Swine flu

We will be flying out in two weeks time, we are just waiting to see what the home office says on the matter.
I think atm it's panic more than the "correct facts".
We go in 6 weeks maybe less.I hope it's all blown over by then if now and it's worse then my common sense head will kick in and I will think about rearranging alternative dates..Until then it's a matter of hoping it's contained very soon.:thumbsup2
I do agree it's very scary,the media are doing a great job in scaring folk rather than stating "true" facts.:headache:
I think atm it's panic more than the "correct facts".
We go in 6 weeks maybe less.I hope it's all blown over by then if now and it's worse then my common sense head will kick in and I will think about rearranging alternative dates..Until then it's a matter of hoping it's contained very soon.:thumbsup2
I do agree it's very scary,the media are doing a great job in scaring folk rather than stating "true" facts.:headache:

Couldn`t agree more, its all about selling papers and adverts at the minute.
As of yet there`s no real sensible reporting going on.
Thats not to say there`s nothing in it, just that a bit of restraint and balance would be nice.
DH came home from working in Mexico last Thursday, he was in Monteray(sp) rather than Mexico city.

He seems well, although keeps joking and saying 'oh I don't feel to good' I'm gonna strangle him!

Sarah X
With regards to it only being a "request" that nobody travels to these areas where does that leave you in terms of money potentially lost and travel insurance:confused3:confused3
Unless the airline cancel our flights (just spoken to them and they confirm nothing like that planned but they are obv monitoring the situation) then we will be going.
I would start to reconsider that if people started dying within the USA (so far the only deaths have been in Mexico) but considering all but 1 so far has recovered without even the need of hospitalization and medication I am willing to run the risk of catching and going through the flu.
I will however be even more vigilant about constantly washing my hands and also using an antibacterial alcohol gel for them at all times.
i think people have to remember that where these outbreaks are in mexico have very underfunded and understaffed hospitals so dont have the medication we have here like the tamiflu drug and the states will have this stockpiled.

Unless the government says we cant travel to us then airlines wont cancel flights

Like nemmie said most in the us have recovered without going to hospital etc
I'm off in a week and a little worried about all of this. How much is true and how much have the media fabricated?:confused3
I don't think the media are fabricating things per say but def scaremongering and worrying people for no solid reasons. Would I feel differently if I were travelling to Mexico? Maybe but then people are dying there as apposed to normal flu like symptoms in the USA. At the end of the day it is a personal decision as to take the risk of travelling but honestly at this point I don't think there is the need to cancel or postpone any trip to the USA. Of course that is soley my opinion.
We travel Saturday and will be going unless the government says otherwise. I imagine the Mexico stop on our cruise will not happen though.

It is a worry but what can you do?
I'm sure our family are jinxed!! we had a death in our immediate family 5 days before we flew out to get married and now my brother-in-law is getting married in 3 weeks in Mexico...

We're flying into Cancun from Washington, guess we'll just have to see how it pans out in the next week or so, as long as I can get to disney I'll be happy..
Now I'll prefix this by saying that we're definitely going in 12 days time and I'd rather be in the US than the UK if I caught it but...

Radio 4 reported on an information leak from a major hospital with the doctor stating that the virus wasn't responding to even massive doses of tamiflu or any other antivirals, there was very little assistance and in that hospital alone upwards of 3-5 people were dying per day and growing. The Mexican government were covering up the true scale of the problem according to this doctor.

Scary stuff.

Then compare that to a very slow spread in the US and no deaths and it seems to be an odd story.
Just to give you the American perspective, people here in America really are not worried yet. Everyone is just going about their normal business, not even talking about it much.

That may change of course if it gets much worse, but don't forget even the regular flu kills a lot of people, just usually the elderly or the very young. I also think that the medical care in Mexico is much different than here and so (rightly or wrongly) people assume that it won't affect us as bad.

I think we will find out in the next week how bad this will be, since the incubation period is not that long.


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