Taking Winnie on a Wonder Cruise - A February Mexican Riviera Trip - All wrapped up 6/14

Have heard some of that.
Had a free wifi package so used that. Data was turned off.
WiFi was $89 for 1000mb, so I didn't have it on much. Therefore the phone couldn't update to local time on its own.
I like mine… something else. :laughing:
That's probably why you're not familiar with a Keurig. I hear they make other things besides coffee, but that seems pointless.
Love your brunch pictures! It looks like a perfect meal with friends in the private dining room!
It was awesome! I'd love to do it again sometime!
I am already dreaming about early morning Cove Cafe visits for out upcoming cruises. Mainly for the pastries since I am too cheap to pay for the coffee there (and actually had not so great coffee there too often. I think not all CMs know how to operate the fancy machines so that the coffee is not watery).
I always get an Americano so the shot of espresso makes sure it's not watery!
I just keep wondering why they don't provide some kind of reusable cup on the ship. They claim they stopped the navigators for environmental reasons, but the sheer amount of paper cups they go through could easily be replaced by plain plastic cups that can be washed... Don't put a logo on them though, so they don't fall into people's suitcases by accident...
Or even better you could buy a reusable cup that you could take home, but I think they're afraid of contamination. It said to use a clean paper cup every time you filled your soda, but I saw plenty of people with their metal bottles filling them directly.
Sorry for the quick rant... I once bonded with @dizneeat over our disdain for Cove wanting to serve us a coffee to be consumed there in paper instead of a real cup. I guess our European upbringing is showing there!!
Well now if you're having it there, they do serve it in a ceramic cup, but I think you have to ask for it.
Looking forward to reading more!
I've got several chapters completed, I just need to get to all the comments!
So you'll recall that we had gorged ourselves on the many savory options available at Palo and were awaiting our dessert.

We were all stuffed but some of us budgeted just enough room for sweet treats. Then our server surprised us with Strawberry soup!



Then she brought out the desserts. Fran had ordered a cinnamon roll. Anyone who has seen our previous TRs knows that this is what she started her brunch with every time back when there was a buffet.


Pam got the Berry Sabayon.


This chocolate mousse checked all the boxes, gluten free, dairy free, tree nut free, vegetarian, is there anything else?


Not sure what this is, but it was good.


I ordered the flourless cake. It came with hazelnut ice cream but I asked for vanilla instead. Our server didn't understand something that a lot of you who have read my reports for a while probably know. There are only a few things that it's OK if they are touching. And certainly if I ask for Vanilla ice cream instead of Hazelnut, there should not be Hazelnut ice cream touching my cake.

Evidently the look on my face when she set down the plate with Hazelnut Ice Cream melting into my cake was priceless. Everyone at the table was laughing at the horror on my face! :laughing:

She quickly fixed that!


We were all so stuffed before dessert, three of us gave Fran our leftover Strawberry soup. Imagine her despair when she had one of these delicious cinnamon rolls, but couldn't eat it because she had downed nearly four glasses of Strawberry soup.


We all gave it our best on the desserts but our server brought so much extra stuff to the table that we had to throw in the towel.

Wakanda Forever was playing in the Walt Disney Theater and several folks were going to see it. I needed to get Fran back to the room, but they said they'd save me a place. The movie had just started when I got there, and Jill texted me her location through the app so we sat together.

It was an OK movie. I thought the plot was pretty weird, and about ¾ the way through Fran started to text me through the app. I knew she needed me, so as soon as the credits started to roll, both Jill and I hightailed it out of there. I knew that Fran would want to watch the movie on Disney+ eventually and we could see the end credits then. Jill was heading to the DVC presentation and I went back to the room.

Fran was having bad gerd, so I gave her some pills and she asked me to order milk from room service. I had one better. From that morning I knew that there was self serve milk on deck 9, so I got her a sippy cup full of milk, and it seemed to help.

I put on Zootopia, caught up on the TR, and played some games until it was time to get ready for dinner. I changed her dressing and we swapped out the old bag for a new clean one before getting her all ready.

Tonight was formal night and I really wanted to get some pictures. I always pay for the unlimited photo package, and then it becomes a game to see how many photos I can actually get.

Our first photo was with the ship as a background.


Then we got in line for the next one which was a double. First you got the white background.





Then we got this one which didn't look so strange when we were standing in front of it, but now when I look at the pictures, it looks as though we are standing in a bowl of Quinoa!





We ended up only getting photos with the backgrounds. In our second photo line, where there were two photo ops. The first guy was taking so much time with all the individual groups that he slowed the process. The second guy in the photo op was constantly waiting for more customers as they were being held up by the first guy.

It was the Captain's Gala night, so waiters were walking around with trays full of drinks; wine, mixed alcoholic beverages, and mocktails. I managed to snag myself a couple glasses of wine while we waited for pictures.

By the time we finished the background photos, we didn't have time to line up for any of the characters so we headed over to dinner at Animators Palate. I was still so full from brunch that I couldn't see how I was going to eat a thing. I perused the menu and nothing really sounded good at all.



I knew that the truffle pursettes were a small portion and fairly light, so I ordered that and a Ginger Ale. It took me a long time to eat this small platter, but I did finish it.


Fran got the Blueberrilicious drink. We had both talked about it earlier and said it sounded good. I took a sip of hers and decided that would make a nice course in my "I'm too full to eat meal."


Fran got the tomato tart, normally I love this, but tomatoes sometimes irritate my stomach, so I passed on a bite. She only ate about a third of it.


Fran ordered the Jumbo Shrimp Salad with Thousand Island instead of the olive oil dressing. I thought I might have tried some of this but I was just too full, besides I'm not a huge fan of arugula. And I didn't get a picture either.

After nursing my Ginger Ale and finishing off both our Blueberrilicious drinks, my appetite started to come back, a little.


The show at Animators is quite different than the last time I was here on the Wonder. I actually liked this better and it brought a tear to my eye. It brought you through all the right "feels" with clips from many Disney movies. Any good fan worth their trivia score would instantly feel happiness, sadness, despair, hope and joy just through the clips. It's amazing what a story there is in just a 3-5 second clip when you know the entire movie.


The Main Mouse made an appearance.



I ordered the Sticky Toffee Date Pudding, and that was just the right amount.


We headed back to the room before the rest of our friends. On the way we both noticed a faint odor and I knew exactly what it was.

While none of her exterior clothing was soiled, as soon as she began to undress in the potty we realized that we had more in store than we bargained for. Winnie was leaking just a bit out the side, but from experience we know it only gets worse if you leave it unattended. In the scope of things, it wasn't bad. We had brought three rolls of paper towels, three packs of baby wipes, and lots of other supplies for wound changes, so we had what we needed for a quick and tidy cleanup.

We had brought enough bases, that we could have changed Winnie twice a day if we needed to. I also brought extra bags so we could change those daily regardless of whether the base needed changing.

As it was, we had been changing out the bag every night before dinner. This was our first time on the trip changing the base of the bag. I've become pretty quick with the bag changes. I have to, because Winnie is unpredictable and you never know when he is going to get "excited" so to speak.

We had another cute towel animal, along with directions for tendering at Cabo San Lucas. I didn’t even bother looking at it since I knew we were staying on the ship.


It didn't take long to get her into bed and I followed closely behind. I hadn't got much sleep the night before the cruise, nor had I slept a lot on the first night.

Next up: What do we do when everyone else leaves the ship?

WiFi was $89 for 1000mb, so I didn't have it on much. Therefore the phone couldn't update to local time on its own.

That's probably why you're not familiar with a Keurig. I hear they make other things besides coffee, but that seems pointless.
Oh, I'm familiar with Keurig... but have never personally used one. They do have hot chocolate pods I think, but have never used one.
This chocolate mousse checked all the boxes, gluten free, dairy free, tree nut free, vegetarian, is there anything else?

Plant based.

That's what DH is now. :faint:

Imagine her despair when she had one of these delicious cinnamon rolls, but couldn't eat it because she had downed nearly four glasses of Strawberry soup.

I hope she got the cinnamon roll boxed for 'to-go'. But how awesome that you got surprised with the Strawberry soup! :rotfl2:

I always pay for the unlimited photo package, and then it becomes a game to see how many photos I can actually get.

I love this game! I have no doubt that you got max value out of the package.

On the way we both noticed a faint odor and I knew exactly what it was.


But it sounded like you are both old hands at the clean up process.

It didn't take long to get her into bed and I followed closely behind. I hadn't got much sleep the night before the cruise, nor had I slept a lot on the first night.

I hope you got a great night's sleep.

Awesome update. Loving the food porn.
OK, I know it's supposed to be glitter, but all I could see was quinoa, too! So I'm glad you said it. 😂
It's funny I have so many friends all over the world, but very few close by that are able to help. 😥
You do indeed xx
I always get an Americano so the shot of espresso makes sure it's not watery!
D's an Americano guy also, I do enjoy them but will generally get a cappuccino.
We were all stuffed but some of us budgeted just enough room for sweet treats. Then our server surprised us with Strawberry soup!
Ya they did! Looks delicious!

this looks good, but did it have raisins and nuts? I don't mind a few nuts, but I prefer cinnemon buns without raisins
Not sure what this is, but it was good.

Kinda berry-esk maybe?

And certainly if I ask for Vanilla ice cream instead of Hazelnut, there should not be Hazelnut ice cream touching my cake.
Lol yup! original way sounds divine for me, as I do quite like hazelnut/fererro rocher type stuff
I put on Zootopia
that's been on around here lately as well
I always pay for the unlimited photo package, and then it becomes a game to see how many photos I can actually get.
I don't think I knew about this on my Disney cruise, or was being too budget conscious, next time
Nice smiles you two! This is a good one!

Ohh like the dress!
it looks as though we are standing in a bowl of Quinoa!

I can't unsee quinoa now!! :rolleyes1
It was the Captain's Gala night, so waiters were walking around with trays full of drinks; wine, mixed alcoholic beverages, and mocktails. I managed to snag myself a couple glasses of wine while we waited for pictures.
I'm always one to make use of walking bevies as well 👍
I was going to be surprised if you didn't get these!
A classic
We had both talked about it earlier and said it sounded good
And was it good? Looks pretty tasty
As it was, we had been changing out the bag every night before dinner. This was our first time on the trip changing the base of the bag. I've become pretty quick with the bag changes. I have to, because Winnie is unpredictable and you never know when he is going to get "excited" so to speak.
I'm glad Winnie behaved sounds like for the change!

I feel like we got different chocolates on our cruise?

Awesome update, good food and good company 👌
Oh, I'm familiar with Keurig... but have never personally used one.
This statement baffles me. If you have never personally used one how can you be familiar with it? :confused3
They do have hot chocolate pods I think, but have never used one.
Yes and I've seen tea as well, but it just doesn't seem like you could get a quality beverage using that sort of distribution system.
Plant based.

That's what DH is now. :faint:
I'm pretty sure it was that too.
I hope she got the cinnamon roll boxed for 'to-go'. But how awesome that you got surprised with the Strawberry soup! :rotfl2:
There is no "to-go" on the ship. Well not from Palo. You can take the buffet or QS food back to your room.
I love this game! I have no doubt that you got max value out of the package.
Not quite as good as previous cruises. I ended up with about 50 pictures and normally I'm closer to 100.

But it sounded like you are both old hands at the clean up process.
Well I have this journal that I've been updating since this whole ordeal started. That's where you get the whole story, no cleansing (like I'm doing for the DIS). And there have been some pretty crazy episodes. This time was rather routine.
I hope you got a great night's sleep.
Spoiler alert. :sad2:
Awesome update. Loving the food porn.
That's pretty much what you're going to get here since we didn't do much else! :laughing:
Plant based.

That's what DH is now. :faint:
Your DH is a plant?!?!?



This statement baffles me. If you have never personally used one how can you be familiar with it? :confused3
We have one at work and I've seen people use it. So I'm familiar with it without having used it.
Yes and I've seen tea as well, but it just doesn't seem like you could get a quality beverage using that sort of distribution system.
No idea!
We were all stuffed but some of us budgeted just enough room for sweet treats.
This is good planning. I approve. :thumbsup2
Then our server surprised us with Strawberry soup!
No way! How thrilled you both must have been, especially Fran. :)
That looks soooo good!
Pam got the Berry Sabayon.
Had to look that up. Never heard of it. But I had heard of zabaglione.
Not sure what this is, but it was good.
Looks really good, too.
There are only a few things that it's OK if they are touching. And certainly if I ask for Vanilla ice cream instead of Hazelnut, there should not be Hazelnut ice cream touching my cake.

Evidently the look on my face when she set down the plate with Hazelnut Ice Cream melting into my cake was priceless. Everyone at the table was laughing at the horror on my face! :laughing:
But glad it got corrected. :)
We were all so stuffed before dessert, three of us gave Fran our leftover Strawberry soup. Imagine her despair when she had one of these delicious cinnamon rolls, but couldn't eat it because she had downed nearly four glasses of Strawberry soup.
Oh dear. The horror! :laughing:
And I'd probably feel the same way.
Wakanda Forever was playing in the Walt Disney Theater
Still haven't seen it. Nor in a rush to.
Fran was having bad gerd, so I gave her some pills and she asked me to order milk from room service. I had one better. From that morning I knew that there was self serve milk on deck 9, so I got her a sippy cup full of milk, and it seemed to help.
Glad it helped.
it was time to get ready for dinner.
Oh, Lord. I don't know how I'd be able to do that after that amazing lunch.
I always pay for the unlimited photo package, and then it becomes a game to see how many photos I can actually get.
::yes:: I get that. I didn't get any photos, but... I do get that.
Our first photo was with the ship as a background.
I like that one.
But really like this shot of the two of you. Easily my fave. :)
Then we got this one which didn't look so strange when we were standing in front of it, but now when I look at the pictures, it looks as though we are standing in a bowl of Quinoa!
Erm... yeah... that just looks... odd...
It was the Captain's Gala night, so waiters were walking around with trays full of drinks; wine, mixed alcoholic beverages, and mocktails.
Nice. Either we didn't have anything like that on my cruise or I just flat out missed it. Or it was an extra that I didn't pay for or know about.
I was still so full from brunch that I couldn't see how I was going to eat a thing.
There it is. I was gonna be pretty impressed if you were able to eat another big meal.
I perused the menu and nothing really sounded good at all.
Not surprised. I know when I'm full, food doesn't appeal.
Fran got the Blueberrilicious drink. We had both talked about it earlier and said it sounded good. I took a sip of hers and decided that would make a nice course in my "I'm too full to eat meal."
That sounds like something I'd really like. Sure looks tasty.
The show at Animators is quite different than the last time I was here on the Wonder. I actually liked this better and it brought a tear to my eye. It brought you through all the right "feels" with clips from many Disney movies. Any good fan worth their trivia score would instantly feel happiness, sadness, despair, hope and joy just through the clips.
Huh. Maybe some day I'll see it. :)
We headed back to the room before the rest of our friends. On the way we both noticed a faint odor and I knew exactly what it was.
Uh oh..
As it was, we had been changing out the bag every night before dinner. This was our first time on the trip changing the base of the bag. I've become pretty quick with the bag changes. I have to, because Winnie is unpredictable and you never know when he is going to get "excited" so to speak.
I do remember you mentioning that... And yes, I can see how it'd encourage you to be quick.
I like that one! Clever. :)
Next up: What do we do when everyone else leaves the ship?
Please tell me it's "rest".
OK, I know it's supposed to be glitter, but all I could see was quinoa, too! So I'm glad you said it. 😂

Glitter?!?!?!?! That seems weird, Fran thought it was supposed to be shag carpeting, but yeah, as soon as I saw the pictures all I could see was quinoa! :rotfl2:


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