Tanya & Dan's VR DCL!!!Dec 4, 2009 MK & Epcot Photoshoot Pics Posted

Hope all is well with school and your thesis. I feel for you with the family issues....you can choose your friends, not your family!! And you are right...that is one melty cake; what a bummer.

BUT....the horse and carriage....aaaaahhhhhhh.....romance.:lovestruc

oh tanya!!! thats horrible! i can't get over the cake! come on this is florida why on earth would they think regular icing/frosting would hold up? ***?

thank you we did make it home safely after almost 24 hrs of travelling. never again, direct flight from halifax or nothing! lol

if it makes you feel any better, after lorelei was born my relationship with my mom went to heck....and thats putting it nicely.

the up side all weddings have glitches. all of my flowers bloomed too soon they literally fell apart while i was walking up the aisle...so did the groomsmen flowers. oh and my stepsister, her cake melted so bad it almost fell to the floor.

oh and i wanna see these deflated obsene mickey balloon pics! lol
Thank you for sharing your special memories! Your Vow Renewal was beautiful! I'm sorry to hear you werenot as happy with your at home reception.

You made so many beautiful things for your ceremony. Did DCL give you any difficulty with the additional decorations? Sand ceremony? Dried petals? Aisle runner?
I am anxious to incorporate some of these same things into our Vow Renewal ceremony and I was just wondering how much resistance I will run into...

Thank you for your help!!!!
Bless your heart, Tanya! I'm sorry to hear that things didn't go so well for the reception. I'm glad that you were able to get a refund at Publix. I couldn't believe the cake!
We found out later that Publix lost our cake order and just threw something together last minute. The managers took one look at it and had no problems giving us our refund thankfully!
Oh Tanya, i'm so sorry your day was not perfect. sometimes it's like we spend so much time planning something that it's bound to be less than our expectations. Hopefully when you get to your pictures you'll find something else you enjoy about the day.
Jen, I actually thought about you and your VR. LOL! I think I was disappointed due to all the work that went into it on my part. My guests were actually quite happy since they didn't know any different or what was missing, other than the heat and the cake.

:hug: I'm sorry your day wasn't perfect, but I'm very grateful that your DCL VR was amazing for you.

PS I love the buttons on the bags! Sooo cute!
Thanks! The bags and buttons were a big hit! Buttons were free too. :thumbsup2

I'm so happy to see back on the boards. That's such a shame things didn't go good. I can't believe your cake melted and all the other things wrong with it, but I am happy you did get a refund for this. The horse carriage looks lovely though. Here's some hugs:grouphug:
Thanks for the hugs!! I need them. Horse and carriage by the water was AMAZING!
I am sorry to hear that things didn't go as perfectly as you had hoped, but it is nice to hear that you were still able to find the positives in your day!! That is a hard thing to do if you are disappointed. But I think that your pictures turned out lovely - especially the ones of the horse and carriage, and you with the balloons before they went wonky.
There were some really nice moments. Like I said, if you add it up with our VR on DCL and our 1st wedding, all together we have our dream wedding. :laughing:
Hope all is well with school and your thesis. I feel for you with the family issues....you can choose your friends, not your family!! And you are right...that is one melty cake; what a bummer.

BUT....the horse and carriage....aaaaahhhhhhh.....romance.:lovestruc

Horse and carriage were worth every penny! The really sad thing about the cake is it didn't even taste good. If it tasted good, I would have eaten it before anyone was the wiser about it's looks.;)

that is so awful. sorry to hear about the reception :hug:
oh tanya!!! thats horrible! i can't get over the cake! come on this is florida why on earth would they think regular icing/frosting would hold up? ***?

thank you we did make it home safely after almost 24 hrs of travelling. never again, direct flight from halifax or nothing! lol

if it makes you feel any better, after lorelei was born my relationship with my mom went to heck....and thats putting it nicely.

the up side all weddings have glitches. all of my flowers bloomed too soon they literally fell apart while i was walking up the aisle...so did the groomsmen flowers. oh and my stepsister, her cake melted so bad it almost fell to the floor.

oh and i wanna see these deflated obsene mickey balloon pics! lol
Obsene balloon pics will probably have to go on FB. They'll get edited off of here. My relationship with my mom gets worse everyday and going downhill since Mackenzie was born. Wierd huh?

Thank you for sharing your special memories! Your Vow Renewal was beautiful! I'm sorry to hear you werenot as happy with your at home reception.

You made so many beautiful things for your ceremony. Did DCL give you any difficulty with the additional decorations? Sand ceremony? Dried petals? Aisle runner?
I am anxious to incorporate some of these same things into our Vow Renewal ceremony and I was just wondering how much resistance I will run into...

Thank you for your help!!!!
Disney was suprisingly nice to me about all my decorations! I was really worried that they wouldn't let me have any or all of it! But they were so nice and worked really hard to let me have everything set up the way I wanted. And I had no problems with the sand ceremony. Other brides have not been allowed to have it. I suppose you should ask your planner. I had a few issues with our cake (Go figure! LOL) in that they wouldn't change it for me, but did for others, but in the end, it was still beautiful.

BTW I LOVE the pic of you and Dan with the Mickey balloons! So pretty!!!
Haha! Thanks. We're nuts.
I wanted to post some of the random pics that I have been able to get uploaded in to photobucket. I have such a HARD time getting pics to upload there and my computer crashes all the time. I think it's a vista thing, but not sure. I don't have this difficult of a time with any of the other sites. If anyone knows an easier solution, let me know!!!

I think that the reason that I get sooo upset about the reception is that we worked really hard on everything and planned it for so long. This is when I wish that I would have just done everything at WDW and had my family come. But then I would have had family issues there as well, too. I guess there is no perfect solution. I just feel like I seem to make the wrong choices b/c I try to make everyone happy - which just isn't possible.

My guests were pretty happy with everything. They got what they wanted (for the most part - mom still wanted us to repeat vows which we refused to do), and they were well fed and well gifted, and the kids had a blast playing. Everyone loved the horse-drawn carriage rides, and I have pics of a bunch of the different guests taking turns on the carriage. It was the biggest hit, and we loved it too!

For now - here are some pics to get y'all by until I have more time to write about the events next week!


This is me with my flower girls. I am showing them my flip-flops with rhinestones on them. I was too hot to attempt to squeeze into my spanks and my heels. Plus we had to run all over the place. Last minute I just said screw it to the heels and threw these on. I was much happier for it!

There is this huge banyon tree at the park that I wanted pictures in front of, but they are not the best due to lighting. There are a bunch of shadows and light spots from the leaves that would have gone away with a fill flash Momma D. I hate when the "photographer" of the family tries to tell me my own business! But she was free, so I can't complain too much ;)



yay new pics! k i wanna see those balloon pics on fb for sure! and yeah it proabably is vista. when i was doing the guiding thing last year before my horrible year kicked in, some of my moms i'd email could never open them due to vista. it was horrible.

and the whole mom thing, not so strange. my mom only met b june third last year. by total coincidence on my grandmothers bday when i dragged the kids in to see her. after i reemed them out for never bothering with her after they put my dog down without telling me, she finally smartened up and showed up for her bday. too bad it was the same time we were there. she fought with myself and allan when lorelei was in nicu and we didnt know what was going on with our brand new baby. it was awful. shes toxic and i avoid them at all costs. so i feel your pain!
Drew with his two vests and our family medallion. It's a circle - for our "ring" exchange and it has each person's name on it and the word "Ohana". I don't have any close-ups from that day, but I'll have to take some soon and post them. The kids love them b/c they are pretty indestructable.


I love this pic of the three of them. They were waiting on us to get done with pics and had been blowing bubbles in the water.


So the balloons were supposed to be separated on 4 different balloon weights. But someone tied them to a six pack of Dr. Pepper and we did not have a knife to undo them in time for the party. So they spent the entire time stuck to the Dr. Pepper. Grrr...It's stuff like that -that really irkes me about my family. They are so concerned with being proper and using manners, etc. and then they go all Ghetto fabulous with the Dr. Pepper.

Finally, some old man came along with a fishing knife and cut them off so we could use them for a few pics before we went home.


Waiting on the cake to arrive.

Me and Dan ignoring family.

One of my centerpieces.

My sweet princess with some wild hair.

A beach shot at 4 in the afternoon is blindingly bright. But I wanted it.

I am going to wade into the water!

Dan wouldn't come with me, even after much begging. But I love this shot.

A good shot of my bouquet.

My dove release. :love:

This picture makes me wish that I had worn my heels. LOL! Rockin' the flops instead.




After the ceremony and our carriage ride, we are walking to the reception on our way to get the first view of our cake.


Our petal toss. It was supposed to be when we walked back down the aisle, but everyone just held on to the cones. :confused: Then, no one got a pic from the front. :confused: So Kimmie (SIL) rounded everyone up for us to actually do it since I worked so hard on the damn things.
our arrival:


My family refusing to sit down as the ceremony that THEY wanted starts.:confused3 But my kids are cute!


The flowergirls:

Drew did good and didn't lose any jewelry this time!

Kenzie getting her necklace:

Sand ceremony #2. But I got to keep this one!


Decorations in action:

We're done! Get us out of here! Except that there was no music. Joe! Joe! Turn the Ipod back on. Oh, and watch out for all the balloon weight holding the aisle runner down instead of holding balloons in the pavillion. Yup. My dress took out each and every one of them.
Oh, that last pic reminded me of something. I spent an entire weekend glittering tree branches to make this like wishing tree. I also made all those Mickey ornaments. Well, I bought a big galvanized tub and had like 20lbs or more of shells to hold the branches up and hand strung beads and crystals to go on it. Instead of my guestbook that I never got made (my photo book) I decided to do a wishing tree and let the guests take an ornament off the tree and tie up a response or a written note instead. In theory it sounds great. Beautiful. Looked great when we tried it out in the house.

Well...as nothing else ever goes as planned, my family when setting up decided that it was a waste of a good bucket for ice, and dumped all my shells out filled it with ice and drinks and stuck my tree branches in the ground inbetween our flowers. WHAT????!!! The crystals and ornaments that I worked so hard on...I don't know what happened to them, and I don't want to know. Like weeks of work in the trash? Double GRRR.... The worst part is that we had tons of galvanized bucket that were meant for drinks and ice and smaller ones that were yellow and pink to hold ice and sparkling cider (no alcohol after being hit by drunk driver) - yet they never got used. This is when I wish I had a wedding planner there to set everyone straight. This is when I wish we had just done things at Disney. But like I said, this bothers me b/c I worked so hard on it. My family didn't care b/c they had cold drinks.

Poor Mackenzie. I'm saving now so she can have a Disney wedding. :rotfl:
All of the pictures are so beautiful - from the gorgeous smile on your face, you can not tell you were under so much stress! You look so relaxed!!!
I love how your centerpieces look!
Bless your heart! I agree with hrarcham...it looks like you handled everything so well. Much better than I would have done! I can't believe they just took your wishing tree apart and used the bucket for drinks...wow!
The pics are beautiful though, and hopefully when you look back on the day, you'll only remember the happy moments!
Your family is really starting to piss me off!! Who does stuff like that!?!?!?!?

I'm saving for my daughter's wedding too! :rotfl:
omg!!!! i can't get over your last post. thats nuts...now ill admit one side of my family are wine-o's. they're not alcohols but htey like to drink at weddings, but they wouldnt dream of that! dear god!

oh and add us too, lorelei saw a bride at ohanas and told daddy she wants a disney wedding! lol
I can't believe that after all the work you put into your decorations that they would just tear them apart like that :scared1:


ps you look GORGEOUS in your photos!
I love the pic of you walking into the water and the one of your hubby and you on the beach. It looks amazing!! I'm sorry that your family caused so much stress and I'm upset for you on what they did with the wishing tree. Family...they are something else...
I just realized that where you live after going back so pages. I'm originally from Sarasota, but atm live alil north of Tampa. Small world; hi neighbor! lol :)


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