Taking Stitch to Hawaii and NOT Leaving Him There

What a great day! Where did you have breakfast? Was it the Hotel Maya? My wedding was there when it was the Coast Hotel, I haven't been back since they renamed it and remodeled the restaurant. I've heard it is fabulous, I'd love to have another great breakfast spot to hit in Long Beach.

The tour looks great. We did it about 10-12 years ago and I don't remember seeing any of the state rooms or the other places you went. When we did the tour they showed how the ship had been used during WWII for military service. Maybe we should try that again for something new.

I'm glad you had fun at the park and finally got to see Fantasmic! I really prefer DL's version just because it doesn't have a dedicated theater. The way that the show comes together out of elements of the park rides and areas that guests use and walk through during the day, and how it transforms at night is one of the most amazing parts of the show.

Great pictures of the castle! Looking forward to hearing more.
What great pictures you took at DL!! WOW!! What kind of camera do you have? You sure packed a lot in before the cruise! We stayed at the Queen Mary the night before the cruise and did a little self-guided tour the morning we left. We missed those crew quarters, so it was nice to see some pictures of them!
Great updates Corinna, I'm really enjoying your report. The Queen Mary tour looks really interesting. Thanks for sharing so many great photos!
Back when I was a kid.... I think it was 24 years ago, I visited the Spruce Goose and the Queen Mary. I can remember it being wonderfully large and have a grand time. The pictures were really great, I have non from when I was there.

Where is the Goose now? Oregon I believe. :confused3
Back when I was a kid.... I think it was 24 years ago, I visited the Spruce Goose and the Queen Mary. I can remember it being wonderfully large and have a grand time. The pictures were really great, I have non from when I was there.

Where is the Goose now? Oregon I believe. :confused3

Yes, somewhere in Oregon...that giant space, half is used by Carnival and the other is now vacant, huge waste of space!
What a great day! Where did you have breakfast? Was it the Hotel Maya? My wedding was there when it was the Coast Hotel, I haven't been back since they renamed it and remodeled the restaurant. I've heard it is fabulous, I'd love to have another great breakfast spot to hit in Long Beach.

The tour looks great. We did it about 10-12 years ago and I don't remember seeing any of the state rooms or the other places you went. When we did the tour they showed how the ship had been used during WWII for military service. Maybe we should try that again for something new.

I'm glad you had fun at the park and finally got to see Fantasmic! I really prefer DL's version just because it doesn't have a dedicated theater. The way that the show comes together out of elements of the park rides and areas that guests use and walk through during the day, and how it transforms at night is one of the most amazing parts of the show.

Great pictures of the castle! Looking forward to hearing more.

Yes, it was at the Hotel Maya. We loved breakfast there and would definitely recommend it.

The photos of the dining rooms and the staterooms where in the same sort of area where the displays of how the Queen Mary looked during WW2. The other photos were displays of how the officers quarters looked like and were near the bridge.

What great pictures you took at DL!! WOW!! What kind of camera do you have? You sure packed a lot in before the cruise! We stayed at the Queen Mary the night before the cruise and did a little self-guided tour the morning we left. We missed those crew quarters, so it was nice to see some pictures of them!

The photos from Disneyland are actually courtesy of the Photopass CD that I got last October. There were all kinds of neat bonus photos on there. I had brought my camera, but I never took it out. I suppose this is what being completely overtired does to you.

Back when I was a kid.... I think it was 24 years ago, I visited the Spruce Goose and the Queen Mary. I can remember it being wonderfully large and have a grand time. The pictures were really great, I have non from when I was there.

Where is the Goose now? Oregon I believe. :confused3

The Queen Mary is actually larger than the Wonder and the Magic and was much faster, too. Today there is the Queen Mary and the Scorpion Submarine. Opposite the Queen Mary, there was also a collection of mock Tudor buildings and we never figured out what this is.

Thanks for sharing your tour of the QM. It was so interesting!
You've been spolied, Fantasmic is def better at Disneyland, somehow the more natural setting at Disneyland is better than the ampitheatre at WDW.
Thanks for the trip report!
I look forward to reading the rest as you get it done!

I am also looking for some photos that I thought I took but apparently did not.
Our stateroom door 2515
Becky from New York and Hawaii of Cruise Staff
Efrain (Ephrain?) from Mexico of Guest Services
Nita from India of Guest Services

If you or anyone has them and can post them here, I can snag them just fine. I do not need the individuals isolated, a group shot is fine, just so I can crop out a decent face shot. I have seen two shots of Efrain but he is making a goofy face in them and I hoped I could get a more normal one.

The Queen Mary is actually larger than the Wonder and the Magic and was much faster, too. Today there is the Queen Mary and the Scorpion Submarine. Opposite the Queen Mary, there was also a collection of mock Tudor buildings and we never figured out what this is.


Movie set?
You've been spolied, Fantasmic is def better at Disneyland, somehow the more natural setting at Disneyland is better than the ampitheatre at WDW.

I have never seen the version at WDW and have never been tempted. Part of me things I should now give it a go to have a comparison, but part of me is just worried that I will be disappointed.

Thanks for the trip report!
I look forward to reading the rest as you get it done!

I am also looking for some photos that I thought I took but apparently did not.
Our stateroom door 2515
Becky from New York and Hawaii of Cruise Staff
Efrain (Ephrain?) from Mexico of Guest Services
Nita from India of Guest Services

If you or anyone has them and can post them here, I can snag them just fine. I do not need the individuals isolated, a group shot is fine, just so I can crop out a decent face shot. I have seen two shots of Efrain but he is making a goofy face in them and I hoped I could get a more normal one.


I don't think I have met any of them so cannot help with photos.

All going according to plan tomorrow, I should be able to post the next installment tomorrow evening.

The Queen Mary is actually larger than the Wonder and the Magic and was much faster, too. Today there is the Queen Mary and the Scorpion Submarine. Opposite the Queen Mary, there was also a collection of mock Tudor buildings and we never figured out what this is.


Movie set?

Maybe, but it looked too permanent. I figured it is some kind of tourist attraction. Maybe Allison will know once she is back from her break.


I had to ask Fran, but she says they were just shops. There was a Scottish Heritage shop, Sno cones and other touristy things. There just wasn't enough business to keep them open, so now they just sit. These were there even before Disney managed the QM.
I had to ask Fran, but she says they were just shops. There was a Scottish Heritage shop, Sno cones and other touristy things. There just wasn't enough business to keep them open, so now they just sit. These were there even before Disney managed the QM.

Thanks. This would explain why I could not find any information about it.

"On a previous visit to California, I had discovered a very effective antihistamine. It dissolves on the tongue and works very quickly. I needed something that works instantly, in case I would run into trouble with banana pollen on Hawaii. I was convinced that they were a version of Benadryl, but actually they are a version of Clarityn. What really amused me is that they are actually manufactured in Ireland."

It was Benadryl. They have pulled it off the market for some reason...hopefully will be back soon. Clarityn's is a new version for them...wasn't out a few months ago when the Benedryl version first disappeared.
It was Benadryl. They have pulled it off the market for some reason...hopefully will be back soon. Clarityn's is a new version for them...wasn't out a few months ago when the Benedryl version first disappeared.

Thanks, so I was not going loopy after all. I have to say the Clarityn version is just as effective and I just found it in the UK, too.

What a superb day, such an insight into a time long lost, QM looked so romantic and luxurious, you can imagine the high society folks there doing their thing:cloud9:
Day 4

True to form, I was woken up at 4:00 AM by the feathered alarm clock also known as the resident blackbird. Fortunately after the adventures of the previous day, I was tired enough to go back to sleep after going to the bathroom and quickly checking my emails. I then slept through until 9:00 AM when both of us were awake. We got up and got ready and then headed to the kitchen. Our friends were also up and had wondered if we had gone out somewhere. We had a fantastic breakfast consisting of coffee, freshly made waffles and chicken sausages. During breakfast we were making plans for the day and decided to head down to San Diego.

While everybody else got ready, I decided to reorganize my suitcase. I had sent my fish extender gifts by post to our friends and I now had to find room in the suitcase for those. Unfortunately when I opened the suitcase, the zip broke. This was definitely not what I needed. For a minute or two, I considered if I should ask our friends if they have some duct tape and just tape it shut, but considering that we had to hand over our luggage to porters at the port and that it then would be delivered to our stateroom later in the day, this did not seem like a very smart option. So I needed to get a new suitcase somehow.

I mentioned the problem to our friends and asked if there was a Walmart or K Mart on our way to San Diego. They suggested that we should try something like Marshalls or T J Maxx instead. This was fine by me. We had previously bought suitcases at T J Maxx and I was pleased with the quality, price and choice. The retail park in question is right across the road from South Coast Plaza, which is probably the most upscale shopping mall that I have ever encountered. I was really surprised that there was something so down to earth just across the road. When we walked into Marshalls everybody kind of dispersed. I think they were under the impression that I would be a little while. They could not have been more wrong. I was a woman on a mission. I headed straight for the luggage department and spotted the right suitcase straight away. Somebody had left a burgundy suitcase in the aisle. It was about the right size and when I looked closer, this was actually a Samsonite suitcase and it only cost $99. This was too good to pass up. So from entering the store to having paid, it only took me about 3 minutes. Eventually, I found the rest of the gang and we were on our way to San Diego.

The drive was pleasant and was nice to get a look at the ocean every now and again. Our destination was Balboa Park. We had been to San Diego before and actually stayed there fora few nights in 2006, but Balboa Park was not something we had previously visited. It has existed since 1868, when 1400 acres of land were set aside for a park. It took a further 20 years until this was started to be developed. In those early years, it was known as City Park. San Diego was set to play host to the 1915 Panama Exposition and what is now Balboa Park played an important role in this. The powers that be decided that City Park was not an impressive enough name for a venue for such prestigious event. After a lot of discussion, City Park was then renamed into Balboa Park, which was chosen in honor of Spanish-born Vasco Nuñez de Balboa, the first European to spot the Pacific Ocean while on exploration in Panama. A lot of the impressive Spanish Renaissance- style buildings that are dotted around the park were built for the 1915 Panama Exposition. Today Balboa Park is home to a large number of museums, galleries and performing arts venues (including a replica of the Old Globe Theater) as well as San Diego Zoo.




When we got there, the place was heaving and one of our friends dropped the rest of us off near the entrance while she tried to find somewhere to park. It turned out that they had multiple weddings and Quinceaneras that day as well as a graduation ceremony so the place was quite busy. We had a look around the visitor centre and the court yard behind it. One of our friends was still looking for a parking space. We agreed that Graham and I would head for the Japanese Friendship Garden, which is quite close to the visitor centre and they would meet us there.




We could not figure out how to access the Japanese Friendship Garden as the sign posts led to nowhere. We could look down to it and quite frankly it looked like a big building site so we were not too upset that we could not find the entrance. What we did however find was a lovely terrace with a water feature and quite a nice view. We settled down in this area and just soaked up the sunshine. I also took a few photos of the immediate area.











When I came back from taking the photos, I saw our friends coming up the path. They had actually found the entrance to the Japanese Friendship Garden, but agreed with our assessment that it was definitely missable. Instead we sat down in the sun and decided what to do.

A lot of choice is not always a good thing and I was definitely overwhelmed by the amount of choice that Balboa Park offered. The Natural History Museum, a Model Railway Museum, a Titanic exhibition, the Science Centre, the History Centre and the Museum of Man all appealed and I could not narrow it down to just one. I was also absolutely in awe of the architecture. Our friends wanted Graham and me to decide and Graham just wanted to enjoy the beautiful weather. So we decided that we would just go exploring. One thing that had caught my eye earlier on was the Botanical Building. The building itself was closed, but I was happy to take photos from the outside.



We came across a poster for a Bonsai exhibition. As it was free, we decided to check it out. It was not anything to write home about and was firmly aimed at selling and buying, but some of the Bonsais were really beautiful and impressive and others were best described as amusing. When we left the exhibition, I got the chance to take some photos of the Botanical building from a different perspective with the lily pond in front of it. This is actually the most photographed scenes in Balboa Park and I can definitely understand why this is.

We carried on admiring the beautiful buildings as we slowly made our way towards the car park. We also came across a sculpture garden, which was very much modern art and kind of stuck out like a sore thumb in amongst all those beautiful buildings. We decided to have a quick look at the very ornate buildings on the other side of the car park, but then we decided that we had walked enough for one day and we were all starting to feel hungry. So we retrieved the car and headed towards Old Town to find something to eat.










We had agreed on having Mexican food and Graham and I both remembered a fantastic meal that we had at a Mexican restaurant in Old Town in 2006, when we met up with a number of people that I had met on the Internet. Be both had a rough idea of the location and I remembered that there was an animal in the name. So we decided to see if we can find this place. Soon things started to look very familiar, we recognized the street that the restaurant was on and suddenly the restaurant was right in front of us. It is called Cafe Coyote. They actually have their own underground parking, but the only space that was available was too tight. So we circled around and found a parking spot on a nearby side street.


Another added advantage of parking away from the restaurant was that we had to walk right past Ye Olde Soap Shoppe, which I had also discovered in 2006. They stock a huge variety of Primal Elements soaps, which is the company that supplies Basin with soaps. As Basin at Downtown Disney at Disneyland closed last year, this was a welcome opportunity. Unfortunately they had no sample pieces or even pre-cut slices, but just piles and piles of huge soap cakes. This made it impossible to smell the soap. I think my credit card was quietly relieved about this as I walked out empty- handed.

When we got to the restaurant, we had a short wait for a table. We ended up sitting outside just next to the area where they make fresh Tortillas. This was fascinating to watch. We all had a Margarita, which was very nice. One of our friends and I had the Famous Old Town Carnitas, which consisted of tender pieces of pork slow cooked in Mexico’s traditional style. Served with Mexican rice, refried beans, guacamole, salsa fresca, onions, cilantro and lime. We also got a basket of freshly made Tortillas with this. Our other friend had the Carne Asada Plate, which consisted of certified Angus stockyard beef thinly sliced and marinated in the traditional Mexican style. Grilled and served with guacamole & grilled onion. Graham had the Beef Nachos. We all really enjoyed our food, but neither of us could finish our meal as the portions were so huge.

I had mentioned earlier on that I had the best Cream Soda that I have ever tasted at a traditional Soda Fountain in Old Town. Our friends offered after dinner that we could try to find this Soda Fountain. I politely declined. I was way too stuffed for a Cream Soda and I had walked enough for one day. So we headed back to the car and started to drive back to Seal Beach.

I slept most of the way back, but Graham woke me up briefly as there were the beginnings of a most spectacular sunset. It was one of the most beautiful sunsets that I have ever seen right in the middle of the motorway. Unfortunately being in a moving car makes taking photos challenging and I missed a photo of the peak of the sunset when the sun had turned bright red.


When we got back, I packed my stuff into the new suitcase and sorted out our laundry. Our friends had kindly offered that we could do laundry and this way we would arrive on the ship with everything clean. The laundry equipment defeated me. I have do e laundry in various countries in the world including in the USA, but I cold not figure out how to operate this particular equipment. I needed a crash course.

We had agreed that we would watch a movie. I had brought my bottle of Orange Soda that I had bought the previous day. We got talking about sodas in general and our friends mentioned that their local grocery store does a great Orange Cream Soda that I would probably enjoy. One of our friends decided to go to the store to get some. I am afraid this is the start of a new addiction. It was absolutely gorgeous. Graham did not want any, but the rest of us all had some Orange Cream Soda. I made him try some of mine, but it is really not his thing.

We settled down to watch the film. I have to say I was not sure about this at all. It was a film called Moneyball. It has Brad Pitt in it, but other than that I was not sure if I would enjoy it. How to form a winning baseball team seems to be an odd subject for a film. I had actually brought my iPad and was convinced that I would catch up online rather than watch the film, but I ended up really enjoying it. It showed once again that you should never judge a book by its cover. Once the film was over, we said good night. I quickly put our laundry in the dryer so that it could dry overnight and then I got ready for bed.


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