediately below provides several ideas on what you can do to better educate yourself on the realities of the swine flu and the similar aspects of the avian flu scare, and to transform fear in yourself. We also invite you to comment below and let us know what you think. Does it serve the public for the government and media to promote such caution and fear in cases like the avian flu and swine flu?


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